hfiref0x / UACME

Defeating Windows User Account Control
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
6.3k stars 1.31k forks source link
bypass-uac c dll-hijack uac uac-bypass verifier

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Run executable from command line: akagi32 [Key] [Param] or akagi64 [Key] [Param]. See "Run examples" below for more info.

First parameter is number of method to use, second is optional command (executable file name including full path) to run. Second parameter can be empty - in this case program will execute elevated cmd.exe from system32 folder.

Note: Since 3.5.0 version all "fixed" methods are considered obsolete and removed altogether with all supporting code/units. If you still need them - use v3.2.x branch

Keys (click to expand/collapse) 1. Author: Leo Davidson * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe * Component(s): cryptbase.dll * Implementation: ucmStandardAutoElevation * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 8.1 (9600) * How: sysprep.exe hardened LoadFrom manifest elements * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 2. Author: Leo Davidson derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe * Component(s): ShCore.dll * Implementation: ucmStandardAutoElevation * Works from: Windows 8.1 (9600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 TP (> 9600) * How: Side effect of ShCore.dll moving to \KnownDlls * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 3. Author: Leo Davidson derivative by WinNT/Pitou * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\oobe\setupsqm.exe * Component(s): WdsCore.dll * Implementation: ucmStandardAutoElevation * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 TH2 (10558) * How: Side effect of OOBE redesign * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 4. Author: Jon Ericson, WinNT/Gootkit, mzH * Type: AppCompat * Method: RedirectEXE Shim * Target(s): \system32\cliconfg.exe * Component(s): - * Implementation: ucmShimRedirectEXE * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 TP (> 9600) * How: Sdbinst.exe autoelevation removed, KB3045645/KB3048097 for rest Windows versions * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 5. Author: WinNT/Simda * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: ISecurityEditor * Target(s): HKLM registry keys * Component(s): - * Implementation: ucmSimdaTurnOffUac * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 TH1 (10147) * How: ISecurityEditor interface method changed * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 6. Author: Win32/Carberp * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: WUSA * Target(s): \ehome\mcx2prov.exe, \system32\migwiz\migwiz.exe * Component(s): WdsCore.dll, CryptBase.dll, CryptSP.dll * Implementation: ucmWusaMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 TH1 (10147) * How: WUSA /extract option removed * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 7. Author: Win32/Carberp derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: WUSA * Target(s): \system32\cliconfg.exe * Component(s): ntwdblib.dll * Implementation: ucmWusaMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 TH1 (10147) * How: WUSA /extract option removed * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 8. Author: Leo Davidson derivative by Win32/Tilon * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe * Component(s): Actionqueue.dll * Implementation: ucmStandardAutoElevation * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 8.1 (9600) * How: sysprep.exe hardened LoadFrom manifest * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 9. Author: Leo Davidson, WinNT/Simda, Win32/Carberp derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation, ISecurityEditor, WUSA * Target(s): IFEO registry keys, \system32\cliconfg.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined Application Verifier Dll * Implementation: ucmAvrfMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 TH1 (10147) * How: WUSA /extract option removed, ISecurityEditor interface method changed * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 10. Author: WinNT/Pitou, Win32/Carberp derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation, WUSA * Target(s): \system32\\{New}or{Existing}\\{autoelevated}.exe, e.g. winsat.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined dll, e.g. PowProf.dll, DevObj.dll * Implementation: ucmWinSATMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 TH2 (10548) * How: AppInfo elevated application path control hardening * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 11. Author: Jon Ericson, WinNT/Gootkit, mzH * Type: AppCompat * Method: Shim Memory Patch * Target(s): \system32\iscsicli.exe * Component(s): Attacker prepared shellcode * Implementation: ucmShimPatch * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 8.1 (9600) * How: Sdbinst.exe autoelevation removed, KB3045645/KB3048097 for rest Windows versions * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 12. Author: Leo Davidson derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe * Component(s): dbgcore.dll * Implementation: ucmStandardAutoElevation * Works from: Windows 10 TH1 (10240) * Fixed in: Windows 10 TH2 (10565) * How: sysprep.exe manifest updated * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 13. Author: Leo Davidson derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\mmc.exe EventVwr.msc * Component(s): elsext.dll * Implementation: ucmMMCMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS1 (14316) * How: Missing dependency removed * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 14. Author: Leo Davidson, WinNT/Sirefef derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system\credwiz.exe, \system32\wbem\oobe.exe * Component(s): netutils.dll * Implementation: ucmSirefefMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 TH2 (10548) * How: AppInfo elevated application path control hardening * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 15. Author: Leo Davidson, Win32/Addrop, Metasploit derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\cliconfg.exe * Component(s): ntwdblib.dll * Implementation: ucmGenericAutoelevation * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS1 (14316) * How: Cliconfg.exe autoelevation removed * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 16. Author: Leo Davidson derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\GWX\GWXUXWorker.exe, \system32\inetsrv\inetmgr.exe * Component(s): SLC.dll * Implementation: ucmGWX * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS1 (14316) * How: AppInfo elevated application path control and inetmgr executable hardening * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 17. Author: Leo Davidson derivative * Type: Dll Hijack (Import forwarding) * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe * Component(s): unbcl.dll * Implementation: ucmStandardAutoElevation2 * Works from: Windows 8.1 (9600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS1 (14371) * How: sysprep.exe manifest updated * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 18. Author: Leo Davidson derivative * Type: Dll Hijack (Manifest) * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\taskhost.exe, \system32\tzsync.exe (any ms exe without manifest) * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmAutoElevateManifest * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS1 (14371) * How: Manifest parsing logic reviewed * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 19. Author: Leo Davidson derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\inetsrv\inetmgr.exe * Component(s): MsCoree.dll * Implementation: ucmInetMgrMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS1 (14376) * How: inetmgr.exe executable manifest hardening, MitigationPolicy->ProcessImageLoadPolicy->PreferSystem32Images * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 20. Author: Leo Davidson derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\mmc.exe, Rsop.msc * Component(s): WbemComn.dll * Implementation: ucmMMCMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS3 (16232) * How: Target requires wbemcomn.dll to be signed by MS * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 21. Author: Leo Davidson derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation, SxS DotLocal * Target(s): \system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe * Component(s): comctl32.dll * Implementation: ucmSXSMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS3 (16232) * How: MitigationPolicy->ProcessImageLoadPolicy->PreferSystem32Images * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 22. Author: Leo Davidson derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation, SxS DotLocal * Target(s): \system32\consent.exe * Component(s): comctl32.dll * Implementation: ucmSXSMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v2.5.0 23. Author: Leo Davidson derivative * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\pkgmgr.exe * Component(s): DismCore.dll * Implementation: ucmDismMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v2.5.1 24. Author: BreakingMalware * Type: Shell API * Method: Environment variables expansion * Target(s): \system32\CompMgmtLauncher.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmCometMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS2 (15031) * How: CompMgmtLauncher.exe autoelevation removed * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 25. Author: Enigma0x3 * Type: Shell API * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\EventVwr.exe, \system32\CompMgmtLauncher.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmHijackShellCommandMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS2 (15031) * How: EventVwr.exe redesigned, CompMgmtLauncher.exe autoelevation removed * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 26. Author: Enigma0x3 * Type: Race Condition * Method: File overwrite * Target(s): %temp%\GUID\dismhost.exe * Component(s): LogProvider.dll * Implementation: ucmDiskCleanupRaceCondition * Works from: Windows 10 TH1 (10240) * AlwaysNotify compatible * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS2 (15031) * How: File security permissions altered * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 27. Author: ExpLife * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: IARPUninstallStringLauncher * Target(s): Attacker defined * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmUninstallLauncherMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS3 (16199) * How: UninstallStringLauncher interface removed from COMAutoApprovalList * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 28. Author: Exploit/Sandworm * Type: Whitelisted component * Method: InfDefaultInstall * Target(s): Attacker defined * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmSandwormMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 8.1 (9600) * How: InfDefaultInstall.exe removed from g_lpAutoApproveEXEList (MS14-060) * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 29. Author: Enigma0x3 * Type: Shell API * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\sdclt.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmAppPathMethod * Works from: Windows 10 TH1 (10240) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS3 (16215) * How: Shell API update * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 30. Author: Leo Davidson derivative, lhc645 * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: WOW64 logger * Target(s): \syswow64\\{any elevated exe, e.g wusa.exe} * Component(s): wow64log.dll * Implementation: ucmWow64LoggerMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v2.7.0 31. Author: Enigma0x3 * Type: Shell API * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\sdclt.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmSdcltIsolatedCommandMethod * Works from: Windows 10 TH1 (10240) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS4 (17025) * How: Shell API / Windows components update * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 32. Author: xi-tauw * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: UIPI bypass with uiAccess application * Target(s): \Program Files\Windows Media Player\osk.exe, \system32\EventVwr.exe, \system32\mmc.exe * Component(s): duser.dll, osksupport.dll * Implementation: ucmUiAccessMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v2.7.1 33. Author: winscripting.blog * Type: Shell API * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\fodhelper.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmShellRegModMethod * Works from: Windows 10 TH1 (10240) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v2.7.2 34. Author: James Forshaw * Type: Shell API * Method: Environment variables expansion * Target(s): \system32\svchost.exe via \system32\schtasks.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmDiskCleanupEnvironmentVariable * Works from: Windows 8.1 (9600) * AlwaysNotify compatible * Fixed in: Windows 10 (silent ninja patch, presumable May 2023 security bulletin) * How: Shell API / Windows components update * Code status: added in v2.7.2 35. Author: CIA & James Forshaw * Type: Impersonation * Method: Token Manipulations * Target(s): Autoelevated applications * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmTokenModification * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * AlwaysNotify compatible, see note * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS5 (17686) * How: ntoskrnl.exe->SeTokenCanImpersonate additional access token check added * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 36. Author: Thomas Vanhoutte aka SandboxEscaper * Type: Race condition * Method: NTFS reparse point & Dll Hijack * Target(s): wusa.exe, pkgmgr.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmJunctionMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v2.7.4 37. Author: Ernesto Fernandez, Thomas Vanhoutte * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: SxS DotLocal, NTFS reparse point * Target(s): \system32\dccw.exe * Component(s): GdiPlus.dll * Implementation: ucmSXSDccwMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v2.7.5 38. Author: Clement Rouault * Type: Whitelisted component * Method: APPINFO command line spoofing * Target(s): \system32\mmc.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmHakrilMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v2.7.6 39. Author: Stefan Kanthak * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: .NET Code Profiler * Target(s): \system32\mmc.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmCorProfilerMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v2.7.7 40. Author: Ruben Boonen * Type: COM Handler Hijack * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\mmc.exe, \system32\recdisc.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmCOMHandlersMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 19H1 (18362) * How: Side effect of Windows changes * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 41. Author: Oddvar Moe * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: ICMLuaUtil * Target(s): Attacker defined * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmCMLuaUtilShellExecMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v2.7.9 42. Author: BreakingMalware and Enigma0x3 * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: IFwCplLua * Target(s): Attacker defined * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmFwCplLuaMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS4 (17134) * How: Shell API update * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 43. Author: Oddvar Moe derivative * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: IColorDataProxy, ICMLuaUtil * Target(s): Attacker defined * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmDccwCOMMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v2.8.3 44. Author: bytecode77 * Type: Shell API * Method: Environment variables expansion * Target(s): Multiple auto-elevated processes * Component(s): Various per target * Implementation: ucmVolatileEnvMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS3 (16299) * How: Current user system directory variables ignored during process creation * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 45. Author: bytecode77 * Type: Shell API * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\slui.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmSluiHijackMethod * Works from: Windows 8.1 (9600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 20H1 (19041) * How: Side effect of Windows changes * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 46. Author: Anonymous * Type: Race Condition * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\BitlockerWizardElev.