hgmnz / heroku-pgupgrade

heroku pg:upgrade
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heroku pg:upgrade

Upgrades your Production Tier Postgres database to the latest version, currently 9.1.3


# upgrade to the latest heroku gem
gem update heroku
# install this plugin
heroku plugins:install git://github.com/hgmnz/heroku-pgupgrade.git


In short: heroku pg:upgrade A_FOLLOWER_HEROKU_POSTGRES_URL --app your_app

This command will only work on a follower, so that your main database is kept untouched, and so that it contains the most recent data possible. During the course of the upgrade, it will unfollow its parent and run the upgrade procedure. During the upgrade, you can use heroku pg:wait to track progress.

After the upgrade is done, check the data in the new database and make sure that everything still works. Then use heroku pg:promote to promote the upgraded database for your application. Leave the old one around until you're comfortable with the new database.

A typical upgrade procedure looks like so:

# Create a follower
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:<your-plan> --follow=MASTER_DATABASE_URL --app <your-app>
# Wait until it's cought up with the master
heroku pg:wait <new-database-color> --app <your-app>
# Put your app in maintenance mode
heroku maintenance:on --app <your-app>
# Upgrade the follower
heroku pg:upgrade HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_<new-database-color> --app <your-app>
# Wait until it completes upgrading
heroku pg:wait --app <your-app>
# Promote it, so your app now talks to this new database
heroku pg:promote HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_<new-database-color> --app <your-app>
# Remove maintenance mode
heroku maintenance:off --app <your-app>

We recommend you leave the original master for a few days, or until you're comfortable that the new database is working as expected. To remove the old database, simply remove the addon:

heroku addons:remove HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_<old-database-color> --app <your-app>


Thanks for trying it out. If you find any issues, please notify us at support@heroku.com