hinsxzx / Character_Portraits

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mkdir /kaggle/working/midterm_COVID mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/kaggle/working/midterm_COVID’: File exists ''' 1.从csv提取到txt ''' import os import re import time import pandas as pd


folderurl = '/kaggle/working/midterm_COVID/' readcsv = '/kaggle/input/midterm-covid/221012_midterm_COVID_2022-01-01_2022-10-10.csv' # (17690, 9)

writetxt = folderurl + 'test.txt' youwant=['UserName', 'Embedded_text']

if name == 'main': start = time.time()

# 1.读取数据
data = pd.read_csv(readcsv,encoding='utf-8')
aa = data[youwant[0]].values#<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
bb = data[youwant[1]].values#<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

# 2.对文本正则处理
for i in range(len(bb)):
    c = bb[i].replace('回复', "") # 删除“回复”
    c = re.sub(r"@.*?\s", "", c)  # 删除@后面的人名
    c = re.sub(r"\d?.\d", "", c) # 删除2.1这类数字
    c = re.sub(r"\d","",c) # 删除数字
    c = re.sub(r"[\u4E00-\u9FA5]+", "", c) # 删除中文,\u4E00-\u9FA5\\s的话s不见了
    c = re.sub(r"\n", " ", c)  # 删除换行
    c.strip() # 删除句首和句尾的字符,默认删除空白符和换行符
    bb[i] = c

# 3.查看写入数据
print(str(aa[0].rstrip()) + "*****" + str(bb[0].rstrip().lstrip()) + '\n')

# 4.写入数据
if not os.path.exists(writetxt):
    os.system(r"touch {}".format(os.path))  # 调用系统命令行来创建文件
with open(writetxt, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:  # 有时清空文本
txt = open(writetxt, 'w', encoding='utf-8')

for i in range(len(aa)):
    if isinstance(aa[i],float) or isinstance(bb[i],float):# 如果存在缺失值nan(type float),跳过
        txt.write(str(aa[i].rstrip()) + "*****" + str(bb[i].rstrip().lstrip()) + '\n')

end = time.time()
print("用时:", end - start)

@soma77*****Republicans aim to sow outrage, Trump-style, with an eye on midterms https://a.msn.com/en-us/AASkzza?ocid=winp-st… Democrats fixed the economy Republicans broke for the second time, opened our schools & business while Republicans did nothing so they spread covid with no masks & no vaccines

finish 用时: 0.7613554000854492 ''' 2.将txt转为几个txt聚类 ''' from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score import linecache import time import nltk from tqdm import tqdm

class KmeansClustering(): def init(self, stopwords_path=None): self.stopwords = self.load_stopwords(stopwords_path) self.vectorizer = CountVectorizer() self.transformer = TfidfTransformer()

def load_stopwords(self, stopwords=None):
    :param stopwords:
    if stopwords:
        with open(stopwords, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            return [line.strip() for line in f]
        return []

def preprocess_data(self, corpus_path):
    :param corpus_path:
    # 读取每一行
    # import csv
    corpus = []
    # with open(corpus_path) as f:  # 参数encoding = 'utf-8'防止出现乱码
    #     reader = csv.reader(f)  # 使用csv的reader()方法,创建一个reader对象  csv.reader()读取结果是列表
    #     for row in reader:  # 遍历reader对象的每一行
    #         #print(row[-1])
    #         corpus.append(" ".join([word for word in jieba.lcut(row[-1].strip()) if word not in self.stopwords]))

    with open(corpus_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        for line in f:
            # corpus.append(' '.join([word for word in jieba.lcut(line.strip()) if word not in self.stopwords]))
            # 英文
            corpus.append(" ".join([word for word in nltk.word_tokenize(line.strip()) if word not in self.stopwords]))
    return corpus

def get_text_tfidf_matrix(self, corpus):
    :param corpus:
    tfidf = self.transformer.fit_transform(self.vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus))

    # 获取词袋中所有词语
    # words = self.vectorizer.get_feature_names()

    # 获取tfidf矩阵中权重
    weights = tfidf.toarray()
    return weights

def kmeans(self, corpus_path, n_clusters=5):
    :param corpus_path: 语料路径(每行一篇),文章id从0开始
    :param n_clusters: :聚类类别数目
    :return: {cluster_id1:[text_id1, text_id2]}
    corpus = self.preprocess_data(corpus_path)
    weights = self.get_text_tfidf_matrix(corpus)
    clf = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters)
    # clf.fit(weights)
    from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
    pca = PCA(n_components=2)
    pca_weights = pca.fit_transform(weights)
    y = clf.fit_predict(pca_weights)
    # 边缘系数
    s = silhouette_score(weights, y)
    result = {}
    labels = []
    for text_idx, label_idx in enumerate(y):
        # print(label_idx)
        if label_idx not in result:
            result[label_idx] = [text_idx]
    return result


folderurl = '/kaggle/working/midterm_COVID/'

readtxt = folderurl + 'test.txt' savetxt = folderurl stopwords_url = '/kaggle/input/stopwords/stopwords.txt'

if name == 'main': start = time.time() Kmeans = KmeansClustering(stopwords_path = stopwords_url) result = Kmeans.kmeans(readtxt, n_clusters=6) # 一共分为 n_clusters 类。midterm_china for k in tqdm(range(len(result))): for key in result: f = open(savetxt+'{}.txt'.format(key), 'w', encoding='utf-8') for i in result[key]: aa = linecache.getline(readtxt, i+1) f.write(aa) f.close()

end = time.time()
print("用时:", end-start)

0.014444094861691485 100%|██████████| 6/6 [00:00<00:00, 23.04it/s] finish 用时: 431.51651644706726 ''' 3.能txt转csv ''' import csv import time import pandas as pd


folderurl = '/kaggle/working/midterm_COVID/'

readtxt = folderurl savecsv = folderurl youwant=['UserName', 'Embedded_text']

if name == 'main': start = time.time()


a = []
for i in range(6):
    # 1.读取数据
    f = open(readtxt+'%s.txt' %i,'r',encoding='utf-8')
    line = f.readline()
    while line:
        line = f.readline()

    # 2.写入数据
    with open(savecsv+'%s%s.csv' %(i,i), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:  # 有时清空文本,没有时创建文本
    fp = open(savecsv+'%s%s.csv' %(i,i),'w',encoding='utf_8_sig',newline="")

    # 3.添加表头
    # data=pd.read_csv(savecsv+'%s%s.csv' %(i,i),header=None,names=youwant)
    data = pd.read_csv(savecsv + '%s%s.csv' % (i, i), header=None, names=youwant, on_bad_lines='skip') # 跳过错误行
    data.to_csv(savecsv+'%s%s.csv' %(i,i),index=False)

end = time.time()
print("用时:", end - start)

finish 用时: 1.636955976486206 ''' 4.能将csv分析 ''' import os import re import time import gensim import nltk import numpy as np from gensim import corpora from gensim.models import Word2Vec from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from nltk import data, pos_tag from sklearn.manifold import TSNE import matplotlib.cm as cm import warnings from matplotlib.axes._axes import _log as matplotlib_axes_logger import pandas as pd


def extract_column_data(file_url, file_handle_url, content_column, column_name): print("第%s个主题 extract column data start" % (i + 1)) start = time.time()

# 初始化
    if os.path.isfile(file_handle_url) and os.path.getsize(file_handle_url):#如果有这个文件且不为空就删除
# 1.读取数据
openfile = open(file_url, 'r',encoding='utf-8')
file_dataframe = pd.read_csv(openfile,encoding='utf-8')
# 2.筛选数据
file_dataframe = file_dataframe.loc[:, column_name]#提取列
file_dataframe.drop_duplicates(subset= [content_column], keep='first', inplace=True)#去重
# 3.保存数据
# 4.关闭文件

end = time.time()
print("第%s个主题 extract column data over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end - start)


def clean_data(file_handle_url, stopwords_url, content_column): print("第%s个主题 clean data start" % (i + 1)) start = time.time()

# 定义正则表达式
def clean_email_text(text):
    text = text.replace('\n', " ")  # 新行,我们是不需要的
    text = text.lower()  # 转换为小写
    text = re.sub(r"-", " ", text)  # 把 "-" 的两个单词,分开。(比如:july-edu ==> july edu)
    text = re.sub(r"'", " ", text)  # 把 "'" 的两个单词,分开。(比如:It's ==> It s)分开后,s识别为名词了
    text = text.replace('.' or ',' or '(' or ')' or '?', " ")  # 标点符号,没有意义
    text = re.sub(r"\d+/\d+/\d+", "", text)  # 日期,对主体模型没什么意义
    text = re.sub(r"[0-2]?[0-9]:[0-6][0-9]", "", text)  # 时间,没意义
    text = re.sub(r"[\w]+@[\.\w]+", "", text)  # 邮件地址,没意义
    text = re.sub(r"/[a-zA-Z]*[:\//\]*[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+\.+[A-Za-z0-9\.\/%&=\?\-_]+/i", "", text)  # 网址,没意义

    # 再把单个字母和两个字母去掉,只留下字母和空格,把特殊字符过滤掉
    pure_text = ''
    for letter in text:
        if letter.isalpha() or letter == ' ':
            pure_text += letter
    text = ' '.join(word for word in pure_text.split() if len(word) > 2) # <class 'str'>

    # 词性标注
    doclist = str(text).strip(' ').strip("'").strip('"').strip(',').split(',') # str转list .strip(' ').strip("'").strip('"').strip(',').split(',')
    doclist = [word for word, tag in pos_tag(doclist) if tag in ["NN", "NNP", "NNS", 'VB', 'VBD', 'VBG', 'VBN', 'VBP', 'VBZ']]  # 词性标注,提取名词,doclist:list , 'VB', 'VBD', 'VBG', 'VBN', 'VBP', 'VBZ'
    text = "".join(doclist) # list转str

    return text
# 定义停用词
def stopword():
    stopwords = [word.strip() for word in open(stopwords_url, 'r', encoding='utf-8').readlines()]
    # 每一封邮件都有星期和月份,这里也把他们过滤掉
    weeks = ['monday', 'mon', 'tuesday', 'tues', 'wednesday', 'wed', 'thursday', 'thur', 'friday', 'fri',
             'sat', 'sunday', 'sun']
    months = ['jan', 'january', 'feb', 'february', 'mar', 'march', 'apr', 'april', 'may', 'jun', 'june', 'jul', \
              'july', 'aug', 'august', 'sept', 'september', 'oct', 'october', 'nov', 'november', 'dec', 'december']
    stoplist = stopwords + weeks + months + ['am', 'pm']
    return stoplist
# 1.读取数据
openfile = open(file_handle_url, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8')
file_handle_dataframe = pd.read_csv(openfile, encoding = 'utf-8') # <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
# 2.清洗数据
docs_series = file_handle_dataframe[content_column].apply(lambda s: clean_email_text(s)) # 选取content_column列进行清洗 <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
docslist = [[word for word in doc.lower().split() if word not in stopword()] for doc in docs_series.values] # 去除停用词 <class 'list'>
# 3.关闭文件

end = time.time()
print("第%s个主题 clean data over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end - start)

return docslist


def analysis_data(docslist, result_url, keyword_number, similarword_number, needword_number): print("第%s个主题 analysis data start" % (i + 1)) start = time.time()

# 定义主题词抽取模型(文本转词向量,训练LDA模型,提供主题词)
def doc2bow_LDA(docslist, file, number, i):
    start0 = time.time()

    print("第%s个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA start" % (i + 1))
    dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(docslist)
    corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in docslist]
    lda = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=1)
    result = lda.print_topic(0, topn=number)  # 输出前 number 个主题词及概率
    result = re.compile(r'\b[a-zA-Z]+\b', re.I).findall(result)  # 清洗掉概率
    print("第%s个主题的单词分布,取权重最高的前%d个词: " % (i + 1, number) + str(result))
    file.write("第%s个主题的单词分布,取权重最高的前%d个词" % (i + 1, number) + '\n' + str(result) + '\n')

    end0 = time.time()
    print("第%s个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end0 - start0)
    return result
# 定义词向量空间模型
def word2vec_model(docslist, i):
    start0 = time.time()

    print("第%s个主题 step2:save word2vec model start" % (i + 1))
    train_model = Word2Vec(docslist, vector_size=1024, window=5, min_count=1, workers=4)
    train_model.save(model_url+'%s_MyModel' % i)
    train_model.wv.save_word2vec_format(model_url+'%s_mymodels.txt' % i, binary=False)

    end0 = time.time()
    print("第%s个主题 step2:save word2vec model over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end0 - start0)
# 定义相似词模型
def thematic_analysis(file, result, number, i):
    start0 = time.time()

    print("第%s个主题 step3:thematic analysis start" % (i + 1))
    model = Word2Vec.load(model_url+'%s_MyModel' % i)
    keys = result

    word_clusters0 = []
    embedding_clusters = []
    word_clusters = []
    for word in keys:
        embeddings0 = []
        words0 = []
        for similar_word, _ in model.wv.most_similar(word, topn=needword_number):  # 根据余弦相似度求相似词
            words0.append(similar_word)  # 末尾添加对象,保存相似词
            embeddings0.append(model.wv[similar_word])  # 保存相似词的词向量
        embeddings = []
        words = []
        for similar_word, _ in model.wv.most_similar(word, topn=number):  # 根据余弦相似度求相似词
            words.append(similar_word)  # 末尾添加对象,保存相似词
            embeddings.append(model.wv[similar_word])  # 保存相似词的词向量

    print("第%s个主题词前%d个相似词: " % ((i+1),needword_number),word_clusters0)
    file.write('\n' + str(word_clusters0))

    end0 = time.time()
    print("第%s个主题 step3:thematic analysis over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end0 - start0)
    return word_clusters, embedding_clusters
# 定义降维可视化模型
def tsne_plot_similar_words(title, labels, embedding_clusters, word_clusters, a, filename=None):
    start0 = time.time()

    print("第%s个主题 step4:tene and plot start" % (i + 1))
    embedding_clusters = np.array(embedding_clusters)  # 数据类型为多维数组
    n, m, k = embedding_clusters.shape  # 获取三维数组 n*m*k ,k个组,每组有n行m列
    tsne_model_en_2d = TSNE(perplexity=15, n_components=2, init='pca', n_iter=3500, random_state=32,
                            min_grad_norm=1E-4)  # tsne初始化。perplexity:浮点型,默认30,不敏感, n_components:空间维度,默认为2, init:pca比random初始化稳定, n_iter:优化的最大迭代次数,至少应该200, random_state:伪随机数发生器种子控制
    embeddings_en_2d = np.array(tsne_model_en_2d.fit_transform(embedding_clusters.reshape(n * m, k))).reshape(n, m,

    plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))
    colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(labels)))
    for label, embeddings, words, color in zip(labels, embeddings_en_2d, word_clusters, colors):
        x = embeddings[:, 0]
        y = embeddings[:, 1]
        plt.scatter(x, y, c=color, alpha=a, label=label)
        for j, word in enumerate(words):
            plt.annotate(word, alpha=0.5, xy=(x[j], y[j]), xytext=(5, 2),
                         textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', size=8)
    if filename:
        plt.savefig(filename, format='png', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight')

    end0 = time.time()
    print("第%s个主题 step4:tene and plot over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end0 - start0)

# 初始化
result = []
with open(result_url, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:#有时清空文本,没有时创建文本
# 1.读取数据
file = open(result_url, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
# 2.主题分析
result = doc2bow_LDA(docslist, file, keyword_number, i) # 词向量化并选出前 keyword_number 主题词
word2vec_model(docslist, i) # 保存模型
word_clusters, embedding_clusters = thematic_analysis(file, result, similarword_number, i) # 余弦相似度选出前 similarword_number 个词
tsne_plot_similar_words('theme:%s keyword:%d similarwords:%d' % ((i+1), keyword_number, similarword_number), result, embedding_clusters, word_clusters, 0.7, model_url+'%s.%d.%d.png' % (i, keyword_number,similarword_number))
# 3.关闭文件

end = time.time()
print("第%s个主题 analysis data over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end - start)


folderurl = '/kaggle/working/midterm_COVID/'

keyword_number = 7 # 主题词个数 similarword_number = 50 # 需要plt相似词个数 needword_number = 20 # 需要write相似词个数

stopwords_url = '/kaggle/input/stopwords/stopwords.txt' # 停用词 model_url = folderurl column_name = ['UserName', 'Embedded_text'] # 需要提取列的列名 content_column = 'Embedded_text' # 关注的内容列

if name == 'main': startall = time.time()

# 初始化

for i in range(6):
    # 传参
    file_url = folderurl + '%s%s.csv' %(i,i)  # 原始文件
    file_handle_url = folderurl + '%s%s%s_file_handle.csv' %(i,i,i)  # 筛选列后的文件
    result_url = folderurl + '%s%s%s%s_thematic_analysis_result.txt' %(i,i,i,i)  # 主题词

    # 筛选列数据为数据处理文件
    extract_column_data(file_url, file_handle_url, content_column, column_name)
    # step2:清洗数据
    docslist = clean_data(file_handle_url, stopwords_url, content_column)
    # step3:主题分析
    analysis_data(docslist, result_url, keyword_number, similarword_number, needword_number)
endall = time.time()
print("用时:", endall - startall)

第1个主题 extract column data start 第1个主题 extract column data over,spend time: 0.15982794761657715 第1个主题 clean data start 第1个主题 clean data over,spend time: 268.69744348526 第1个主题 analysis data start 第1个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA start 第1个主题的单词分布,取权重最高的前7个词: ['covid', 'midterms', 'midterm', 'biden', 'democrats', 'elections', 'election'] 第1个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA over,spend time: 1.6608338356018066 第1个主题 step2:save word2vec model start 第1个主题 step2:save word2vec model over,spend time: 19.795936584472656 第1个主题 step3:thematic analysis start 第1个主题词前20个相似词: [['lol', 'thing', 'scary', 'wait', 'outbreak', 'comes', 'novemberth', 'season', 'schedule', 'something', 'away', 'begin', 'pull', 'yep', 'theres', 'anymore', 'round', 'guess', 'watch', 'sounds'], ['extended', 'excuse', 'scare', 'forcing', 'guessed', 'mass', 'cheating', 'fraudulent', 'want', 'justified', 'spike', 'harvesters', 'postal', 'stuffing', 'right', 'cry', 'donotcomply', 'mandatory', 'manipulate', 'manipulation'], ['politicslive', 'democracynotautocracy', 'politicstoday', 'comwatchvbpynrju', 'equality', 'saturdaymotivation', 'fightback', 'ihu', 'comwatchvgzbwso', 'comwatchvuliisnki', 'stealthy', 'usatoday', 'comstorynewspoliticsgubernatorial', 'comwatchvkesbdztoe', 'itm', 'mixing', 'ellen', 'invented', 'monkeypoxs', 'spur'], ['president', 'positive', 'bloomberg', 'administration', 'thehill', 'dailycaller', 'slams', 'joe', 'washingtonpost', 'rebound', 'reportedly', 'tests', 'delivers', 'drawing', 'news', 'decides', 'upending', 'com', 'gasprices', 'breitbart'], ['help', 'conveniently', 'thefederalist', 'bartiromo', 'fall', 'warns', 'thinks', 'scramble', 'reverse', 'course', 'lifesite', 'dearly', 'conclude', 'bait', 'lifesitenews', 'trope', 'relaxing', 'persistent', 'theblaze', 'used'], ['variant', 'breakingnewsandreligion', 'bec', 'election', 'demonstrators', 'gopleader', 'después', 'winnable', 'electionsutmsourcetwitterutmmediumposttopsharingbuttonsutmcampaignwebsitesharingbuttons', 'xhu', 'alright', 'páginas', 'comatewzj', 'diff', 'referencing', 'evisceration', 'ahhh', 'attribute', 'projected', 'braindeadbrandon'], ['variant', 'skew', 'coming', 'steal', 'bec', 'push', 'lockdown', 'another', 'wave', 'prepping', 'fraud', 'come', 'ready', 'rig', 'votes', 'coincides', 'ireland', 'adjust', 'upcoming', 'freak']] 第1个主题 step3:thematic analysis over,spend time: 0.45156168937683105 第1个主题 step4:tene and plot start

第1个主题 step4:tene and plot over,spend time: 7.413312196731567 第1个主题 analysis data over,spend time: 29.35097908973694

第2个主题 extract column data start 第2个主题 extract column data over,spend time: 0.16112351417541504 第2个主题 clean data start 第2个主题 clean data over,spend time: 267.9767882823944 第2个主题 analysis data start 第2个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA start 第2个主题的单词分布,取权重最高的前7个词: ['covid', 'midterms', 'midterm', 'biden', 'democrats', 'elections', 'days'] 第2个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA over,spend time: 1.640730857849121 第2个主题 step2:save word2vec model start 第2个主题 step2:save word2vec model over,spend time: 19.458572149276733 第2个主题 step3:thematic analysis start 第2个主题词前20个相似词: [['lol', 'guess', 'something', 'cycle', 'happen', 'scamdemic', 'coincidence', 'knowing', 'unleash', 'phony', 'left', 'deadly', 'sounds', 'massive', 'sure', 'begun', 'scary', 'tell', 'early', 'trouble'], ['justification', 'cheating', 'use', 'scare', 'mass', 'insist', 'drop', 'excuse', 'machines', 'allow', 'stfu', 'boxes', 'stuffing', 'want', 'harvesting', 'flatten', 'harvest', 'lockdown', 'fraudulent', 'ballot'], ['politicslive', 'democracynotautocracy', 'equality', 'politicstoday', 'mysteriously', 'noticing', 'ihu', 'availability', 'preceeding', 'compostlid', 'comwatchvonerdztalgm', 'comwatchvkyidgkvsc', 'booste', 'trumpraid', 'politicking', 'fruits', 'httpslocanews', 'usatoday', 'comatewzj', 'inventing'], ['president', 'twitchy', 'remarks', 'positive', 'drawing', 'administration', 'joe', 'washingtonpost', 'asleep', 'uniicmedia', 'nbcnews', 'upending', 'compoliticsbiden', 'blasts', 'probes', 'press', 'vice', 'briefing', 'theepochtimes', 'calvinherion'], ['help', 'dailywire', 'warns', 'conveniently', 'comgovernor', 'lifesite', 'used', 'fall', 'novembers', 'course', 'bartiromo', 'inventing', 'persistent', 'thefederalist', 'bait', 'townhall', 'rebelnews', 'ahead', 'oscars', 'trope'], ['variant', 'election', 'posturing', 'repositioning', 'insulation', 'bec', 'govts', 'silencing', 'compensate', 'strand', 'belize', 'americanessays', 'foodservices', 'bringbackmasks', 'entities', 'libremente', 'minimise', 'nick', 'comnewspollster', 'comepisodeep'], ['hurricane', 'summer', 'memorial', 'given', 'spring', 'doses', 'vaccine', 'natural', 'kids', 'city', 'labor', 'supported', 'maskmandate', 'pro', 'vaccination', 'hrs', 'truckers', 'social', 'stair', 'considering']] 第2个主题 step3:thematic analysis over,spend time: 0.43813371658325195 第2个主题 step4:tene and plot start

第2个主题 step4:tene and plot over,spend time: 6.839453935623169 第2个主题 analysis data over,spend time: 28.407058238983154

第3个主题 extract column data start 第3个主题 extract column data over,spend time: 0.15229368209838867 第3个主题 clean data start 第3个主题 clean data over,spend time: 268.95855736732483 第3个主题 analysis data start 第3个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA start 第3个主题的单词分布,取权重最高的前7个词: ['covid', 'midterms', 'midterm', 'biden', 'democrats', 'elections', 'days'] 第3个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA over,spend time: 1.6433258056640625 第3个主题 step2:save word2vec model start 第3个主题 step2:save word2vec model over,spend time: 20.1900532245636 第3个主题 step3:thematic analysis start 第3个主题词前20个相似词: [['slaughter', 'elephant', 'damn', 'theres', 'unfortunately', 'gear', 'incoming', 'coincidence', 'better', 'fjb', 'appear', 'catturd', 'tactic', 'officially', 'laid', 'happen', 'arrived', 'knowing', 'thing', 'covids'], ['extended', 'mass', 'want', 'unregistered', 'guessed', 'stuffing', 'machines', 'weaponized', 'request', 'person', 'universal', 'recipe', 'fraudulent', 'excuse', 'infecting', 'unsafe', 'everyone', 'forcing', 'proxy', 'electronic'], ['politicslive', 'politicstoday', 'democracynotautocracy', 'mixing', 'equality', 'ihu', 'booste', 'usatoday', 'comstorynewspoliticsgubernatorial', 'itm', 'mysteriously', 'mystery', 'preceeding', 'inventing', 'ramps', 'saturdaymotivation', 'dearly', 'comtvmaria', 'persistent', 'named'], ['president', 'positive', 'administration', 'thehill', 'zerohedge', 'tests', 'joe', 'nbcnews', 'tested', 'breitbart', 'drawing', 'news', 'asleep', 'decides', 'jill', 'thegatewaypundit', 'sleeping', 'vice', 'delivers', 'justthenews'], ['httpsgellerreport', 'conveniently', 'help', 'persistent', 'relaxing', 'fall', 'thefederalist', 'named', 'novembers', 'getting', 'theblaze', 'wave', 'conclude', 'thinks', 'comgovernor', 'cure', 'adopted', 'comtvmaria', 'reimpose', 'course'], ['variant', 'election', 'papadopoulos', 'debates', 'invented', 'misses', 'nooooo', 'schoolkids', 'efiag', 'implicate', 'freespeech', 'inventing', 'hosps', 'newsday', 'avoided', 'defeats', 'named', 'annualized', 'participate', 'noqreport'], ['hurricane', 'doses', 'summer', 'labor', 'given', 'shift', 'hrs', 'natural', 'cancelled', 'support', 'data', 'conservative', 'across', 'social', 'reporting', 'regarding', 'theth', 'immunity', 'memorial', 'stopping']] 第3个主题 step3:thematic analysis over,spend time: 0.5409417152404785 第3个主题 step4:tene and plot start

第3个主题 step4:tene and plot over,spend time: 7.708725690841675 第3个主题 analysis data over,spend time: 30.114078521728516

第4个主题 extract column data start 第4个主题 extract column data over,spend time: 0.2466444969177246 第4个主题 clean data start 第4个主题 clean data over,spend time: 327.002405166626 第4个主题 analysis data start 第4个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA start 第4个主题的单词分布,取权重最高的前7个词: ['covid', 'midterms', 'midterm', 'biden', 'elections', 'democrats', 'com'] 第4个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA over,spend time: 2.085299015045166 第4个主题 step2:save word2vec model start 第4个主题 step2:save word2vec model over,spend time: 23.68835139274597 第4个主题 step3:thematic analysis start 第4个主题词前20个相似词: [['emerge', 'obey', 'ireland', 'season', 'horizon', 'comfox', 'emerges', 'hmm', 'rigging', 'ramps', 'tidal', 'feeble', 'ann', 'mode', 'laying', 'interesting', 'loosing', 'coinciding', 'summer', 'winding'], ['sickening', 'need', 'want', 'rationalize', 'scare', 'fortify', 'excuse', 'trying', 'monkeypoxvirus', 'cant', 'rig', 'bang', 'ramped', 'keep', 'vengeance', 'use', 'mongering', 'marxist', 'subversion', 'dems'], ['demonstrators', 'spins', 'sickly', 'misson', 'comstorynewspoliticsgubernatorial', 'votesafepilipinas', 'forsee', 'jakebant', 'foolin', 'mixing', 'oblivier', 'influences', 'usnewspoliticstexas', 'earliest', 'comwatchvmdwgcm', 'ships', 'commiepoliticians', 'itm', 'taiwans', 'kolken'], ['bloomberg', 'joe', 'positive', 'theepochtimes', 'politicususa', 'dailycaller', 'president', 'tests', 'thehill', 'washingtontimes', 'com', 'administration', 'calvinherion', 'nbcnews', 'rebound', 'axios', 'realclearpolitics', 'sorryantivaxxer', 'politico', 'news'], ['strat', 'inclined', 'vaccinemandate', 'httpspowerlineblog', 'renamed', 'variant', 'comarchivesdem', 'electionsutmsourcedlvr', 'daunting', 'election', 'aawlxocidmsedgdhppccvidaeebd', 'magnified', 'aauci', 'criminalize', 'patriotpost', 'fictional', 'rafters', 'floydcovid', 'boogaloo', 'bloodshed'], ['help', 'used', 'bait', 'conveniently', 'wnd', 'usatoday', 'victory', 'gut', 'vox', 'comblogcraig', 'happier', 'reelected', 'duper', 'bullcrap', 'prepared', 'cherumbu', 'kambree', 'arrive', 'course', 'bec'], ['theepochtimes', 'foxnews', 'thehill', 'nbcnews', 'abcnews', 'dailycaller', 'rawstory', 'politicususa', 'thegatewaypundit', 'staggers', 'sorryantivaxxer', 'biden', 'news', 'bloomberg', 'youtube', 'joe', 'realclearpolitics', 'myfo', 'positive', 'crooksandliars']] 第4个主题 step3:thematic analysis over,spend time: 0.5188755989074707 第4个主题 step4:tene and plot start

第4个主题 step4:tene and plot over,spend time: 7.0240795612335205 第4个主题 analysis data over,spend time: 33.35561680793762

