heyitsmdr / armeria-original

Client and server for Armeria: Social MUD.
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This is the main repository for Armeria. Please keep everything secret unless told otherwise.

Local Development



For local development, we use Vagrant. This allows us to replicate the same testing environment on every computer. For exposing the test environment with the internet, so that others can test your local repo, we use ngrok.

Setting Up Repo

The first thing you want to do is clone the armeria repo. You can do this by running:

git clone git@github.com:ethryx/armeria.git

You then want to either create a new branch for your own work, or use our sprint branch.

To switch to the sprint branch, you can use:

git checkout sprint

And to create a new branch, you can use:

git branch <new branch name>

You should never work within the master branch as anything pushed to the master branch will be pushed to the live website (and should only be done by Mike Du Russel).

Pulling Updates From Master

Before you start adding features (and each time you sit down to work on the game), you will want to pull in anything new added to the live version of the game. To do so, run the command:

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout <your branch> (or sprint)
git merge master

Pulling Updates From Sprint

When updates were made to the sprint branch, you can pull those in by running:

git checkout sprint
git pull


Once Vagrant is installed and the repo is cloned, run the following commands:

vagrant up

The first time you run this, the virtual box image will be downloaded and installed. Then, Vagrant will set up the development environment.

After the development environment is up and running, you can ssh into the box by running the command:

vagrant ssh

You should note that all of your repository files are stored at /vagrant and they automatically sync to your repository on your local computer. Only make git changes locally, and not from the virtual box!

Remote Testing (For Others To Test Your Repo)

We use ngrok to create a tunnel (that bypasses firewalls and port forwarding -- so you don't need to worry about that). The tunnel will forward the remote port 8080 -> 8080 (for the client), 2772 -> 2772 (for the server) and 8088 -> 8088 (for server-side debugging).

To start the tunnel, you can run:


This will automatically load the ngrok config located in /vagrant/bin/ngrok.config.

Lastly, anyone will be able to access the tunnel from:


Server Management

You can now start up the server. To do so, you have two choices. You can run it in non-daemon mode:

cd /vagrant/server
./app nodaemon

or you can run it in the background:

cd /vagrant/server
./app start

and, if it's running the background, you can stop it with:

cd /vagrant/server
./app stop

Accessing the Server

Now that the server is running, you can access it from your local machine by going here:


You don't have to add anything to your HOSTS (or equivalent) file since the DNS entry for local.playarmeria.com points to

Adding Changes

Once you've added and committed a few changes, the first thing you want to do is push them to GitHub. You can do this by running the command:

git push origin <your branch name>

You can then let Mike Du Russel know. If everything looks good, we'll go ahead and pull it into master.

When pull requests are merged, Jenkins will automatically shut down the live server, add your changes and start the server back up. We'll be sure to warn everyone on the game before this takes place.

Furthermore, if the client files are updated (namely index.html and engine.js), the client will warn the user to refresh the page.

Server-Side JavaScript Debugging

To debug the node.js server, you first to make sure the node.js debugger is running:


and then you can run the server so it connects to the debugger:

node --debug ./app nodaemon

and lastly, you can access this debug session using this url:


OR (if you're using ngrok):


Let me know if you have any questions.