The time-tracker is a nifty little tool to track the time you spent on your courses.
This project was created as part of a live stream, to give students an insight into working with Git and more.
First you have to create a shadow jar with the imported gradle plugin via tasks > shadow > shadowJar.
After that you direct your terminal to the directory of the shadow jar (it's in time-tracker/build/libs by default) and use the time-tracker with the following commands.
To add an entry to your tracked events, use
java -jar SHADOW_JAR_FILE_NAME.jar -a <YYYY-MM-DD*>,<minutes>,<project>,"<description>"
*(or use "today" instead of "YYYY-MM-DD" to use current date)
To sum all the time spent with those events and print it to the console, use
java -jar SHADOW_JAR_FILE_NAME.jar -s
To sum up the time spent on a particular event and print it to the console, use
java -jar SHADOW_JAR_FILE_NAME.jar --sum-of-project <project>
To sum up the time spent on a particular event and print it to the console, use
java -jar SHADOW_JAR_FILE_NAME.jar --sum-of-date <YYYY-MM-DD>
To get help for all available functions, use
java -jar SHADOW_JAR_FILE_NAME.jar -h
To print all entries to the console as a table, use
java -jar SHADOW_JAR_FILE_NAME.jar -t
To print all entries from a particular even to the console as a table, use
java -jar SHADOW_JAR_FILE_NAME.jar --table-of-project <project>
To print all entries from a particular date to the console as a table, use
java -jar SHADOW_JAR_FILE_NAME.jar --table-of-date <YYYY-MM-DD>
To start tracking your current time, use
java -jar SHADOW_JAR_FILE_NAME.jar --start <project>
To stop tracking your current time, use
java -jar SHADOW_JAR_FILE_NAME.jar --stop <description>
This is a gradle project. Check out the repository and configure it in your IDE as a gradle project. We are using the latest LTS JDK, which is currently version 17.
First, please make sure to follow the Code of Conduct if you want to contribute.
Check for open issues, select one you want to solve, fork the project, fix the issue and send a pull request!
You can also create your own issues and tell us what needs to be fixed or added.
Build a jar with this command:
./gradlew shadowJar
Native builds can be achieved using this command:
./gradlew nativeBuild
Keep in mind, that you need a valid graalvm-installation on your machine for this command.
This project uses the MIT License.