第5个主题 extract column data start 第5个主题 extract column data over,spend time: 0.22801589965820312 第5个主题 clean data start 第5个主题 clean data over,spend time: 341.0511827468872 第5个主题 analysis data start 第5个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA start 第5个主题的单词分布,取权重最高的前7个词: ['covid', 'midterms', 'midterm', 'biden', 'elections', 'democrats', 'com'] 第5个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA over,spend time: 2.515765905380249 第5个主题 step2:save word2vec model start 第5个主题 step2:save word2vec model over,spend time: 23.58637237548828 第5个主题 step3:thematic analysis start 第5个主题词前20个相似词: [['proves', 'sorts', 'gettin', 'hesitancy', 'calendar', 'stem', 'hmmmm', 'focal', 'httpsbreitbart', 'waiting', 'quarter', 'abyss', 'fascinating', 'sus', 'clobbered', 'fade', 'managing', 'magical', 'hives', 'primaries'], ['generic', 'schemes', 'fortify', 'lax', 'depend', 'manipulate', 'unwitnessed', 'fraudulent', 'cheating', 'sherman', 'need', 'machines', 'promote', 'setup', 'harder', 'unregistered', 'scare', 'excuse', 'midtermscovid', 'mongering'], ['subtypes', 'schoolkids', 'newsday', 'rampaging', 'ihu', 'bunkers', 'blameitoncovid', 'fiddles', 'mixing', 'juneteenth', 'intl', 'warmer', 'hystaria', 'tampering', 'comwatchvonerdztalgm', 'wsomething', 'evades', 'fruits', 'atl', 'cockblock'], ['dailycaller', 'newsweek', 'theepochtimes', 'positive', 'joe', 'president', 'bloomberg', 'administration', 'realclearpolitics', 'thehill', 'twitchy', 'tests', 'sour', 'politico', 'cosgaz', 'politicususa', 'associated', 'wpti', 'coab', 'emergencyid'], ['strat', 'leveraging', 'variant', 'electionsutmsourcedlvr', 'imperiling', 'election', 'deliverables', 'wayyy', 'comarchivesdem', 'boogaloo', 'ugliest', 'wuhanvirusseems', 'suing', 'vaccinemandate', 'bullshitting', 'whiffed', 'digitizing', 'lafontaine', 'french', 'uni'], ['help', 'used', 'wfla', 'comstorynewspoliticsgubernatorial', 'reelected', 'conveniently', 'bait', 'trap', 'bem', 'prepared', 'lose', 'httpsdailym', 'rootforamerica', 'kambree', 'despair', 'rhe', 'misspent', 'tilt', 'scramble', 'boon'], ['nbcnews', 'thehill', 'breitbart', 'foxnews', 'thegatewaypundit', 'theepochtimes', 'rawstory', 'abcnews', 'youtube', 'washingtonpost', 'newsweek', 'washingtonexaminer', 'tta', 'twitchy', 'dailycaller', 'aol', 'coab', 'news', 'emergencyid', 'fikrikadim']] 第5个主题 step3:thematic analysis over,spend time: 0.4868485927581787 第5个主题 step4:tene and plot start

第5个主题 step4:tene and plot over,spend time: 7.068678379058838 第5个主题 analysis data over,spend time: 33.69231176376343

第6个主题 extract column data start 第6个主题 extract column data over,spend time: 0.24404120445251465 第6个主题 clean data start 第6个主题 clean data over,spend time: 378.43044447898865 第6个主题 analysis data start 第6个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA start 第6个主题的单词分布,取权重最高的前7个词: ['covid', 'midterms', 'midterm', 'biden', 'elections', 'pandemic', 'com'] 第6个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA over,spend time: 2.292194128036499 第6个主题 step2:save word2vec model start 第6个主题 step2:save word2vec model over,spend time: 24.541336059570312 第6个主题 step3:thematic analysis start 第6个主题词前20个相似词: [['hives', 'combines', 'newest', 'reinfect', 'supporternone', 'godzilla', 'delta', 'meddling', 'democracy', 'stealth', 'mepbkzos', 'discovered', 'preserving', 'emerging', 'comcorporate', 'headway', 'coincide', 'watters', 'httpstheblaze', 'walloped'], ['trying', 'need', 'bang', 'excuse', 'lifetimes', 'keep', 'crank', 'swap', 'pizza', 'orgthe', 'doubts', 'cheating', 'fear', 'frustrations', 'electronic', 'generic', 'porn', 'unsolicited', 'necessitating', 'rig'], ['kowtow', 'comwatchvgt', 'httpsdailynewsupdate', 'ihu', 'comwatchvgqieefdknm', 'foramerica', 'neways', 'comstorynewspoliticsgubernatorial', 'fallmidterm', 'paranoid', 'emergence', 'unwelcome', 'splicetoday', 'mysteriously', 'bowls', 'wizard', 'bcmidterm', 'replentishrrf', 'alzgb', 'democr'], ['joe', 'politico', 'bloomberg', 'consequential', 'president', 'newsmax', 'dailycaller', 'tests', 'dbdnsmailjobdsacsdktnbrbgq', 'politicususa', 'reddit', 'compoliticsjoe', 'associated', 'says', 'theepochtimes', 'imperiling', 'forecasts', 'advocate', 'administration', 'sounding'], ['uni', 'renamed', 'bestie', 'variant', 'fanatic', 'conclusions', 'election', 'electionsutmsourcedlvr', 'dictates', 'bait', 'economyus', 'httpusnews', 'unionization', 'hijinks', 'debates', 'patriotpost', 'flaky', 'starters', 'schoolchoice', 'irony'], ['regime', 'declares', 'adjustment', 'resurgence', 'invisibly', 'tabletmag', 'gateway', 'buzz', 'backtrack', 'newyou', 'townhall', 'expected', 'newstarget', 'predicts', 'blown', 'millennial', 'mediaite', 'httpsthealteran', 'blabber', 'fitter'], ['thehill', 'nbcnews', 'washingtonexaminer', 'foxnews', 'news', 'breitbart', 'dailycaller', 'abcnews', 'theepochtimes', 'beckernews', 'washingtonpost', 'trendingpolitics', 'trutfreedom', 'fauci', 'youtube', 'prompts', 'newsbreak', 'thegatewaypundit', 'lifesitenews', 'dailywire']] 第6个主题 step3:thematic analysis over,spend time: 0.6386444568634033 第6个主题 step4:tene and plot start

第6个主题 step4:tene and plot over,spend time: 8.785953760147095 第6个主题 analysis data over,spend time: 36.2970871925354

用时: 2044.6749305725098 mkdir /kaggle/working/midterm_COVID/all ''' 4.1 能将csv分析了,用于直接对全部csv分析 ''' import os import re import time import gensim import nltk import numpy as np from gensim import corpora from gensim.models import Word2Vec from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from nltk import data, pos_tag from sklearn.manifold import TSNE import matplotlib.cm as cm import warnings from matplotlib.axes._axes import _log as matplotlib_axes_logger import pandas as pd


def extract_column_data(file_url, file_handle_url, content_column, column_name): print("第%s个主题 extract column data start" % (i + 1)) start = time.time()

# 初始化
    if os.path.isfile(file_handle_url) and os.path.getsize(file_handle_url):#如果有这个文件且不为空就删除
# 1.读取数据
openfile = open(file_url, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
# file_dataframe = pd.read_csv(openfile,encoding='utf-8')
file_dataframe = pd.read_csv(openfile, encoding='utf-8')
# 2.筛选数据
file_dataframe = file_dataframe.loc[:, column_name]#提取列
file_dataframe.drop_duplicates(subset= [content_column], keep='first', inplace=True)#去重
# 3.保存数据
# 4.关闭文件

end = time.time()
print("第%s个主题 extract column data over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end - start)


def clean_data(file_handle_url, stopwords_url, content_column): print("第%s个主题 clean data start" % (i + 1)) start = time.time()

# 定义正则表达式
def clean_email_text(text):
    text = text.replace('\n', " ")  # 新行,我们是不需要的
    text = text.lower()  # 转换为小写
    text = re.sub(r"-", " ", text)  # 把 "-" 的两个单词,分开。(比如:july-edu ==> july edu)
    text = re.sub(r"'", " ", text)  # 把 "'" 的两个单词,分开。(比如:It's ==> It s)分开后,s识别为名词了
    text = text.replace('.' or ',' or '(' or ')' or '?', " ")  # 标点符号,没有意义
    text = re.sub(r"\d+/\d+/\d+", "", text)  # 日期,对主体模型没什么意义
    text = re.sub(r"[0-2]?[0-9]:[0-6][0-9]", "", text)  # 时间,没意义
    text = re.sub(r"[\w]+@[\.\w]+", "", text)  # 邮件地址,没意义
    text = re.sub(r"/[a-zA-Z]*[:\//\]*[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+\.+[A-Za-z0-9\.\/%&=\?\-_]+/i", "", text)  # 网址,没意义
    text = re.sub(r"[\u4E00-\u9FA5]+", "", text)
    text = re.sub(r"\d?.\d", "", text) # 删除2.1这类数字
    text = re.sub(r"\d","",text) # 删除数字

    # 再把单个字母和两个字母去掉,只留下字母和空格,把特殊字符过滤掉
    pure_text = ''
    for letter in text:
        if letter.isalpha() or letter == ' ':
            pure_text += letter
    text = ' '.join(word for word in pure_text.split() if len(word) > 2) # <class 'str'>

    # 词性标注
    doclist = str(text).strip(' ').strip("'").strip('"').strip(',').split(',') # str转list .strip(' ').strip("'").strip('"').strip(',').split(',')
    doclist = [word for word, tag in pos_tag(doclist) if tag in ["NN", "NNP", "NNS", 'VB', 'VBD', 'VBG', 'VBN', 'VBP', 'VBZ']]  # 词性标注,提取名词,doclist:list , 'VB', 'VBD', 'VBG', 'VBN', 'VBP', 'VBZ'
    text = "".join(doclist) # list转str

    return text
# 定义停用词
def stopword():
    stopwords = [word.strip() for word in open(stopwords_url, 'r', encoding='utf-8').readlines()]
    # 每一封邮件都有星期和月份,这里也把他们过滤掉
    weeks = ['monday', 'mon', 'tuesday', 'tues', 'wednesday', 'wed', 'thursday', 'thur', 'friday', 'fri',
             'sat', 'sunday', 'sun']
    months = ['jan', 'january', 'feb', 'february', 'mar', 'march', 'apr', 'april', 'may', 'jun', 'june', 'jul', \
              'july', 'aug', 'august', 'sept', 'september', 'oct', 'october', 'nov', 'november', 'dec', 'december']
    stoplist = stopwords + weeks + months + ['am', 'pm']
    return stoplist
# 1.读取数据
openfile = open(file_handle_url, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8')
file_handle_dataframe = pd.read_csv(openfile, encoding = 'utf-8') # <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
# 2.清洗数据
docs_series = file_handle_dataframe[content_column].apply(lambda s: clean_email_text(s)) # 选取content_column列进行清洗 <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
docslist = [[word for word in doc.lower().split() if word not in stopword()] for doc in docs_series.values] # 去除停用词 <class 'list'>
# 3.关闭文件

end = time.time()
print("第%s个主题 clean data over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end - start)

return docslist


def analysis_data(docslist, result_url, keyword_number, similarword_number, needword_number): print("第%s个主题 analysis data start" % (i + 1)) start = time.time()

# 定义主题词抽取模型(文本转词向量,训练LDA模型,提供主题词)
def doc2bow_LDA(docslist, file, number, i):
    start0 = time.time()

    print("第%s个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA start" % (i + 1))
    dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(docslist)
    corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in docslist]
    lda = gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=1)
    result = lda.print_topic(0, topn=number)  # 输出前 number 个主题词及概率
    result = re.compile(r'\b[a-zA-Z]+\b', re.I).findall(result)  # 清洗掉概率
    print("第%s个主题的单词分布,取权重最高的前%d个词: " % (i + 1, number) + str(result))
    file.write("第%s个主题的单词分布,取权重最高的前%d个词" % (i + 1, number) + '\n' + str(result) + '\n')

    end0 = time.time()
    print("第%s个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end0 - start0)
    return result
# 定义词向量空间模型
def word2vec_model(docslist, i):
    start0 = time.time()

    print("第%s个主题 step2:save word2vec model start" % (i + 1))
    train_model = Word2Vec(docslist, vector_size=1024, window=5, min_count=1, workers=4)
    train_model.save(model_url+'%s_MyModel' % i)
    train_model.wv.save_word2vec_format(model_url+'%s_mymodels.txt' % i, binary=False)

    end0 = time.time()
    print("第%s个主题 step2:save word2vec model over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end0 - start0)
# 定义相似词模型
def thematic_analysis(file, result, number, i):
    start0 = time.time()

    print("第%s个主题 step3:thematic analysis start" % (i + 1))
    model = Word2Vec.load(model_url+'%s_MyModel' % i)
    keys = result

    word_clusters0 = []
    embedding_clusters = []
    word_clusters = []
    for word in keys:
        embeddings0 = []
        words0 = []
        for similar_word, _ in model.wv.most_similar(word, topn=needword_number):  # 根据余弦相似度求相似词
            words0.append(similar_word)  # 末尾添加对象,保存相似词
            embeddings0.append(model.wv[similar_word])  # 保存相似词的词向量
        embeddings = []
        words = []
        for similar_word, _ in model.wv.most_similar(word, topn=number):  # 根据余弦相似度求相似词
            words.append(similar_word)  # 末尾添加对象,保存相似词
            embeddings.append(model.wv[similar_word])  # 保存相似词的词向量

    print("第%s个主题词前%d个相似词: " % ((i+1),needword_number),word_clusters0)
    file.write('\n' + str(word_clusters0))

    end0 = time.time()
    print("第%s个主题 step3:thematic analysis over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end0 - start0)
    return word_clusters, embedding_clusters
# 定义降维可视化模型
def tsne_plot_similar_words(title, labels, embedding_clusters, word_clusters, a, filename=None):
    start0 = time.time()

    print("第%s个主题 step4:tene and plot start" % (i + 1))
    embedding_clusters = np.array(embedding_clusters)  # 数据类型为多维数组
    n, m, k = embedding_clusters.shape  # 获取三维数组 n*m*k ,k个组,每组有n行m列
    tsne_model_en_2d = TSNE(perplexity=15, n_components=2, init='pca', n_iter=3500, random_state=32,
                            min_grad_norm=1E-4)  # tsne初始化。perplexity:浮点型,默认30,不敏感, n_components:空间维度,默认为2, init:pca比random初始化稳定, n_iter:优化的最大迭代次数,至少应该200, random_state:伪随机数发生器种子控制
    embeddings_en_2d = np.array(tsne_model_en_2d.fit_transform(embedding_clusters.reshape(n * m, k))).reshape(n, m,

    plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))
    colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(labels)))
    for label, embeddings, words, color in zip(labels, embeddings_en_2d, word_clusters, colors):
        x = embeddings[:, 0]
        y = embeddings[:, 1]
        plt.scatter(x, y, c=color, alpha=a, label=label)
        for j, word in enumerate(words):
            plt.annotate(word, alpha=0.5, xy=(x[j], y[j]), xytext=(5, 2),
                         textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', size=8)
    if filename:
        plt.savefig(filename, format='png', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight')

    end0 = time.time()
    print("第%s个主题 step4:tene and plot over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end0 - start0)

# 初始化
result = []
with open(result_url, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:#有时清空文本,没有时创建文本
# 1.读取数据
file = open(result_url, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
# 2.主题分析
result = doc2bow_LDA(docslist, file, keyword_number, i) # 词向量化并选出前 keyword_number 主题词
word2vec_model(docslist, i) # 保存模型
word_clusters, embedding_clusters = thematic_analysis(file, result, similarword_number, i) # 余弦相似度选出前 similarword_number 个词
tsne_plot_similar_words('theme:%s keyword:%d similarwords:%d' % ((i+1), keyword_number, similarword_number), result, embedding_clusters, word_clusters, 0.7, model_url+'%s.%d.%d.png' % (i, keyword_number,similarword_number))
# 3.关闭文件

end = time.time()
print("第%s个主题 analysis data over,spend time:" % (i + 1), end - start)


folderurl = '/kaggle/working/midterm_COVID/all/' readcsv = '/kaggle/input/midterm-covid/221012_midterm_COVID_2022-01-01_2022-10-10.csv' # (17690, 9)

keyword_number = 7 # 主题词个数 similarword_number = 50 # 需要plt相似词个数 needword_number = 20 # 需要write相似词个数 stopwords_url = '/kaggle/input/stopwords/stopwords.txt' # 停用词 file_url = readcsv model_url = folderurl column_name = ['UserName', 'Embedded_text'] # 需要提取列的列名 content_column = 'Embedded_text' # 关注的内容列

if name == 'main': startall = time.time()

# 初始化

for i in range(1):
    # 传参
    # file_url = '../data/221006_midterm_election_taiwan_2022-01-01_2022-10-01.csv'
    file_handle_url = folderurl + 'file_handle.csv'  # 筛选列后的文件
    result_url = folderurl + 'thematic_analysis_result.txt'  # 主题词
    # file_url = '../result/midterm_election_communist_party/all/%s%s.csv' %(i,i)  # 原始文件
    # file_handle_url = '../result/midterm_election_communist_party/all/%s%s%s_file_handle.csv' %(i,i,i)  # 筛选列后的文件
    # result_url = '../result/midterm_election_communist_party/all/%s%s%s%s_thematic_analysis_result.txt' %(i,i,i,i)  # 主题词

    # 筛选列数据为数据处理文件
    extract_column_data(file_url, file_handle_url, content_column, column_name)
    # step2:清洗数据
    docslist = clean_data(file_handle_url, stopwords_url, content_column)
    # step3:主题分析
    analysis_data(docslist, result_url, keyword_number, similarword_number, needword_number)
endall = time.time()
print("用时:", endall - startall)

第1个主题 extract column data start 第1个主题 extract column data over,spend time: 0.42976999282836914 第1个主题 clean data start 第1个主题 clean data over,spend time: 409.45380759239197 第1个主题 analysis data start 第1个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA start 第1个主题的单词分布,取权重最高的前7个词: ['covid', 'midterms', 'midterm', 'biden', 'elections', 'democrats', 'pandemic'] 第1个主题 step1:doc2bow and LDA over,spend time: 2.5367207527160645 第1个主题 step2:save word2vec model start 第1个主题 step2:save word2vec model over,spend time: 32.909425020217896 第1个主题 step3:thematic analysis start 第1个主题词前20个相似词: [['year', 'crucial', 'arrived', 'hyping', 'invisibly', 'leftelite', 'kronews', 'suspects', 'lmv', 'godzilla', 'resurface', 'faridjalali', 'midnight', 'electionwiz', 'schiffilis', 'choosing', 'emerge', 'waiting', 'glide', 'httpspatriotpost'], ['monkey', 'pox', 'promote', 'mentions', 'trying', 'use', 'excuse', 'universalhealthcare', 'scapegoat', 'orgthe', 'bang', 'postal', 'incase', 'httpsisrapundit', 'covet', 'reliable', 'scare', 'vengeance', 'libertylockpod', 'fear'], ['warroompandemic', 'metoo', 'danielusa', 'impactresearch', 'vanish', 'tine', 'smdh', 'mysteriously', 'adopt', 'httptoi', 'mymk', 'floydcovid', 'planneddemic', 'sidelined', 'jorgealbafl', 'climateaction', 'governos', 'bethlinas', 'fallmidterm', 'comwatchvgt'], ['president', 'politico', 'abcpolitics', 'associated', 'bloomberg', 'businessinsider', 'dodges', 'joe', 'httpspoliti', 'former', 'press', 'surpasses', 'melts', 'vice', 'featured', 'globally', 'extends', 'spoke', 'asleep', 'charlottesville'], ['election', 'unleashabluewave', 'tobacco', 'ratchet', 'electionsutmsourcedlvr', 'blowout', 'resolving', 'diligence', 'patriotpost', 'proclaim', 'newswars', 'disenchantment', 'jsmit', 'thechenabtimes', 'variant', 'ighaworth', 'salgoldstarfa', 'badgerbradhawk', 'hunterbidenlaptop', 'bruising'], ['used', 'search', 'iowa', 'help', 'rootforamerica', 'inventions', 'mock', 'spell', 'invent', 'prematurely', 'newsweek', 'safest', 'fabricating', 'novembers', 'democratshateamerica', 'disregard', 'dearly', 'theblaze', 'script', 'ronna'], ['declares', 'myfo', 'iheart', 'httpsfb', 'newsbreak', 'gettr', 'blown', 'emergencyid', 'podcastaddict', 'yahoo', 'says', 'wpti', 'lifesitenews', 'googlenews', 'httpsdailycaller', 'apnews', 'compoliticsflorida', 'hannity', 'dailywire', 'issuing']] 第1个主题 step3:thematic analysis over,spend time: 0.7980248928070068 第1个主题 step4:tene and plot start

第1个主题 step4:tene and plot over,spend time: 8.410030841827393 第1个主题 analysis data over,spend time: 44.71542572975159

用时: 454.6370108127594 ''' 5.能对人名出现次数进行排序了 ''' import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import time


folderurl = '/kaggle/working/midterm_COVID/all/' readcsv = '/kaggle/input/midterm-covid/221012_midterm_COVID_2022-01-01_2022-10-10.csv' # (17690, 9)

youwant = 'UserName' writetxt = folderurl + 'num2username.txt' numnum = 2 # 需要重复几次以上才导出

if name == 'main': start = time.time()

# 1.读取文件
tx = open(readcsv, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
df = pd.read_csv(tx, encoding='utf-8')

# 2.选择要排序的列名
df.drop_duplicates(subset='Embedded_text', keep='first', inplace=True) # 去重
Cname = df[youwant].values
num = np.array(range(0, len(Cname)))  # 开辟空间用于记录每个人名重复出现次数
space = range(0, len(Cname))
space = pd.DataFrame(space, columns=['UserName'])

# 3.记录重复次数
for i in range(len(Cname)):
    k = 0  # 记录次数
    for j in range(len(Cname)):
        if (Cname[i] == Cname[j]):
            space['UserName'][i] = Cname[j]
            k = k + 1
            k = k
    num[i] = k

# 4.组合成一个dataframe
num = pd.DataFrame(data=num, columns=['num'])
frame = [space, num]  # concat进行两个dataframe合并
result = pd.concat(frame, axis=1)  # axis=1为向右连接,  =0 为向下连接
result = result.drop_duplicates('UserName',keep='first')  # 去除重复行
result = result.sort_values(by='num', ascending=False) # 默认升序,降序补ascending=False
result = result.reset_index(drop=True) # 修改索引 为升序,即最左边的01234。 <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

# 4.写入数据
if not os.path.exists(writetxt):
    os.system(r"touch {}".format(os.path))  # 调用系统命令行来创建文件
with open(writetxt, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:  # 有时清空文本
txt = open(writetxt, 'w')
aa = result['num'] # <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
bb = result['UserName']
for i in range(len(aa)):
    if int(aa[i] > numnum):
        print('UserName:', bb[i], ' , ', 'num:', aa[i])# 查看写入内容
        txt.write('UserName: ' + str(bb[i]) + ' , ' + 'num: ' + str(aa[i]) + '\n')

end = time.time()
print("用时:", end - start)
           UserName  num

0 @QuealyJ 213 1 @ElectNPol 74 2 @DemocratVideos 71 3 @LostDiva 60 4 @myrabatchelder 39 ... ... ... 13572 @SeanDowey 1 13573 @HyperNova85 1 13574 @AuthorDavidSto1 1 13575 @William54365597 1 13576 @alt_brainnews 1

