hhajime / Wavebar

Audio Visualizer for Mac Users
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WaveBar is an intuitive and sleek audio visualizer for Mac Users.
** **Experience the perfect amalgamation of music and visual art right on your desktop!** [appstore](https://apps.apple.com/app/id6450398808)


Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 5 02 03 AM




  1. Click on the above App Store link and install the application.
  2. Launch the WaveBar app.
  3. Allow the necessary permissions(Privacy & Policy -> Screen Capture) for WaveBar to access the system audio input.
  4. Enjoy your new audio-visual experience!


WaveBar is protected under the software copyright of Hajime.

If you have any further questions or feedback, don't hesitate to reach out or open an issue on this repository or contact with contact@hajime.guru

Enjoy the harmonious blend of sight and sound with WaveBar!