hexanome / github

A bash script for github command
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Github command

An easy github command to help you using Github

Get it

  1. fork or download [github] (https://github.com/hexanome/github)

Use it

  1. run make install
  2. run github to see options
  3. enjoy

Contribute to this project

  1. open [issues] (https://github.com/hexanome/github/issues)
  2. send [pull requests] (http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/)
  3. contact [David Aparicio] (https://github.com/inbox/new/davidaparicio) or [Jan Keromnes] (https://github.com/inbox/new/jankeromnes)


Versions are tags labeled after the year and month it was released.

v1201 → january 2012