hilbert / hilbert-cli

Backend management tools: CLI
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

Hilbert server & client CLI tools

Travis CI Build Status: devel

General System Overview

System structure

General Hilbert Configuration model

Configuration Model

General notes about shell scripts:

UI Back-end: high-level action scripts

NOTE: rebooting the station can be done with: shutdown.sh STATION -r now or reboot.sh STATION


Server-side low-level management CLI tool:

usage: hilbert [-h] [-p] [-V] [-v | -q] [-H] subcommand

Hilbert - server tool: loads configuration and does something using it

positional arguments:
 subcommand      :
                 app_change         change station's top application
                 cfg_deploy         deploy station's local configuration to corresponding host
                 cfg_query          query some part of configuration. possibly dump it to a file
                 cfg_verify         verify the correctness of Hilbert Configuration .YAML file
                 list_applications  list application IDs
                 list_groups        list (named) group IDs
                 list_profiles      list profile IDs
                 list_services      list service IDs
                 list_stations      list station IDs
                 poweroff           finalize Hilbert on a station and shut it down
                 poweron            wake-up/power-on/start station

optional arguments:
 -h, --help      show this help message and exit
 -p, --pedantic  turn on pedantic mode
 -V, --version   show hilbert's version and exit
 -v, --verbose   increase verbosity
 -q, --quiet     decrease verbosity
 -H, --helpall   show detailed help and exit

Client-side low-level driver (accessible either locally or via SSH):

usage: hilbert-station [-h] [-p] [-V] [-v | -q] subcommand

Hilbert - client part for Linux systems

positional arguments:
   init [<cfg>]            init station based on given or installed configuration
   list_applications       list of (supported) applications
   list_services           list of background services
   app_change <app_id>     change the currently running top application to specified
   start                   start Hilbert on the system
   stop                    stop Hilbert on the system
   shutdown                shut down the system

optional arguments:
  -h                       show this help message and exit
  -V                       show version info and exit
  -v                       increase verbosity
  -q                       decrease verbosity
  -t                       turn on BASH tracing and verbosity
  -T                       turn off BASH tracing and verbosity
  -d                       turn on dry-run mode
  -D                       turn off dry-run mode

respected environment variables:
  HILBERT_CONFIG_BASEDIR   location of the base configuration directory of hilbert-station. Default: '~/.config/hilbert-station'

NOTE: all commands (except init <cfg> / shutdown / -h / -V) require station's configuration to be present


This project is licensed under the Apache v2 license. See also Notice.