[13577 rows x 2 columns] UserName: @QuealyJ , num: 213 UserName: @ElectNPol , num: 74 UserName: @DemocratVideos , num: 71 UserName: @LostDiva , num: 60 UserName: @myrabatchelder , num: 39 UserName: @thomvolz , num: 32 UserName: @jhosker01 , num: 27 UserName: @chrisoldcorn , num: 25 UserName: @jasonorton420 , num: 19 UserName: @br0wnmcse , num: 17 UserName: @TheMAGAWatch , num: 16 UserName: @bfry1981 , num: 15 UserName: @cbinflux , num: 14 UserName: @MiguelD05144897 , num: 13 UserName: @rudtmarg , num: 13 UserName: @DerekCBeland , num: 12 UserName: @ladyozma , num: 12 UserName: @RonNjPoetry , num: 12 UserName: @StuShoes18 , num: 11 UserName: @Riot2Pat , num: 11 UserName: @highroadsaloon , num: 11 UserName: @EDCNP , num: 11 UserName: @G_Commish , num: 11 UserName: @1KAG007 , num: 11 UserName: @crucifriar , num: 11 UserName: @MaureenWChen1 , num: 11 UserName: @douglasritz , num: 10 UserName: @RLR2190 , num: 10 UserName: @CookStevenD , num: 10 UserName: @gardengirl778 , num: 10 UserName: @toneron2 , num: 9 UserName: @micgavjr , num: 9 UserName: @GulfVet4life , num: 9 UserName: @worldnewsguru , num: 9 UserName: @DanielRollTide , num: 9 UserName: @CuzUAintMe2 , num: 9 UserName: @theworlds3nd , num: 9 UserName: @rightwingnorcal , num: 9 UserName: @TedS9146 , num: 9 UserName: @BigDogGrunt , num: 9 UserName: @robinsoped101 , num: 9 UserName: @CaputoStephanie , num: 8 UserName: @THEjoevols , num: 8 UserName: @BSdetector , num: 8 UserName: @scott_squires , num: 8 UserName: @Trumpster20 , num: 8 UserName: @JRRoss925 , num: 8 UserName: @missiongirl4 , num: 8 UserName: @TosaBookNerd , num: 8 UserName: @usajoejrp34 , num: 8 UserName: @DissentFu , num: 8 UserName: @donf0615 , num: 8 UserName: @Greg__Clark , num: 8 UserName: @BravoCompany66 , num: 8 UserName: @themilwaukeemob , num: 8 UserName: @kylenabecker , num: 8 UserName: @kensgal3 , num: 8 UserName: @MGPalmer2 , num: 8 UserName: @Truth2Freedom , num: 7 UserName: @Taylorwriter2 , num: 7 UserName: @Robotsonprozac , num: 7 UserName: @ShaunORourke5 , num: 7 UserName: @JohnRay19253449 , num: 7 UserName: @Musex58475389 , num: 7 UserName: @Liat_RO , num: 7 UserName: @mykola , num: 7 UserName: @dcexaminer , num: 7 UserName: @robinsoped201 , num: 7 UserName: @DawnLisa9 , num: 7 UserName: @LoboGerda , num: 7 UserName: @califnative4 , num: 7 UserName: @HunterZ0 , num: 7 UserName: @EssayHelpCorner , num: 7 UserName: @medicinehelp , num: 7 UserName: @NancyK07312478 , num: 7 UserName: @Cruz_Lip_Thing , num: 7 UserName: @LangmanVince , num: 6 UserName: @Mi_Astronauta , num: 6 UserName: @PatrickTucker15 , num: 6 UserName: @Denlesks , num: 6 UserName: @InsanityCrushr2 , num: 6 UserName: @Patriota81 , num: 6 UserName: @BTCTugBoat , num: 6 UserName: @submandave , num: 6 UserName: @TheRightAva , num: 6 UserName: @TeamVeteran , num: 6 UserName: @teambernie27001 , num: 6 UserName: @greg06897 , num: 6 UserName: @JohnstonShow , num: 6 UserName: @GaryGage13 , num: 6 UserName: @Prop215Patient , num: 6 UserName: @AngryLeaf1 , num: 6 UserName: @mskathleenquinn , num: 6 UserName: @JustinRozell , num: 6 UserName: @MorningConsult , num: 6 UserName: @ElAmerican , num: 6 UserName: @govt45701 , num: 6 UserName: @AMC65023796 , num: 6 UserName: @advisorrob , num: 6 UserName: @RePUGlican14 , num: 6 UserName: @web_rant , num: 6 UserName: @OpinionToday , num: 6 UserName: @beadsland , num: 6 UserName: @uca79 , num: 5 UserName: @RichardDeLaGar4 , num: 5 UserName: @TimHulett9 , num: 5 UserName: @RightSpeaknet , num: 5 UserName: @JanetPageHill , num: 5 UserName: @kingarthrowe , num: 5 UserName: @Jaques1Bar , num: 5 UserName: @mzungu56 , num: 5 UserName: @GeorgeA66874203 , num: 5 UserName: @Anaximandeos , num: 5 UserName: @soma77 , num: 5 UserName: @politic_talks , num: 5 UserName: @Richard97859136 , num: 5 UserName: @katerina_wild , num: 5 UserName: @badkitty251 , num: 5 UserName: @ReturnNormalcy , num: 5 UserName: @Brewsterlala , num: 5 UserName: @Illusionist999 , num: 5 UserName: @mcnorski , num: 5 UserName: @DanCook26214426 , num: 5 UserName: @Jimuhl4 , num: 5 UserName: @MMCOWRD , num: 5 UserName: @DaveLovesGolf , num: 5 UserName: @BigLance111 , num: 5 UserName: @AntiGlobalism , num: 5 UserName: @AllyKeyLime , num: 5 UserName: @dankellytweets , num: 5 UserName: @DonEford , num: 5 UserName: @cassidyllc , num: 5 UserName: @horny_antifa , num: 5 UserName: @GlenPGulick1 , num: 5 UserName: @MarcuswevansSr , num: 5 UserName: @nothin_was_left , num: 5 UserName: @TheChefsGardens , num: 5 UserName: @Rasmussen_Poll , num: 5 UserName: @ybarrap , num: 5 UserName: @WeThePeople021 , num: 5 UserName: @mgogel , num: 5 UserName: @GraSocephyie529 , num: 5 UserName: @Dreamweasel , num: 5 UserName: @CifJamestown , num: 5 UserName: @TheSkylineTrail , num: 5 UserName: @Steel3124 , num: 5 UserName: @ShiftiGina , num: 5 UserName: @ooogaRTR , num: 5 UserName: @MullingMueller , num: 5 UserName: @WalkerBragman , num: 5 UserName: @mike62676 , num: 5 UserName: @futureicon , num: 5 UserName: @graydonb , num: 5 UserName: @kendall6699 , num: 5 UserName: @NoFear , num: 5 UserName: @LaughAtLefties , num: 5 UserName: @QuorumCall , num: 5 UserName: @reneb865 , num: 5 UserName: @gdlovgren , num: 5 UserName: @robinsnewswire , num: 5 UserName: @BLCKD_COMPlLLD , num: 5 UserName: @AnnaJohnson8732 , num: 5 UserName: @HopefulPatriots , num: 5 UserName: @Phiedeaux , num: 5 UserName: @afr52 , num: 5 UserName: @RidleyDM , num: 4 UserName: @igrushki , num: 4 UserName: @SamLace65948404 , num: 4 UserName: @DebAnn39317840 , num: 4 UserName: @vastleft , num: 4 UserName: @olderbutwiser20 , num: 4 UserName: @breezynsaucy22 , num: 4 UserName: @AGoodJake4sure , num: 4 UserName: @hypnoksa , num: 4 UserName: @TaraServatius , num: 4 UserName: @mswyrr , num: 4 UserName: @Phyllis94584953 , num: 4 UserName: @alexisb7 , num: 4 UserName: @TomMagnum_Pi , num: 4 UserName: @JackEBEAR3 , num: 4 UserName: @wherewereweb4 , num: 4 UserName: @TNjhd , num: 4 UserName: @dalatindiva , num: 4 UserName: @tennischick38 , num: 4 UserName: @bassgaljudy14 , num: 4 UserName: @bunnyofdoom1974 , num: 4 UserName: @LadyBookworm117 , num: 4 UserName: @69L46 , num: 4 UserName: @xbrooklynite21 , num: 4 UserName: @Gary04317416 , num: 4 UserName: @Matthew37973809 , num: 4 UserName: @RedBison , num: 4 UserName: @peaklifestyle , num: 4 UserName: @MikeM33960785 , num: 4 UserName: @survivalnomics , num: 4 UserName: @pRockTheRock , num: 4 UserName: @gran4702 , num: 4 UserName: @rwands64 , num: 4 UserName: @RN21_Salamanca , num: 4 UserName: @bluevirginia , num: 4 UserName: @EndureResolute , num: 4 UserName: @Cledoux4 , num: 4 UserName: @trevwat20 , num: 4 UserName: @garrido_sr , num: 4 UserName: @HughThunkIt , num: 4 UserName: @Holly2360 , num: 4 UserName: @drbennett66 , num: 4 UserName: @HTallmann , num: 4 UserName: @6qCreative , num: 4 UserName: @Welnesschick , num: 4 UserName: @iowemysoul , num: 4 UserName: @sanalnly , num: 4 UserName: @jblackie01 , num: 4 UserName: @Mightymouth5413 , num: 4 UserName: @ucanfugawf , num: 4 UserName: @astanaboy , num: 4 UserName: @phippsdwight1 , num: 4 UserName: @newsmax , num: 4 UserName: @SHEPMJS , num: 4 UserName: @LazarusLong13 , num: 4 UserName: @GreekGuyinMA , num: 4 UserName: @BillBobb19 , num: 4 UserName: @hellapoised , num: 4 UserName: @bonedaddybadass , num: 4 UserName: @3054Trump , num: 4 UserName: @vet_dot , num: 4 UserName: @LastGreatAct , num: 4 UserName: @FreedomFirst1st , num: 4 UserName: @RealNeilC , num: 4 UserName: @nextdoorsv , num: 4 UserName: @matrixxremix , num: 4 UserName: @CryptidPolitics , num: 4 UserName: @Puffwoody , num: 4 UserName: @EddieZipperer , num: 4 UserName: @PDaniel_1776 , num: 4 UserName: @RealSaltySlim , num: 4 UserName: @krupda42 , num: 4 UserName: @sconley00 , num: 4 UserName: @PollyannaRabbit , num: 4 UserName: @ZKAT814 , num: 4 UserName: @ifshesaidso , num: 4 UserName: @inittogether6 , num: 4 UserName: @AxonSongs , num: 4 UserName: @kirkmurphy , num: 4 UserName: @BickerinBrattle , num: 4 UserName: @gary37h , num: 4 UserName: @derekdob , num: 4 UserName: @ann_mcnitt , num: 4 UserName: @wsbgnl , num: 4 UserName: @foxnewsradio , num: 4 UserName: @Brent67370505 , num: 4 UserName: @Alfred_StatesX , num: 4 UserName: @MfgTrue , num: 4 UserName: @Imwithherb , num: 4 UserName: @lovingit111 , num: 4 UserName: @DrewThomasAllen , num: 4 UserName: @calvin_herion , num: 4 UserName: @RGC_BPPA , num: 4 UserName: @MichaelWaltrip1 , num: 4 UserName: @HowardAulsbrook , num: 4 UserName: @Frances80016084 , num: 4 UserName: @DrJakeBaker , num: 4 UserName: @ctdsara , num: 4 UserName: @ChloeWEARMASK , num: 4 UserName: @KerbyEmery , num: 4 UserName: @JustMe73forAll , num: 4 UserName: @JohnErniePhan , num: 4 UserName: @BobMcIntyre53 , num: 4 UserName: @RickLove040870 , num: 4 UserName: @kingjamesduran , num: 4 UserName: @TomiLahren , num: 4 UserName: @Anthony33760347 , num: 4 UserName: @JamieRJN , num: 4 UserName: @RobertS52525703 , num: 4 UserName: @FillingTea , num: 4 UserName: @DarinWilliamSc1 , num: 4 UserName: @AlexisBadenMaye , num: 4 UserName: @20_20foresite , num: 4 UserName: @cujo_wilson , num: 4 UserName: @realDillonEvans , num: 4 UserName: @zatara2010 , num: 4 UserName: @Jacquel84082489 , num: 4 UserName: @robertthedonut , num: 4 UserName: @John71Kee , num: 4 UserName: @bladdyblahblahb , num: 4 UserName: @JDunlap1974 , num: 3 UserName: @real_DRN , num: 3 UserName: @iealondon , num: 3 UserName: @donaldstrzesze3 , num: 3 UserName: @BayTroop , num: 3 UserName: @purplediscomove , num: 3 UserName: @TechHelp , num: 3 UserName: @MrDannyTeal , num: 3 UserName: @freedominfo716 , num: 3 UserName: @Guillotines_US , num: 3 UserName: @BrooklynGirl , num: 3 UserName: @MfromPa , num: 3 UserName: @Cyclingwarrior , num: 3 UserName: @bigdogpjt , num: 3 UserName: @johnnie_torch , num: 3 UserName: @JerseyMo66 , num: 3 UserName: @legallymom2 , num: 3 UserName: @Kimuntu1 , num: 3 UserName: @realTuckFrumper , num: 3 UserName: @LynneM54909830 , num: 3 UserName: @Outkick , num: 3 UserName: @kevin_ownbey , num: 3 UserName: @hawkangel2019 , num: 3 UserName: @chimera246 , num: 3 UserName: @sr_seymore , num: 3 UserName: @FreeBeerMoney1 , num: 3 UserName: @kingcarlin3 , num: 3 UserName: @Hellcats4all , num: 3 UserName: @Live2teachLives , num: 3 UserName: @plumcrazyz28 , num: 3 UserName: @Ferric242 , num: 3 UserName: @fucklongcovid , num: 3 UserName: @Musclecar42100A , num: 3 UserName: @AmberGreene4GA , num: 3 UserName: @ReubenR80027912 , num: 3 UserName: @The_Real_BV , num: 3 UserName: @SomeGuyNamedRod , num: 3 UserName: @RedwoodStrong10 , num: 3 UserName: @MelanieAlex62 , num: 3 UserName: @CitizenJane1001 , num: 3 UserName: @JustinH67843370 , num: 3 UserName: @freeusanow9111 , num: 3 UserName: @KINGTRUMPUSLIAR , num: 3 UserName: @BondActivations , num: 3 UserName: @Yonadav7 , num: 3 UserName: @jilevin , num: 3 UserName: @HeyBooBoo16 , num: 3 UserName: @geraldcelente , num: 3 UserName: @RHelfenbein , num: 3 UserName: @baileyjer , num: 3 UserName: @ValleyForge76 , num: 3 UserName: @the360five , num: 3 UserName: @Adamant_Patriot , num: 3 UserName: @PaulZ03341351 , num: 3 UserName: @tops03009354 , num: 3 UserName: @BJCollins131 , num: 3 UserName: @bbelding , num: 3 UserName: @1989JR93230 , num: 3 UserName: @Keptopolarbear , num: 3 UserName: @ babycatcalla , num: 3 UserName: @Specialk186 , num: 3 UserName: @lacunalingua_3 , num: 3 UserName: @coconservative7 , num: 3 UserName: @Cyberskout99 , num: 3 UserName: @patrioticmama45 , num: 3 UserName: @tj_alias , num: 3 UserName: @MikeBerrry1 , num: 3 UserName: @AP , num: 3 UserName: @JacqueMehoff1 , num: 3 UserName: @digital_trav , num: 3 UserName: @Adelaide6209905 , num: 3 UserName: @Marlow3456 , num: 3 UserName: @ladyminerals , num: 3 UserName: @RobertK19608257 , num: 3 UserName: @TrumpKc , num: 3 UserName: @K4yj2ixh3ImrT7o , num: 3 UserName: @HydraBadger , num: 3 UserName: @spicoli_69 , num: 3 UserName: @chinahand , num: 3 UserName: @DrPeteHouseCall , num: 3 UserName: @SalSuppertime , num: 3 UserName: @gfp3 , num: 3 UserName: @sueq313 , num: 3 UserName: @MayhemMonza , num: 3 UserName: @browneyegirl400 , num: 3 UserName: @BakerWylie , num: 3 UserName: @sagcast452 , num: 3 UserName: @heatherwritesss , num: 3 UserName: @Incindery1 , num: 3 UserName: @JustinDRosario , num: 3 UserName: @House16Power , num: 3 UserName: @KaydeeKing , num: 3 UserName: @Francis48610669 , num: 3 UserName: @RehtoricalKing , num: 3 UserName: @LACaldwellDC , num: 3 UserName: @FredoLives , num: 3 UserName: @TheEastSideNews , num: 3 UserName: @Sunshinelove68 , num: 3 UserName: @JamesMc35090762 , num: 3 UserName: @bryreagan , num: 3 UserName: @AtmZelenskis , num: 3 UserName: @darryl_banta , num: 3 UserName: @BezhikZagidiwin , num: 3 UserName: @TerenceCreagh , num: 3 UserName: @DaveDaucher , num: 3 UserName: @RobertSubee , num: 3 UserName: @alizardx , num: 3 UserName: @politico , num: 3 UserName: @paperboynyc , num: 3 UserName: @TruncatedJest , num: 3 UserName: @marygribbin809 , num: 3 UserName: @shawnpisteySC , num: 3 UserName: @tsn_says , num: 3 UserName: @ScottyDMiami , num: 3 UserName: @dianamee , num: 3 UserName: @ziggywilde , num: 3 UserName: @yosoundman , num: 3 UserName: @gregblake1 , num: 3 UserName: @WhirledPeas9 , num: 3 UserName: @RusssBuchanan , num: 3 UserName: @DG40726730 , num: 3 UserName: @wilson_hugh , num: 3 UserName: @ShortSqueezed1 , num: 3 UserName: @Kstair21 , num: 3 UserName: @truthaddict76 , num: 3 UserName: Abby Kate@Welove our country!!! , num: 3 UserName: @OSINT220 , num: 3 UserName: @RealCalvin1 , num: 3 UserName: @BRCollins5 , num: 3 UserName: @DataJunkie , num: 3 UserName: @SouthFloridaJoe , num: 3 UserName: @Cincinnatus56 , num: 3 UserName: @ArmchairBrain , num: 3 UserName: @realginnyrobins , num: 3 UserName: @JosephFordCotto , num: 3 UserName: @Gracie5111 , num: 3 UserName: @ZaZon9253 , num: 3 UserName: @RandallBurns5 , num: 3 UserName: @The74 , num: 3 UserName: @ZupancicJareen , num: 3 UserName: @creb121 , num: 3 UserName: @TrueCrimePoli , num: 3 UserName: @pennicotler , num: 3 UserName: @CChereseu , num: 3 UserName: @stratosphere53 , num: 3 UserName: @TPBlue4 , num: 3 UserName: @DeeAubree , num: 3 UserName: @LABeachGal1 , num: 3 UserName: @TalkShowAmerica , num: 3 UserName: @verumipsum , num: 3 UserName: @JamesBradleyCA , num: 3 UserName: @PhoneInvestor , num: 3 UserName: @_ExcaliburGold , num: 3 UserName: @bms_bmc , num: 3 UserName: @JustStevie66 , num: 3 UserName: @elliemaygottasa , num: 3 UserName: @RickCar73942412 , num: 3 UserName: @RSRadioPod , num: 3 UserName: @nettermike , num: 3 UserName: @WilliaminCA , num: 3 UserName: @DeSantisFan2024 , num: 3 UserName: @MisterCommodity , num: 3 UserName: @howienudet , num: 3 UserName: @BoatMateARS , num: 3 UserName: @WeWantTheRealTr , num: 3 UserName: @redneurons , num: 3 UserName: @1TheExposer , num: 3 UserName: @DailyCaller , num: 3 UserName: @purplecactus58 , num: 3 UserName: @CathSterner , num: 3 UserName: @HonorZAncestors , num: 3 UserName: @charles_gaba , num: 3 UserName: @Recook63Russell , num: 3 UserName: @JuanTheSaint1 , num: 3 UserName: @UnitedLove_3 , num: 3 UserName: @loganclarkhall , num: 3 UserName: @LoriLkwd , num: 3 UserName: @SurtChilling , num: 3 UserName: @Johnnypatriot64 , num: 3 UserName: @RepublicanDalek , num: 3 UserName: @Buffettbraves , num: 3 UserName: @GaleGalebay , num: 3 UserName: @TeknowMusic , num: 3 UserName: @RealNews44 , num: 3 UserName: Jill@Texas Strong , num: 3 UserName: @Rick27383540 , num: 3 UserName: @Runsonveg , num: 3 UserName: @doggonecrszy1 , num: 3 UserName: @8ironmike , num: 3 UserName: @RGMYYZ , num: 3 UserName: @mag09176505 , num: 3 UserName: @GreenEllsworth , num: 3 UserName: @shesova , num: 3 UserName: @RodgerDodger4 , num: 3 UserName: @Kat4Obama , num: 3 UserName: @thedoncast , num: 3 UserName: @ahluv2 , num: 3 UserName: @BowTiedRanger , num: 3 UserName: @number1shred , num: 3 UserName: @07Cat31 , num: 3 UserName: @KarenHa72072791 , num: 3 UserName: @goldstocktrades , num: 3 UserName: @concetta8631 , num: 3 UserName: @DRLDD , num: 3 UserName: @DonMagaGang , num: 3 UserName: @MrJosh0634 , num: 3 UserName: @Elosobear1 , num: 3 UserName: @SonsOfLiberty_0 , num: 3 UserName: @KwikWarren , num: 3 UserName: @ButterfliesnFla , num: 3 UserName: @Detrocker2264 , num: 3 UserName: @da_winter , num: 3 UserName: @GreggEverhart , num: 3 UserName: @mosaique813 , num: 3 UserName: @JustmeAnybody , num: 3 UserName: @Richardkimble45 , num: 3 UserName: @SocialismH8ter , num: 3 UserName: @DaleGribbleReal , num: 3 UserName: @IAPolls2022 , num: 3 UserName: @PekalaLaw , num: 3 UserName: @kaptaincrunk74 , num: 3 UserName: @graywolf442 , num: 3 UserName: @stony2point0 , num: 3 UserName: @nberlat , num: 3 UserName: @DebbieSpado , num: 3 UserName: @Shaitanshammer , num: 3 UserName: @thedailyretina , num: 3 UserName: @macro83772562 , num: 3 UserName: @Syfx18637973 , num: 3 UserName: @StillSafeAtHome , num: 3 UserName: @Eyevan808 , num: 3 UserName: @bham_hera , num: 3 UserName: @KarEl992 , num: 3 UserName: @rpd158 , num: 3 UserName: @jeffgoldesq , num: 3 UserName: @Prof_KStone , num: 3 UserName: @PlanningMyPast , num: 3 UserName: @PrestoVivace , num: 3 UserName: @usmckennysgt , num: 3 UserName: @APazyryk , num: 3 UserName: @imofartz , num: 3 UserName: @HarrisH30894075 , num: 3 UserName: @hk_republic , num: 3 UserName: @susie_lastname , num: 3 UserName: @NorsePole567 , num: 3 UserName: @EricNeill9 , num: 3 UserName: @PaulaFeese , num: 3 UserName: @us_news_com , num: 3 UserName: @shonkori , num: 3 UserName: @parabellum01847 , num: 3 UserName: @ScottFoss15 , num: 3 UserName: @JackPosobiec , num: 3 UserName: @sn00pdad , num: 3 UserName: @swon26 , num: 3 UserName: @sherpamom24 , num: 3 UserName: @Carol38553 , num: 3 UserName: JG (@hocsoc1 on TruthSocial) , num: 3 UserName: @KimberCreedmore , num: 3 UserName: @ianbremmer , num: 3 UserName: @Steve44920142 , num: 3 UserName: @nunyabiz55 , num: 3 UserName: @MeKathleen , num: 3 UserName: hotjugsbev3@adoption.gov , num: 3 UserName: @NotKennyRogers , num: 3 UserName: @ocmercuri , num: 3 UserName: @Rebel06714 , num: 3 UserName: @Palace0fWisdom , num: 3 UserName: @okayshane , num: 3 UserName: @TheAutumnWind81 , num: 3 UserName: @ProudElephantUS , num: 3 UserName: @iamchanteezy , num: 3 UserName: @dwgs20 , num: 3 UserName: @JohnRGardner , num: 3 UserName: @Lvld_Up , num: 3 UserName: @Talkstohawks , num: 3 UserName: @taypeinternat , num: 3 UserName: @aflink27 , num: 3 UserName: @DrMattL1980 , num: 3 UserName: @jwellsforjesus , num: 3 UserName: @DalyPolitics , num: 3 UserName: @summerbreeze002 , num: 3 UserName: @StephTaitWrites , num: 3 UserName: @ron192766 , num: 3 UserName: @txaggal , num: 3 UserName: @Dieselsbullys , num: 3 UserName: @Outcome42 , num: 3 UserName: @ClydeSi16660638 , num: 3 UserName: @Msmariablack , num: 3 UserName: @Patrickkerby58 , num: 3 UserName: @Dorrie027 , num: 3 UserName: @ShryelJ , num: 3 UserName: @NaphiSoc , num: 3 UserName: @amlivemon , num: 3 UserName: @RagoMaria1 , num: 3 UserName: @LIB3RTYforALL , num: 3 UserName: @Darla32998586 , num: 3 UserName: @Donna10663620 , num: 3 UserName: @GeorgeH84128962 , num: 3 UserName: @Chilango83 , num: 3 UserName: @leftspanker2020 , num: 3 UserName: @HungryGoing , num: 3 UserName: @zag2zig , num: 3 UserName: @_red_wave , num: 3 UserName: @Chris08030769 , num: 3 UserName: @luke_infinity , num: 3 UserName: @socialworker55 , num: 3 UserName: @TyrannyMW , num: 3 UserName: @roark183 , num: 3 UserName: @EndAllMandates , num: 3 UserName: @YeagerRc , num: 3 UserName: @MikeDorstewitz , num: 3 UserName: @JonLemire , num: 3 UserName: @VonDouchenburg , num: 3 UserName: .@SerendipityDizl , num: 3 UserName: @TeresaW23242427 , num: 3 UserName: @ScallyNancy , num: 3 UserName: @Hurst69Brandon , num: 3 finish 用时: 101.55936121940613 sh: 1: Syntax error: end of file unexpected ''' 6.能根据人名抽取文章 ''' import re import time import pandas as pd


folderurl = '/kaggle/working/midterm_COVID/all/' readcsv = '/kaggle/input/midterm-covid/221012_midterm_COVID_2022-01-01_2022-10-10.csv' # (17690, 9)

readtxt = folderurl + 'num2username.txt' youwant = ['UserName','Embedded_text']

if name == 'main': start = time.time()

UserNametxt = []
num = []
matchnum = 0 # 匹配成功次数
repeatnum = 0 # 用户名重复次数
flag = 0
word = []
wordname = []

# 1.txt中获取UserName和num列表
txt = open(readtxt,'r', encoding='utf-8')
aa = txt.readlines() # list, len = 1
for i in range(len(aa)):
    bb = aa[i] # str, len = 54
    # print(bb)
    UserNametxt.append(re.findall(r'(?<=UserName: ).*?(?= , )', bb)) # <class 'list'>
    # print('UserName:', UserNametxt[i])
    num.append(re.findall(r'(?<=num: ).*?(?=\s)', bb)) # <class 'list'>
    # print('num: ', num[i])

# 2.csv中获取语句
tx = open(readcsv, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
df = pd.read_csv(tx, encoding='utf-8')
df.drop_duplicates(subset='Embedded_text', keep='first', inplace=True)  # 去重
UserNamecsv = df[youwant[0]].values # <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> len = 15
Embedded_textcsv = df[youwant[1]].values

# 3.根据用户名筛选数据
for j in range(len(UserNametxt)):# len = 15
    # 判断用户名是否相同,相同则导出word
    for k in range(len(UserNamecsv)): # len = 1
        if UserNamecsv[k] in UserNametxt[j]:
            # print(UserNametxt[j])
            flag = 1
            matchnum += 1
            # 正则处理
            ee = Embedded_textcsv[k].replace('回复', "")  # 删除“回复”
            ee = re.sub(r"@.*?\s", "", ee)  # 删除@后面的人名
            ee = re.sub(r"[\u4E00-\u9FA5]+", "", ee)  # 删除中文,\u4E00-\u9FA5\\s的话s不见了
            ee = re.sub(r"\n", " ", ee)  # 删除换行
            ee = ee.rstrip().lstrip()  # 删除句首和句尾的字符,默认删除空白符和换行符
            ee = ee + '\n' # 补充换行
            # 保存到word
            wordname = UserNametxt[j]
    if flag == 1:
        word = []
        flag = 0

end = time.time()
print("用时:", end - start)

