hexlet-rus / runit

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On Push


Runit is an environment for writing and executing code that will be actively used on all Hexlet Rus Ltd platforms. The closest counterpart is the repl.it service. The backend is developed in NestJS and TypeScript, the frontend uses React.


Features (current and future):

Tasks can be discussed in Telegram.

System requirements


make setup

Running the app

make start


Run tests

unit tests

make test

e2e tests

make test-e2e

API Documentation

Structure of project's APIs is here.

Deploy to render.com

To deploy to render.com do the following:

  1. Create a Postgres database. After preparing it, copy Internal Database URL.
  2. Create Web Service, select your fork.
  3. Name — it is better to use a prefix with your nickname. For example fey-runit.
  4. Region — any, you can use Frankfurt (EU Central) but make sure that Web Service and database are using the same region.
  5. Branch — from which the application will be deployed. You can use main for starters. In the future, use the branch in which you want to demonstrate the changes.
  6. Root Directory — leave blank.
  7. Runtime — Node.
  8. Build Command — make install build.
  9. Start Command — make db-migrate start-prod.
  10. You can choose any plan, free is enough.
  11. Set environment variables. Click on Advanced and Add Environment Variable.

The following variables will be needed:

Click on Create Web Service and watch the Deployment and Logs. If there are problems, ask questions here. Check first that there is no similar open topic.

Configuring authorization via GitHub

To set up authorization with OAuth 2.0, you need to create and configure a GitHub App.

In your GitHub App settings, specify {appURL}/api/oauth for Authorization callback URL, where {appURL} is the web address of your deploy.

Define the following environment variables for the deploy:

Note. You may decide to use OAuth App instead of GitHub App. GitHub does not recommend this type of app, but it could be easier to set up for testing purposes.

How you can help the project

Look at the list of issues, choose an interesting task, write to the issue to say you would like to work on the task.

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This repository is created and maintained by the team and the community of Hexlet Rus Ltd, an educational project. Read more about Hexlet.

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