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmBitlockerRCMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS4 (>16299) * How: Shell API update * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 47. Author: clavoillotte & 3gstudent * Type: COM Handler Hijack * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\mmc.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmCOMHandlersMethod2 * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 19H1 (18362) * How: Side effect of Windows changes * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 48. Author: deroko * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: ISPPLUAObject * Target(s): Attacker defined * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmSPPLUAObjectMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS5 (17763) * How: ISPPLUAObject interface method changed * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 49. Author: RinN * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: ICreateNewLink * Target(s): \system32\TpmInit.exe * Component(s): WbemComn.dll * Implementation: ucmCreateNewLinkMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS1 (14393) * How: Side effect of consent.exe COMAutoApprovalList introduction * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 50. Author: Anonymous * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: IDateTimeStateWrite, ISPPLUAObject * Target(s): w32time service * Component(s): w32time.dll * Implementation: ucmDateTimeStateWriterMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS5 (17763) * How: Side effect of ISPPLUAObject interface change * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 51. Author: bytecode77 derivative * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: IAccessibilityCplAdmin * Target(s): \system32\rstrui.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmAcCplAdminMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS4 (17134) * How: Shell API update * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 52. Author: David Wells * Type: Whitelisted component * Method: AipNormalizePath parsing abuse * Target(s): Attacker defined * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmDirectoryMockMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.0.4 53. Author: Emeric Nasi * Type: Shell API * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\sdclt.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmShellRegModMethod * Works from: Windows 10 (14393) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.1.3 54. Author: egre55 * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: Dll path search abuse * Target(s): \syswow64\SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe and other SystemProperties*.exe * Component(s): \AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\srrstr.dll * Implementation: ucmEgre55Method * Works from: Windows 10 (14393) * Fixed in: Windows 10 19H1 (18362) * How: SysDm.cpl!_CreateSystemRestorePage has been updated for secured load library call * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 55. Author: James Forshaw * Type: GUI Hack * Method: UIPI bypass with token modification * Target(s): \system32\osk.exe, \system32\msconfig.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmTokenModUIAccessMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.1.5 56. Author: Hashim Jawad * Type: Shell API * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\WSReset.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmShellRegModMethod2 * Works from: Windows 10 (17134) * Fixed in: Windows 11 (22000) * How: Windows components redesign * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.7 :tractor: 57. Author: Leo Davidson derivative by Win32/Gapz * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe * Component(s): unattend.dll * Implementation: ucmStandardAutoElevation * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 8.1 (9600) * How: sysprep.exe hardened LoadFrom manifest elements * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 58. Author: RinN * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: IEditionUpgradeManager * Target(s): \system32\clipup.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmEditionUpgradeManagerMethod * Works from: Windows 10 (14393) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.2.0 59. Author: James Forshaw * Type: AppInfo ALPC * Method: RAiLaunchAdminProcess and DebugObject * Target(s): Attacker defined * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmDebugObjectMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.2.3 60. Author: Enigma0x3 derivative by WinNT/Glupteba * Type: Shell API * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\CompMgmtLauncher.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmGluptebaMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 10 RS2 (15063) * How: CompMgmtLauncher.exe autoelevation removed * Code status: removed starting from v3.5.0 :tractor: 61. Author: Enigma0x3/bytecode77 derivative by Nassim Asrir * Type: Shell API * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\slui.exe, \system32\changepk.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmShellRegModMethod * Works from: Windows 10 (14393) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.2.5 62. Author: winscripting.blog * Type: Shell API * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\computerdefaults.