heyrocker / IfpaApi

A PHP wrapper class to simplify access the IFPA API
The Unlicense
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A PHP wrapper class to simplify access the IFPA API.


The easiest way to install the library is using Composer. Add the following to your project's composer.json, under the "require" key:

    "heyrocker/ifpaapi": "dev-master"

and run

    php composer.phar update

and everything will get installed. You will then need to

    use Ifpa/IfpaApi

in any code where you use the API.

If you're confused by this new-fangled stuff you can always just drop the PHP file somewhere and include it.


In order to use the class you will need your API key. If you don't have an API key you can get one by visiting http://www.ifpapinball.com/api.

    $ifpa = new IfpaApi("<your_key");

Once you have an IfpaApi object, there are a variety of methods you can call which correspond to API calls and return appropriate objects.

Have fun!