hgzimmerman / SWEN344-web-project

Group project for RIT SWEN344
MIT License
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Group project for RIT SWEN344.



To create the environment in which the project can build and run, you need both docker and docker-compose installed.

SSH credentials are starred in the Slack.

You need to bring down the docker containers to force a rebuild if they are already running. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down to bring down the containers and network. To bring them up, and build any changes, run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d. Auditing the build process can be done using docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml logs, which will print out the logged stdout for all running containers up until the point where the command was invoked.

It takes about 10 minutes for the whole thing to build between the NPM build process, rustc being dog-slow, and the server being split between like 10 other VMs (we are probably only given one core to work with).

Once running, you can inspect a container by running docker container list, finding the container id, and substituting it in the following command: docker exec -ti <ID> /bin/bash

To run on localhost: docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d


To get SSL to work in the first place, you need to be able to expose some files via nginx to verify the authenticity of the server, but because the nginx container won't start without the SSL creds, you get stuck in a chicken and egg problem. There is a script that you need to run initially to circumvent this problem, which will do all the initial verification. It didn't work for me on the first few attempts, and then, under some circumstances that I don't remember, it did. We will just hope that we don't need to re-bootstrap this project.