hifiaz / country-list-pick

Flutter package to show and pick country code
MIT License
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country list pick

Flutter plugin to pick country with output name, code, dialcode and flag of country


To use this plugin, add country_list_pick as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml.

        appBar: AppBar(
          backgroundColor: Colors.blue,
          title: Text('Choisir un pays'),

        // if you need custome picker use this
        // pickerBuilder: (context, CountryCode countryCode){
        //   return Row(
        //     children: [
        //       Image.asset(
        //         countryCode.flagUri,
        //         package: 'country_list_pick',
        //       ),
        //       Text(countryCode.code),
        //       Text(countryCode.dialCode),
        //     ],
        //   );
        // },

        // To disable option set to false
        theme: CountryTheme(
          isShowFlag: true,
          isShowTitle: true,
          isShowCode: true,
          isDownIcon: true,
          showEnglishName: true,
        // Set default value
        initialSelection: '+62',
        // or
        // initialSelection: 'US'
        onChanged: (CountryCode code) {
        // Whether to allow the widget to set a custom UI overlay
        useUiOverlay: true,
        // Whether the country list should be wrapped in a SafeArea
        useSafeArea: false

To call feedback or getting data from this widget, you can make function in onChanged

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