hiddenSymmetries / simsopt

Simons Stellarator Optimizer Code
MIT License
83 stars 43 forks source link
fusion nuclear-fusion optimization plasma plasma-physics stellarator stellarators


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simsopt is a framework for optimizing stellarators. The high-level routines of simsopt are in python, with calls to C++ or fortran where needed for performance. Several types of components are included:

The design of simsopt is guided by several principles:

simsopt is fully open-source, and anyone is welcome to use it, make suggestions, and contribute.

Several methods are available for installing simsopt. One recommended approach is to use pip:

pip install simsopt

For detailed installation instructions on some specific systems, see the wiki. Also, a Docker container is available with simsopt and its components pre-installed, which can be started using

docker run -it --rm hiddensymmetries/simsopt

More installation options, instructions for the Docker container, and other information can be found in the main simsopt documentation here.

Some of the physics modules with compiled code reside in separate repositories. These separate modules include

If you use simsopt in your research, kindly cite the code using this reference:

[1] M Landreman, B Medasani, F Wechsung, A Giuliani, R Jorge, and C Zhu, "SIMSOPT: A flexible framework for stellarator optimization", J. Open Source Software 6, 3525 (2021).

See also the simsopt publications page.

We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Simons Foundation's Hidden symmetries and fusion energy project.