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmShellRegModMethod * Works from: Windows 10 RS4 (17134) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.2.6 63. Author: Arush Agarampur * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: ISecurityEditor * Target(s): Native Image Cache elements * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmNICPoisonMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.2.7 64. Author: Arush Agarampur * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: IIEAxiAdminInstaller, IIEAxiInstaller2, IFileOperation * Target(s): IE add-on install cache * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmIeAddOnInstallMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.5.1 65. Author: Arush Agarampur * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: IWscAdmin * Target(s): Shell Protocol Hijack * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmWscActionProtocolMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 11 24H2 (26100) * How: Side effect of Windows changes * Code status: added in v3.5.2 66. Author: Arush Agarampur * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: IFwCplLua, Shell Protocol Hijack * Target(s): Shell protocol registry entry and environment variables * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmFwCplLuaMethod2 * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: Windows 11 24H2 (26100) * How: Side effect of Windows changes * Code status: added in v3.5.3 67. Author: Arush Agarampur * Type: Shell API * Method: Shell Protocol Hijack * Target(s): \system32\fodhelper.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmMsSettingsProtocolMethod * Works from: Windows 10 TH1 (10240) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.5.4 68. Author: Arush Agarampur * Type: Shell API * Method: Shell Protocol Hijack * Target(s): \system32\wsreset.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmMsStoreProtocolMethod * Works from: Windows 10 RS5 (17763) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.5.5 69. Author: Arush Agarampur * Type: Shell API * Method: Environment variables expansion, Dll Hijack * Target(s): \system32\taskhostw.exe * Component(s): pcadm.dll * Implementation: ucmPcaMethod * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * AlwaysNotify compatible * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.5.6 70. Author: V3ded * Type: Shell API * Method: Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \system32\fodhelper.exe, \system32\computerdefaults.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmShellRegModMethod3 * Works from: Windows 10 (10240) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.5.7 71. Author: Arush Agarampur * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: ISecurityEditor * Target(s): Native Image Cache elements * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmNICPoisonMethod2 * Works from: Windows 7 RTM (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.5.8 72. Author: Emeric Nasi * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: Dll path search abuse * Target(s): \syswow64\msdt.exe, \system32\sdiagnhost.exe * Component(s): BluetoothDiagnosticUtil.dll * Implementation: ucmMsdtMethod * Works from: Windows 10 (10240) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.5.9 73. Author: orange_8361 and antonioCoco * Type: Shell API * Method: .NET deserialization * Target(s): \system32\mmc.exe EventVwr.msc * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmDotNetSerialMethod * Works from: Windows 7 RTM (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.6.0 74. Author: zcgonvh * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: IElevatedFactoryServer * Target(s): Attacker defined * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmVFServerTaskSchedMethod * Works from: Windows 8.1 (9600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.6.1 75. Author: zcgonvh derivative by Wh04m1001 * Type: Elevated COM interface * Method: IDiagnosticProfile * Target(s): Attacker defined * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmVFServerDiagProfileMethod * Works from: Windows 7 RTM (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.6.2 76. Author: HackerHouse * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: Dll path search abuse, Registry key manipulation * Target(s): \syswow64\iscsicpl.exe * Component(s): iscsiexe.dll * Implementation: ucmIscsiCplMethod * Works from: Windows 7 RTM (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.6.3 77. Author: Arush Agarampur * Type: Dll Hijack * Method: IFileOperation * Target(s): \system32\mmc.exe * Component(s): atl.dll * Implementation: ucmAtlHijackMethod * Works from: Windows 7 RTM (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.6.4 78. Author: antonioCoco * Type: Impersonation * Method: SSPI Datagram * Target(s): Attacker defined * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmSspiDatagramMethod * Works from: Windows 7 RTM (7600) * AlwaysNotify compatible * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.6.5 79. Author: James Forshaw and Stefan Kanthak * Type: GUI Hack * Method: UIPI bypass with token modification * Target(s): \system32\osk.exe, \system32\mmc.exe * Component(s): Attacker defined * Implementation: ucmTokenModUIAccessMethod2 * Works from: Windows 7 (7600) * Fixed in: unfixed :see_no_evil: * How: - * Code status: added in v3.6.6


Run examples:


If you wondering why this still exists and working - here is the explanation - an official Microsoft WHITEFLAG (including totally incompetent statements as bonus) https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20160816-00/?p=94105

Windows 10 support and testing policy


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