hexhex / core

DLVHEX solver: core system and plugin API
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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This file provides some hints how to install and run dlvhex.

** Dependencies *** libgringo / libclasp (shipped with this package, default) If you just run ./configure without extra parameters, it will unpack gringo and clasp which is contained in this package, and build it and configure dlvhex to use it as solver engine (if dlv is present, both can be used with the --solver argument).

This uses gringo and clasp as genuine grounder resp. solver for hex.

If something fails, see the followg information.

You can also use the script checkout_build_potassco.sh in this package
to prepare gringo and clasp libraries to be used by dlvhex.

Use the configure option
`--with-libgringo=<gringo-trunk-dir>' resp.
`--with-libclasp=<clasp-trunk-dir>' to specify the directory
where you have built clingo-app resp. clasp.app.

- use the same boost library as dlvhex, 1.43 works for us
- you might need to hack CMakeLists.txt to accept your boost version
- CMakeLists.txt should be modified to force the usage of multithreaded boost
  (change OFF to ON in the respective line) because dlvhex requires multithreaded boost libraries

*** DLV (optional) dlvhex uses the answer-set solver DLV, which can be downloaded from http://www.dlvsystem.com/. Put the downloaded binary in your path so that it is executable on your system (don't forget to "chmod +x" it!). dlvhex is looking for `dlv', so you might want to rename the downloaded binary or create a softlink to it.

*** libclingo (optional) Alternatively, you can use libclingo as background model builder. Use the configure option `--with-libclingo=' to specify the directory where you have built clingo-app.

How to build a working clingo-app:
- checkout 3.0.4 tag of gringo
  $ svn co https://potassco.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/potassco/tags/gringo-3.0.4
  $ cd gringo-3.0.4
- create release directory
  $ mkdir -p build/release
- cmake (specify your boost root)
  $ BOOST_ROOT=<yourboost> cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-Wall -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release
- make (specify your boost root)
  $ BOOST_ROOT=<yourboost> make clingo-app

Now configure dlvhex with

$ ./configure --with-libclingo=/path/to/gringo-3.0.4

- use the same boost library as dlvhex, 1.43 works for us
- you might need to hack CMakeLists.txt to accept your boost version

There is also a script which does everything automatically: checkout_build_potassco.sh

DLVDB currently unsupported libdlv currently unsupported *** boost Boost is a collection of portable C++ source libraries, which are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of applications. You will need a version >= 1.43. See http://www.boost.org/.

dlvhex needs the following Boost libraries:

Popular Linux and Unix distributions such as Fedora, Debian, and
NetBSD include pre-built Boost packages. E.g., in Debian/Ubuntu
just run

$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev


$ sudo apt-get install libboostN.NN-all-dev

for boost version N.NN.

If your Debian/Ubuntu system did not provide recent boost
packages, have a look at

Installation instructions are given in the INSTALL file found in
the boost distributions tarball. In order to install
boost-iostream, install libbz2-dev. Here is a quick-start guide
for compiling boost (if you have multiple cpus available, call the
2nd b2 with -j<N>, where <N> is the number of cpus):

$ ./bootstrap.h --prefix=/path/to/install/boost
$ ./b2 --build-type=complete --layout=tagged threading=single,multi variant=release
$ ./b2 install --layout=tagged

If you have compiled boost by yourself, you have to tell the
dlvhex configure script where you have installed it with

$ ./configure --with-boost=/path/to/boost-prefix

Under Windows, configure the boost libraries as follows:
> b2.exe --toolset=msvc-10.0 --build-type=complete --with-python link=static

*** libcurl libcurl is a multi-protocol file transfer library. dlvhex uses it to retrieve programs specified by http-scheme URLs. This library is standard for most operating systems (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/ for source packages).

Debian/Ubuntu provides packages called libcurl-dev,
libcurlN-openssl-dev, and libcurlN-gnutls-dev (or libcurlN-dev)
for some N; install one of these and you will be able to compile

** Configuration Run `configure' to create the necessary Makefiles. As usual, use the --prefix switch to specify a custom installation location. dlvhex uses pkg-config to share build-related configuration with plugins. So if you also intend to compile plugins and use a custom prefix for dlvhex, make sure to adjust the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable appropriately, otherwise the configuration of the plugins will not work. E.g., if your prefix is /usr/local (the default), then PKG_CONFIG_PATH needs to be set to /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig like this:

$ ./configure PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

If you installed boost in a non-standard folder, add `--with-boost=/path/to/boost-prefix' to the configure switches to specify the location of the header files (see above).

If you compile with special model building libraries, consult the section Dependencies above for configuring dlvhex.

If `configure' complains, then something vital for building dlvhex is missing in your system. If you get complaints about missing boost-headers, make sure that you have the necesary parts of boost installed and that their version is sufficiently recent (see Dependencies above).

On Apple OS X, it is recommended to use GNU CC instead of the compiler shipped with OS X. Moreover, you will need to install the GNU tools cmake, wget, automake, pkgconfig, scons and re2c. For this, before starting with the installation procedure described above, install MacPorts (http://www.macports.org) and type

sudo port install cmake wget automake gcc48 pkgconfig sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc48

In order to support Python-implemented plugins, pass the option --enable-python

If you installed the Python development files from source, make sure that you configured with --enable-unicode=ucs4

** Documentation Run make doxygen-doc' to create the html documentation (a subdirectorydoc' will be created). By default, only the html-docs will be built. To enable other formats, you have to give additional configure-switches, e.g., by calling

$ ./configure --enable-doxygen-pdf [...]

you get a pdf-version of the documentation.

** Testing Run `make check' to build and execute the cppunit-based regression testsuite. Note that the testsuite is only being built if cppunit is installed.

** Installation Run `make install' to install the binary dlvhex, its libraries and the corresponding header files, which are needed for developing plugins. Sometimes it is necessary to run

$ sudo ldconfig

after the first installation to refresh the shared library cache.
