hilbert / hilbert-docker-images

Application with a dynamic choice of docker containers to run
Apache License 2.0
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Docker images for Hilbert

Applications are within docker images to be pulled and run by Hilbert.

Current top folders Folder description
helpers shell scripts shared between images
images our base and application's images

All current images with dependencies are as follows:

Dependencies between docker images

Currently we provide the following base images:

Image description
hilbert/baseimage modified phusion/baseimage reverted to Ubuntu 14.04 + without embedded SSH server
hilbert/base generic base for most of Hilbert images. Thus it is the only image that will upgrade all previously added packages
hilbert/dd contains the docker cli and thus serves as a basis for hilbert/omd_agent and other images requiring interaction with the native docker engine
hilbert/nodejs contains basic Node JS 4
hilbert/gui serves as a base for all GUI/3D-related images (with dbus, multi-touch and possible NVidia support)
hilbert/cuda_runtime serves as a base for all GUI/3D/CUDA-related images (with dbus and multi-touch support)
hilbert/kivy may be used as a base for all kivy-related images (gui + python-kivy)
hilbert/kiosk Kiosk-mode web-wrowser using Electron (based on Chromium). Can be used as a basis for WebBrowser-related images (as well as hilbert/gui, hilbert/chrome or hilbert/iceweasel). See hilbert/mywebapp.

Current services/applications-specific images:

Image description
hilbert/chrome Google Chrome & Chromium & Opera
hilbert/iceweasel Firefox & Iceweasel
hilbert/x11vnc x11vnc as a service
hilbert/x11comp composing window manager (xcompmgr or compton) as a service
hilbert/omd containes pre-cofigured OMD service instance
hilbert/omd_agent containes pre-cofigured OMD/Check_MK Agent (with our addition: check_hilbert.sh) and HeartBeat server instance, see hilbert/hilbert-heartbeat
hilbert/appa image run simple shell scripts saying AAA... or BBB... and sending Heartbeat
hilbert/mng Hilbert Dashboard UI (including Hilbert server tool)
hilbert/qrhandler is a service to exclusively handle QR Reader and take some action upon each new scanned code (show message & takes screenshot)
hilbert/ptmx service to try to workarouind the docker problem of permissions to /dev/pts/ptmx
hilbert/surfer Application: SURFER (1.5.0). Example for installing a .deb package
hilbert/qrhandler prototype that can grab X11 input device (keyboard) and take screenshots
hilbert/play contains several media players like cmus, vlc, mplayer, xine
hilbert/alsa scripts for testing audio HW using ALSA
hilbert/xeyes a demo image with simplest X11 client applications (e.g. xeyes)
hilbert/appchoo image is a crude shell menu asking the user to choose an option and returns the choice via the return code (201, 202, 203 etc... ). Depending on MENU_TRY it can be either GUI or TEXT style.
hilbert/q3 is a standalone (huge!) image with OpenArena (free version of Quake 3 Arena) which works but FPS was a bit low for me :( ALSA sound was good!
hilbert/skype propriatory 32-bit application runs using apulse (emulation of pulseaudio via ALSA), it may also be able to capture video if you are lucky with your camera, its drivers and settings... It starts fine with working sound input/output but may refuse working after a while... :(
hilbert/cups is supposed to run CUPS server (:6631) - seems to start but has to be thoughly tested.
hilbert/xbmc Application: Kodi media center
hilbert/demo legacy prototype Demo: provides a choice menu with a selection of sample GUI application
hilbert/main legacy technical Demo
hilbert/x11 is a basis for Xorg/Xephyr service
hilbert/dummy DEPRECATED! Was used for running X11 and HW customization for GPU (OpenGL-library). Please use nvidia-docker instead.
hilbert/test applications and scripts for testing HW & GPU
hilbert/cuda_devel Base for OpenGL+CUDA development

NOTE: Some applications may need further services (applications) to run in background

Dockerization within this framework (cheatsheet?) - what to run and how?

General notes

  1. Each image must reside in an individual sub-folder. Create one named after your image (lowercase, only [a-z0-9] characters should be used).
  2. Copy some simple existing Dockerfile (e.g. from /chrome/) and change it according to your needs (see below).
  3. Same with Makefile and docker-compose.yml

Using Makefile:

NOTE: make needs to be installed only on your development host.

What to run: specify building your of image with Dockerfile

For example see chrome/Dockerfile.

  1. Specify your contact email via MAINTAINER

  2. Choose a proper base image among already existing (see above) - FROM

NOTE: currently we base our images on top of phusion/baseimage:0.9.18 hilbert/baseimage which is based on ubuntu:14.04 and contains a usefull launcher wrapper (/sbin/my_init).

