hilbix / allow-again

Allow some browser features for certain URLs again
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Currently under development and only tested for FF ESR on Linux.

Settings is not yet implemented. However it works without.

Allow some browser features for certain URLs again

If you are thirsty, you need a glass of water. However the browser's creators apparently follow an all or nothing strategy.

So you either only can die on thirst, or get drowned. But you are not allowed to satisfy your thirst in a reasonable way.

This here tries to leverage such shortcommings.

For now it allows windows to use following feature:

If you have any idea for some similar needed options, please open an issue on GitHub

Thank you very much!


Usage is very simple. Enable the extension's icon in the extension bar. Then you can click on the icon and check or uncheck allow window.focus().

This way you can allow the displayed page to use window.focus() again to bring itself onto the top.

This is done by injecting code for window.focus(). Perhaps some pages are incompatible to this hack.

~~There also is a "Setup" link in the popup. If you click on this, a very simple management window opens.~~

~~In it there is a textbox which shows the local configuration, such that you can copy and paste it.~~

You also can add URLs where to load the configuration from.


As long as it is not on the stores, you can add this extension as follows:

git clone https://github.com/hilbix/allow-focus-again.git

Perhaps I will come around to put it on the stores somehow.

I currently have no idea how to do this.

Note that I am already registered as developer on Chrome Store. But this does not change anything in that I still do not have the slightest idea how to do it .. yet.


As there always is not enough room on your monitors to neatly display everything, there should be a way for web applications to focus to a given window or tab.

However this is disallowed these days, such that the experience with web app sucks a lot.

At least with distributed web apps which can run cooperatively on multiple browsers.

Configuration format

The configuration text format is not yet implemented!

However, the wildcard matching code should be there already, but untested.

The configuration is just text lines.

Each line starts with an URL.

You can use * as a joker to allow multiple entries:

After the URL spaces or tabs can optionally follow which are ignored.

Line end on the first CR or LF encountered.

Then a space separated permission set can follow the URL:

Permission sets can be added like URLs, just start them with an Uppercase character.


Permission sets are not yet implemented.

Currently there is only one permission which also is the DEFAULT permission set:

Permission sets are local to the file loaded, so you cannot accidentally "include" permission sets from other files.








This extension follows a strict security first principle.


The code here

I am open to code reviews:

I am open for maintainers:

Note: To be able to accept changes by others, these changes must not be copyrighted. So please put your changes into the Public Domain (or better, just adopt the CLL).


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