hewes / unite-gtags

Unite source for GNU GLOBAL
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unite-gtags is a unite.vim's source. Execute global command and display the result in Unite interface.


Install the distributed files into your Vim script directory which is usually $HOME/.vim, or $HOME/vimfiles on Windows.


GNU GLOBAL (6.0 or later) must be installed your system and the executable binary global on your PATH.


This source provides following sub commands for Unite

Unite gtags/context

Unite gtags/context lists the references or definitions of a word. It executes global --from-here=<location of cursor> -qe <word on cursor>

When your cursor is on a definition Unite lists references of it, otherwise list definitions.

Unite gtags/ref

Unite gtags/ref lists references of a word. (It executes global -qrs -e <pattern> in internal.)

You can specify <pattern> as an argument :Unite gtags/ref:<pattern>. When exeucte this command with no arguments :Unite gtags/ref, unite-gtags uses expand('<cword>') as pattern.

Unite gtags/def

Unite gtags/def lists definitions of a word. (It executes global -qd -e <pattern> in internal.)

You can specify <pattern> as an argument :Unite gtags/def:<pattern>. When exeucte this command with no arguments :Unite gtags/def, unite-gtags uses expand('\<cword\>') as pattern.

Unite gtags/grep

Unite gtags/grep lists grep result of a word. (It executes global -qg -e <pattern> in internal.)

You can specify <pattern> as an argument :Unite gtags/grep:<pattern>. When exeucte Unite with no arguments :Unite gtags/grep, input prompt is shown. unite-gtags uses the input as <pattern>.

Unite gtags/completion

Unite gtags/completion lists all tokens in GTAGS. It executes global -c and show results.

Default action on the Unite item is list_references. list_definitions is also available.

Unite gtags/file

Unite gtags/file lists current file's tokens in GTAGS. It executes global -f and show results.

You can specify <pattern> as an argument :Unite gtags/file:<pathname>. When exeucte this command with no arguments :Unite gtags/file, unite-gtags uses buffer_name("%") as filepath.

Unite gtags/path

Unite gtags/path lists all paths in GTAGS. It executes global -P and show results.

You can specify <pattern> as an argument :Unite gtags/path:<pattern>. When exeucte Unite with no arguments :Unite gtags/path, all paths is shown.


Project Configuration

Set project specific configuration. Project is specified with $GTAGSROOT if configured, otherwise with result of fnamemodify('.', ':p'), usually current dir described as absolute path '/' added.

Following items are configured for each project:

You can set default configuration with specifying _ as project name.

Configuration Example:

g:unite_source_gtags_project_config = {
  \ '/home/foo/project1/': { 'treelize': 0 },
  \ '_':                   { 'treelize': 1 }
  \ }
" specify your project path as key.
" '_' in key means default configuration.


When treelize = 1, unite result is grouped by filepath and enable you to select a candidate with tree like interface. This format is effective when filepath is too long string.

Default format:

sample1/foo.rb  |2|  def hoge
sample1/foo.rb  |6|    hoge
sample2/bar.rb  |4|    hoge

Tree format:

[path] sample1/foo.rb
|2|  def hoge
|6|    hoge
[path] sample2/bar.rb
|4|    hoge


When absolute_path = 1, unite-gtags add -a option to global command. Path in unite's items changes to absolute path format.

Relative path (default):

sample1/foo.rb |2|   def hoge
sample1/foo.rb |6|     hoge
sample2/bar.rb |4|     hoge

Absolute path:

/home/foo/sample1/foo.rb |2|   def hoge
/home/foo/sample1/foo.rb |6|     hoge
/home/foo/sample2/bar.rb |4|     hoge


When gtags_libpath is specified with list of string, unite-gtags joins them with ':' and use the joined string as GTAGSLIBPATH. (This feature is only available in *nix system.)


When configure gtags_libpath with following

let g:unite_source_gtags_project_config[<cur_dir>] = {
\ 'gtags_libpath': ['/usr/include/', '/home/foo/include/']
\ }

unite-gtags executes global with temporary environment variable GTAGSLIBPATH like below

GTAGSLIBPATH=$GTAGSLIBPATH:/usr/include/:/home/foo/include/ global ...


By default, a search is ended without go through all the tag files listed in GTAGSLIBPATH when tags are found in a project's tag file. This behavior may be unintended if there are definitions with the same name as the one defined in a project.

When through_all_tags = 1, unite-gtags adds --through option to global command and it makes a search go through all the tag files listed in GTAGSLIBPATH. This option is ignored when either -s, -r or -l option is specified.

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