highercomve / mercadopago-api

Gem to deal with mercadopago api with ruby
MIT License
4 stars 2 forks source link


This is a Gem to manage mercadopago using ruby, you can use the Gem like a simple Sdk to mercadopago api or like a extension module with another options.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mercadopago-api'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mercadopago-api


The gem has to ways of use it, the basic way like a normal SDK

Usage like SDK

For normal use

mp_client = Mercadopago::Sdk.new(client_id, client_secret)

Accept a optional parameter true or false to activate sandbox mode

sandbox_client = Mercadopago::Sdk.new(client_id, client_secret, true)

Manage Preference

Create a checkout preference to create a link to mercadopago checkout

preference = mp_client.create_checkout_preference(data)

Data format is describe here

The minimal hash for data is:

data = {
    :items => [
            :title => "Title of product",
            :currency_id => "VEF", 
            :unit_price => 2000.50,
            :quantity => 2,

The api response wil gave this format, will be a ruby hash and the key values will be like string not like symbols

    "code": 200,
    "external_reference": "Reference_1234",
    "items": [
            "id": "Code",
            "title": "Title of what youre paying for",
            "description": "Description",
            "quantity": 1,
            "unit_price": 50.5,
            "currency_id": "Currency",
            "picture_url": "https://www.mercadopago.com/org-img/MP3/home/logomp3.gif"
    ],                                                                                                                                                  "date_created": "2011-08-16T21:28:42.606-04:00",
    "id": "preference_identifier",
    "collector_id": "your_ID_as_seller",
    "init_point": "checkout-access-URL",
    "payer": {
        "email": "payer@email.com",
        "name": "payer-name",
        "surname": "payer-surname"
    "back_urls": {
        "success": "https://www.success.com",
        "failure": "http://www.failure.com",
        "pending": "http://www.pending.com"
    "payment_methods": {
        "excluded_payment_methods": [
            "id": "amex"
        "excluded_payment_types": [
                "id": "ticket"
        "installments": 12

If you have to search a previus create preference

preference = mp_client.get_checkout_preference(preference_id)

If you have to update a Preference

preference = mp_client.update_checkout_preference(preference_id, new_data)

Get a notification (IPN) payment info, details here

payment = mp_client.get_payment_info(notificaion_payment_id)

This will return and object like this:

    code: 200,
    collection: {
        id: 52675155,
        site_id: "Country ID",
        operation_type: "regular_payment",
        order_id: "4442154",
        external_reference: "150671633",
        status: "approved",
        status_detail: "accredited",
        payment_type: "ticket",
        date_created: "2011-09-02T04:00:000Z",
        last_modified: "2011-09-12T02:52:530Z",
        date_approved: "2011-09-02T02:49:530Z",
        money_release_date: "2011-09-09T02:49:530Z",
        currency_id: "Currency",
        transaction_amount: 50.5,
        shipping_cost: 0,
        finance_charge: null,
        total_paid_amount: 50.5,
        net_received_amount: 0,
        reason: "Title of what youre paying for",
        payer: {
            id: 36073078,
            first_name: "payer-name",
            last_name: "payer-surname",
            email: "payer@email.com",
            nickname: "payer-MercadoLibre's-nickname"
            phone: {
                area_code: "011",
                number: "3486 5039",
                extension: null
        collector: {
            id: 68961616,
            first_name: "collector-name",
            last_name: "collector-surname",
            email: "collector@email.com",
            nickname: "collector-MercadoLibre's-nickname"
            phone: {
                area_code: "211",
                number: "3486 5039",
                extension: null

Search a payment by payment_id, you can get that when you set your back_urls on checkout Preference, the api will send using query string parameters to your back_url (the api will responde in this case a parameter call collection_id == payment_id)

payment = mp_client.search_payment(payment_id)

The response for a payment search is:

id: id-del-pago,
    site_id: "Identificador de país",
    date_created: "2011-12-25T12:16:45.000-04:00",
    date_approved: "2011-12-25T12:16:45.000-04:00",
    last_modified: "2011-12-25T12:16:55.000-04:00",
    collector_id: id-del-vendedor,
    payer: {
        id: 36073078,
        email: "payer@email.com"
    order_id: "id-orden",
    external_reference: null,
    reason: "Título de lo que estás pagando",
    transaction_amount: 40,
    currency_id: "Tipo de moneda",
    total_paid_amount: 40,
    shipping_cost: 0,
    net_received_amount: 38,
    status: "approved",
    status_detail: "accredited",
    released: "yes",
    payment_type: "credit_card",
    installments: 1,
    money_release_date: "2011-12-27T12:16:45.000-04:00",
    operation_type: "regular_payment"

Search in all your payments given a hash, this hash will set your search parameters. For more details of what parameters you can use to search look here

search_query = { :id => "13232333" } 
payments = mp_client.search_payments_where( search_query )

# Search by status
search_query = { :status => "approved" }
payments = mp_client.search_payments_where( search_query )

the response of that will be:

    paging: {
        total: 76,
        limit: 2,
        offset: 10
    results: [
        collection ## one array of collection, see previus response code

Refund Payment, return the money to the original payer

refund = mp_client.refund_payment(payment_id)

Cancel Payment

cancel = mp_client.cancel_payment(payment_id)

Create recurrent payment (preapproval payment)

This method create a preapproval payment (recurrent payment). Recive a data hash with this structure

data = {
  payer_email: String,
  back_url: String, 
  reason: String,
  external_reference: String,
  auto_recurring: {
    frecuency: Number,
    frequency_type: String,  // months or days
    transaction_amount: Number,
    currency_id: String,

For more information about avaliable options go to here

preapproval_payment = mp_client.create_preapproval_payment(data)

Get a recurrent payment information

This method get all the information about a recurrent payments. for more information about what return this method go to here

preapproval_payment = mp_client.get_preapproval_payment(id)

Usage like extension

TODO: write this


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request