himbeles / mac-device-connect-daemon

Run shell script or executable triggered by device detection on a Mac.
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Run shell script or executable triggered by device detection on a Mac

UPDATE ✨: I have wrapped the functionality of the Launch Daemon described below in a more user-friendly Mac app, called "Stecker". In addition to device attachment, the app can also detect device detachment. It triggers the execution of selected Shortcuts from the macOS Shortcuts App.

Stecker App

Download on the Mac App Store

The app is very lightweight and relies only on IOKit notifications. In contrast to the launch daemon below, the direct use of the the IOKit framework permits to filter for additional types of com.apple.iokit.matching events.

This tutorial describes how to run an arbitrary executable or shell script triggered by the connection of an external device (usb/thunderbolt) to a Mac.

This relies on Apple's IOKit library for device detection and a daemon for running the desired executable. See BSD man page on xpc_events:

man xpc_events

For the daemon to not be triggered repeatedly after connecting the device, a special stream handler (created by Ford Parsons) is used to "consume" the com.apple.iokit.matching event, as explained here.

For example, this can be used to spoof the MAC address of an ethernet adapter when it is connected to the Mac. The setup is explained using the MAC spoofing scenario example files in example/spoof-MAC but can be generalized to arbitrary executables and devices.

Put your shell script or executable into place

Adapt the shell script spoofmac.sh to your needs and make it executable:

sudo chmod 755 spoofmac.sh

Then move it into /usr/local/bin, or some other directory:

cp spoofmac.sh /usr/local/bin/

Building the XPC event stream handler

The XPC event stream handler does not need to be adapted to your use case and can be built on a Mac (with XCode installed) as a universal binary:

swift build --configuration release --package-path XPCEventStreamHandler --arch arm64 --arch x86_64

Let's place the build product handle-xpc-event-stream into /usr/local/bin, like the main executable for the daemon.

cp -f ./XPCEventStreamHandler/.build/apple/Products/Release/handle-xpc-event-stream /usr/local/bin/handle-xpc-event-stream

The stream handler is also compiled via a Github Action on every commit. This uses a Github macos-latest machine. Instead of building manually, you may download the build artifact.

Setup the daemon

The plist file com.spoofmac.plist contains the properties of the daemon that will run the executable on device connect trigger.

It contains information for identifying the device you want to base your trigger on, like idVendor, idProduct, IOProviderClass. Get them via the output of

ioreg -p IOProviderClass -l

where <IOProviderClass> should be either IOPCI (Thunderbolt) or IOUSB (USB).

The identifiers can also be obtained from the System Information App on your Mac.

Screenshot System Information

Convert the hex identifiers to integers before inserting into the plist file (for example using int(0x8086) in python).

IOProviderClass should be either IOPCIDevice (Thunderbolt) or IOUSBDevice (USB).

The other relevant entry in the plist file is the location of handle-xpc-event-stream and the executable.

Other entries include the location of standard output (log) files and the executing user.

Since MAC spoofing requires root privileges, we put com.spoofmac.plist into /Library/LaunchDaemons:

cp com.spoofmac.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/

not into a LaunchAgents folder. Launch agents ignore the UserName argument.

Insure that the owner of the file is root:

sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.spoofmac.plist

Launch the daemon

Activate the daemon:

launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.spoofmac.plist

and you are good to go.

Unloading is done using launchctl unload.

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