['@QuealyJ'] ['As of 5:20am EDT 01/01/22 825,536 Dead Americans. 1,197 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 54,743,993 confirmed US cases. 505,383,863 Vaccine Doses Given. 78 days until Spring 106 days until Easter 171 days until Summer 311 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 01/02/22 825,819 Dead Americans. 283 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 54,860,424 confirmed US cases. 505,411,600 Vaccine Doses Given. 77 days until Spring 105 days until Easter 170 days until Summer 310 days until midterms.\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 01/03/22 826,065 Dead Americans. 246 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000. 55,114,128 confirmed US cases. 505,424,829 Vaccine Doses Given. 76 days until Spring 104 days until Easter 169 days until Summer 309 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 01/04/22 827,749 Dead Americans. 1,684 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 56,191,733 confirmed US cases. 505,560,362 Vaccine Doses Given. 75 days until Spring 103 days until Easter 168 days until Summer 308 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 01/05/22 830,284 Dead Americans. 2,535 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 57,096,954 confirmed US cases. 510,316,036 Vaccine Doses Given. 74 days until Spring 102 days until Easter 167 days until Summer 307 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 01/07/22 833,989 Dead Americans. 1,841 died from Covid-19 in the past 21 hrs 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 58,487,940 confirmed US cases. 512,853,667 Vaccine Doses Given. 72 days until Spring 100 days until Easter 165 days until Summer 305 days until midterms\n', 'As of 8:20am EDT 01/09/22 837,264 Dead Americans. 661 died from Covid-19 in the past 27 hrs 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 59,767,342 confirmed US cases. 515,626,354 Vaccine Doses Given. 70 days until Spring 98 days until Easter 163 days until Summer 303 days until midterms\n', 'As of 4:20am EDT 01/10/22 837,664 Dead Americans. 400 died from Covid-19 in the past 20 hrs 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 60,090,328 confirmed US cases. 516,880,607 Vaccine Doses Given. 69 days until Spring 97 days until Easter 162 days until Summer 302 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 01/11/22 839,500 Dead Americans. 1,836 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 61,558,507 confirmed US cases. 517,806,953 Vaccine Doses Given. 68 days until Spring 96 days until Easter 161 days until Summer 301 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 01/12/22 842,322 Dead Americans. 2,822 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 62,313,787 confirmed US cases. 518,810,544 Vaccine Doses Given. 67 days until Spring 95 days until Easter 160 days until Summer 300 days until midterms\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 01/13/22 844,562 Dead Americans. 2,240 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 63,203,866 confirmed US cases. 520,184,304 Vaccine Doses Given. 66 days until Spring 94 days until Easter 159 days until Summer 299 days until midterms\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 01/15/22 849,259 Dead Americans. 2,771 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 64,964,816 confirmed US cases. 522,935,566 Vaccine Doses Given. 64 days until Spring 92 days until Easter 157 days until Summer 297 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 01/18/22 851,730 Dead Americans. 1,125 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 66,422,386 confirmed US cases. 524,267,076 Vaccine Doses Given. 61 days until Spring 91 days until Easter 154 days until Summer 294 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 01/20/22 851,730 Dead Americans. 6,048 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 68,569,958 confirmed US cases. 527,693,663 Vaccine Doses Given. 59 days until Spring 89 days until Easter 152 days until Summer 292 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 01/21/22 860,248 Dead Americans. 8,518 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 69,309,309 confirmed US cases. 529,155,490 Vaccine Doses Given. 58 days until Spring 88 days until Easter 151 days until Summer 291 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 01/22/22 864,564 Dead Americans. 4,316 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 70,210,920 confirmed US cases. 530,130,196 Vaccine Doses Given. 57 days until Spring 87 days until Easter 150 days until Summer 290 days until midterms\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 01/22/22 865,968 Dead Americans. 1,404 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 70,495,874 confirmed US cases. 531,141,618 Vaccine Doses Given. 56 days until Spring 86 days until Easter 149 days until Summer 289 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 01/24/22 866,540 Dead Americans. 572 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 70,700,678 confirmed US cases. 531,801,232 Vaccine Doses Given. 55 days until Spring 85 days until Easter 148 days until Summer 288 days until midterms 1 1\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 01/25/22 868,512 Dead Americans. 1,972 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 71,709,180 confirmed US cases. 532,552,168 Vaccine Doses Given. 54 days until Spring 84 days until Easter 147 days until Summer 287 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 01/26/22 872,126 Dead Americans. 3,614 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 72,178,003 confirmed US cases. 532,573,090 Vaccine Doses Given. 55 days until Spring 83 days until Easter 146 days until Summer 286 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 01/27/22 876,066 Dead Americans. 3,940 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 72,910,879 confirmed US cases. 534,242,387 Vaccine Doses Given. 54 days until Spring 82 days until Easter 145 days until Summer 285 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 01/28/22 878,467 Dead Americans. 2,401 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 73,428,433 confirmed US cases. 533,570,351 Vaccine Doses Given. 53 days until Spring 83 days until Easter 144 days until Summer 284 days until midterms\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 01/29/22 882,881 Dead Americans. 4,414 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 74,067,514 confirmed US cases. 534,583,711 Vaccine Doses Given. 52 days until Spring 82 days until Easter 143 days until Summer 283 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 01/30/22 883,939 Dead Americans. 1,058 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 74,236,114 confirmed US cases. 535,419,524 Vaccine Doses Given. 49 days until Spring 77 days until Easter 142 days until Summer 282 days until midterms\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 01/31/22 884,265 Dead Americans. 326 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 74,333,528 confirmed US cases. 536,077,178 Vaccine Doses Given. 48 days until Spring 76 days until Easter 141 days until Summer 281 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 02/01/22 886,691 Dead Americans. 2,426 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 74,943,050 confirmed US cases. 536,567,410 Vaccine Doses Given. 47 days until Spring 75 days until Easter 140 days until Summer 280 days until midterms\n', 'As of 1:20am EDT 02/02/22 890,770 Dead Americans. 4,079 died from Covid-19 in the past 6 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 75,350,359 confirmed US cases. 537,212,904 Vaccine Doses Given. 46 days until Spring 74 days until Easter 139 days until Summer 279 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 02/03/22 894,316 Dead Americans. 3,546 died from Covid-19 in the past 28 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 75,681,309 confirmed US cases. 537,917,499 Vaccine Doses Given. 45 days until Spring 73 days until Easter 138 days until Summer 278 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 02/05/22 901,391 Dead Americans. 4,014 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 76,354,463 confirmed US cases. 539,263,713 Vaccine Doses Given. 43 days until Spring 71 days until Easter 136 days until Summer 276 days until midterms\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 02/07/22 902,626 Dead Americans. 360 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 76,505,941 confirmed US cases. 540,397,825 Vaccine Doses Given. 41 days until Spring 69 days until Easter 134 days until Summer 274 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 02/08/22 905,544 Dead Americans. 2,918 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 76,853,612 confirmed US cases. 540,772,876 Vaccine Doses Given. 40 days until Spring 68 days until Easter 133 days until Summer 273 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 02/09/22 909,020 Dead Americans. 3,476 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 77,053,769 confirmed US cases. 541,333,682 Vaccine Doses Given. 39 days until Spring 67 days until Easter 132 days until Summer 272 days until midterms 2 3\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 02/10/22 912,257 Dead Americans. 3,237 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 77,267,876 confirmed US cases. 541,976,623 Vaccine Doses Given. 38 days until Spring 66 days until Easter 131 days until Summer 271 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 02/11/22 915,618 Dead Americans. 3,361 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 77,437,156 confirmed US cases. 542,681,334 Vaccine Doses Given. 37 days until Spring 65 days until Easter 130 days until Summer 270 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 8:20am EDT 02/13/22 919,255 Dead Americans. 3,637 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 77,707,694 confirmed US cases. 543,803,863 Vaccine Doses Given. 35 days until Spring 63 days until Easter 128 days until Summer 268 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 02/14/22 919,697 Dead Americans. 442 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 77,740,175 confirmed US cases. 544,254,690 Vaccine Doses Given. 34 days until Spring 62 days until Easter 127 days until Summer 267 days until midterms\n', 'As of 4:20am EDT 02/15/22 922,473 Dead Americans. 2,776 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 77,919,052 confirmed US cases. 544,563,895 Vaccine Doses Given. 33 days until Spring 61 days until Easter 126 days until Summer 266 days until midterms\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 02/17/22 928,519 Dead Americans. 2,959 died from Covid-19 in the past 28 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 78,173,320 confirmed US cases. 544,563,895 Vaccine Doses Given. 31 days until Spring 59 days until Easter 124 days until Summer 264 days until midterms 1 1\n', 'As of 9:20am EDT 02/19/22 934,464 Dead Americans. 2,722 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 78,426,305 confirmed US cases. 547,550,085 Vaccine Doses Given. 29 days until Spring 57 days until Easter 122 days until Summer 262 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 02/20/22 935,057 Dead Americans. 593 died from Covid-19 in the past 20 hrs. 1918 Spanish Flu deaths 675,000 78,460,091 confirmed US cases. 548,045,280 Vaccine Doses Given. 28 days until Spring 56 days until Easter 121 days until Summer 261 days until midterms\n', 'As of 9:20am EDT 02/23/22 939,213 Dead Americans. 3,221 died from Covid-19 in the past 27 hrs. 78,651,396 confirmed US cases. 549,000,060 Vaccine Doses Given. 25 days until Spring 53 days until Easter 98 Days until Hurricane Season 118 days until Summer 258 days until midterms\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 02/24/22 941,909 Dead Americans. 2,696 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs. 78,731,240 confirmed US cases. 549,471,928 Vaccine Doses Given. 24 days until Spring 52 days until Easter 97 Days until Hurricane Season 117 days until Summer 257 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 02/25/22 944,831 Dead Americans. 2,922 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs. 78,799,264 confirmed US cases. 549,992,747 Vaccine Doses Given. 23 days until Spring 51 days until Easter 96 Days until Hurricane Season 116 days until Summer 256 days until midterms\n', 'As of 9:20am EDT 02/27/22 948,215 Dead Americans. 562 died from Covid-19 in the past 28 hrs. 78,931,762 confirmed US cases. 550,650,584 Vaccine Doses Given. 21 days until Spring 49 days until Easter 94 Days until Hurricane Season 114 days until Summer 254 days until midterms 4 4\n', 'As of 4:20am EDT 03/03/22 954,518 Dead Americans. 2,009 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs. 79,143,716 confirmed US cases. 551,870,651 Vaccine Doses Given. 17 days until Spring 45 days until Easter 90 Days until Hurricane Season 110 days until Summer 250 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 03/04/22 956,262 Dead Americans. 1,744 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs. 79,196,394 confirmed US cases. 552,315,151 Vaccine Doses Given. 16 days until Spring 44 days until Easter 89 Days until Hurricane Season 109 days until Summer 249 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 03/05/22 958,144 Dead Americans. 1,882 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 79,250,563 confirmed US cases. 552,666,682 Vaccine Doses Given. 15 days until Spring 43 days until Easter 88 Days until Hurricane Season 108 days until Summer 248 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 03/07/22 958,621 Dead Americans. 184 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 79,271,466 confirmed US cases. 553,229,683 Vaccine Doses Given. 13 days until Spring 41 days until Easter 86 Days until Hurricane Season 106 days until Summer 246 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 03/08/22 960,314 Dead Americans. 1,693 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 79,339,497 confirmed US cases. 553,229,683 Vaccine Doses Given. 12 days until Spring 40 days until Easter 85 Days until Hurricane Season 105 days until Summer 245 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 03/09/22 961,935 Dead Americans. 1,621 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 79,369,459 confirmed US cases. 553,712,260 Vaccine Doses Given. 11 days until Spring 39 days until Easter 84 Days until Hurricane Season 104 days until Summer 244 days until midterms\n', 'As of 4:20am EDT 03/10/22 963,819 Dead Americans. 1,884 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs. 79,406,602 confirmed US cases. 554,017,734 Vaccine Doses Given. 10 days until Spring 38 days until Easter 83 Days until Hurricane Season 103 days until Summer 243 days until midterms\n', 'As of 4:20am EDT 03/11/22 965,466 Dead Americans. 1,647 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 79,455,163 confirmed US cases. 554,368,507 Vaccine Doses Given. 09 days until Spring 37 days until Easter 82 Days until Hurricane Season 102 days until Summer 242 days until midterms\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 03/12/22 967,126 Dead Americans. 1,660 died from Covid-19 in the past 27 hrs. 79,507,030 confirmed US cases. 554,508,987 Vaccine Doses Given. 08 days until Spring 36 days until Easter 81 Days until Hurricane Season 101 days until Summer 241 days until midterms 1 1 5\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 03/13/22 967,552 Dead Americans. 426 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 79,517,492 confirmed US cases. 554,889,994 Vaccine Doses Given. 07 days until Spring 35 days until Easter 80 Days until Hurricane Season 100 days until Summer 240 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20pm EDT 03/14/22 968,718 Dead Americans. 1,166 died from Covid-19 in the past 34 hrs. 79,551,532 confirmed US cases. 555,226,119 Vaccine Doses Given. 06 days until Spring 34 days until Easter 79 Days until Hurricane Season 99 days until Summer 239 days until midterms\n', 'As of 4:20am EDT 03/16/22 966,470 Dead Americans. 1,365 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 79,587,004 confirmed US cases. 555,511,880 Vaccine Doses Given. 04 days until Spring 32 days until Easter 77 Days until Hurricane Season 97 days until Summer 237 days until midterms\n', 'As of 4:20am EDT 03/17/22 968,329 Dead Americans. 1,859 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 79,631,708 confirmed US cases. 555,742,201 Vaccine Doses Given. 03 days until Spring 31 days until Easter 76 Days until Hurricane Season 96 days until Summer 236 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 03/18/22 970,009 Dead Americans. 1,680 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 79,683,782 confirmed US cases. 556,002,303 Vaccine Doses Given. 02 days until Spring 30 days until Easter 75 Days until Hurricane Season 95 days until Summer 235 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 03/20/22 971,087 Dead Americans. 281 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 79,728,172 confirmed US cases. 556,460,943 Vaccine Doses Given. 3 Hrs. until Spring 28 days until Easter 73 Days until Hurricane Season 93 days until Summer 233 days until midterms\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 03/21/22 971,162 Dead Americans. 75 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 79,734,867 confirmed US cases. 556,460,943 Vaccine Doses Given. 28 days until Easter 73 Days until Hurricane Season 93 days until Summer 185 days until Fall 233 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 03/23/22 973,266 Dead Americans. 632 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs. 79,803,670 confirmed US cases. 556,460,943 Vaccine Doses Given. 26 days until Easter 71 Days until Hurricane Season 91 days until Summer 183 days until Fall 231 days until midterms\n', 'As of 8:20am EDT 03/23/22 974,833 Dead Americans. 1,567 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs. 79,844,751 confirmed US cases. 556,460,943 Vaccine Doses Given. 25 days until Easter 70 Days until Hurricane Season 90 days until Summer 182 days until Fall 230 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 03/24/22 975,862 Dead Americans. 1,029 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs. 79,888,605 confirmed US cases. 557,084,678 Vaccine Doses Given. 24 days until Easter 69 Days until Hurricane Season 89 days until Summer 181 days until Fall 229 days until midterms 1 1\n', 'As of 4:20am EDT 03/25/22 976,505 Dead Americans. 643 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs. 79,936,777 confirmed US cases. 557,274,228 Vaccine Doses Given. 23 days until Easter 68 Days until Hurricane Season 88 days until Summer 180 days until Fall 228 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 03/28/22 976,704 Dead Americans. 199 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs. 79,954,460 confirmed US cases. 557,684,296 Vaccine Doses Given. 22 days until Easter 67 Days until Hurricane Season 87 days until Summer 179 days until Fall 227 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 03/29/22 977,688 Dead Americans. 984 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 79,995,544 confirmed US cases. 558,051,039 Vaccine Doses Given. 21 days until Easter 66 Days until Hurricane Season 86 days until Summer 178 days until Fall 226 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 03/30/22 978,692 Dead Americans. 1,004 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 80,019,167 confirmed US cases. 558,239,925 Vaccine Doses Given. 20 days until Easter 65 Days until Hurricane Season 85 days until Summer 177 days until Fall 225 days until midterms\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 04/01/22 980,627 Dead Americans. 757 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs. 80,103,795 confirmed US cases. 558,469,759 Vaccine Doses Given. 18 days until Easter 63 Days until Hurricane Season 83 days until Summer 175 days until Fall 223 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 04/02/22 982,379 Dead Americans. 1,752 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs. 80,140,334 confirmed US cases. 559,301,843 Vaccine Doses Given. 17 days until Easter 62 Days until Hurricane Season 82 days until Summer 174 days until Fall 221 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 04/03/22 982,533 Dead Americans. 154 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 80,150,811 confirmed US cases. 559,792,380 Vaccine Doses Given. 16 days until Easter 61 Days until Hurricane Season 81 days until Summer 173 days until Fall 220 days until midterms\n', 'As of 5:20am EDT 04/04/22 982,565 Dead Americans. 32 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs. 80,155,397 confirmed US cases. 560,194,562 Vaccine Doses Given. 13 days until Easter 58 Days until Hurricane Season 78 days until Summer 171 days until Fall 218 days until midterms\n', 'As of 6:20am EDT 04/08/22 984,571 Dead Americans. 754 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs. 80,289,264 confirmed US cases. 562,135,840 Vaccine Doses Given. 09 days until Easter 48 Days until Hurricane Season 74 days until Summer 167 days until Fall 214 days until midterms\n', 'As of 4:20am EDT 04/09/22 985,205 Dead Americans. 634 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs. 80,386,635 confirmed US cases. 562,684,026 Vaccine Doses Given. 08 days until Easter. 47 Days until Hurricane Season. 73 days until Summer. 166 days until Fall. 213 days until midterms.\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 04/14/22 987,560 Dead Americans. 1,152 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs. 80,514,666 confirmed US cases. 565,259,100 Vaccine Doses Given. 03 days until Easter 48 Days until Hurricane Season 68 days until Summer 161 days until Fall 208 days until midterms.\n', 'As of 04:20am EDT 04/15/22 988,121 Dead Americans. 561 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs. 80,573,553 confirmed US cases. 565,935,151 Vaccine Doses Given. 02 days until Easter. 47 Days until Hurricane Season. 67 days until Summer. 160 days until Fall. 207 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 04/16/22 988,558 Dead Americans. 437 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs. 80,612,691 confirmed US cases. 566,441,097 Vaccine Doses Given. 01 days until Easter. 46 Days until Hurricane Season. 66 days until Summer. 159 days until Fall 206 days until midterms.\n', 'As of 04:20am EDT 04/17/22 988,558 Dead Americans. 51 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs 80,625,120 confirmed US cases. 567,085,142 Vaccine Doses Given. 43 days until Memorial Day 45 Days until Hurricane Season 65 days until Summer 158 days until Fall 205 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 04/18/22 988,618 Dead Americans. 60 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs 80,632,301 confirmed US cases. 567,336,156 Vaccine Doses Given. 42 days until Memorial Day 44 Days until Hurricane Season 64 days until Summer 157 days until Fall 204 days until midterms\n', 'As of 08:20am EDT 04/19/22 988,912 Dead Americans. 294 died from Covid-19 in the past 27 hrs 80,686,455 confirmed US cases. 567,566,167 Vaccine Doses Given 41 days until Memorial Day 43 Days until Hurricane Season 63 days until Summer 156 days until Fall 203 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 04:20am EDT 04/20/22 989,366 Dead Americans. 454 died from Covid-19 in the past 20 hrs 80,733,217 confirmed US cases. 568,098,880 Vaccine Doses Given 40 days until Memorial Day 42 Days until Hurricane Season 62 days until Summer 155 days until Fall 202 days until midterms\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 04/22/22 990,679 Dead Americans 471 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs 80,850,937 confirmed US cases 569,199,905 Vaccine Doses Given 38 days until Memorial Day 40 Days until Hurricane Season 60 days until Summer 153 days until Fall 200 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 04:20am EDT 04/23/22 991,169 Dead Americans 490 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs 80,952,268 confirmed US cases. 569,639,160 Vaccine Doses Given. 37 days until Memorial Day 39 Days until Hurricane Season 59 days until Summer 152 days until Fall 199 days until midterms\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 04/24/22 991,231 Dead Americans. 62 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs 80,971,930 confirmed US cases. 570,180,860 Vaccine Doses Given. 36 days until Memorial Day 38 Days until Hurricane Season 58 days until Summer 151 days until Fall 198 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 04/26/22 991,609 Dead Americans. 355 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs 81,043,362 confirmed US cases 570,762,728 Vaccine Doses Given 34 days until Memorial Day 36 Days until Hurricane Season 56 days until Summer 149 days until Fall 196 days until midterms\n', 'As of 07:20am EDT 04/27/22 991,959 Dead Americans 350 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs 81,101,161 confirmed US cases 571,538,105 Vaccine Doses Given 33 days until Memorial Day 35 Days until Hurricane Season 55 days until Summer 148 days until Fall 195 days until midterms\n', 'As of 04:20am EDT 04/29/22 993,164 Dead Americans 424 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs 81,251,637 confirmed US cases 572,713,116 Vaccine Doses Given 31 days until Memorial Day 33 Days until Hurricane Season 53 days until Summer 146 days until Fall 193 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 04/30/22 993,588 Dead Americans 424 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs 81,325,716 confirmed US cases 573,237,422 Vaccine Doses Given 30 days until Memorial Day 32 Days until Hurricane Season 52 days until Summer 145 days until Fall 192 days until midterms\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 05/01/22 993,712 Dead Americans 124 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs 81,349,065 confirmed US cases 573,733,020 Vaccine Doses Given 29 days until Memorial Day 31 Days until Hurricane Season 51 days until Summer 144 days until Fall 191 days until midterms\n', 'As of 04:20am EDT 05/02/22 993,733 Dead Americans 21 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs 81,365,218 confirmed US cases 574,068,375 Vaccine Doses Given 28 days until Memorial Day 30 Days until Hurricane Season 50 days until Summer 143 days until Fall 190 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 05/03/22 993,999 Dead Americans 266 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs 81,444,332 confirmed US cases 574,248,356 Vaccine Doses Given 27 days until Memorial Day 29 Days until Hurricane Season 49 days until Summer 142 days until Fall 189 days until midterms\n', 'As of 04:20am EDT 05/04/22 994,748 Dead Americans 749 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs 81,506,838 confirmed US cases 574,814,321 Vaccine Doses Given 26 days until Memorial Day 28 Days until Hurricane Season 48 days until Summer 141 days until Fall 188 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 05/05/22 996,705 Dead Americans 1,957 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs 81,620,403 confirmed US cases 575,194,227 Vaccine Doses Given 25 days until Memorial Day 27 Days until Hurricane Season 47 days until Summer 140 days until Fall 187 days until midterms\n', 'As of 07:20am EDT 05/06/22 996,964 Dead Americans 259 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs 81,694,169 confirmed US cases 575,722,981 Vaccine Doses Given 24 days until Memorial Day 26 Days until Hurricane Season 46 days until Summer 139 days until Fall 186 days until midterms\n', 'As of 04:20am EDT 05/07/22 997,318 Dead Americans 354 died from Covid-19 in the past 21 hrs 81,831,854 confirmed US cases 576,049,635 Vaccine Doses Given 23 days until Memorial Day 25 Days until Hurricane Season 45 days until Summer 138 days until Fall 185 days until midterms\n', 'As of 08:20am EDT 05/08/22 997,503 Dead Americans 185 died from Covid-19 in the past 28 hrs 81,858,744 confirmed US cases 576,524,076 Vaccine Doses Given 22 days until Memorial Day 24 Days until Hurricane Season 44 days until Summer 137 days until Fall 184 days until midterms\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 05/09/22 997,528 Dead Americans 25 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs 81,863,771 confirmed US cases 576,823,636 Vaccine Doses Given 21 days until Memorial Day 23 Days until Hurricane Season 43 days until Summer 136 days until Fall 183 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 07:20am EDT 05/10/22 998,041 Dead Americans 513 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs 81,973,693 confirmed US cases 577,032,767 Vaccine Doses Given 20 days until Memorial Day 22 Days until Hurricane Season 42 days until Summer 135 days until Fall 182 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 05/11/22 998,069 Dead Americans 28 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs 82,060,805 confirmed US cases 577,469,829 Vaccine Doses Given 19 days until Memorial Day 21 Days until Hurricane Season 41 days until Summer 134 days until Fall 181 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 05/12/22 998,997 Dead Americans 928 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs 82,223,174 confirmed US cases 577,612,775 Vaccine Doses Given 18 days until Memorial Day 20 Days until Hurricane Season 40 days until Summer 133 days until Fall 180 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 05/13/22 999,128 Dead Americans 131 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs 82,325,714 confirmed US cases 578,078,523 Vaccine Doses Given 17 days until Memorial Day 19 Days until Hurricane Season 39 days until Summer 132 days until Fall 179 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 05/15/22 999,570 Dead Americans 52 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs 82,437,716 confirmed US cases 578,926,133 Vaccine Doses Given 15 days until Memorial Day 17 Days until Hurricane Season 37 days until Summer 130 days until Fall 177 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 04:20am EDT 05/16/22 999,602 Dead Americans 32 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs 82,468,652 confirmed US cases 579,215,121 Vaccine Doses Given 14 days until Memorial Day 16 Days until Hurricane Season 36 days until Summer 129 days until Fall 176 days until midterms\n', 'As of 04:20am EDT 05/17/22 999,842 Dead Americans 240 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs 82,613,620 confirmed US cases 579,386,312 Vaccine Doses Given 13 days until Memorial Day 15 Days until Hurricane Season 35 days until Summer 128 days until Fall 175 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 05/18/22 1,000,205 Dead Americans 363 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs 82,727,079 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 12 days until Memorial Day 14 Days until Hurricane Season 34 days until Summer 127 days until Fall 174 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 05/20/22 1,001,606 Dead Americans 337 died from Covid-19 in the past 24 hrs 83,060,981 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 10 days until Memorial Day 12 Days until Hurricane Season 31 days until Summer 125 days until Fall 172 days until midterms\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 05/21/22 1,002,020 Dead Americans 414 died from Covid-19 in the past 25 hrs 83,237,592 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 09 days until Memorial Day 11 Days until Hurricane Season 30 days until Summer 124 days until Fall 171 days until midterms\n', 'As of 04:20am EDT 05/22/22 1,002,146 Dead Americans 126 died from Covid-19 in the past 22 hrs 83,263,020 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 08 days until Memorial Day 10 Days until Hurricane Season 29 days until Summer 123 days until Fall 170 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 05/24/22 1,002,377 Dead Americans 204 died from Covid-19 in the past 26 hrs 83,281,403 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 06 days until Memorial Day 08 Days until Hurricane Season 27 days until Summer 121 days until Fall 168 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 05/25/22 1,002,743 Dead Americans 366 died from Covid-19 in the past 23 hrs 83,505,455 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 05 days until Memorial Day 07 Days until Hurricane Season 27 days until Summer 120 days until Fall 167 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 05/26/22 1,002,743 Dead Americans 1,040 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 83,718,202 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 04 days until Memorial Day 06 Days until Hurricane Season 26 days until Summer 119 days until Fall 166 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 05/27/22 1,002,743 Dead Americans 1,379 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 83,837,175 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 03 days until Memorial Day 05 Days until Hurricane Season 25 days until Summer 118 days until Fall 165 days until midterms\n', 'As of 04:20am EDT 05/28/22 1,004,693 Dead Americans 1,950 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs 83,969,403 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 02 days until Memorial Day 04 Days until Hurricane Season 24 days until Summer 117 days until Fall 164 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 05/29/22 1,004,726 Dead Americans 33 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs 83,980,356 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 01 days until Memorial Day 03 Days until Hurricane Season 23 days until Summer 113 days until Fall 163 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 05/30/22 1,004,733 Dead Americans 07 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 83,984,644 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 03 Days until Hurricane Season 22 days until Summer 35 Days until the 4th of July 112 days until Fall 162 days until midterms 1 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 05/31/22 1,004,760 Dead Americans 27 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 84,012,408 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 01 Days until Hurricane Season 21 days until Summer 34 Days until the 4th of July 111 days until Fall 161 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/01/22 1,007,047 Dead Americans 2,287 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 84,215,080 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 20 days until Summer 33 days until the 4th of July 96 days until Labor Day 110 days until Fall 160 days until midterms\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 06/02/22 1,007,704 Dead Americans 657 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs 84,445,096 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 19 days until Summer 32 days until the 4th of July 95 days until Labor Day 109 days until Fall 159 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/03/22 1,008,031 Dead Americans 327 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs 84,545,537 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 18 days until Summer 31 days until the 4th of July 94 days until Labor Day 108 days until Fall 158 days until midterms\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 06/04/22 1,008,422 Dead Americans 391 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs 84,724,329 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 17 days until Summer 30 days until the 4th of July 93 days until Labor Day 107 days until Fall 157 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/05/22 1,008,567 Dead Americans 145 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs 84,748,884 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 16 days until Summer 29 days until the 4th of July 92 days until Labor Day 106 days until Fall 156 days until midterms\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 06/06/22 1,008,586 Dead Americans 19 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs 84,762,171 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 15 days until Summer 28 days until the 4th of July 91 days until Labor Day 105 days until Fall 155 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/07/22 1,008,586 Dead Americans 271 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs 84,882,287 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 14 days until Summer 27 days until the 4th of July 90 days until Labor Day 104 days until Fall 154 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/08/22 1,009,338 Dead Americans 752 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 85,008,228 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 13 days until Summer 26 days until the 4th of July 89 days until Labor Day 103 days until Fall 153 days until midterms 1\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 06/09/22 1,010,521 Dead Americans 1,183 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs 85,214,097 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 12 days until Summer 25 days until the 4th of July 88 days until Labor Day 102 days until Fall 152 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/10/22 1,010,805 Dead Americans 284 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs 85,329,812 confirmed US cases 579,387,321 Vaccine Doses Given 11 days until Summer 24 days until the 4th of July 87 days until Labor Day 101 days until Fall 151 days until midterms\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 06/11/22 1,011,164 Dead Americans 359 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs 85,468,825 confirmed US cases 587,903,405 Vaccine Doses Given 10 days until Summer 23 days until the 4th of July 86 days until Labor Day 100 days until Fall 150 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/12/22 1,011,260 Dead Americans 96 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs 85,500,976 confirmed US cases 588,504,311 Vaccine Doses Given 09 days until Summer 22 days until the 4th of July 85 days until Labor Day 99 days until Fall 149 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/13/22 1,011,275 Dead Americans 15 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 85,515,980 confirmed US cases 588,504,311 Vaccine Doses Given 08 days until Summer 21 days until the 4th of July 84 days until Labor Day 98 days until Fall 148 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/14/22 1,011,543 Dead Americans 268 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 85,632,808 confirmed US cases 588,504,311 Vaccine Doses Given 07 days until Summer 20 days until the 4th of July 83 days until Labor Day 97 days until Fall 147 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/15/22 1,011,925 Dead Americans 382 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 85,762,625 confirmed US cases 588,504,311 Vaccine Doses Given 06 days until Summer 19 days until the 4th of July 82 days until Labor Day 96 days until Fall 146 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/16/22 1,012,607 Dead Americans 682 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 85,941,735 confirmed US cases 588,504,311 Vaccine Doses Given 05 days until Summer 18 days until the 4th of July 81 days until Labor Day 95 days until Fall 145 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/17/22 1,012,607 Dead Americans 40 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 86,058,303 confirmed US cases 589,671,384 Vaccine Doses Given 04 days until Summer 17 days until the 4th of July 80 days until Labor Day 94 days until Fall 144 days until midterms\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 06/18/22 1,013,358 Dead Americans 751 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs 86,216,418 confirmed US cases 589,671,384 Vaccine Doses Given 03 days until Summer 16 days until the 4th of July 79 days until Labor Day 93 days until Fall 145 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/19/22 1,013,377 Dead Americans 19 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs 86,230,982 confirmed US cases 589,671,384 Vaccine Doses Given 02 days until Summer 15 days until the 4th of July 78 days until Labor Day 95 days until Fall 142 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/20/22 1,013,377 Dead Americans 37 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 86,246,266 confirmed US cases 589,671,384 Vaccine Doses Given 01 days until Summer 14 days until the 4th of July 77 days until Labor Day 94 days until Fall 141 days until midterms\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/21/22 1,013,493 Dead Americans 116 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 86,297,195 confirmed US cases 589,671,384 Vaccine Doses Given 13 days until the 4th of July 76 days until Labor Day 93 days until Fall 140 days until midterms 156 days until Thanksgiving 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/22/22 1,013,493 Dead Americans 547 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 86,456,273 confirmed US cases 589,867,135 Vaccine Doses Given 12 days until the 4th of July 75 days until Labor Day 92 days until Fall 139 days until midterms 155 days until Thanksgiving\n', 'As of 01:20pm EDT 06/23/22 1,013,493 Dead Americans 1,497 died from Covid in the past 32 hrs 86,678,711 confirmed US cases 589,923,289 Vaccine Doses Given 11 days until the 4th of July 74 days until Labor Day 91 days until Fall 138 days until midterms 154 days until T-giving\n', 'As of 09:20am EDT 06/24/22 1,015,343 Dead Americans 1,850 died from Covid in the past 20 hrs 86,758,018 confirmed US cases 591,328,220 Vaccine Doses Given 10 days until the 4th of July 73 days until Labor Day 90 days until Fall 137 days until midterms 153 days until T-giving 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/25/22 1,015,789 Dead Americans 446 died from Covid in the past 20 hrs 86,909,716 confirmed US cases 591,329,145 Vaccine Doses Given 09 days until the 4th of July 72 days until Labor Day 89 days until Fall 136 days until midterms 152 days until T-giving\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/26/22 1,015,933 Dead Americans 144 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 86,949,088 confirmed US cases 591,329,145 Vaccine Doses Given 08 days until the 4th of July 71 days until Labor Day 88 days until Fall 135 days until midterms 151 days until T-giving\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/27/22 1,015,938 Dead Americans 5 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 86,967,639 confirmed US cases 591,329,145 Vaccine Doses Given 07 days until the 4th of July 70 days until Labor Day 87 days until Fall 134 days until midterms 150 days until T-giving\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/28/22 1,016,208 Dead Americans 270 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 87,092,384 confirmed US cases 591,331,125 Vaccine Doses Given 06 days until the 4th of July 69 days until Labor Day 86 days until Fall 133 days until midterms 149 days until T-giving 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/29/22 1,016,766 Dead Americans 558 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 87,221,842 confirmed US cases 591,332,073 Vaccine Doses Given 05 days until the 4th of July 68 days until Labor Day 87 days until Fall 132 days until midterms 148 days until T-giving\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 06/30/22 1,017,467 Dead Americans 701 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 87,410,944 US cases 591,377,787 Vaccine Doses Given 04 days until the 4th of July 67 days until Labor Day 86 days until Fall 131 days until midterms 187 days New Congress sworn in.\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/01/22 1,017,266 Dead Americans 0 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 87,623,762 US cases 592,506,950 Vaccine Doses Given 03 days until the 4th of July 66 days until Labor Day 85 days until Fall 130 days until midterms 186 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/02/22 1,017,817 Dead Americans 551 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 87,821,971 US cases 592,509,318 Vaccine Doses Given 02 days until the 4th of July 65 days until Labor Day 84 days until Fall 129 days until midterms 185 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/03/22 1,017,846 Dead Americans 29 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 87,838,623 US cases 592,509,318 Vaccine Doses Given 01 days until the 4th of July 64 days until Labor Day 83 days until Fall 128 days until midterms 184 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 07/04/22 1,017,848 Dead Americans 2 deaths from Covid in the past 25 hrs 87,843,561 US cases 592,509,318 Vaccine Doses Given 63 days until Labor Day 82 days until Fall 127 days until midterms 143 days until Thanksgiving 183 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 07/05/22 1,017,915 Dead Americans 67 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 87,886,885 US cases 592,509,318 Vaccine Doses Given 62 days until Labor Day 81 days until Fall 126 days until midterms 142 days until Thanksgiving 182 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/06/22 1,017,915 Dead Americans 449 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs 88,067,088 US cases 592,512,871 Vaccine Doses Given 61 days until Labor Day 80 days until Fall 125 days until midterms 141 days until Thanksgiving 181 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/07/22 1,019,083 Dead Americans 1,168 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 88,263,520 US cases 592,525,083 Vaccine Doses Given 60 days until Labor Day 79 days until Fall 124 days until midterms 140 days until Thanksgiving 180 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/08/22 1,020,261 Dead Americans 1,178 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 88,381,768 US cases 593,902,893 Vaccine Doses Given 59 days until Labor Day 78 days until Fall 123 days until midterms 139 days until Thanksgiving 179 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/09/22 1,020,816 Dead Americans 555 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 88,547,882 US cases 593,906,115 Vaccine Doses Given 58 days until Labor Day 77 days until Fall 122 days until midterms 138 days until Thanksgiving 178 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/10/22 1,020,852 Dead Americans 36 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 88,572,807 US cases 593,906,115 Vaccine Doses Given 57 days until Labor Day 76 days until Fall 121 days until midterms 137 days until Thanksgiving 177 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/11/22 1,020,863 Dead Americans 11 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 88,594,118 US cases 593,906,115 Vaccine Doses Given 56 days until Labor Day 75 days until Fall 120 days until midterms 136 days until Thanksgiving 176 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/12/22 1,021,306 Dead Americans 443 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 88,754,821 US cases 593,907,790 Vaccine Doses Given 55 days until Labor Day 74 days until Fall 119 days until midterms 135 days until Thanksgiving 175 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/13/22 1,021,853 Dead Americans 547 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs 88,947,827 US cases 593,913,213 Vaccine Doses Given 54 days until Labor Day 73 days until Fall 118 days until midterms 134 days until Thanksgiving 174 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 07/15/22 1,023,258 Dead Americans 0 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs 89,294,382 US cases 595,471,102 Vaccine Doses Given 52 days until Labor Day 71 days until Fall 116 days until midterms 132 days until Thanksgiving 172 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 07/18/22 1,023,799 Dead Americans 11 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs. 89,542,371 US cases 595,475,442 Vaccine Doses Given 49 days until Labor Day 68 days until Fall 113 days until midterms 129 days until Thanksgiving 169 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/21/22 1,024,900 Dead Americans 841 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 90,046,834 US cases 595,594,121 Vaccine Doses Given 46 days until Labor Day 65 days until Fall 110 days until midterms 126 days until Thanksgiving 166 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 07/24/22 1,026,937 Dead Americans 54 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 90,390,185 US cases 597,668,123 Vaccine Doses Given 43 days until Labor Day 62 days until Fall 107 days until midterms 123 days until Thanksgiving 163 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/27/22 1,027,912 Dead Americans 543 died from Covid in the past 22 hrs. 90,735,812 US cases 597,702,067 Vaccine Doses Given 40 days until Labor Day 57 days until Fall 104 days until midterms 120 days until Thanksgiving 160 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/28/22 1,027,912 Dead Americans 907 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 90,973,512 US cases 597,759,155 Vaccine Doses Given 39 days until Labor Day 56 days until Fall 103 days until midterms 119 days until Thanksgiving 159 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 07/29/22 1,029,270 Dead Americans 1,358 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 91,120,369 US cases 599,857,192 Vaccine Doses Given 38 days until Labor Day 55 days until Fall 102 days until midterms 118 days until Thanksgiving 158 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 08/01/22 1,029,925 Dead Americans 1 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs. 91,316,941 US cases 599,859,330 Vaccine Doses Given 35 days until Labor Day 52 days until Fall 99 days until midterms 115 days until Thanksgiving 155 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 08/03/22 1,031,035 Dead Americans 536 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs. 91,589,610 US cases 599,868,224 Vaccine Doses Given 33 days until Labor Day 50 days until Fall 97 days until midterms 113 days until Thanksgiving 153 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 07:20am EDT 08/04/22 1,032,097 Dead Americans 1,062 died from Covid in the past 26 hrs. 91,794,887 US cases 599,900,816 Vaccine Doses Given 32 days until Labor Day 49 days until Fall 96 days until midterms 112 days until Thanksgiving 152 days New Congress sworn in 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 08/05/22 1,032,820 Dead Americans 723 died from Covid in the past 22 hrs. 91,961,519 US cases 600,359,849 Vaccine Doses Given 31 days until Labor Day 48 days until Fall 95 days until midterms 111 days until Thanksgiving 151 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 7:20am EDT 08/07/22 1,034,152 Dead Americans 1,332 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs. 92,197,380 US cases 600,361,683 Vaccine Doses Given 29 days until Labor Day 46 days until Fall 93 days until midterms 109 days until Thanksgiving 149 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 08/08/22 1,033,557 Dead Americans 0 died from Covid in the past 22 hrs. 92,113,114 US cases 600,361,683 Vaccine Doses Given 28 days until Labor Day 45 days until Fall 92 days until midterms 108 days until Thanksgiving 148 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 08/09/22 1,034,021 Dead Americans 464 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs. 92,241,308 US cases 600,631,310 Vaccine Doses Given 27 days until Labor Day 44 days until Fall 91 days until midterms 107 days until Thanksgiving 147 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 08/10/22 1,034,654 Dead Americans 633 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs. 92,343,457 US cases 600,364,419 Vaccine Doses Given 26 days until Labor Day 43 days until Fall 90 days until midterms 106 days until Thanksgiving 146 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 08/11/22 1,035,549 Dead Americans 895 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs. 92,562,177 US cases 600,373,967 Vaccine Doses Given 25 days until Labor Day 42 days until Fall 89 days until midterms 105 days until Thanksgiving 145 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 08/13/22 1,036,990 Dead Americans 665 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs. 92,838,677 US cases 601,940,001 Vaccine Doses Given 23 days until Labor Day 40 days until Fall 87 days until midterms 103 days until Thanksgiving 143 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 08/14/22 1,037,017 Dead Americans 27 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs. 92,919,750 US cases 601,940,001 Vaccine Doses Given 22 days until Labor Day 39 days until Fall 86 days until midterms 102 days until Thanksgiving 142 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 07:20am EDT 08/16/22 1,037,462 Dead Americans 441 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs. 93,026,756 US cases 601,941,317 Vaccine Doses Given 20 days until Labor Day 37 days until Fall 84 days until midterms 100 days until Thanksgiving 140 days New Congress sworn in 1 1\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 08/17/22 1,037,970 Dead Americans 508 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs. 93,142,433 US cases 601,941,817 Vaccine Doses Given 19 days until Labor Day 36 days until Fall 83 days until midterms 99 days until Thanksgiving 139 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 08/19/22 1,039,745 Dead Americans 719 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 93,403,244 US cases 603,329,472 Vaccine Doses Given 17 days until Labor Day 34 days until Fall 81 days until midterms 97 days until Thanksgiving 137 days New Congress sworn in 1 2\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 08/20/22 1,041,115 Dead Americans 1,370 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 93,625,517 US cases 603,330,243 Vaccine Doses Given 16 days until Labor Day 33 days until Fall 80 days until midterms 96 days until Thanksgiving 136 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 08/22/22 1,041,149 Dead Americans 8 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs. 93,642,099 US cases 603,330,243 Vaccine Doses Given 14 days until Labor Day 31 days until Fall 78 days until midterms 94 days until Thanksgiving 134 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 08/23/22 1,040,898 Dead Americans 0 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs. 93,623,973 US cases 603,332,091 Vaccine Doses Given 13 days until Labor Day 30 days until Fall 77 days until midterms 93 days until Thanksgiving 133 days New Congress sworn in 1 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 08/24/22 1,041,491 Dead Americans 593 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 93,755,395 US cases 603,332,500 Vaccine Doses Given 12 days until Labor Day 29 days until Fall 76 days until midterms 92 days until Thanksgiving 132 days New Congress sworn in 1 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 08/25/22 1,042,398 Dead Americans 907 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 93,903,947 US cases 603,343,411 Vaccine Doses Given 11 days until Labor Day 28 days until Fall 75 days until midterms 91 days until Thanksgiving 131 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 08/26/22 1,043,089 Dead Americans 691 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 94,028,202 US cases 604,654,076 Vaccine Doses Given 10 days until Labor Day 27 days until Fall 74 days until midterms 90 days until Thanksgiving 130 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 08/28/22 1,043,838 Dead Americans 55 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs. 94,184,160 US cases 604,654,574 Vaccine Doses Given 08 days until Labor Day 25 days until Fall 72 days until midterms 88 days until Thanksgiving 128 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 08/29/22 1,043,838 Dead Americans 02 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs. 94,190,979 US cases 604,654,574 Vaccine Doses Given 07 days until Labor Day 24 days until Fall 71 days until midterms 87 days until Thanksgiving 127 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 08/30/22 1,044,332 Dead Americans 494 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 94,280,464 US cases 604,656,326 Vaccine Doses Given 06 days until Labor Day 23 days until Fall 70 days until midterms 86 days until Thanksgiving 126 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 08/31/22 1,044,763 Dead Americans 431 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 94,380,993 US cases 604,656,568 Vaccine Doses Given 05 days until Labor Day 22 days until Fall 69 days until midterms 85 days until Thanksgiving 125 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 09/01/22 1,046,244 Dead Americans 1,481 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 94,532,156 US cases 604,665,888 Vaccine Doses Given 04 days until Labor Day 21 days until Fall 68 days until midterms 84 days until Thanksgiving 124 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 09/02/22 1,047,006 Dead Americans 762 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs. 94,649,523 US cases 605,702,544 Vaccine Doses Given 03 days until Labor Day 20 days until Fall 67 days until midterms 83 days until Thanksgiving 123 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 09/04/22 1,047,497 Dead Americans 19 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs. 94,742,293 US cases 608,114,455 Vaccine Doses Given 01 days until Labor Day 18 days until Fall 65 days until midterms 81 days until Thanksgiving 121 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 09/05/22 1,047,498 Dead Americans 01 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs. 94,748,404 US cases 608,114,455 Vaccine Doses Given 17 days until Fall 56 days until Halloween 64 days until midterms 80 days until Thanksgiving 120 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 09/12/22 1,050,323 Dead Americans 05 died from Covid in the past 22 hrs. 95,250,753 US cases 606,355,494 Vaccine Doses Given 10 days until Fall 49 days until Halloween 57 days until midterms 73 days until Thanksgiving 113 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 09/14/22 1,051,303 Dead Americans 536 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 95,388,380 US cases 606,358,013 Vaccine Doses Given 08 days until Fall 47 days until Halloween 55 days until midterms 71 days until Thanksgiving 111 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 09/16/22 1,052,939 Dead Americans 725 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 95,585,483 US cases 610,839,669 Vaccine Doses Given 06 days until Fall 45 days until Halloween 53 days until midterms 69 days until Thanksgiving 109 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 09/17/22 1,053,389 Dead Americans 450 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 95,645,794 US cases 608,433,856 Vaccine Doses Given 05 days until Fall 44 days until Halloween 52 days until midterms 68 days until Thanksgiving 108 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 07:20am EDT 09/18/22 1,053,412 Dead Americans 23 died from Covid in the past 26 hrs. 95,653,526 US cases 608,433,856 Vaccine Doses Given 04 days until Fall 43 days until Halloween 51 days until midterms 67 days until Thanksgiving 107 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 07:20am EDT 09/18/22 1,053,420 Dead Americans 8 died from Covid in the past 26 hrs. 95,658,277 US cases 608,433,856 Vaccine Doses Given 03 days until Fall 42 days until Halloween 50 days until midterms 66 days until Thanksgiving 106 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 09/22/22 1,055,196 Dead Americans 863 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 95,874,605 US cases 608,472,905 Vaccine Doses Given 40 days until Halloween 48 days until midterms 64 days until Thanksgiving 94 days until Xmas 104 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 09/23/22 1,055,922 Dead Americans 726 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 95,969,918 US cases 611,686,655 Vaccine Doses Given 39 days until Halloween 47 days until midterms 63 days until Thanksgiving 93 days until Xmas 103 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 06:20am EDT 09/24/22 1,056,372 Dead Americans 450 died from Covid in the past 25 hrs. 96,056,075 US cases 611,686,655 Vaccine Doses Given 37 days until Halloween 44 days until midterms 61 days until Thanksgiving 92 days until Xmas 101 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 09/25/22 1,056,409 Dead Americans 37 died from Covid in the past 23 hrs. 96,065,161 US cases 611,686,655 Vaccine Doses Given 36 days until Halloween 43 days until midterms 60 days until Thanksgiving 91 days until Xmas 100 days New Congress sworn in 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 09/26/22 1,056,416 Dead Americans 07 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 96,071,001 US cases 611,686,655 Vaccine Doses Given 35 days until Halloween 42 days until midterms 59 days until Thanksgiving 90 days until Xmas 99 days New Congress sworn in 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 09/28/22 1,057,273 Dead Americans 484 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 96,163,469 US cases 611,686,655 Vaccine Doses Given 33 days until Halloween 40 days until midterms 57 days until Thanksgiving 88 days until Xmas 97 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 07:20am EDT 09/29/22 1,057,273 Dead Americans 1,232 died from Covid in the past 26 hrs. 96,249,182 US cases 611,686,655 Vaccine Doses Given 32 days until Halloween 39 days until midterms 56 days until Thanksgiving 87 days until Xmas 96 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 07:20am EDT 09/30/22 1,059,288 Dead Americans 2,015 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 96,347,008 US cases 611,686,655 Vaccine Doses Given 31 days until Halloween 38 days until midterms 57 days until Thanksgiving 86 days until Xmas 95 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 10/01/22 1,059,579 Dead Americans 291 died from Covid in the past 22 hrs. 96,385,048 US cases 611,686,655 Vaccine Doses Given 30 days until Halloween 37 days until midterms 56 days until Thanksgiving 85 days until Xmas 94 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 10/02/22 1,059,605 Dead Americans 26 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 96,392,543 US cases 611,686,655 Vaccine Doses Given 29 days until Halloween 36 days until midterms 55 days until Thanksgiving 84 days until Xmas 93 days New Congress sworn in 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 10/05/22 1,060,428 Dead Americans 823 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 96,481,737 US cases 611,686,655 Vaccine Doses Given 26 days until Halloween 33 days until midterms 52 days until Thanksgiving 81 days until Xmas 90 days New Congress sworn in 1\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 10/07/22 1,062,130 Dead Americans 1,702 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 96,612,509 US cases 611,686,655 Vaccine Doses Given 24 days until Halloween 31 days until midterms 50 days until Thanksgiving 79 days until Xmas 88 days New Congress sworn in 3 2\n', 'As of 08:20am EDT 10/08/22 1,062,513 Dead Americans 383 died from Covid in the past 27 hrs. 96,686,904 US cases 611,686,655 Vaccine Doses Given 23 days until Halloween 30 days until midterms 49 days until Thanksgiving 78 days until Xmas 87 days New Congress sworn in\n', 'As of 05:20am EDT 10/09/22 1,062,560 Dead Americans 47 died from Covid in the past 24 hrs. 96,694,214 US cases 611,686,655 Vaccine Doses Given 22 days until Halloween 29 days until midterms 48 days until Thanksgiving 77 days until Xmas 86 days New Congress sworn in\n'] ['@ElectNPol'] ['Buttigieg Tests Positive for COVID after Headlining Policy Conference https://rawstory.com/buttigieg-tests-positive-for-after-headlining-policy-conference/… #democracy #midterms #elections #midterm #democrats rawstory.com Buttigieg Tests Positive for COVID after Headlining Policy Conference U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announced late Monday morning he has just tested positive for COVID-19. Buttigieg delivered the keynote address last week on Wednesday at the Michigan...\n', 'Will monkeypox spread as fast as COVID? https://thehill.com/news/3516243-will-monkeypox-spread-as-fast-as-covid/… #midterms #2022elections #Equality #elections2022 #politics #democracy #PoliticsLive #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politicstoday #elections thehill.com Will monkeypox spread as fast as COVID? As monkeypox spreads quickly throughout the U.S., might it start a new pandemic?\n', 'Watch live: White House COVID-19 Response Team holds press briefing https://thehill.com/news/3517147-watch-live-wh-covid-19-response-team-public-health-officials-hold-press-briefing/… #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections #2022elections #PoliticsLive #midterms #Equality #politics #politicstoday #democracy #elections2022 thehill.com Watch live: White House COVID-19 response team holds press briefing The White House COVID-19 response team and public health officials will hold a press briefing Thursday morning. The event is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. ET. Watch the video above.\n', 'White House unveils plans to roll out COVID-19 vaccines for kids 5 and under https://thehill.com/news/3516745-white-house-unveils-plans-to-roll-out-covid-19-vaccines-for-kids-5-and-under/… #Equality #politics #2022elections #elections #politicstoday #DemocracyNotAutocracy #midterms #elections2022 #democracy #PoliticsLive thehill.com White House unveils plans to roll out COVID-19 vaccines for kids 5 and under Ten million pediatric COVID-19 vaccine doses will be available for states, Tribes and other jurisdictions to pre-order in anticipation of vaccinations for kids ages 5 and younger beginning before t…\n', 'Hugh Jackman Has COVID-19 for the Second Time https://youtube.com/watch?v=nVibG0Y5Mmk… #democracy #politicstoday #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections2022 #midterms #PoliticsLive #elections #politics #Equality #2022elections youtube.com Hugh Jackman Has COVID-19 for the Second Time Hugh Jackman has COVID-19 for the second time! The Australian actor broke the news just one day after his performance with co-star Sutton Foster at the Tony ...\n', "Fox News Gloats Over Dr Fauci's Positive Covid Test https://crooksandliars.com/2022/06/fox-news-gloats-over-dr-fauci-testing… #politics #elections2022 #midterms #2022elections #elections #Equality #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politicstoday #PoliticsLive #democracy crooksandliars.com Fox News Gloats Over Dr Fauci's Positive Covid Test Fox News' Trace Gallagher, the substitute host for John Roberts pretended that since Dr. Fauci tested positive for COVID, his last two and a half years of service are now controversial.\n", "Florida Only State To Not Order Covid Vaccines For Children Under Five https://youtube.com/watch?v=aw0JZZJGgCQ… #PoliticsLive #elections2022 #DemocracyNotAutocracy #democracy #elections #Equality #2022elections #midterms #politicstoday #politics youtube.com Florida Only State To Not Order Covid Vaccines For Children Under Five Florida has not ordered additional Covid-19 vaccines for children under five after the FDA endorsed its use in that age group. NBC's Shannon Pettypiece repor...\n", 'White House says Gov. DeSantis has reversed course, now ordering COVID vaccines for kids under 5 https://rawstory.com/white-house-says-gov-desantis-has-reversed-course-now-ordering-covid-vaccines-for-kids-under-5/… #Equality #politicstoday #elections #politics #midterms #DemocracyNotAutocracy #2022elections #PoliticsLive #elections2022 #democracy rawstory.com White House says Gov. DeSantis has reversed course, now ordering COVID vaccines for kids under 5 Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday was still refusing to order COVID-19 vaccines from the federal government, for the country’s youngest children. But by Friday, the governor had “reversed course and is...\n', 'CDC Director Endorses Covid Vaccines For Young Children https://youtube.com/watch?v=ckdZkSq4pog… #democracy #Equality #politicstoday #elections #2022elections #midterms #politics #elections2022 #PoliticsLive #DemocracyNotAutocracy youtube.com CDC Director Endorses Covid Vaccines For Young Children Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky signed off on Covid-19 vaccines for children under the ages of 5-years-old. ? Subsc...\n', 'BREAKING: CDC Endorses Covid Vaccine for Children 6 Months to 5 Years https://mediaite.com/news/breaking-cdc-panel-unanimously-recommends-covid-vaccine-for-kids-5-and-younger/… #politicstoday #2022elections #elections2022 #midterms #PoliticsLive #elections #politics #democracy #DemocracyNotAutocracy #Equality mediaite.com BREAKING: CDC Endorses Covid Vaccine for Children 6 Months to 5 Years CDC panel approved the recommendation of vaccination for infants and very young children unanimously on Saturday and doses could roll out as early as Tuesday.\n', "CDC Panel Approves Covid Vaccines For Children Under Five Years Old https://youtube.com/watch?v=Bn9pYNRjuB8… #midterms #DemocracyNotAutocracy #2022elections #politics #elections2022 #elections #Equality #politicstoday #democracy #PoliticsLive youtube.com CDC Panel Approves Covid Vaccines For Children Under Five Years Old A CDC panel has approved Pfizer and Moderna's Covid vaccines for children under the age of five. This is the last age group to become eligible for the vaccin...\n", 'CDC Approves Covid-19 Vaccines For Children Under Five https://youtube.com/watch?v=9xX0wdY52vc… #politics #Equality #elections2022 #elections #PoliticsLive #midterms #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politicstoday #democracy #2022elections youtube.com CDC Approves Covid-19 Vaccines For Children Under Five MSNBC medical contributor Dr. Kavita Patel discusses the CDC signing off on Covid vaccines for the youngest Americans.? Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.c...\n', "Surgeon General: 'A Really Big Moment In The Fight Against Covid' https://youtube.com/watch?v=QxQAw57sDx8… #politics #2022elections #democracy #elections2022 #politicstoday #Equality #PoliticsLive #midterms #elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy youtube.com Surgeon General: 'A Really Big Moment In The Fight Against Covid' U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, joins Morning Joe to discuss the CDC's recommendation that children ages six months and older be vaccinated against C...\n", 'Fauci Reveals He Has COVID Rebound https://youtube.com/watch?v=qFh-8CGqaeE… #midterms #Equality #politics #democracy #politicstoday #elections2022 #elections #2022elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy #PoliticsLive youtube.com Fauci Reveals He Has COVID Rebound Dr. Anthony Fauci tested positive for COVID-19 for the second time in two weeks — an indicator of what’s known as COVID-19 rebound. Fauci says he treated his...\n', 'Ted Cruz Feuds With Elmo Over PSA For Toddler Covid Vaccines https://youtube.com/watch?v=gzbWsb44Oy4… #elections2022 #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politics #2022elections #Equality #politicstoday #PoliticsLive #democracy #elections #midterms youtube.com Ted Cruz Feuds With Elmo Over PSA For Toddler Covid Vaccines Dr. Kavita Patel joins Andrea Mitchell to share data and emphasize the need for children under five to be vaccinated against Covid-19, after Senator Ted Cruz...\n', 'Clarence Thomas: Covid Vaccines Contain Cells From Aborted Fetuses https://youtube.com/watch?v=R_1ge7NSrYk… #democracy #Equality #politics #2022elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy #PoliticsLive #elections #midterms #elections2022 #politicstoday youtube.com Clarence Thomas: Covid Vaccines Contain Cells From Aborted Fetuses Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in a dissenting judicial opinion on a case about religious liberty and vaccine mandates that the COVID-19 vaccine...\n', 'Nearly two dozen GOP states attempting to use COVID relief funds for tax cuts https://rawstory.com/nearly-two-dozen-gop-states-attempting-to-use-relief-funds-for-tax-cuts/… #midterms #elections2022 #politicstoday #PoliticsLive #elections #Equality #democracy #2022elections #politics #DemocracyNotAutocracy rawstory.com Nearly two dozen GOP states attempting to use COVID relief funds for tax cuts Republican leaders in nearly two dozen U.S. states are attempting—potentially in violation of federal law—to use coronavirus relief funds approved by Congress last year to finance tax cuts instead of...\n', 'Cheating GOP States Want Covid Funds To Cut Taxes For Rich https://crooksandliars.com/2022/07/cheating-gop-states-use-covid-funds-tax… #DemocracyNotAutocracy #2022elections #democracy #politicstoday #midterms #PoliticsLive #elections #Equality #politics #elections2022 crooksandliars.com Cheating GOP States Want Covid Funds To Cut Taxes For Rich Nearly Two Dozen GOP States Attempting to Use Covid Relief Funds for Tax Cuts\n', "GOP Senate candidate's lawsuit blaming China for Covid dismissed by federal judge: report https://rawstory.com/gop-senate-candidate-s-lawsuit-blaming-china-for-dismissed-by-federal-judge-report/… #midterms #2022elections #elections2022 #Equality #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections #democracy #politicstoday #PoliticsLive #politics rawstory.com GOP Senate candidate's lawsuit blaming China for Covid dismissed by federal judge: report Attorney General Eric Schmitt’s lawsuit blaming China for COVID-19 was dismissed Friday when a federal judge ruled his court has no jurisdiction over foreign governments. U.S. District Judge Stephen...\n", 'U.S. Sees 100k Covid Cases A Day https://youtube.com/watch?v=oVulMqYO0t8… #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politics #midterms #2022elections #elections2022 #PoliticsLive #politicstoday #elections #Equality #democracy youtube.com U.S. Sees 100k Covid Cases A Day | Zerlina. As much as people act like Covid is over, the virus has other plans. Dr. Uché Blackstock breaks down where the country stands. ? Subscribe to MSNBC: http://o...\n', 'New Covid Subvariant Brings Summer Surge | The Mehdi Hasan Show https://youtube.com/watch?v=jsIBdkukQNg… #democracy #Equality #2022elections #elections2022 #elections #politics #PoliticsLive #politicstoday #DemocracyNotAutocracy #midterms youtube.com New Covid Subvariant Brings Summer Surge | The Mehdi Hasan Show The Omicron BA.5 variant is now dominant in the U.S., with one expert calling it “the worst version of the virus that we’ve seen.” Dr. Robert Wachter, chair ...\n', 'Fauci On Highly Contagious Omicron Subvariant BA.5 And Rise Of Covid Cases https://youtube.com/watch?v=mo1DwGy4c_M… #Equality #elections #democracy #2022elections #politics #midterms #elections2022 #DemocracyNotAutocracy #PoliticsLive #politicstoday youtube.com Fauci On Highly Contagious Omicron Subvariant BA.5 And Rise Of Covid... Chief Medical Advisor to President Biden and Director of NIAID, Dr. Anthony Fauci, joins Chris Jansing to discuss the rise in Covid cases across the United S...\n', "White House Details Physician's Response To Biden Contracting Covid https://youtube.com/watch?v=fYFbAru_Dwk… #DemocracyNotAutocracy #midterms #PoliticsLive #democracy #2022elections #politics #elections2022 #elections #Equality #politicstoday youtube.com White House Details Physician's Response To Biden Contracting Covid During a press briefing to address President Biden’s Covid-19 infection, Covid Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha detailed how the president’s personal phys...\n", 'Biden Tweets Photo After Contracting Covid, Says ‘Keeping Busy’ https://youtube.com/watch?v=vT8jEy-_jUY… #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections #democracy #Equality #PoliticsLive #politics #politicstoday #2022elections #midterms #elections2022 youtube.com Biden Tweets Photo After Contracting Covid, Says ‘Keeping Busy’ Hours after the White House announced President Biden tested positive for Covid-19, he tweeted a photo of himself seated at his desk. The president said he i...\n', 'Jill Biden: President ‘Doing Fine’ After Testing Positive For Covid https://youtube.com/watch?v=g1fO5emR1bA… #politicstoday #midterms #2022elections #PoliticsLive #democracy #elections2022 #Equality #politics #elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy youtube.com Jill Biden: President ‘Doing Fine’ After Testing Positive For Covid After President Joe Biden tested positive for Covid-19, first lady Jill Biden said that the president is “feeling good” and “doing fine.” She also said that ...\n', 'What Toll Will Covid Take On Biden? https://youtube.com/watch?v=LAWppoPNHiM… #PoliticsLive #Equality #elections2022 #politicstoday #2022elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politics #midterms #elections #democracy youtube.com What Toll Will Covid Take On Biden? | Zerlina. President Biden’s positive Covid diagnosis is a stark reminder that the pandemic is not over. Dr. Uché Blackstock weighs in. ? Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on....\n', "Did President Biden Contract COVID-19 While Traveling? https://youtube.com/watch?v=WwMhhCvwO4M… #democracy #elections #midterms #elections2022 #Equality #PoliticsLive #politics #2022elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politicstoday youtube.com Did President Biden Contract COVID-19 While Traveling? With President Biden's confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, many question how he may have contracted it. Experts say he likely contracted the virus last weekend or ...\n", 'President Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19 https://youtube.com/watch?v=zNG4HO6i5cE… #democracy #midterms #2022elections #PoliticsLive #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politicstoday #elections #Equality #elections2022 #politics youtube.com President Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19 President Biden announced he tested positive for COVID-19. As part of the routine testing processes at the White House, he was given a rapid test which came ...\n', "How the World Trade Organization chose profits over vaccinating Earth's population against COVID-19 https://alternet.org/2022/07/world-trade-organization-profits-population/… #politicstoday #PoliticsLive #elections2022 #politics #elections #midterms #Equality #DemocracyNotAutocracy #2022elections #democracy alternet.org How the World Trade Organization chose profits over vaccinating Earth's population against COVID-19 The health of all people is being sacrificed to Big Pharma profits and rich countries’ saber-rattling sanctions. Meanwhile, other countries are capable of meeting the world’s vaccine needs.The UNAIDS... 1\n", "Biden's Doctor Says His Covid Symptoms 'Continue To Improve' https://youtube.com/watch?v=hyAAYwE-KLs… #politics #elections #elections2022 #politicstoday #DemocracyNotAutocracy #Equality #democracy #2022elections #PoliticsLive #midterms youtube.com Biden's Doctor Says His Covid Symptoms 'Continue To Improve' The president's physician says President Biden has improved symptoms two days after testing positive for Covid-19 but was experiencing a sore throat and body... 1\n", 'Covid Cases And Hospitalizations Spiking For Third July In A Row | The Katie Phang Show https://youtube.com/watch?v=U9J4d5PQTSo… #democracy #elections #PoliticsLive #2022elections #politics #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections2022 #politicstoday #Equality #midterms youtube.com Covid Cases And Hospitalizations Spiking For Third July In A Row |... Despite the fact that many Americans have moved on, Covid-19 is still wreaking havoc across the country. Dr. Ebony Hilton joins Katie Phang to discuss where ...\n', 'Biden\'s COVID-19 Symptoms Are Improving, Doctor Says https://youtube.com/watch?v=QTZXzk9gQmc… #elections #democracy #politicstoday #midterms #politics #elections2022 #PoliticsLive #2022elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy #Equality youtube.com Biden\'s COVID-19 Symptoms Are Improving, Doctor Says President Biden is reportedly getting better after being diagnosed with COVID-19. The White House physician Kevin O\'Connor says the president\'s "symptoms hav...\n', '\'Karma\': Fox News Pundit Says Getting Covid-19 Is \'Reality Check\' For Biden https://crooksandliars.com/2022/07/karma-fox-news-pundit-says-getting-covid… #2022elections #elections2022 #politicstoday #democracy #elections #Equality #DemocracyNotAutocracy #PoliticsLive #midterms #politics crooksandliars.com \'Karma\': Fox News Pundit Says Getting Covid-19 Is \'Reality Check\' For Biden Fox News pundit Joey Jones said on Thursday that President Joe Biden had been punished with a Covid-19 infection as "karma."\n', "Sen. Joe Manchin Tests Positive For Covid https://youtube.com/watch?v=9iiIZHsk5LA… #2022elections #politicstoday #democracy #elections2022 #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politics #midterms #elections #PoliticsLive #Equality youtube.com Sen. Joe Manchin Tests Positive For Covid Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., has tested positive for Covid-19 and is experiencing mild symptoms. NBC's Ali Vitali reports on how this could affect a push by Dem...\n", 'Biden ‘Got Through Covid With No Fear’ Due To Widely Available Vaccine, Treatments https://youtube.com/watch?v=WD3X1tvUoiA… #democracy #PoliticsLive #Equality #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politics #midterms #elections #2022elections #elections2022 #politicstoday youtube.com Biden ‘Got Through Covid With No Fear’ Due To Widely Available... Having ended his period of isolation after testing negative for Covid-19 on Wednesday, President Biden highlighted the availability of vaccines and treatment...\n', "Biden Tests Negative For Covid https://youtube.com/watch?v=8U_QZXl55Xs… #elections2022 #midterms #Equality #elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politicstoday #democracy #politics #PoliticsLive #2022elections youtube.com Biden Tests Negative For Covid President Biden has tested negative for Covid-19 and will end his isolation period but will continue to wear a mask out of an abundance of caution. NBC's Kri...\n", "Wait What? NY Post Reporter Stuns WH Spox By Asking If Biden’s Covid Was a Saudi Biological Attack https://mediaite.com/news/wait-what-ny-post-reporter-stuns-wh-spox-by-asking-if-bidens-covid-was-a-saudi-biological-attack/… #elections #midterms ... mediaite.com Wait What? NY Post Reporter Stuns WH Spox By Asking If Biden’s Covid Was a Saudi Biological Attack Steven Nelson stunned John Kirby when he asked if President Joe Biden's recent bout with Covid was the result of deliberate action by Saudi Arabia. 1\n", 'Tucker Carlson Suggests Renaming Monkeypox ‘Schlong COVID’ https://crooksandliars.com/2022/07/tucker-carlson-suggests-renaming-monkeypox… #politics #2022elections #midterms #politicstoday #elections2022 #democracy #elections #PoliticsLive #Equality #DemocracyNotAutocracy crooksandliars.com Tucker Carlson Suggests Renaming Monkeypox ‘Schlong COVID’ Tucker Carlson thinks it’s amusing to name a disease primarily affecting gay men with a homophobic slur.\n', 'COVID-19 Reinfection Rate Rises Across the US https://youtube.com/watch?v=P4dvSdqIW5A… #Equality #politicstoday #PoliticsLive #elections2022 #politics #elections #democracy #DemocracyNotAutocracy #2022elections #midterms youtube.com COVID-19 Reinfection Rate Rises Across the US As President Biden announces he tested negative for COVID-19, more cases continue to rise in the U.S. In New York, hospitalizations are up 70% from June with...\n', 'Biden Experiencing No Reemergence Of Symptoms After Testing Positive For Covid Again https://youtube.com/watch?v=B-PIOpjl77Q… #democracy #2022elections #politics #midterms #politicstoday #Equality #elections #PoliticsLive #elections2022 #DemocracyNotAutocracy youtube.com Biden Experiencing No Reemergence Of Symptoms After Testing Positive... President Joe Biden tested positive for Covid-19 again, after testing negative several days in a row, his doctor said in a letter. The letter also said Biden... 1\n', "Biden Tests Positive For Covid In 'Rebound' Case, Has No Symptoms https://youtube.com/watch?v=YOOYLnyHq2k… #elections2022 #DemocracyNotAutocracy #2022elections #politicstoday #Equality #PoliticsLive #elections #democracy #politics #midterms youtube.com Biden Tests Positive For Covid In 'Rebound' Case, Has No Symptoms The White House doctor released a new letter indicating that despite testing negative for the past four days, President Joe Biden tested positive for Covid l...\n", "Brian Kilmeade Absurdly Claims Covid Vaccines, Boosters Fail https://mediaite.com/tv/brian-kilmeade-inexplicably-claims-covid-boosters-dont-work-and-vaccine-is-ineffective/… #politicstoday #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections2022 #elections #PoliticsLive #politics #midterms #democracy #Equality #2022elections mediaite.com Brian Kilmeade Inexplicably Claims Covid ‘Boosters Don’t Work’ and Vaccine is 'Ineffective Except... However, the vaccines have allowed most of those who got it that get Covid to not have to be hospitalized or experience major symptoms.\n", "'Almost All' Monkeypox Spread From 'Prolonged Skin-To-Skin Contact': WH Covid Chief https://youtube.com/watch?v=XU2hVwy_jMg… #midterms #DemocracyNotAutocracy #PoliticsLive #2022elections #democracy #Equality #politicstoday #politics #elections2022 #elections youtube.com 'Almost All' Monkeypox Spread From 'Prolonged Skin-To-Skin Contact':... White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, Dr. Ashish Jha, joins Morning Joe to discuss the spread of monkeypox in the United States and why it's been dec...\n", "How many times can you get reinfected with COVID? Here's what experts say https://rawstory.com/2657819123/ #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politics #PoliticsLive #2022elections #elections #elections2022 #midterms #politicstoday #democracy #Equality rawstory.com How many times can you get reinfected with COVID? Here's what experts say For many of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 this summer, this isn't their first rodeo. This article first appeared in Salon.In California, new data released by state officials showed that...\n", "Biden Tests Negative In Covid Rebound Case, Will Remain Isolated https://youtube.com/watch?v=VlOx04C_18M… #democracy #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politics #PoliticsLive #elections2022 #2022elections #elections #Equality #midterms #politicstoday youtube.com Biden Tests Negative In Covid Rebound Case, Will Remain Isolated President Joe Biden tested negative for Covid a week after he tested positive from a rebound infection. NBC News' Mike Memoli reports that the White House do...\n", 'Biden Cleared For Travel, Public Events After Testing Negative For Covid For Second Day https://youtube.com/watch?v=4Vo1gMSZb-I… #elections2022 #politicstoday #DemocracyNotAutocracy #Equality #midterms #democracy #elections #politics #2022elections #PoliticsLive youtube.com Biden Cleared For Travel, Public Events After Testing Negative For... The White House announced that President Joe Biden tested negative for Covid-19 for the second day in a row. The president will now safely return to travel a...\n', "Climate change puts Lyme disease in focus for France's Valneva after COVID blow https://reuters.com/business/future-of-health/climate-change-puts-lyme-disease-focus-frances-valneva-after-covid-blow-2022-08-08/… #Equality #democracy #DemocracyNotAutocracy #2022elections #PoliticsLive #politics #midterms #elections #politicstoday #elections2022 reuters.com Climate change puts Lyme disease in focus for France's Valneva after COVID blow With climate change spurring more cases of tick-borne Lyme disease, drugmaker Valneva is betting big on a vaccine as it looks beyond disappointing sales of its COVID shot.\n", 'CDC Relaxes COVID Protocols For Schools Ahead Of The New School Year https://youtube.com/watch?v=JQnIT6e-SKE… #politicstoday #democracy #midterms #PoliticsLive #2022elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections2022 #Equality #politics #elections youtube.com CDC Relaxes COVID Protocols For Schools Ahead Of The New School Year The CDC has just revised its Covid prevention methods for schools. Social distancing is no longer required and kids can still attend classes if they have bee...\n', 'First Lady Jill Biden tests positive for COVID https://rawstory.com/first-lady-jill-biden-tests-positive-for/… #elections #politicstoday #politics #elections2022 #PoliticsLive #Equality #2022elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy #midterms #democracy rawstory.com First Lady Jill Biden tests positive for COVID First Lady Dr. Jill Biden has tested positive for COVID-19 and is experiencing mild symptoms, her office announced Tuesday morning. She is being treated with Paxlovid."After testing negative for...\n', 'Jill Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19 https://youtube.com/watch?v=KEsbdztOP5E… #PoliticsLive #elections #2022elections #elections2022 #DemocracyNotAutocracy #democracy #politicstoday #politics #midterms #Equality youtube.com Jill Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19 First Lady Dr. Jill Biden is in isolation after testing positive for COVID-19. She began experiencing mild "cold-like" symptoms. That\'s when Biden took a PCR...\n', 'COVID-19 associated with increased risk of brain disorders 2 years after infection: study https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/legislation/healthcare/3609018-covid-19-associated-with-increased-risk-of-brain-disorders-2-years-after-infection-study/… #democracy #politicstoday #2022elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politics #elections2022 #midterms #PoliticsLive #Equality #elections thehill.com COVID-19 associated with increased risk of brain disorders 2 years after infection: study A study published on Wednesday shows a history of COVID-19 infection is associated with an increased risk of neurological aftereffects. “COVID-19 is associated with increased risks of neurological … 1\n', 'JUST IN: First Lady Jill Biden Tests Positive for Covid-19 Again in Apparent Paxlovid Rebound Case https://mediaite.com/news/just-in-first-lady-jill-biden-tests-positive-for-covid-19-again-in-apparent-paxlovid-rebound-case/… #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections #elections2022 #PoliticsLive #2022elections #politicstoday #Equality #politics #midterms #democracy mediaite.com JUST IN: First Lady Jill Biden Tests Positive for Covid-19 Again in Apparent Paxlovid Rebound Case First Lady Jill Biden has tested positive again for Covid-19 in what was a bounce-back case despite her having taken the antiviral Paxlovid. 1\n', 'Federal government to halt free COVID-19 at-home tests by early September https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3618005-federal-government-to-halt-free-covid-19-at-home-tests-by-early-september/… #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politics #midterms #2022elections #politicstoday #Equality #elections2022 #democracy #PoliticsLive #elections thehill.com Federal government to halt free COVID-19 at-home tests by early September The federal government is set to suspend its offer of free at-home COVID-19 tests by Friday, Sept. 2, without congressional authorization for an extension. The U.S. Postal Service’s page for …\n', 'Schools Need A ‘Layered Mitigation Strategy’ To Prevent COVID-19 Spread https://youtube.com/watch?v=oNErDZtalGM… #elections2022 #midterms #Equality #2022elections #elections #PoliticsLive #politicstoday #politics #democracy #DemocracyNotAutocracy youtube.com Schools Need A ‘Layered Mitigation Strategy’ To Prevent COVID-19... Founder and CEO of Advancing Health Equity Dr. Uché Blackstock joins Andrea Mitchell as a new school year begins and students return to classrooms with updat...\n', 'Insufficient Covid Funding Means No More Free Tests | The Mehdi Hasan Show https://youtube.com/watch?v=i9gtX4-MYMk… #elections #elections2022 #democracy #politics #midterms #DemocracyNotAutocracy #PoliticsLive #2022elections #Equality #politicstoday youtube.com Insufficient Covid Funding Means No More Free Tests | The Mehdi Hasan... The White House is suspending its free Covid-19 testing program as federal funding for the virus begins to run out, forcing Americans to start footing the bi...\n', "Fauci Urges Americans To Get New Booster Vaccines To 'Maintain The Protection' Against Covid https://youtube.com/watch?v=19di2jDGySg… #PoliticsLive #midterms #democracy #elections #2022elections #elections2022 #DemocracyNotAutocracy #Equality #politics #politicstoday youtube.com Fauci Urges Americans To Get New Booster Vaccines To 'Maintain The... Dr. Anthony Fauci urged Americans to receive the newly approved Pfizer and Moderna booster vaccines to combat the omicron variant of Covid-19 when they are e...\n", 'What’s The Deal With New Covid Boosters? https://youtube.com/watch?v=t9KYIdgKvsc… #midterms #elections #2022elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections2022 #democracy #politics #Equality #politicstoday #PoliticsLive youtube.com What’s The Deal With New Covid Boosters? | Zerlina. Dr. Irwin Redlener joins the show to break down the latest guidance from the CDC on new Covid boosters that target the Omicron variant. ? Subscribe to MSNBC:...\n', 'How long COVID is impacting the nationwide labor shortage https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3626158-how-long-covid-is-impacting-the-nationwide-labor-shortage/… #DemocracyNotAutocracy #2022elections #elections2022 #midterms #politics #democracy #PoliticsLive #elections #politicstoday #Equality thehill.com How long COVID is impacting the nationwide labor shortage Persistent COVID-19 symptoms could be keeping millions of Americans out of the workforce. Economists and policymakers have struggled to figure out why a much lower percentage of working-age a…\n', 'Newly Approved Covid-19 Booster For B-A5 Omicron Subvariant https://youtube.com/watch?v=Gq_IEeFDknM… #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections #PoliticsLive #2022elections #politicstoday #midterms #politics #democracy #elections2022 #Equality youtube.com Newly Approved Covid-19 Booster For B-A5 Omicron Subvariant A newly approved Covid-19 booster is expected to hit pharmacies soon, targeting the B-A5 Omicron subvariant. MSNBC medical contributor Dr. Uche Blackstock te...\n', 'On The Money — Long COVID hits the labor market https://thehill.com/policy/finance/overnights/3631533-on-the-money-long-covid-hits-the-labor-market/… #2022elections #Equality #elections2022 #elections #PoliticsLive #midterms #politicstoday #democracy #politics #DemocracyNotAutocracy thehill.com On The Money — Long COVID hits the labor market We’ll dig into how long COVID intersects with the worker shortage. We’ll also look at President Biden’s semiconductor plan, school teacher strikes and the Labor Day air travel rebound. But first, s…\n', 'Health Care — COVID boosters will be annual, says White House https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/overnights/3631436-health-care-covid-boosters-will-be-annual-says-white-house/… #2022elections #midterms #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections #politicstoday #Equality #PoliticsLive #politics #elections2022 #democracy thehill.com Health Care — COVID boosters will be annual, says White House Happy anniversary to one of the coolest moments in baseball history: 27 years ago today, Cal Ripken Jr. broke Lou Gehrig’s record for consecutive games played. In health news, the White House is …\n', 'White House buys 100M at-home COVID-19 tests with ‘limited funding’ https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3634788-white-house-buys-100m-at-home-covid-19-tests-with-limited-funding/… #midterms #politics #democracy #elections2022 #elections #PoliticsLive #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politicstoday #Equality #2022elections thehill.com White House buys 100M at-home COVID-19 tests with ‘limited funding’ The White House on Thursday said it had purchased 100 million rapid at-home COVID-19 tests with its “limited funding,” as the administration continues to call on Congress to pass more p… 1\n', 'Montana Still Reeling GOP-Led Covid Policies | The Mehdi Hasan Show https://youtube.com/watch?v=yo-Eiy2Xx_0… #midterms #Equality #2022elections #elections #politics #politicstoday #DemocracyNotAutocracy #PoliticsLive #democracy #elections2022 youtube.com Montana Still Reeling GOP-Led Covid Policies | The Mehdi Hasan Show At the start of the pandemic, Montana fared better than average when it came to Covid deaths per capita. Then, a Republican became governor, safety measures ...\n', "Documentary Exposes Cruise Ships' Initial Handling Of Covid | The Mehdi Hasan Show https://youtube.com/watch?v=F57nHnlLVJQ… #politics #democracy #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politicstoday #Equality #midterms #2022elections #PoliticsLive #elections2022 #elections youtube.com Documentary Exposes Cruise Ships' Initial Handling Of Covid | The... Filmmaker Nick Quested captured history on January 6 as rioters attacked the U.S. Capitol. Now, he’s at the helm of a new documentary exposing how cruise shi...\n", 'Baldwin tests positive for COVID-19 https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3649456-baldwin-tests-positive-for-covid-19/… #elections #2022elections #midterms #DemocracyNotAutocracy #democracy #Equality #politicstoday #elections2022 #PoliticsLive #politics thehill.com Baldwin tests positive for COVID-19 Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) on Sunday announced she tested positive for COVID-19 and will work remotely from quarantine. Baldwin, who is vaccinated and boosted, said in a Twitter post announc…\n', "More Work To Do On COVID, But U.S. In A Much Better Place, Says Surgeon General https://youtube.com/watch?v=2uLiC1IsNkI… #2022elections #politics #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections #elections2022 #democracy #midterms #PoliticsLive #Equality #politicstoday youtube.com More Work To Do On COVID, But U.S. In A Much Better Place, Says... U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, joins Morning Joe following President Biden's remarks in a new interview the COVID-19 pandemic is over to say the U.S...\n", 'Biden And His Corporate Buddies Limit More Covid Resources https://youtube.com/watch?v=rtU-bK2xr3o… #democracy #midterms #elections2022 #politics #PoliticsLive #Equality #2022elections #elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politicstoday youtube.com Biden And His Corporate Buddies Limit More Covid Resources Biden And His Corporate Buddies Limit More Covid Resources#Shorts #TYT #News #Government #Politics #CenkUyger #AnaKasparian #Resources #Funding #Money #Democ...\n', "Chris Hayes: Go Get The Updated Covid Booster Shot https://youtube.com/watch?v=H1OjZGkiDzY… #Equality #2022elections #politics #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politicstoday #PoliticsLive #elections2022 #midterms #elections #democracy youtube.com Chris Hayes: Go Get The Updated Covid Booster Shot Chris Hayes: “If you're medically eligible, you and everyone you know should get the booster. There is so much more we can do to drive down this intolerable ...\n", 'Pfizer CEO tests positive for COVID-19 again https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3659878-pfizer-ceo-tests-positive-for-covid-19-again/… #elections #PoliticsLive #2022elections #midterms #politics #elections2022 #Equality #politicstoday #DemocracyNotAutocracy #democracy thehill.com Pfizer CEO tests positive for COVID-19 again Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said on Saturday that he has tested positive for COVID-19 again — the second time he has contracted the virus in under two months. “While we’ve made great progress, the vir…\n', 'Pfizer asks FDA to authorize new COVID booster for children https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3661364-pfizer-asks-fda-to-authorize-new-covid-booster-for-children/… #democracy #2022elections #Equality #PoliticsLive #politics #midterms #DemocracyNotAutocracy #politicstoday #elections #elections2022 thehill.com Pfizer asks FDA to authorize new COVID booster for children Pfizer on Monday announced it has submitted an application to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seeking authorization of its bivalent COVID-19 booster shot for children between the ages of 5 a…\n', 'Canada ending all COVID-19 restrictions at border as of Oct. 1 https://thehill.com/policy/international/3661216-canada-ending-all-covid-19-restrictions-at-border-as-of-oct-1/… #elections2022 #politics #politicstoday #midterms #democracy #Equality #2022elections #PoliticsLive #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections thehill.com Canada ending all COVID-19 restrictions at border as of Oct. 1 Canada is lifting its testing, quarantine and vaccination requirements at the border, a step in rolling back pandemic restrictions designed to stave off the spread of COVID-19, the government annou…\n', '‘Dancing With the Stars’ Dancer Tests Positive for COVID https://youtube.com/watch?v=LCWZcCS-ITM… #elections2022 #2022elections #elections #democracy #politics #politicstoday #Equality #PoliticsLive #DemocracyNotAutocracy #midterms youtube.com ‘Dancing With the Stars’ Dancer Tests Positive for COVID "Dancing With the Stars" pro dancing partner Daniella Karagach tested positive for COVID-19. Her test results left her to miss the Elvis episode of the show....\n', "'I Wouldn't Go That Far': GOP Rep. Slams Maria Bartiromo's Covid Conspiracy Theory https://crooksandliars.com/2022/10/i-wouldnt-go-far-gop-rep-slams-maria… #Equality #politicstoday #democracy #PoliticsLive #politics #2022elections #elections2022 #DemocracyNotAutocracy #elections #midterms crooksandliars.com 'I Wouldn't Go That Far': GOP Rep. Slams Maria Bartiromo's Covid Conspiracy Theory Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) pushed back on a suggestion by Fox News host Maria Bartiromo that the U.S. government had funded the creation of the Covid-19 virus.\n", 'Seniors died from COVID-19 at a high rate than any other age group this summer: analysis https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3677025-seniors-died-from-covid-19-at-a-high-rate-than-any-other-age-group-this-summer-analysis/… #democracy #midterms #elections #DemocracyNotAutocracy #Equality #2022elections #elections2022 #politics #PoliticsLive #politicstoday thehill.com Seniors died from COVID-19 at a higher rate than any other age group this summer: analysis More seniors than any other age group died from COVID-19 this past summer amid a disease surge fueled by COVID-19 subvariants, according to a new analysis published Thursday from the Kaiser Family …\n'] ['@DemocratVideos'] ["Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 425 Warren says all Democrats on board with 'comprehensive' immigration reform: 'We have to work out the details' https://foxnews.com/media/warren-democrats-on-board-comprehensive-immigration-reform-work-out-details… #FoxNews\n", 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis 1\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Rep. Adrian Smith · 423 There is a crisis at our southern border, and President Biden is only making it worse. Proud to join and in this important effort. twitter.com/RepArrington/s…\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 425 Dem lawmaker on Fox says border communities worried about Biden lifting Title 42 #NewsBreak https://share.newsbreak.com/xtg2ibz0\n', 'Insurrection vs. INVASION! Republicans hold Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border!\n', 'Insurrection vs. INVASION! Republicans hold Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! Pat Fuller #wtpBLUE #IVotedEarly She/Her · 423 Here you go Rep. Swalwell!\n', 'Insurrection vs. INVASION! Republicans hold Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border!\n', 'Insurrection vs. INVASION! Republicans hold Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! Rep. Eric Swalwell · 423 Today’s Republican Party: Tough on Mickey Mouse. Soft on insurrection.\n', "Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 425 Top House Republicans question Mayorkas' ‘suitability for office’ amid border crisis https://msn.com/en-us/news/politics/top-house-republicans-question-mayorkas-suitability-for-office-amid-border-crisis/ar-AAWxK7U?li=BBnb7Kz… 1 2\n", 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis The Hill · 428 .“This is not a plan to stop illegal immigration, this is a plan to accelerate illegal immigration and they even admit it. This has got to stop. American people just want enforcement of our laws. That is not too much to ask.” http://hill.cm/YtHtMQo\n', "Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 428 Rep. Higgins implores Mayorkas to resign over border crisis: 'Save the country the pain of your impeachment' https://foxnews.com/politics/clay-higgins-implores-mayorkas-resign-border-crisis-impeachment… #FoxNews\n", 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 427 DHS Releases Plan for Border After Title 42 Ends | http://Newsmax.com https://newsmax.com/politics/dhs-title42-alejandromayorkas-border/2022/04/26/id/1067365/… via 1\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis 3\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis The Hill · 427 Sen. Lindsey Graham: "Do you believe that if Title 42 is repealed there would be a surge at the border?" AG Garland: "All intelligence suggests that there will be a large increase at the border, yes." http://hill.cm/pIbxA5s 1\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 427 Biden faces pressure from vulnerable Democrats to delay end to Title 42 #NewsBreak https://share.newsbreak.com/ydjlboie\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 429 https://foxnews.com/politics/jordan-cut-off-questioning-mayorkas-migrant-terror-list.amp…\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Ron Johnson · 429 US Senate candidate, WI Ending Title 42 directly threatens the lives of citizens in this country and sends dangerous signals to countries across the world. We’ve got to secure our borders to keep America safe and secure.\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 429 Chip Roy holds up posters of dead migrants while confronting Mayorkas https://mol.im/a/10765377 via @MailOnline\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Rep. Darrell Issa · 429 Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has no business telling anyone what is disinformation and what isn’t. 1\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis The Hill · 51 ."We already have a crisis at the border, everybody knows that. That crisis threatens to become a catastrophe. [...] This year, we\'re on track to have a lot more border crossings. We don\'t have the final numbers yet, but probably between 1.5 and 2 million people."\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 430 Florida AG Moody releases internal DHS document she says contradicts Mayorkas testimony on border crisis - Fox News https://foxnews.com/politics/florida-ag-internal-dhs-document-contradicts-mayorkas-testimony… via @GoogleNews\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 52 https://thehill.com/news/sunday-talk-shows/3473011-mayorkas-not-concerned-about-mccarthy-impeachment-threat/…\n', "Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 52 Sen. Marshall to Newsmax: Biden Either 'Incompetent or He Wants' Border Crisis | http://Newsmax.com https://newsmax.com/politics/roger-marshall-border-immigration-biden/2022/04/29/id/1067865/… via @Newsmax\n", 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 52 Mayorkas’ message to migrants remains: ‘Do not come’ https://politi.co/3kzrgVC via @politico\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Congressman Jeff Van Drew · 53 Sec. Mayorkas has not “effectively managed” our border. He needs to resign immediately. twitter.com/HouseGOP/statu…\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 56 DHS Secretary Mayorkas should resign, Florida attorney general says https://foxnews.com/media/ashley-moody-calls-for-dhs-secretary-mayorkas-to-resign… #FoxNews\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Senator Ron Johnson · 55 The first step to fixing the border crisis is admitting there’s a problem and won’t even do that.\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis RNC Research · 55 MAYORKAS: "We do not believe the policies of this administration have caused" the border crisis.\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Ronny Jackson · 58 US House candidate, TX-13 A country without borders will CEASE to be a country at all. That’s EXACTLY what Mayorkas WANTS!\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Ronna McDaniel · 58 Preliminary numbers from The Washington Post indicate 234,000 illegal immigrants were encountered in April. That would be the highest month ever recorded.\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Kevin McCarthy · 510 This National Police Week, House Republicans are standing with all of law enforcement—that means U.S. Border Patrol, too. A country without a border is not a country at all—Republicans will not stop fighting until our border is secure, once and for all.\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis The Hill · 514 Sen. John Thune: "As you look at what\'s happening at the border and the illegal immigration number, the flows that are coming across the border illegally. The crime, the drug overdoses, [...] it\'s pretty clear that reversing Title 42 is going to create major problems."\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis House Republicans · 516 The “root causes” of this border crisis are Joe Biden’s open-border policies. You do not have a country if you don’t have secure borders. #BidenBorderCrisis https://washingtonexaminer.com/migration-crisis-has-worsened-despite-bidens-pledge-to-address-root-causes…\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 518 Mayorkas Doubles Down on Ending Title 42 | http://Newsmax.com https://newsmax.com/politics/mayorkas-title-42-immigration-border/2022/05/17/id/1070277/… via @Newsmax\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Rep. Glenn Grothman · 517 .reported 234,088 migrant encounters at the border in April, another record-high. With Title 42 set to expire, the #BidenBorderCrisis will only escalate. By empowering the Cartels instead of Biden is actively threatening the health and safety of our communities.\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis CPAC · 518 The United States Attorney’s Office District of Arizona found that many reentering Arizona illegally are repeat violent criminals. Yet, and refuse to take action to protect Title 42 and stop the surge of illegal entries.\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis CPAC · 518 When it comes to the #BidenBorderCrisis vulnerable Democrats are all talk on the campaign trail and no action. Not a single Democrat has signed onto discharge petition to protect #Title42 and prevent further assault on our Southern border.\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis John Kennedy · 518 You can lead a man to the presidency, but you can’t make him think. The Biden admin needs to focus on solving the crime and #BorderCrisis problems that keep American parents awake at night and stop punting crises to the Washington uber-elites.\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Bill Melugin · 517 BREAKING: There were 234,088 migrants encountered at the Southern border in April, per a DHS court filing today. That’s the highest number in DHS history. 117,989 migrants were released into the U.S. in April. 113,248 were removed, including 96,908 expelled via Title 42. 1\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 517 Border Patrol sets up new compound to house more migrants https://mol.im/a/10822197 via @MailOnline\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 517 RECORD 234,088 migrants came to southern border in April;Title 42 ends https://mol.im/a/10823557 via @MailOnline\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Sen. Marsha Blackburn · 523 The Biden administration is appealing the court’s decision to keep Title 42 in place. It’s almost as if they don’t care how out of hand the border crisis becomes.\n', "Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 525 Mayorkas’ '6 Pillars' border security plan is delusional https://msn.com/en-us/news/us/mayorkas-6-pillars-border-security-plan-is-delusional/ar-AAXFp6P?li=BBnb7Kz…\n", 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Jon Cooper · 523 More proof that President Biden’s Customs and Border Protection officers and Border Patrol agents are doing their job. Thanks for pointing that out, @GOP!