NOTE: we share docker images as much as possible by choosing closest possible base image to start new image from.

  1. Install additional SW packages (e.g. see chrome/Dockerfile) - RUN

NOTE: one may also need to add keys and packages repositories .

NOTE: it may be necessary to update repository caches before installing some packages. Also do not forget to clean-up afterwards.

NOTE: The best way to install something is RUN update.sh && install.sh YOUR_PACKAGE && clean.sh

  1. Add necessary local resources and online resources into your image - ADD or COPY

NOTE: use ADD URL_TO_FILE FILE_NAME_IN_IMAGE to add something from network in build-time.

NOTE: use COPY local_file1 local_file2 ... PATH_IN_IMAGE/ to copy local files (located alongside with your Dockerfile) into the image (with owner: root and the same file permissions).

  1. Run any initial configuration (post installation) actions - RUN

NOTE: only previouslly installed/added (into the image) executables can be run.

Building notes:

NOTE: no need to put run-time specifications inside Dockerfile (e.g. EXPOSE, PORT, ENTRYPOINT, CMD etc.) as they will be overrriden in run-time via docker-composer.

TODO: create docker-compose.yml for all images

  1. make to build the image

Run-time: how to run Your Image - Makefile and docker-compose.yml

What can be specified in run-time:

See for example mng/docker-compose.yml or mng/Makefile

Old testing procedure:

  1. setup.sh: Pull or build necessary starting images (hilbert/*). Previously our images were available via a different tag in malex984/dockapp repository (https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/malex984/dockapp/). Run (and change) setup.sh in order to pull the base image and build starting images. We assume the host linux to run docker service.
  2. We are experimenting with different customization approaches:
    • hilbert/dummy contains customize.sh which performs customization to the running :dummy container, these customization changes can than be detected with docker diff and archived together (e.g. /tmp/OGL.tgz) for later use by hilbert/base/setup_ogl.sh.
    • (obsolete) ~~:up/customize.sh: Customize each libGL-needing image (e.g. :x11 and :test by default for now): Running :up/customize.sh such a host will enable one to detect known hardware or kernel modules (e.g. VirtualBox Guest Additions or NVidia driver) in order to localize/customize some starting images
      under corresponding tag name (e.g. :test.nv.340.76 or :x11.vb.4.3.26), which than will be tagged with local names (e.g. test:latest or x11:latest). We assume host system to be fully pre-configured (and all necessary kernel modules installed and loaded). Therefore we avoid installing/building kernel modules inside docker container (e.g. using dkms).~~
  3. runme.sh: Launch demo prototype application. The shell script runme.sh is supposed to be the demo entry point. Using host docker it runs main (or its alteration if available) image, which contains a glue-together script main.sh that now overtakes the control (!) over the host system (docker service and /dev).
    Note that main.sh (and its helpers, e.g. run.sh ad sv.sh) is the only piece which is supposed to be aware of docker! The glue gives proposes a choice menu (e.g. via hilbert/menu/menu.sh), which exits with some return code, depending on which the glue script takes some action or quits the main infinite loop.
  4. Choose X11Server if your host was not running X11 server in order to witch the host monitor into graphical mode. NOTE: please don't do that while using the host monitor in text mode since at the moment menu.sh is only suitable for console/text mode (but we are working on a GUI alternative). Better to do that via SSH.
  5. Now assuming a running X11 (on host or inside a docker container) one can choose any application to run (e.g. Test) or Quit.

The sequence of actions 3..5 looks approximately as follows:

Approximate Sequence Diagram


X11 would not create a new terminal with the following error message:

xterm: Error 32, errno 2: No such file or directory
Reason: get_pty: not enough ptys

It seems that somebody clears permissions on /dev/pts/ptmx in the course of the docker mounting /dev or using it by containers...

Since this problem happens rarely it may be related to unexpected "docker rm -vf" for a running container with allocated pty. Also the following may be related:

Quick Fix is sudo chmod a+rw /dev/pts/ptmx

NOTE: what about /dev/ptmx?

"operation not supported" error when trying to RUN something during docker image building

According to http://stackoverflow.com/a/29546560 : if your machine had a kernel update but you didn't restart yet then docker freaks out like that.

Docker shortcuts:

Cleanup dangling images

docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)

Cleanup Hilbert-related images:

docker images | grep malex984/dockapp | awk ' { print $1 ":" $2 } ' | xargs docker rmi -f # old 
docker images | grep 'hilbert/' | awk ' { print $1 ":" $2 } ' | xargs docker rmi -f
docker rmi -f x11 test dummy

Cleanup all containers:

docker ps -aq | xargs docker rm -fv


This project is licensed under the Apache v2 license. See also Notice.