himselfv / jptools

A set of tools for parsing and studying Japanese
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This set contains several command-line tools intended to help those studying kanji and Japanese language, and some libraries/units for Delphi to parse/write file formats commonly encountered when working with Japanese text.


These tools generate tab-separated files suitable for importing into Anki or updating some fields of your Anki deck.

Warodai Convertor

Converts Warodai (big classical JP->RU dictionary) into EDICT2 and JMDict-style dictionaries which you can use in any program.

The translation is far from perfect yet but it does work in a way, and the resulting dictionary is usable with more than 100 000 entries.

How to use:

Or download converted dictionary:


These tools may be usable by itself or as an example when working with their underlying libraries.


Libraries in Delphi for common CJK-related tasks.


Latest jptools.zip (AnkiKanjiList/WordList, AozoraTxt, KanjiStats and more)

All downloads


May be required for some projects:

At runtime: