hezarai / hezar

The all-in-one AI library for Persian, supporting a wide variety of tasks and modalities!
Apache License 2.0
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hezar hezarai persian persian-ai persian-dataset persian-image-captioning persian-nlp persian-ocr persian-speech-recognition
The all-in-one AI library for Persian

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**Hezar** (meaning **_thousand_** in Persian) is a multipurpose AI library built to make AI easy for the Persian community! Hezar is a library that: - brings together all the best works in AI for Persian - makes using AI models as easy as a couple of lines of code - seamlessly integrates with Hugging Face Hub for all of its models - has a highly developer-friendly interface - has a task-based model interface which is more convenient for general users. - is packed with additional tools like word embeddings, tokenizers, feature extractors, etc. - comes with a lot of supplementary ML tools for deployment, benchmarking, optimization, etc. - and more! ## Installation Hezar is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip (**Python 3.10 and later**): ``` pip install hezar ``` Note that Hezar is a collection of models and tools, hence having different installation variants: ``` pip install hezar[all] # For a full installation pip install hezar[nlp] # For NLP pip install hezar[vision] # For computer vision models pip install hezar[audio] # For audio and speech pip install hezar[embeddings] # For word embedding models ``` You can also install the latest version from the source: ``` git clone https://github.com/hezarai/hezar.git pip install ./hezar ``` ## Documentation Explore Hezar to learn more on the [docs](https://hezarai.github.io/hezar/index.html) page or explore the key concepts: - [Getting Started](https://hezarai.github.io/hezar/get_started/overview.html) - [Quick Tour](https://hezarai.github.io/hezar/get_started/quick_tour.html) - [Tutorials](https://hezarai.github.io/hezar/tutorial/models.html) - [Developer Guides](https://hezarai.github.io/hezar/guide/hezar_architecture.html) - [Contribution](https://hezarai.github.io/hezar/contributing.html) - [Reference API](https://hezarai.github.io/hezar/source/index.html) ## Quick Tour ### Models There's a bunch of ready to use trained models for different tasks on the Hub! **🤗Hugging Face Hub Page**: [https://huggingface.co/hezarai](https://huggingface.co/hezarai) Let's walk you through some examples! - **Text Classification (sentiment analysis, categorization, etc)** ```python from hezar.models import Model example = ["هزار، کتابخانه‌ای کامل برای به کارگیری آسان هوش مصنوعی"] model = Model.load("hezarai/bert-fa-sentiment-dksf") outputs = model.predict(example) print(outputs) ``` ``` [[{'label': 'positive', 'score': 0.812910258769989}]] ``` - **Sequence Labeling (POS, NER, etc.)** ```python from hezar.models import Model pos_model = Model.load("hezarai/bert-fa-pos-lscp-500k") # Part-of-speech ner_model = Model.load("hezarai/bert-fa-ner-arman") # Named entity recognition inputs = ["شرکت هوش مصنوعی هزار"] pos_outputs = pos_model.predict(inputs) ner_outputs = ner_model.predict(inputs) print(f"POS: {pos_outputs}") print(f"NER: {ner_outputs}") ``` ``` POS: [[{'token': 'شرکت', 'label': 'Ne'}, {'token': 'هوش', 'label': 'Ne'}, {'token': 'مصنوعی', 'label': 'AJe'}, {'token': 'هزار', 'label': 'NUM'}]] NER: [[{'token': 'شرکت', 'label': 'B-org'}, {'token': 'هوش', 'label': 'I-org'}, {'token': 'مصنوعی', 'label': 'I-org'}, {'token': 'هزار', 'label': 'I-org'}]] ``` - **Mask Filling** ```python from hezar.models import Model model = Model.load("hezarai/roberta-fa-mask-filling") inputs = ["سلام بچه ها حالتون "] outputs = model.predict(inputs, top_k=1) print(outputs) ``` ``` [[{'token': 'چطوره', 'sequence': 'سلام بچه ها حالتون چطوره', 'token_id': 34505, 'score': 0.2230483442544937}]] ``` - **Speech Recognition** ```python from hezar.models import Model model = Model.load("hezarai/whisper-small-fa") transcripts = model.predict("examples/assets/speech_example.mp3") print(transcripts) ``` ``` [{'text': 'و این تنها محدود به محیط کار نیست'}] ``` - **Image to Text (OCR)** ```python from hezar.models import Model # OCR with TrOCR model = Model.load("hezarai/trocr-base-fa-v2") texts = model.predict(["examples/assets/ocr_example.jpg"]) print(f"TrOCR Output: {texts}") # OCR with CRNN model = Model.load("hezarai/crnn-fa-printed-96-long") texts = model.predict("examples/assets/ocr_example.jpg") print(f"CRNN Output: {texts}") ``` ``` TrOCR Output: [{'text': 'چه میشه کرد، باید صبر کنیم'}] CRNN Output: [{'text': 'چه میشه کرد، باید صبر کنیم'}] ``` ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hezarai/hezar/main/examples/assets/ocr_example.jpg) - **Image to Text (License Plate Recognition)** ```python from hezar.models import Model model = Model.load("hezarai/crnn-fa-64x256-license-plate-recognition") plate_text = model.predict("assets/license_plate_ocr_example.jpg") print(plate_text) # Persian text of mixed numbers and characters might not show correctly in the console ``` ``` [{'text': '۵۷س۷۷۹۷۷'}] ``` ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hezarai/hezar/main/examples/assets/license_plate_ocr_example.jpg) - **Image to Text (Image Captioning)** ```python from hezar.models import Model model = Model.load("hezarai/vit-roberta-fa-image-captioning-flickr30k") texts = model.predict("examples/assets/image_captioning_example.jpg") print(texts) ``` ``` [{'text': 'سگی با توپ تنیس در دهانش می دود.'}] ``` ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hezarai/hezar/main/examples/assets/image_captioning_example.jpg) We constantly keep working on adding and training new models and this section will hopefully be expanding over time ;) ### Word Embeddings - **FastText** ```python from hezar.embeddings import Embedding fasttext = Embedding.load("hezarai/fasttext-fa-300") most_similar = fasttext.most_similar("هزار") print(most_similar) ``` ``` [{'score': 0.7579, 'word': 'میلیون'}, {'score': 0.6943, 'word': '21هزار'}, {'score': 0.6861, 'word': 'میلیارد'}, {'score': 0.6825, 'word': '26هزار'}, {'score': 0.6803, 'word': '٣هزار'}] ``` - **Word2Vec (Skip-gram)** ```python from hezar.embeddings import Embedding word2vec = Embedding.load("hezarai/word2vec-skipgram-fa-wikipedia") most_similar = word2vec.most_similar("هزار") print(most_similar) ``` ``` [{'score': 0.7885, 'word': 'چهارهزار'}, {'score': 0.7788, 'word': '۱۰هزار'}, {'score': 0.7727, 'word': 'دویست'}, {'score': 0.7679, 'word': 'میلیون'}, {'score': 0.7602, 'word': 'پانصد'}] ``` - **Word2Vec (CBOW)** ```python from hezar.embeddings import Embedding word2vec = Embedding.load("hezarai/word2vec-cbow-fa-wikipedia") most_similar = word2vec.most_similar("هزار") print(most_similar) ``` ``` [{'score': 0.7407, 'word': 'دویست'}, {'score': 0.7400, 'word': 'میلیون'}, {'score': 0.7326, 'word': 'صد'}, {'score': 0.7276, 'word': 'پانصد'}, {'score': 0.7011, 'word': 'سیصد'}] ``` For a full guide on the embeddings module, see the [embeddings tutorial](https://hezarai.github.io/hezar/tutorial/embeddings.html). ### Datasets You can load any of the datasets on the [Hub](https://huggingface.co/hezarai) like below: ```python from hezar.data import Dataset # The `preprocessor` depends on what you want to do exactly later on. Below are just examples. sentiment_dataset = Dataset.load("hezarai/sentiment-dksf", preprocessor="hezarai/bert-base-fa") # A TextClassificationDataset instance lscp_dataset = Dataset.load("hezarai/lscp-pos-500k", preprocessor="hezarai/bert-base-fa") # A SequenceLabelingDataset instance xlsum_dataset = Dataset.load("hezarai/xlsum-fa", preprocessor="hezarai/t5-base-fa") # A TextSummarizationDataset instance alpr_ocr_dataset = Dataset.load("hezarai/persian-license-plate-v1", preprocessor="hezarai/crnn-fa-printed-96-long") # An OCRDataset instance flickr30k_dataset = Dataset.load("hezarai/flickr30k-fa", preprocessor="hezarai/vit-roberta-fa-base") # An ImageCaptioningDataset instance commonvoice_dataset = Dataset.load("hezarai/common-voice-13-fa", preprocessor="hezarai/whisper-small-fa") # A SpeechRecognitionDataset instance ... ``` The returned dataset objects from `load()` are PyTorch Dataset wrappers for specific tasks and can be used by a data loader out-of-the-box! You can also load Hezar's datasets using 🤗Datasets: ```python from datasets import load_dataset dataset = load_dataset("hezarai/sentiment-dksf") ``` For a full guide on Hezar's datasets, see the [datasets tutorial](https://hezarai.github.io/hezar/tutorial/datasets.html). ### Training Hezar makes it super easy to train models using out-of-the-box models and datasets provided in the library. ```python from hezar.models import BertSequenceLabeling, BertSequenceLabelingConfig from hezar.data import Dataset from hezar.trainer import Trainer, TrainerConfig from hezar.preprocessors import Preprocessor base_model_path = "hezarai/bert-base-fa" dataset_path = "hezarai/lscp-pos-500k" train_dataset = Dataset.load(dataset_path, split="train", tokenizer_path=base_model_path) eval_dataset = Dataset.load(dataset_path, split="test", tokenizer_path=base_model_path) model = BertSequenceLabeling(BertSequenceLabelingConfig(id2label=train_dataset.config.id2label)) preprocessor = Preprocessor.load(base_model_path) train_config = TrainerConfig( output_dir="bert-fa-pos-lscp-500k", task="sequence_labeling", device="cuda", init_weights_from=base_model_path, batch_size=8, num_epochs=5, metrics=["seqeval"], ) trainer = Trainer( config=train_config, model=model, train_dataset=train_dataset, eval_dataset=eval_dataset, data_collator=train_dataset.data_collator, preprocessor=preprocessor, ) trainer.train() trainer.push_to_hub("bert-fa-pos-lscp-500k") # push model, config, preprocessor, trainer files and configs ``` You can actually go way deeper with the Trainer. See more details [here](https://hezarai.github.io/hezar/guide). ## Offline Mode Hezar hosts everything on [the HuggingFace Hub](https://huggingface.co/hezarai). When you use the `.load()` method for a model, dataset, etc., it's downloaded and saved in the cache (at `~/.cache/hezar`) so next time you try to load the same asset, it uses the cached version which works even when offline. But if you want to export assets more explicitly, you can use the `.save()` method to save anything anywhere you want on a local path. ```python from hezar.models import Model # Load the online model model = Model.load("hezarai/bert-fa-ner-arman") # Save the model locally save_path = "./weights/bert-fa-ner-arman" model.save(save_path) # The weights, config, preprocessors, etc. are saved at `./weights/bert-fa-ner-arman` # Now you can load the saved model local_model = Model.load(save_path) ``` Moreover, any class that has `.load()` and `.save()` can be treated the same way. ## Going Deeper Hezar's primary focus is on providing ready to use models (implementations & pretrained weights) for different casual tasks not by reinventing the wheel, but by being built on top of **[PyTorch](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch), 🤗[Transformers](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers), 🤗[Tokenizers](https://github.com/huggingface/tokenizers), 🤗[Datasets](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets), [Scikit-learn](https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn), [Gensim](https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim),** etc. Besides, it's deeply integrated with the **🤗[Hugging Face Hub](https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface_hub)** and almost any module e.g, models, datasets, preprocessors, trainers, etc. can be uploaded to or downloaded from the Hub! More specifically, here's a simple summary of the core modules in Hezar: - **Models**: Every model is a `hezar.models.Model` instance which is in fact, a PyTorch `nn.Module` wrapper with extra features for saving, loading, exporting, etc. - **Datasets**: Every dataset is a `hezar.data.Dataset` instance which is a PyTorch Dataset implemented specifically for each task that can load the data files from the Hugging Face Hub. - **Preprocessors**: All preprocessors are preferably backed by a robust library like Tokenizers, pillow, etc. - **Embeddings**: All embeddings are developed on top of Gensim and can be easily loaded from the Hub and used in just 2 lines of code! - **Trainer**: Trainer is the base class for training almost any model in Hezar or even your own custom models backed by Hezar. The Trainer comes with a lot of features and is also exportable to the Hub! - **Metrics**: Metrics are also another configurable and portable modules backed by Scikit-learn, seqeval, etc. and can be easily used in the trainers! For more info, check the [tutorials](https://hezarai.github.io/hezar/tutorial/) ## Contribution Maintaining Hezar is no cakewalk with just a few of us on board. The concept might not be groundbreaking, but putting it into action was a real challenge and that's why Hezar stands as the biggest Persian open source project of its kind! Any contribution, big or small, would mean a lot to us. So, if you're interested, let's team up and make Hezar even better together! ❤️ Don't forget to check out our contribution guidelines in [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) before diving in. Your support is much appreciated! ## Contact We highly recommend to submit any issues or questions in the issues or discussions section but in case you need direct contact, here it is: - [arxyzan@gmail.com](mailto:arxyzan@gmail.com) - Telegram: [@arxyzan](https://t.me/arxyzan) ## Citation If you found this project useful in your work or research please cite it by using this BibTeX entry: ```bibtex @misc{hezar2023, title = {Hezar: The all-in-one AI library for Persian}, author = {Aryan Shekarlaban & Pooya Mohammadi Kazaj}, publisher = {GitHub}, howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/hezarai/hezar}}, year = {2023} } ```