\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Ronna McDaniel · 524 “Border Czar” Kamala Harris has not held a public event on immigration since last August – 9 MONTHS AGO.\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis DemocratVideos.com · 62 Biden works deal to resettle refugees in SPAIN to help migrant crisis https://mol.im/a/10878511 via @MailOnline\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis\n', 'Republicans must hold all Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats daily until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis Lauren Boebert · 62 US House candidate, CO-03 The Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents caught nearly 4,000 migrants over the Memorial Day Weekend. More than 1,600 migrants avoided apprehension and made their way into the United States. Make no mistake, this is not a “humanitarian effort”, it’s a full-scale invasion!\n', 'Republicans hold Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis #ImpeachMayorkas\n', 'Republicans hold Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis #ImpeachMayorkas RNC Research · 88 New Yorker: “Joe Biden should get up off his ass and do something about” the border crisis.\n', "Republicans hold Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis #ImpeachMayorkas DemocratVideos.com · 88 Homan slams Biden over border crisis as migrant buses travel to DC: 'A secure border saves lives' | https://video.foxnews.com/v/6310568990112\n", 'Republicans hold Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis #ImpeachMayorkas DemocratVideos.com · 88 NPR blasts GOP governors for busing illegal immigrants to DC ‘with no plan for what’s next’ https://foxnews.com/media/npr-blasts-gop-governors-busing-illegal-immigrants-dc-no-plan-whats-next… #FoxNews\n', "Republicans hold Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis #ImpeachMayorkas DemocratVideos.com · 817 Record '22 Border Apprehensions Approach 2 Million Through July | http://Newsmax.com https://newsmax.com/newsfront/cbp-southern-border-migrants/2022/08/16/id/1083387/… via @Newsmax\n", "Republicans hold Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis #ImpeachMayorkas DemocratVideos.com · 821 Rep. Nehls' Legislation Aimed at Stopping 'Known Terrorists' at Border | http://Newsmax.com https://newsmax.com/newsfront/troy-nehls-immigration-terrorist-watch-list/2022/08/19/id/1083845/… via @Newsmax\n", "Republicans hold Democrats accountable for border invasion by criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, possible terrorists, Covid infected illegal immigrants! Pressure Democrats until midterms, then vote them out! visit the border! #BidenBorderCrisis #ImpeachMayorkas DemocratVideos.com · 821 WATCH: Luxury hotel rooms for migrants? Americans in New York City react to Mayor Adams' plan https://video.foxnews.com/v/6311170289112\n"] ['@LostDiva'] ['It’s year 3 of COVID. How much longer do we have to tolerate these fake fights. Not one of them will do anything to get us #MedicareForAll - not even Dr. Fauci. #MidTerms 2\n', 'So that’s why President Biden, Democrats and Republicans tanked his #15hr campaign pledge..make people desperate to join the military. #Midterms #WarHawks #Bernie2024 #FireCongress Army ups bonuses for recruits to $50K, as COVID takes toll https://wltx.com/article/news/nation-world/army-recruit-bonus-covid/507-f5da0b44-43df-4c98-9965-2a6b7510dda2… via wltx.com Army ups bonuses for recruits to $50K, as COVID takes toll The final figure depends on when they agree to ship out for training, if they already have critical skills and if they choose airborne or ranger posts. 2 1\n', 'President Joe Biden COVID response sucks like Trump COVID response for the People. #Bernie2024 #MidTerms #IncreaseTheSquad 1 2\n', 'It is the new normal. CEOs and CDC said you don’t need time off from work if you contract COVID while vaccinated and boosted. And President Biden said no lockdowns or shutting down schools. Biden refused #MedicareForAll but funded #COBRA Insurance. #Midterms Increase The Squad 1\n', 'Workers when they find out they have to use imaginary paid time off from work if they get COVID or no time off if they’re vaccinated but still infected with COVID. #MidTerms Oh and Biden killed his own #PaidFamilyLeave bill. Pete don’t care cos he done already had his. ‘ GIF ALT 3 3\n', 'I would get the flu every year prior to #COVID pandemic but since the mask, I haven’t had a cold or flu in two years. I’m wearing a mask forever. #MidTerms #IncreaseTheSquad 4 10 126\n', 'But Corporate President Joe Biden said no more lockdowns and no school closures over COVID exposures. And use your own sick time. #MidTerms Increase The Squad Colorado man accused in Capitol riot has trial delayed after DC Jail goes into COVID-19 lockdown thehill.com Colorado man accused in Capitol riot has trial delayed after DC Jail goes into COVID-19 lockdown One of the Jan. 6 trials at the U.S. Federal District court for Washington, D.C., has been postponed after the judge was told the accused would be appearing via phone due to COVID-19 quarantine mea… 1\n', 'Also responsible - enacting #MedicareForAll. #MidTerms #COVID\n', 'Why don’t we enact #MedicareForAll so that people have zero excuses to accessing medical treatment in America? #COVID #Pandemic #MidTerms 1\n', 'Neither party leaders stand with parents, workers, our economic reality. Vote Them Out #Midterms #Bernie2024 COVID Parenting Has Passed the Point of Absurdity - The Atlantic theatlantic.com COVID Parenting Has Passed the Point of Absurdity This was always unsustainable. Now it’s simply impossible. 2 7\n', 'Democrats and Republicans doing everything they can to privatize access to healthcare. Employers need to speak up for their employees and demand #MedicareForAll! #Midterms #TheGreatResignation #COVID #Sanders2024 1\n', "President Biden and CEOs said take your ass back to work even if you get COVID, again. #Midterms Increase #TheSquad cos #PrivateInsurance makes you work for healthcare if you got #LongCovid or any other disease. TIME I'm Vaccinated, Boosted and Had COVID-19. Can I Go Back to Normal Now? 1 3\n", 'President Biden says his low-low poll numbers is cos he hasn’t been out in public with the Citizens cos COVID, yet he says we gotta go back to work for low wages and inadequate debt-ridden health insurance. And gas is high AF. #BernieSanders For President 2024! #Midterms 1 7\n', 'I’m So Fucking Sick Of The Billionaires Pandemic. #CoronaVirus #COVID #MidTerms Lawrence Hasenour · 130 “A strain of Omicron that is even more contagious than the original variant has been detected in Australia, authorities have confirmed. The new BA.2 subvariant has swept across Europe and already makes up 45 per cent of all cases in Denmark.” https://newsbreakapp.com/n/0dy77MJO?pd=05nwTQ59&lang=en_US&s=i2… 1\n', 'Biden requires insurance companies to cover 8 tests per month, but cannot require #Medicare to cover the tests. Maybe Biden should ask Marc Cuban to negotiate our drugs. #Midterms #Bernie2024 Biden pressured to cover COVID-19 tests through Medicare thehill.com Biden pressured to cover COVID-19 tests through Medicare The Biden administration is exploring ways for Medicare beneficiaries to get over-the-counter, at-home COVID-19 tests for free.The White House is requiring private insurance companies to cover the … 2\n', 'Not anytime soon no matter how bad the Billionaire and the President want us working. Over 500,000 daily infections, 2k deaths per day. #Midterms This map is the key to when US might start easing Covid-19 restrictions - CNN cnn.com This map is the key to when US might start easing Covid-19 restrictions | CNN There is now more optimism that the worst of the coronavirus pandemic may be ending -- and as other nations lift certain Covid-19 restrictions, some public health experts question whether US counties... 1\n', 'America got money to pay people to get COVID vaccinated but no money for #Reparations or #MedicareForAll! #Police #Midterms #JeffZucker Daniel Pearson · 22 $500/pp to get a free life saving vaccine. The ability to get paid more to stop working at your own discretion. Almost complete protection against termination. Must be nice. twitter.com/FOPLodge5/stat… 2 4 5\n', 'I’m beginning to think the Biden Administration had a surplus of masks and decided to give them to the American people JUST WHEN STATES END THEIR MASK MANDATES. So fucked up. #COVID #Pandemic #Midterms #America\n', 'The Billionaires don’t want Bernie Sanders as President cos it would end the greed machine now controlled by Corporate Democrats and Republicans. #BillionairePandemic #COVID ##Senate #Midterms #Congress 3\n', 'Mad? It’s about fairness in the tax code. And about the subsidies and tax breaks these Corporations receive in order to do business in America. #MidTerms #MedicareForAll #COVID #BillionairesPandemic\n', 'The government subsidized employee wages thru #COVID #VaccineBonus and #paidTimeOff That’s socialism. But no #MedicareForAll or #15hr or #HazardPay to most frontline workers. #Midterms 2 3\n', "AKA Spend That Corporate COVID money now cos it’s about to end. No crying like the citizens . #VaccineBonus #COVID #SubsidizedEmployees #Midterms Surgeon General: As pandemic improves, 'we should be pulling back on restrictions' thehill.com Surgeon General: As pandemic improves, ‘we should be pulling back on restrictions’ Surgeon General Vivek Murthy said that as the COVID-19 pandemic improves in the United States, “we should be pulling back on restrictions,” which a handful of states have already don… 1\n", 'The President Is Funding The Police With Left Over COVID Stimulas Dollars. And Nancy Pelosi supports it. #NoKnockWarrants Continue To Allow Police To Murder Citizens. #Midterms Nancy Pelosi rejects \'Defund the Police\' after Cori Bush pushes it again newsweek.com Pelosi Rejects \'Defund the Police\' After Cori Bush Pushes It Again "Community safety, protect and defend in every way, is our oath of office," the Speaker of the House said on Sunday. 3 5\n', '2 Also, there’s so much COVID money left over that the President is telling states to do something about petty crime and arrest people.. so..it’s not like we ain’t got the money. #Midterms #CancelStudentDebt #Reparations\n', 'Why is President Biden trying to get restaurants more COVID stimulus dollars? Why do they need more money? Why are we subsidizing business? #VoteNewBlue cos the current BLUE is Crap. #Midterms\n', "President Biden said he can handle #BillionairesPandemic better than Trump. They both lied. #VoteNewBlue #Midterms #COVID White House's latest challenge is sour public mood | TheHill thehill.com White House’s latest challenge is sour public mood A Biden White House struggling to find any sort of political momentum is facing a stern challenge in trying to shift the sour mood of a public fatigued by the two-year pandemic, annoyed with rising…\n", 'Nothing about enacting #MedicareForAll. Not a word. #VoteNewBlue #Midterms Gates says risk of severe COVID-19 has reduced, warns of another pandemic | TheHill thehill.com Gates says risk of severe COVID-19 has reduced, warns of another pandemic Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates said that the risk of severe COVID-19 infection has reduced dramatically but warned that another pandemic caused by a different pathogen could be aro… 1\n', 'Any documents explain why former President Trump refuse to enact #MedicareForAll to protect citizens during #COVID pandemic? Instead, Trump subsidized private insurance! #Midterms #VoteNewBlue #Republicans voters want #MedicareForAll too! 1 1\n', 'Globally. SMH #VoteNewBlue #Midterms Biden administration requests $5 billion to fight COVID-19 globally | TheHill thehill.com Biden administration requests $5 billion to fight COVID-19 globally The Biden administration on Friday requested $5 billion for the global COVID-19 response, including boosting vaccination rates in other countries, according to a congressional aide familiar with th…\n', 'Bernie SANDERS was the front runner until #Billionaires gave us COVID. Biden gained 0 delegates in the first 4 primary contests. I remember. #Midterms How Barack Obama nudged Bernie Sanders out of the race - Chicago Tribune chicagotribune.com ‘Accelerate the endgame’: How Barack Obama nudged Bernie Sanders out of the race Over the past year, Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama practiced a political distancing. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/14/us/politics/obama-biden-democratic-primary.html 1 7 7\n', 'Private insurance will just tell your doctor to send you home to die from COVID. #America #VoteBetterAmerica #MedicareForAll #Congress #Midterms 4\n', 'And #MedicareForeAll for America! End America’s Medical Debt And Barriers To Rightful Medical Treatment And Drugs. #COVID ##VoteBetterAmerica #MedicareForAll #IStandWithUkraine #Midterms #Congress The Globe and Mail · 31 Long COVID deserves a long, hard look https://theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-long-covid-deserves-a-long-hard-look/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter… 1 3\n', 'Reminder: This elected official comes from a group of Rich Americans that want to privatize public schools for profit and mind control. Mkay. #WokeSky #Woke #VoteBetterAmerica #IStandWithUkraine #Congress #Midterms #COVID #War Rep. Clay Higgins · 228 You millennial leftists who never lived one day under nuclear threat can now reflect upon your woke sky. You made quite a non-binary fuss to save the world from intercontinental ballistic tweets. 1 2\n', 'It’s like President Biden forgot he told us that the Senate Parliamentarian said they can’t raise wages right now… BUT then subsidized wages AND benefits for Corporations during COVID. Biden got memory issues. #SOTU #MedicareForAll #Midterms 1\n', 'When Will America Enact #MedicareForAll? #BillionairePandemic #COVID #Midterms Researchers identify COVID-19-associated brain damage months after infection | TheHill thehill.com Researchers identify COVID-19-associated brain damage months after infection Contracting the COVID-19 virus may result in damage to brain tissue and cognitive decline, according to new study released on Monday.Researchers from the University of Oxford looked into brain… 1 1\n', 'Back in 2008 when Billionaires tanked the global economy and gas prices went up to the same levels, it was the poor workers that suffered… just like when the Billionaires gave us COVID. Same Difference. #Reparations NOW #VoteBetterAmerica #BlackVote #Midterms 1\n', 'Biden, Pelosi, Clyburn, Chuck told Governors to use excess COVID $$ that they hoarded to fund police and budgets then tried to take it back to fund MORE COVID. #Midterms Democrats yank COVID relief after revolt by own members | TheHill thehill.com Democrats yank COVID relief after revolt by own members Facing a revolt from rank-and-file Democrats, party leaders on Wednesday yanked billions of dollars in emergency funding from a $1.5 trillion government funding package — a move that will allow for… 1\n', 'Wonder why? #MedicareForAll #15hr #CriminalJusticeReforms #CancelStudentDebt #Midterms #COVID deaths in POC largely ignored. #Bernie2024 Poll: Democrats Lose Ground Among Blacks & Hispanics | National Review nationalreview.com Poll: Republicans Beat Democrats among Hispanics, at 27 Percent among Black Voters If these numbers are anywhere close to the actual results, Democrats will be massacred in November. 1 3 3\n', 'Another American experience that Speaker Nancy Pelosi should LISTEN and bring #MedicareForAll to a floor vote to see where Congress stands on this important issue! #Congress #Midterms #COVID 2\n', "How could Americans spend money on leisure activities while the nation was shut down over COVID restrictions… so yes, we bought items to improve home living which those products made primarily in China. Blame the Corporations, not Americans! #Midterms rollcall.com House Democrats want more executive actions from Biden - Roll Call Ahead of President Joe Biden's speech at a Democratic retreat, members signaled they want executive orders on stalled legislative priorities.\n", 'Will You Fix This National Emergency or Side With Private Insurance? Since COVID, Your Administration Has Gifted Private Insurance over $1 trillion and we’re all not insured. #MedicareForAll. DO SOMETHING BESIDES FEEDING THE RICH W/ OUR TAX DOLLARS #Midterms Bernie Sanders · 314 Amount of Medical Debt: : $0 : $0 : $0 : $0 : $0 : $0 : $0 : $0 : $0 : $0 : $228,000,000,000 61% of Americans with medical debt have employer-provided health insurance. #MedicareForAll 2\n', 'Oh really? Well, Democrats and Republicans either lifted mask mandates or hate on the vaccine. How many must die? 1 Million. #COVID #Midterms COVID cases predicted to rise in coming weeks because of new BA.2 variant - ABC News abcnews.go.com COVID cases predicted to rise in coming weeks because of new BA.2 variant Experts fear COVID-19 cases in the United States will rise in the next few weeks as the new BA.2 variant continues to spread throughout the country. 1\n', 'Why does everyone get #Reparations except African Americans? The support for everyone else except us Americans is appalling..like we’re 3rd class citizens. #Midterms #COVID 1\n', '#Reparations #MedicareForAll Now. #Midterms Or No More Votes! #COVID #War youtube.com BLACK BOOMER BLASTS AMERICA AND JOE BIDEN OVER HUGE UKRAINE RELIEF... An older voter asks why America has money to help others, but no money to help its seniors?? Join Tim Black on Patreon: jointimblack.com? Join Tim Black on Y... 1\n', 'But, but Candidate Joe Biden and his wife, Jill said they would raise teacher pay to at least 60K per year.. wait, he decided to overfund the police instead with COVID dollars. #CancelStudentDebt #Midterms 1 1\n', 'And They Said Trump Was A Superspreader. At least these elected officials legislated themselves paid leave unlike #BuildBackBetter they failed to pass. #Midterms Sen. Bob Casey tests positive for COVID-19 breakthrough case | TheHill thehill.com Sen. Bob Casey tests positive for COVID-19 breakthrough case Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) announced on Twitter on Tuesday evening that he tested positive for the coronavirus.”I test regularly for COVID-19, and late this afternoon, I tested positive…\n', 'Enact #MedicareForAll already. End the piecemeal healthcare. #Midterms #Congress. And why do we need 8 COVID tests per month? People on Medicare can now get up to 8 free COVID-19 tests per month | The Hill thehill.com People on Medicare can now get up to 8 free COVID-19 tests per month People on Medicare are now able to get up to eight free COVID-19 tests per month at participating pharmacies, the Biden administration announced Monday. The move comes after a similar i… 1\n', '#Obama #ACA Let’s move on to 100% insured Americans by enacting #MedicareForAll which will finally put an end to Americans facing massive medical debt by removing all barriers to medical treatment and medications. #Midterms #MedicareForAll #COVID #LongCOVID #Congress 1 4\n', 'America, the Richest Country With NO #MedicareForAll Has The Highest Death Rate By Far. Counties with #MedicareForAll took care of their people..#Midterms COVID Live - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer https://worldometers.info/coronavirus/\n', '#MedicreForAll s0 that every American can have medical treatment and medications. 1 million dead from COVID. It’s time to move on to #MedicareForAll for All of us. #Midterms #voteBetterAmerica 2 2\n', 'Half of the Democratic Party got COVID as if they attended a Trump #Superspreader event. Good thing they legislated themselves #MedicareForAll and #PaidTimeOff. Whew! #Midterms 1 2 8\n', 'How is it there’s an additional 800 million for #Ukraine? but no money for COVID. #Congress #Midterms 1 1\n', 'Enact #MedicareForAll and America won’t have these insurance eligibility issues like #LongCOVID. All they’re saying is we won’t insure you. #TheSenate #Congress #Midterms #BillionairesPandemic #COVID 2\n', 'Bowing? Let’s see - Hillary Clinton, Republicans and Billionaire Owned media worked hard to disavow Bernie in 2016, the. The Billionaires gave us COVID in 2020, abortion memo madness for 2022 #midterms..what more can they do in 2024 besides kill us all? 1 4\n', 'I feel like I need to March to SHUT THE FUCK UP OR LEAVE OFFICE. Not one of these motherfuckers is getting ANY WORK done for the America people. We live in a police state. Fucked up. Resign from office if you’re gonna keep the bullshit going. #Midterms #MassShootings #COVID 3 7\n', 'Charlie Dent don’t know what he’s talking about. This is the NEW POST COVID REALITY Corporate politicians left for voters to decide. #ElectionNight #CNN #Oregon #Midterms 1\n', 'I don’t want to hear anymore shit about #Unity with Corporatists in either party since they are the cause of our problems. They need to get along with us. #GeneralElection #Midterms #MedicareForAll #Pandemic #COVID #LongCovid #Abortion #MassShootings #15hr #CancelStudentDebt 1 3 5\n', "#MedicareForAll, stop making Americans SUFFER! #Midterms #Sanders2024 Long COVID affects more older adults; shots don't prevent it | AP News apnews.com Long COVID affects more older adults; shots don't prevent it New U.S. research on long COVID-19 provides fresh evidence that it can happen even after breakthrough infections in vaccinated people, and that older adults face higher risks for the long-term... 1 1 3\n", 'If We Listen To President Joe Biden Wealth Class Of Ignorance, Inflation and COVID IS OVER! Lies. “Learn more about inflation ahead of the 2022 midterm elections” Learn more about inflation ahead of the 2022 midterm elections\n', 'So.. Republican Party #Midterm Candidates Number One American Issues Is To Salute the flag. They didn’t say which one. And to keep questions about race off forms in America. That’s their concern! Not gun violence or low wages or COVID or #Climatechange or #Inflation. #Sanders2024 1 5\n'] ['@myrabatchelder'] ["What Biden administration & other elected leaders don't seem to realize is that the people they're leaving for dead with #Covid19 are voters. We voted in Biden to take control of Covid not continue failed vax-only strategy. Dems will lose the Midterms if they don't take action. 2 1 12\n", "What people don't seem to understand is that Democrats are going to lose the Midterms unless they work to stop #Covid19. Democrats aren't going to win if they just ignore reality and keep letting tens of thousands of people die from Covid and many more get #LongCovid. 6 10 36\n", "I don’t think Democrats in power realize how many Democratic voters are furious they aren’t doing more to protect people’s lives from #Covid19! If Democrats want to win the Midterms, they have to work to stop Covid transmission and save lives! S L · 26 Dems are dead to me, just like GQP. I dislike Dems more at the moment because it's such a betrayal. They took our votes then stabbed us in the back. Only voting in local elections from now in since it doesn't matter who gets WH we are screwed. 3 1 20\n", 'For Democrats who say we can’t criticize Dems ahead of Midterms, wake up! Democrats aren’t going to win Midterms if they don’t take more action to stop #Covid19 & save lives! 90% of Biden voters support mask mandates! Most Dems support Covid precautions & want to save lives! 4 4 20\n', 'Ignoring #Covid19 #LongCovid is not going to help Democrats win the Midterms. Democratic voters are watching as our policymakers allow tens of thousands more people to die from Covid & hundreds of thousands more to get Long Covid. Voters see policymakers refusal to take action 3 7 40\n', "Of course Republicans are trying to stop funding for #Covid19. It's a huge win-win for them.. rally their troops now to end mask mandates & stop needed funding. Let another variant crush US & kill tens of thousands more Americans. Then run for the Midterms on Dem's Covid failure. 15 75 162\n", "Democratic strategy to try to ignore the #Covid19 pandemic will backfire massively as we head into another Covid surge ahead of the midterms and Congress didn't provide funding for the needed vaccines, testing, treatment, or prevention efforts. Pat, just Pat · 324 Democrats are trying ignore the reality that Biden is an abysmal failure on the verge of handing the GOP the House and Senate. The reality: 4\n", "This! Whoever is telling Biden and Dems that pretending #Covid19 is over is going to win them votes at the Midterms is wrong. The US is heading into another Covid surge that will be largely caused by our government's refusal to take any action. Dr. Jorge Caballero stands with · 331 I can’t understand why the comms team insists on pushing talking points that alienate persons who are disabled, immunocompromised, or parents of young children. That’s 40-50 million adults. Assuming 33% of them vote in November, that’s 13-16 million votes 5 27\n", "And anyone who thinks allowing uncontrolled spread of #Covid19 is going to help the Democrats win the Midterms is horribly mistaken. Allowing many more people to die from Covid and become disabled from #LongCovid does not motivate voters and sure as hell won't turn out the base. 1 7\n", '. Allowing another #Covid19 surge and many more Americans to die from Covid and get #LongCovid is not going to get the Democratic base to turn out for you in the Midterms. Helping to stop Covid spread and save lives is key to winning the Midterms! #VaxPlus 1 13 44\n', "Allowing thousands more Americans to die from #COVID19 & millions more to get #LongCOVID is not going to help Democrats win the Midterms. Any political strategist who says that doesn't know what they're talking about. People w/ Long COVID & those losing loved ones also vote! 2 8 43\n", "Dems inaction on #COVID19 is likely going to contribute to them losing the Midterms. I've been a Democrat my whole life but I am disgusted with their inaction as over a million people have died from COVID and millions more suffer with #LongCOVID. And I'm not only one. 8 6 48\n", 'Remember Republicans likely want #COVID19 to be disaster in the US. They know if we continue to have surges & more people die from COVID & become disabled from #LongCOVID they have a better chance of winning the Midterms. Not sure what Dems excuse is for their inaction on COVID 5 16 45\n', 'Dismantling all COVID prevention efforts and allowing continued uncontrolled spread and multiple #COVID19 surges is not going to help the Democrats win the Midterms! Democratic voters can see with their own ideas the failure of the government to address COVID. 3 17 49\n', 'The current US #COVID19 policy to allow uncontrolled spread & repeated infections is horrific and we need to speak out! Yes, the Midterms are coming. Addressing COVID and #LongCOVID and helping stop repeated surges will get Democratic votes! #COVIDIsNotOver 2 9 28\n', "What I don't understand is why Biden and team think allowing continuing #COVID19 surges w/ virtually no prevention efforts in place is a smart political strategy to win the Midterms? Republicans are going to use the failing COVID response as a key talking point for election. 10 20 123\n", '"Midterm elections are approaching,.. economy is floundering, & ..president’s approval rate is tanking. Looking for positives,.. White House is taking pains to highlight its progress beating back the pandemic. But.. Covid continues to spread at high rates" statnews.com On Covid messaging, Biden is caught between politics and public health In the shadow of 1 million U.S. deaths, Biden\'s facing a potentially impossible task: Touting his administration’s pandemic success even while reminding Americans that it’s nowhere near done. 2 2 13\n', 'A big part is the messaging coming from the government & media. People want to believe the COVID pandemic is over. And Democrats in power want to win Midterms and apparently think pretending the pandemic is over is the way to do it. This is all a disastrous nightmare. 9 66 464\n', "I predict as we get closer to Midterms this fall and the #COVID19 surges get worse Republicans are going to shift their messaging a bit and highlight that Democrats have let COVID get this bad and haven't helped people. And Democrats inaction on COVID will backfire politically 36 120 631\n", "Anyone who thinks it's a smart political strategy to not reinstate #COVID19 prevention efforts & allow multiple COVID surges before November is sorely mistaken. Allowing many more people to get COVID & #LongCOVID is not going to help turn out the Democratic base for the Midterms. 13 50\n", 'The way things are going in the US, we are likely going to be in another massive #COVID surge this fall as people are voting in Midterms. Voters are getting sick repeatedly, watching friends and family members die, and watching friends and family struggle with #LongCOVID. 3 22\n', "Democrats aren't going to win Midterms by ignoring #COVID and #LongCOVID and not doing anything to try to prevent thousands from continuing to die weekly and millions more to get Long COVID! Many in Democratic base care about COVID and their own health and their loved ones! 17 70 353\n", "What's helping Republicans win the Midterms is our administration ignoring the needs of their political base and allowing COVID surge after surge. Pushing the administration and Democrats to take more action on COVID will help them win the Midterms! 1 4\n", 'THIS! And Democrats will have a better chance at winning the Midterms if they actually take action on #COVID and worked to #StoptheSpread! Poll after poll shows vast majority of Democrats support mask mandates and other prevention efforts. Elizabeth Jacobs, PhD · 728 These two things can be true at the same time. Biden’s COVID19 messaging and response are abysmal, AND we need to vote for Democrats at every level to save the United States from fascism. What I won’t do is participate in a cult where Biden can’t be criticized. 1 1 18\n', 'I used to think Democrats were trying to ignore #COVID pandemic & refusing to put in place COVID prevention efforts because they wanted to win midterms, but polls have shown Democrats actually support mask mandates & COVID prevention. Seems like $$ and donors plays big role. 29 74 445\n', 'Is really going to allow student loan payments to restart a few months before the Midterm elections and in midst of continuing #COVID surge, and now Monkeypox and Polio? We need to extend the pause and #CancelStudentDebt! 2 18 57\n', 'If you see problematic guidance from public health experts (for instance saying no need for mask mandates in midst of COVID surge), look and see if they appear to be working with the White House. Our government is focused on Midterm elections and wants to pretend COVID is over. 1 22 90\n', "It is a horrible move for Biden to restart student loan payments in 3 weeks, in midst of ongoing COVID surge and a few months before Midterm elections! #CancelStudentDebt, and at least extend pause!! businessinsider.com Student-loan payments are set to restart in less than 3 weeks. It's the closest Biden has ever been... Student-loan borrowers are waiting for news of both debt cancellation and a payment pause extension, and Biden has yet to announce either. 9 18\n", 'If Biden and team really restart student loan payments in 12 days, a few months before the Midterms and still in the midst of COVID surge, then I will have lost all hope in Democrats even trying to win the Midterms. I am a Democrat, but for the love, your strategy is horrible! 3 6 33\n', 'Reminder, "Payments have not been required on most federal student loans since March 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit the US, greatly affecting the economy." Biden should not restart student loan payments in midst of continuing COVID pandemic and right before the Midterms! 2 3 22\n', "It is almost unbelievable that as we head into a fall/winter with over 100 million new #COVID cases expected in the US, our leaders have apparently decided the only way to win the Midterms is to pretend it's not happening. No need to put in place any prevention efforts. 2 + 2 = 5 9 35 154\n", "Why aren't progressive groups such as and others calling for stronger #COVID prevention efforts as we head into an expected massive COVID surge this fall/winter? We can win the Midterms AND save lives! It's not either or. 10 71 274\n", 'It is appalling that Biden and team think they can lie to the American public that COVID is “done” when we are facing 100 million new COVID cases this fall and winter. It is a massive gamble on their part as it’s going to be obvious how much they’ve failed before the Midterms. 20 166 854\n', "Shameful decision to end COVID prevention efforts, including masking in hospitals, is based on politics not public health. And it's a huge political mistake... Government seems to forget they need the Democratic base to vote for Midterms and the base supports COVID prevention. 38 187 1,013\n", "Reminder, we can criticize the Biden administration & still vote Democratic in Midterms. We can push Democrats to take action & work to protect people's lives from COVID. It's not okay to sit quietly & ignore rising COVID deaths & the millions of us struggling with #LongCOVID. 3 16 43\n", "The government knows the US is heading into a massive #COVID surge this fall and winter. They're ignoring this reality because they think pretending like the COVID pandemic is over plays better for people voting for the Midterms. 10 29 111\n", 'There is no logic. Our government wants it to look like COVID is over so they can declare victory over COVID for the Midterms. Saju Mathew MD MPH · 108 Why are we relaxing guidelines regarding #masks at doctors offices & COVID numbers reporting by #CDC at the beginning of the the winter season? What’s the logic? 1 6 31\n', 'There is no logic. Our government wants it to look like COVID is over so they can declare victory over COVID for the Midterms. 6 14 113\n', 'Gaslighting is going to get really intense as we head towards the Midterms. Protect yourself and your loved ones. COVID is still a very serious concern. EVERYONE can get #LongCOVID, aka serious health issues as a result of COVID. Wear a mask. Get boosted. Avoid crowds. Melpomene · 109 WHAT??? Just when you think it can’t get crazier https://usnews.com/news/articles/2022-10-07/cdc-nearly-every-american-can-drop-wearing-masks-indoors… 14 90 334\n'] ['@thomvolz'] ['“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” vanityfair.com “It’s Crazy Like a Fox”: Why Democrats Have Poured Millions Into a Risky Strategy Elevating MAGA... Democrats have been promoting far-right candidates to win primaries—“the brownshirts of the Trump movement,” as one strategist put it. But could this savvy plan blow up in Democrats’ faces come... 1\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” vanityfair.com “It’s Crazy Like a Fox”: Why Democrats Have Poured Millions Into a Risky Strategy Elevating MAGA... Democrats have been promoting far-right candidates to win primaries—“the brownshirts of the Trump movement,” as one strategist put it. But could this savvy plan blow up in Democrats’ faces come...\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” vanityfair.com “It’s Crazy Like a Fox”: Why Democrats Have Poured Millions Into a Risky Strategy Elevating MAGA... Democrats have been promoting far-right candidates to win primaries—“the brownshirts of the Trump movement,” as one strategist put it. But could this savvy plan blow up in Democrats’ faces come...\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” vanityfair.com “It’s Crazy Like a Fox”: Why Democrats Have Poured Millions Into a Risky Strategy Elevating MAGA... Democrats have been promoting far-right candidates to win primaries—“the brownshirts of the Trump movement,” as one strategist put it. But could this savvy plan blow up in Democrats’ faces come... 1 4\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” - · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans…\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” - · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans…\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” - · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” - · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans…\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans…\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” - Vanity Fair · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans…\n', '4 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” - Vanity Fair Why is Democratic Party is pushing the same agenda? · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans…\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” - · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans…\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 3\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans…\n', '3 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1\n', '“[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 2 1 1\n', '“[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1 2\n', '“Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1\n', '“[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1\n', '2 “[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1\n', 'Dems need after boosting extremists. “[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1 1\n', '5 “[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 2\n', '3 “[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1\n', '“[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1 1\n', '2 “[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1\n', '3 “[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” 2/X · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1 1\n', '“[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” 2/X · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1 1\n', '“[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” 2/X · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1\n', '“[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” 2/X · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1 1\n', '2 By itself maybe not, but part of a prolonged campaign against these Americans it is. “[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 2\n', '2 “[ ]—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” · 726 “Democrats—desperate to energize midterm voters who are weary of inflation, COVID…are spending time and money elevating extremist Republican candidates” “It’s been tried many times. It’s worked very few times,” https://vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans… 1\n'] ['@jhosker01'] ['Good thing the Democrats and Biden are basing their whole approach to covid and midterms on opposition to mask mandates and school closures. Dems desperately need new leadership.