hezral / clips

Multi format clipboard manager with extra features
GNU General Public License v3.0
39 stars 1 forks source link


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Multi format clipboard manager with extra features

Supported formats:

Extra features:

Screenshot Screenshot


Install from elementary flatpak remote

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists --system appcenter https://flatpak.elementary.io/repo.flatpakrepo
flatpak install com.github.hezral.clips

Build using flatpak

flatpak-builder --user --force-clean --install build-dir com.github.hezral.clips.yml

Build using meson

Ensure you have these dependencies installed

Download the updated source here, or use git:

git clone https://github.com/hezral/clips.git
cd clips
meson build --prefix=/usr
cd build
ninja build
sudo ninja install

The desktop launcher should show up on the application launcher for your desktop environment if it doesn't, try running