\n', 'Good thing the Democrats and Biden are basing their whole approach to covid and midterms on opposition to mask mandates and school closures. Dems desperately need new leadership. This too. Winning! bloomberg.com U.S. Sewer Data Warns of a New Bump in Covid Cases After Lull Data from wastewater can spot a rise in infections before it shows up through positive tests\n', 'What!? Biden\'s handling of covid sucks! He declared independence in July from the virus while cases were climbing in Europe. He "didn\'t see Omicron coming". We had to bully him for tests. He chose the economy and midterms over public health. Now this bloomberg.com U.S. Sewer Data Warns of a New Bump in Covid Cases After Lull Data from wastewater can spot a rise in infections before it shows up through positive tests\n', 'And this will continue to happen with Biden\'s "everyone back to work because covid is over" approach. They care more about the economy and midterms than people. 1\n', "They don't care about you. They want you back to work and they want to win midterms and they don't want to accept any responsibility for their abysmal approach to managing covid. 3 3\n", 'Maybe declaring covid over, getting rid of masks, refusing to fund covid mitigation and therapeutic strategies, changing the cdc metrics to show less infection rates all in order to win midterms was a really, really, really, stupid idea. 1 6\n', "The Biden administration has abandoned pursuing any meaningful mitigation strategies because they wants us all to believe covid isn't a threat. All because of midterms and re-election. This approach will cause death, suffering and life-long disability for millions and millions. 1\n", "It's awful that the show had to reach back a year to find a comment from the President about all the people we've lost and all the suffering we've endured and CONTINUE to endure. Biden has decided to pretend that covid doesn't exist, because midterms. Shameful.\n", "with the next wave. Every time he wants to declare covid over or a return to normal it's based on his ego or this past time at the State of the union it was midterms, not science. Every time he does this, people take off their masks and let down their guard and covid spreads. 1\n", "The govt should be speaking about this a lot more. This country does a horrible job taking care of it's citizens. Covid is a mass disabling event. What does this mean for our country 10-15 yrs from now? Biden doesn't want to address this because- midterms. Absolutely shameful. 1\n", "The govt should be speaking about this a lot more. This country does a horrible job taking care of it's citizens. Covid is a mass disabling event. What does this mean for our country 10-15 yrs from now. Biden doesn't want to address this because- midterms. Absolutely shameful. 1\n", 'Midterms. Gotta make it seem like Biden conquered Covid and everything is back to normal. 1 8\n', 'Why did Fauci get behind Biden\'s midterm message of "covid is over we\'re getting back to normal."? 2\n', "I work in a busy restaurant in Massachusetts and I'm the only one wearing a mask including my coworkers. Thanks to Biden's crappy messaging because he thinks it's the way to win midterms, everyone thinks covid is over and the virus is mild. What a dumpster fire. 3\n", "What mojo? The Biden administration's approach pretending covid is over was a deliberate decision because of midterms.\n", "Pretending covid is over because Biden wants to declare victory for midterms is as bad as anything the Republicans did. The present surge is Biden's fault. It is a mass disabling event that will cause massive suffering and wreak havoc on our healthcare system for years to come\n", "Are they discussing how the latest covid surge is a mass disabling event and they don't care as long as the worker bees are back to work and the Dems win midterms?\n", 'Because Biden prioritized the economy and wants to pretend the pandemic is over to help Dems win midterms we are in a massive covid surge. Now millions of Americans will suffer lifelong complications and our already crappy healthcare system will become crappier. Yay Biden! 1\n', '"Biden pretends covid is over because of midterms and causes a mass disabling event that will inflict suffering on Americans for generations."\n', 'Letting Covid run rampant is not "good work". Still waiting on a warning from the administration that the latest variant is the most transmissible yet, but midterms are more important than American\'s health. cnn.com Covid-19 reinfections may increase the likelihood of new health problems | CNN Repeatedly catching Covid-19 appears to increase the chances that a person will face new and sometimes lasting health problems after their infection, according to the first study on the health risks... 4\n', 'The administration isn\'t waiting for anything. This is it. Pretend covid is over. Pretend Biden and the Dems conquered covid because midterms. I hate to think what American health and poverty looks like 10 years from now because of Biden\'s "let er rip" covid policy.\n', 'The administration isn\'t waiting for anything. This is it. Pretend covid is over. Pretend Biden and the Dems conquered covid because midterms. I hate to think what American health and poverty looks like 10 years from now because of Biden\'s "let er rip" covid policy.\n', 'The Biden administration has allowed Covid to become a mass disabling event for what? Midterms? The economy? Any thoughts or concerns on what the health and well-being of the American public looks like 10 years from now? cnn.com Covid-19 reinfections may increase the likelihood of new health problems | CNN Repeatedly catching Covid-19 appears to increase the chances that a person will face new and sometimes lasting health problems after their infection, according to the first study on the health risks...\n', "It's always been alarming. Biden and the Dems wanted to pretend we could go back to normal because they thought ignoring covid would win midterms. 1\n", 'The Biden administration is responsible for making covid a mass disabling event all because they want to win midterms. 1\n', "Stop listening to Lena Wen. Biden wants to win midterms, so he is pretending covid isn't serious. Covid is a mass disabling event. Every infection increases the chance of long term health complications. In a country that doesn't take care of it's people, this is devastating. 1\n", '3 Look around you. Covid is surging. No one wearing masks. One of the reasons is that Biden and the Dems made a decision that we could all "go back to normal" because they wanted to win midterms and people were "over it." They chose what they thought was popular over public health. 2\n'] ['@chrisoldcorn'] ['#Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #politics #government #conservatives #Fauci westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1\n', '#Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives #Fauci westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1\n', '#Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #conservatives #Fauci westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1\n', '#Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives #Fauci westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1 1\n', '#Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives #Fauci westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1\n', 'Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives #Fauci westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1 2\n', '#Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives #Fauci westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released”\n', 'Republicans to investigate #Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #Republicans #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #politics #government #conservatives westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1\n', '#Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives #Fauci westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released”\n', '#Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives #Fauci westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released”\n', '#Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives #Fauci westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1 2\n', '#Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #government #conservatives #Fauci westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released”\n', 'Republicans to investigate #Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #Republicans #uspoli #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1 2\n', 'Republicans to investigate #Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #Republicans #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #conservatives westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1 1\n', '#Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives #Fauci westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1\n', '#Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives #Fauci westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1\n', 'Republicans to investigate #Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #Republicans #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released”\n', 'Republicans to investigate #Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1\n', 'Republicans to investigate #Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #Republicans #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released”\n', 'Republicans to investigate #Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #Republicans #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1\n', 'Republicans to investigate #Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #usnews #Republicans #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1\n', 'Republicans to investigate #Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #Republicans #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released”\n', 'Republicans to investigate #Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #Republicans #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1 1\n', 'Republicans to investigate #Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #Republicans #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #covidbooster #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #government #conservatives westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released” 1\n', 'Republicans to investigate #Fauci, if they take control after the midterms - #news #usnews #Republicans #uspoli #covid19 #covid #healthcare #covidvaccine #vaccinemandates #hospitalizations #masks #maskmandate #politics #government #conservatives westernstandard.news Republicans to investigate Fauci, if they take control after the midterms Both Jordan and Paul have said that they think the COVID-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan lab either by accident or was “deliberately released”\n'] ['@jasonorton420'] ["THIS!! You notice how Biden's Covid policies pretty much mimic Trump's now? Gotta keep that GDP up ahead of the midterms NatashaBeTheChange · 14 #truth 2\n", "I see it unfolding exactly like that and it scares the heck out of me. The one thing he really had to fall back on was that he did work hard on Covid. Now he's surrendered to the virus and just wants everybody back in their cubicles so the stock market stays strong for midterms 1\n", 'But Covid can have you all. Just go back to work so I have something to brag about ahead of the midterms. Check out that economy.\n', 'Keep gaslighting people into believing only the unvaccinated are dying when well over 40,000 Americans have died of Covid in January alone. See how that helps you in the midterms and next election.\n', "Vaccines are great. We've known Omicron evades the vaccine since before Thanksgiving. Can we please add other strategies to fighting and mitigation of the virus? Why is the corporate media not talking about the fact that 3,500 Americans have died of Covid so far today? Midterms? 1\n", "2 No, you don't. Because I don't. And when they do deign to mention Covid it is to paint a pretty picture about how 60,000 dead Americans in one month is progress. Time to cease mitigation because people are inconvenienced. Selling the mass infection doctrine. Why? Midterms. 1\n", '#JoeTheButcher stays lying. I really dislike being duped. I voted for this guy because of that lesser of two evils thing. I was hopeful for change. All we got was dead Marines and record Covid hospitalizations. Hard pass. Have fun trying to win the midterms after your abdication\n', 'Just dying of Covid and coughing on our coworkers to keep the DOW looking good ahead of the midterms. Status quo. 3\n', "Midterms are coming. Biden can't swear he beat Covid if the Doctors are still talking about it on TV. I voted for letting science lead the fight against Covid. From the look of this thread most everyone agrees that the sensible thing isn't dropping mitigation measures right now 3\n", "Ask yourself why, in light of this, and Denmark's spike in deaths after dropping mitigation, are our leaders trying to pretend they defeated Covid. The answer is clear. The midterms. amp.cnn.com As BA.2 subvariant rises, lab studies point to signs of severity The BA.2 virus -- a subvariant of the Omicron coronavirus variant -- isn't just spreading faster than its distant cousin, it may also cause more severe disease and appears capable of thwarting some... 3 4\n", 'The White House has to declare victory over Covid at the State of the Union address on Tuesday. The midterms are coming. The CDC is just a mouthpiece for the administration. 3 years ago I thought they were a collection of amazing doctors and scientists and not just politicians 1\n', 'Their lack of any kind of meaningful Covid response was enough to lose the midterms for them. This is just gravy 1 1\n', "The midterms are coming. It wasn't a coincidence that the CDC changed their metrics the Friday before the State of the Union address. How else could Biden claim he'd beaten Covid? Next to go was masks, because like you said, they remind us this isn't over. 3\n", "Oh, big time. Even if Russia and Ukraine negotiated a ceasefire the Biden administration would never allow it to happen until at least after the midterms. It's been a great distraction for the masses, so they aren't focused on the administration's absolutely lethal Covid policy 1 1\n", 'I remember all that "empty chair at the dinner table" stuff when you were trying to get elected, and then only after 600,000 Americans die of Covid, on your watch, do you decide to do this? The fact that the midterms are coming wouldn\'t have anything to do with it now, would it? 1 2 17\n', "The real answer is the midterms. Biden can't claim victory over Covid if we still see how prevalent it is.\n", "Votes are earned. You should've tried that. Had you done 1/6 of the things you promised to do then you wouldn't be about to get crucified in the midterms. Instead it was empty promises and Covid for all. 2 3 13\n", 'Democrats continue to allow children to literally die of Covid so that they can pretend Joe beat it in time for the midterms. Both parties are only interested in power. The working class means nothing. Therefore there is no reason to be even remotely honest with us. 1\n', "You lot wouldn't be about to get crucified in the midterms if Biden and yourselves had done anything to materially help working class Americans the way you promised before the elections. Even if you'd just fought Covid you would have a chance. Instead you embraced the Trump plan\n"] ['@br0wnmcse'] ['The next COVID-19 variant will be called #Midterms. Tim Lawrence · 331 My confidence level is at an all time low for voting integrity. Are you worried the cheating will continue at midterms?\n', "The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. George · 411 Dr. Fauci is warning about a new Covid surge coming up in the fall and he's calling for a return to indoor masking. It's almost like they're planning to use Covid to steal another election\n", "The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. Byron Donalds · 511 US House candidate, FL-19 Here's our golden ticket for the midterms and 2024.\n", 'The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. FOX 11 Los Angeles · 510 A woman walking her dog in East Hollywood over the weekend found a box of more than 100 mail-in ballots for the upcoming election just sitting on the sidewalk. https://foxla.com/news/woman-finds-box-of-mail-in-ballot-on-east-hollywood-sidewalk-la-county-registrar-investigating?taid=6279ea4f41582d00019990fd&utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=trueanthem&utm_source=twitter…\n', 'The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS.\n', "The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. Phillip Kline · 518 The Amistad Project has studied what happened in 2020 and how, and we've identified the structural changes that are necessary to secure our elections: 1. Ban private money 2. Legislatures must be engaged in overseeing elections 3. Paper ballots 4. Poll watchers in post offices 1\n", 'The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. Jeffrey A Tucker · 521 Monkeypox Was a Table-Top Simulation Only Last Year https://brownstone.org/articles/monkeypox-was-a-table-top-simulation-only-last-year/…\n', 'The next covid-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. Brandon · 519 Do we start the two weeks to flatten the curve now, or are we waiting until we get a little closer to Election Day? twitter.com/thehill/status… 1\n', 'The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. #2000MulesMovie #2000Arrests George · 523 IT HAS BEGUN\n', 'The next covid-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. maga ,rain · 523 With elections coming? Here comes bidenpox smdh\n', "The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. Noor Bin Ladin · 522 All eyes are on the midterms, and they need chaos to thwart any threats to their rule New 'pandemic', economic collapse, food shortages, energy outages, cyber 'attack' They'll destroy whatever remains without any compunction, and they've given us ample warnings of their plans\n", 'The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. maga ,rain · 524 1\n', 'The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. Pamela Hensley · 525 Do you think they’ll rig the midterms? 1 3\n', "The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. Reuters · 526 Spain's monkeypox case tally rises to 84, Health Ministry says http://reut.rs/3wNIdS9\n", 'Another scamdemic. The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. Reuters · 528 Countries should take quick steps to contain the spread of monkeypox and share data about their vaccine stockpiles, a senior WHO official said https://reut.rs/3t0mQvY 1 1\n', 'The next COVID-19 variant will be MIDTERMS. Ella · 611 So Drunk Nancy Pelosi said “there is no way they will lose in November”. Let that penetrate. Is she planning something I say yes.\n', 'The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS.\n'] ['@TheMAGAWatch'] ['Tucker Carlson Completes U-Turn on Naomi Wolf, Writes Glowing Praise of Her New Covid Conspiracy Book https://mediaite.com/politics/tucker-carlson-completes-u-turn-on-naomi-wolf-writes-glowing-praise-of-her-new-covid-conspiracy-book/… #democrats #maga #metoo #MIDTERMS #elections mediaite.com Tucker Carlson Completes U-Turn on Naomi Wolf, Writes Glowing Praise of Her New Covid Conspiracy... Fox News’ top-rated host, Tucker Carlson, wrote a blurb praising Naomi Wolf’s latest book, released this week, in a remarkable turnaround\n', 'The U.S. Is Shifting Money To COVID Vaccines As Congress Stalls And Subvariants Spread https://huffpost.com/entry/us-covid-funding-vaccines-omicron-subvariants_n_62a1b275e4b06169ca86ec3b… #midterm #racist #democracy #metoo #elections huffpost.com The U.S. Is Shifting Money To COVID Vaccines As Congress Stalls And Subvariants Spread A White House official said the administration is taking away $10 billion from existing pandemic funding, undercutting programs like COVID testing.\n', "Fox News Gloats Over Dr Fauci's Positive Covid Test https://crooksandliars.com/2022/06/fox-news-gloats-over-dr-fauci-testing… #MIDTERMS #democrats #politics #metoo #maga crooksandliars.com Fox News Gloats Over Dr Fauci's Positive Covid Test Fox News' Trace Gallagher, the substitute host for John Roberts pretended that since Dr. Fauci tested positive for COVID, his last two and a half years of service are now controversial.\n", "Congressional covid funding deal appears ‘dead’ after GOP criticism https://washingtonpost.com/health/2022/06/16/covid-funding-deal-appears-dead/… #MIDTERMS #midterm #Trump #BLM #democracy washingtonpost.com Congressional covid funding deal appears ‘dead’ after GOP criticism Republican senators accuse White House of 'false information’; Biden officials say GOP keeps finding new objections to covid funding.\n", "Tucker Carlson: What Fauci's COVID infection means https://fox8tv.com/tucker-carlson-what-faucis-covid-infection-means/… #MIDTERMS #MAGA #maga #politics #racist\n", "Charlottesville, COVID, Trump and free speech: How white supremacy entered the mainstream https://rawstory.com/w-2657531849/ #midterm #america #MAGA #democrats #MIDTERMS rawstory.com Charlottesville, Trump and free speech: How white supremacy entered the mainstream I researched and wrote a lot about white supremacy, particularly in its alt-right manifestation, throughout the course of 2017, namely Donald Trump's first year in office. I hazarded a number of...\n", "Charlottesville, COVID, Trump and the crackdown on free speech https://salon.com/2022/06/19/charlottesville-covid-and-free-speech-how-supremacy-entered-the-mainstream/… #BLM #racist #maga #MIDTERMS #politics salon.com Charlottesville, COVID, Trump and the crackdown on free speech The post-Charlottesville crackdown on the alt-right was liberalism's Waterloo. Don't believe me? Look around you 1 1\n", 'White House urges caution on COVID variants, pushes boosters https://whyy.org/articles/white-house-caution-covid-variants-boosters/… #Trump #BLM #maga #elections #MIDTERMS whyy.org White House urges caution on COVID variants, pushes boosters The warning comes as two new highly transmissible variants are spreading rapidly across the country. 1\n', 'Tucker Carlson: Politicians are continuing to use COVID as a pretext to force their agendas https://foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-politicians-continuing-use-covid-pretext-force-agendas… #midterm #Trump #maga #BLM #racist foxnews.com Tucker Carlson: Politicians are continuing to use COVID as a pretext to force their agendas Fox News host Tucker Carlson voices his concerns over false information about the coronavirus vaccine and how politicians have responded to the pandemic.\n', "A COVID tale of two presidents https://rawstory.com/a-tale-of-two-presidents/… #racist #maga #america #BLM #MIDTERMS rawstory.com A COVID tale of two presidents More than two years into the pandemic, a second US president has tested positive for Covid.But the calmer outlook surrounding Joe Biden's case contrasts with the grave concern over Donald Trump's...\n", '\'Karma\': Fox News Pundit Says Getting Covid-19 Is \'Reality Check\' For Biden https://crooksandliars.com/2022/07/karma-fox-news-pundit-says-getting-covid… #MIDTERMS #democrats #Trump #midterm #democracy crooksandliars.com \'Karma\': Fox News Pundit Says Getting Covid-19 Is \'Reality Check\' For Biden Fox News pundit Joey Jones said on Thursday that President Joe Biden had been punished with a Covid-19 infection as "karma."\n', 'White House To Focus On Promoting COVID-19 Boosters That Target Omicron This Fall https://huffpost.com/entry/white-house-omicron-boosters-fall_n_62e3713fe4b006483a9c274b… #midterm #MIDTERMS #democracy #Trump #racist huffpost.com White House To Focus On Promoting COVID-19 Boosters That Target Omicron This Fall Both Pfizer and Moderna have reportedly told the White House they can deliver doses of a new booster with updated formulations. 1\n', 'Tucker Carlson poll to rename monkeypox lands on “schlong covid” as winner https://salon.com/2022/07/31/tucker-carlson-poll-to-rename-monkeypox-lands-on-schlong-covid-as-winner/… #midterm #metoo #politics #BLM #democracy salon.com Tucker Carlson poll to rename monkeypox lands on “schlong covid” as winner Runners-up in the Fox News host\'s poll were "Adam Schiffilis" and "Hunter Hives" 1\n', 'Texas man sentenced to 25 years in jail after slashing attack on Asian family he blamed for Covid pandemic https://nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-man-sentenced-25-years-jail-slashing-attack-asian-family-blamed-rcna41689… #democrats #politics #BLM #MIDTERMS #MAGA nbcnews.com Texas man sentenced to 25 years in jail after slashing attack on Asian family he blamed for Covid... Jose Gomez III, 21, had pleaded guilty to three hate crime charges in February in connection with the March 2020 incident in which he attacked a father, his son, and a store employee. 1\n', "‘I Am The State, The State Is Me’: Tucker Carlson Mocks Fauci’s Alleged Lies About COVID-19 https://dailycaller.com/2022/08/22/tucker-carlson-mocks-fauci-covid-19/… #metoo #midterm #racist #democracy #Trump dailycaller.com ‘I Am The State, The State Is Me’: Tucker Carlson Mocks Fauci’s Alleged Lies About COVID-19 Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson mocked White House senior medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci's alleged false claims and inconsistencies about COVID-19.\n", 'TUCKER CARLSON: Democrats are trying to shift blame about the COVID-19 vaccine to Trump https://foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-democrats-trying-shift-blame-about-covid-19-vaccine-trump… #elections #democracy #MIDTERMS #politics #racist foxnews.com TUCKER CARLSON: Democrats are trying to shift blame about the COVID-19 vaccine to Trump Fox News host Tucker Carlson reacts to Democrats shifting the blame of negative consequences of the COVID-19 vaccine on to former President Donald Trump.\n'] ['@bfry1981'] ["As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, gets Manchin back on board for climate/energy bill, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian… 1 7 10\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, gets Manchin back on board for climate/energy bill, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian… 2 3\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, gets Manchin back on board for climate/energy bill, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian… 2 8\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, gets Manchema back on board for climate/energy bill, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian… 2 5\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, gets Manchin back on board for climate/energy bill, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian… 2 51 95\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, gets Manchin back on board for climate/energy bill, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian… 1\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, sees climate/tax/inflation bill pass, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian…\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, see climate/tax/inflation bill pass, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian… 1 1 3\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, gets Manchin back on board for climate/energy bill, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian…\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, gets Manchin back on board for climate/energy bill, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian… 2 5\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, see climate/tax/inflation bill pass, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian… 4 7\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, see climate/tax/inflation bill pass, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian…\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, signs climate/tax/inflation/health bill pass, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian… 1 3 6\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, see climate/tax/inflation bill pass, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian… 6 7\n", "As Biden takes out al-Qaeda's Zawahiri, see climate/tax/inflation bill pass, sees China chip bill passed, gas prices go down, & Dem chances in midterms rise (all while fighting off COVID), my reminder of how badly media does him & Democrats realcontextnews.com Media Keeps Portraying Democrats and Biden as a Mess, Ignoring Data Proving that Could Not Be... As usual, the media falls into facile forced narratives founded upon anecdotes, personal impressions, and its members own views and agendas without even attempting to include relevant data By Brian… 1 5 9\n"] ['@cbinflux'] ['As Democrats’ Midterms Numbers Decline, Democratic Socialists Rethink Mask Guidance and Covid-19 Measures. FTFY. wsj.com As Omicron Declines, U.S. Rethinks Mask Guidance and Covid-19 Measures As mask mandates loosen and cases fall, health experts say the U.S. must bolster its defenses and prepare for any future surges.\n', 'MIDTERMS MACHINATIONS: Dr. Fauci Says Herd Immunity Is ‘Unattainable’ for COVID-19 msn.com Dr. Fauci Says Herd Immunity Is ‘Unattainable’ for COVID-19 He and other experts spell out very specific reasons why. 1\n', 'MIDTERMS: Frankenstein COVID Variant Detected In India, UK... weaselzippers.us Frankenstein COVID Variant Detected In India, UK… Just in time for the mid-terms. Via NYP: A “Frankenstein”-style new Omicron subvariant is spreading in the UK — and some experts fear the mutation may be [...]\n', 'Midterms News: Covid-19 Could Be Spreading Undetected in U.S.!!!!!11!!! bloomberg.com Covid Could Be Surging in the U.S. Right Now and We Might Not Even Know It Experts warn America is missing data that could prevent it from being ready for the next wave\n', 'Covid cases are on the rise, yet few precautions have come back. Why? WE’VE GOTTA HAVE LOCKDOWNS FOR MIDTERMS!!!!!11!!! nbcnews.com Covid cases are on the rise, yet few precautions have come back. Why? As the BA.2 subvariant spreads, Philadelphia is the only major U.S. city reinstating its indoor mask mandate. 2\n', 'DARK WINTER OF DEATH II: THE SEQUEL. Biden admin forecasts fall, winter COVID-19 wave with 100M potential infections. MIDTERMS. https://instapundit.com/519270/\n', 'MIDTERMS REVISION TO COVID SCIENCE: Data shows vaccinated U.S. citizens made up more than 40% of COVID-19 deaths during omicron peak, as deaths continue to rise in Wisconsin msn.com Data shows vaccinated U.S. citizens made up more than 40% of COVID-19 deaths during omicron peak,... The nation is set to pass 1 million COVID-19 deaths in the coming days, according to Johns Hopkins University.\n', "MIDTERMS: New White House Covid projection puzzles experts and catches some Biden officials off guard. apple.news New White House Covid projection puzzles experts and catches some Biden officials off guard It was a stern and startling warning from the White House's new Covid response coordinator: In the fall and winter, the US could potentially see 100 million new Covid-19 infections if Congress...\n", 'MIDTERMS: Untapped Global Vaccine Stash Raises Risks of New Covid Variants. apple.news Untapped Global Vaccine Stash Raises Risks of New Covid Variants The world finds itself awash in Covid-19 vaccines, but governments can’t get them into arms fast enough, as hesitancy and logistical hurdles threaten to indefinitely extend the pandemic. 1\n', 'Midterms Biden Flip Flops: You should spend that COVID money on more cops and reducing crime hotair.com Biden: You should spend that COVID money on more cops and reducing crime Since when does the President want to refund the police?\n', 'As cases rise, Americans are ‘checked out’ on COVID-19. “HOW WILL WE EVER WIN MIDTERMS??!!!” Cry Democratic Socialists. thehill.com As cases rise, Americans are ‘checked out’ on COVID-19 COVID-19 cases are on the rise, but many Americans are over thinking of the virus as a crisis. Even in blue cities, restaurants are packed with people, and many Americans don’t we… 1 4\n', 'Biden Covid Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha Refuses To Say If Schools Should Be Open This Fall... MIDTERMS. https://weaselzippers.us/482668-biden-covid-coordinator-dr-ashish-jha-refuses-to-say-if-schools-should-be-open-this-fall/…\n', 'The BA.5 COVID surge is here – ONLY DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS STEALING THE MIDTERMS CAN SAVE US!!! hotair.com The BA.5 COVID surge is here The bad news? Against these new subvariants, vaccines and prior infection are proving less and less effective at preventing infections and reinfections. They also appear to be at least somewhat less...\n', 'JUST IN TIME FOR THE MIDTERMS: Vaccine-resistant coronavirus similar to COVID-19 found in Russian bats. https://instapundit.com/544408/\n'] ['@MiguelD05144897'] ['I JUST HEARD UK AND IRELAND HAVE SUSPENDED THE MASKS PASSPORTS AND LOCKDOWNS BIDENS SCHEME TO KEEP THE COVID GAME UNTIL THE MIDTERMS IS DOOMED 5 6\n', 'THE DEMOCRATS DONT W WANT TREATMENT FOR COVID TO EXTEND IT INTO THE MIDTERMS AND TRY TO RIG THE ELECTION BY USING MAIL IN VOTING Ron DeSantis · 125 Without a shred of clinical data to support its decision, the Biden Administration has revoked the emergency use authorization for lifesaving monoclonal antibody treatments. 1\n', "The Democrats have proven that Covid lockdowns was all political because now the blue states are lifting the mask mandates because the polling shows they're losing the battle to not believe they had changed it's all a trick for the midterms\n", 'BY LIFTING THE COVID MANDATES, THE COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS THINK IS A PLUS FOR THE MIDTERMS. BUT AS LONG AS THE BORDER STAYS OPEN, INFLATION CONTINUES AND CRIME KEEPS GOING UP, THEY WILL LOSE BIG IN NOVEMBER 1 2\n', 'I HOPE THE COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS KEEP USING COVID AND THE RACE CARD UNTIL NOVEMBER SO THEY CAN GET A ROYAL WHIPPING IN THE MIDTERMS 2\n', 'HOW INTERESTING THAT THE CDC IS ADJUSTING THE COVID DEATHS DOWNWARD NOW THAT THE MIDTERMS ARE UPON US. THEY WERE LYING ALL ALONG 5 7\n', 'BIDENS ATTEMPT TO EXTEND THE COVID MASK MANDATE INTO THE MIDTERMS, IS FAILING . A FLORIDA JUDGE ISSUES A BLOCK OF AIRLINES MASK REQUIREMENTS 6 18\n', 'THE DEMOCRATS ARE TRYING TO USE COVID AGAIN TO STEAL THE MIDTERMS BUT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE LEARNED THEIR LESSON 4 21\n', 'DO NOT BELIEVE THE NEW COVID VARIENT SCARE. ITS PURPOSE IS TO CHEAT IN THE MIDTERMS. WE CANNOT BE FOOLED AGAIN. DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE INEFFECTIVE MASKING ,。 1 8 26\n', 'BIDEN IS PUSHING COVID AGAIN RIGHT BEFORE THE MIDTERMS BUT THAT WAS EXPECTED 3 4\n', 'DO NOT FALL FOR THE RENEWED COVID SCARE BECAUSE IT IS AN ATTEMPT TO STEAL THE MIDTERMS 2 22 51\n', 'CAN SOMEONE TELL THE DEMOCRATS THAT TRYING TO USE COVID BEFORE THE MIDTERMS, WILL NOT STOP THE RED TSUNAMI SINCE AMERICANS KNOW THEIR SCHEMES BY NOW 6\n', 'BIDEN AND DEMOCRATS ARE TRYING TO USE COVID AGAIN TO RIG THE MIDTERMS BUT PEOPLE WILL IGNORE THE SCARE TACTIC BECAUSE WE HAVE LEARNED FROM LAST ELECTION 1 21 45\n'] ['@rudtmarg'] ['The midterms will not follow historical pattern. We are in an anomaly year. The social pendulum has swung too far to the right. 1/6 hearings, justices, covid, attacks on voting rights and emphasis on the need to vote has changed what can be expected in the midterm.\n', 'The midterms will not follow historical pattern. We are in an anomaly year. The social pendulum has swung too far to the right. 1/6 hearings, justices, covid, attacks on voting rights and emphasis on the need to vote has changed what can be expected in the midterm.\n', 'The midterms will not follow historical pattern. We are in an anomaly year. The social pendulum has swung too far to the right. 1/6 hearings, justices, covid, attacks on voting rights and emphasis on the need to vote has changed what can be expected in the midterm. 1\n', 'More than Roe v Wade, the midterms will not follow historical pattern. We are in an anomaly year. The social pendulum has swung too far to the right. 1/6 hearings, covid, attacks on voting rights, cruel GOP the emphasis on our need to vote has changed historical midterm calculus.\n', 'More than Roe v Wade, the midterms will not follow historical pattern. We are in an anomaly year. The social pendulum has swung too far to the right. 1/6 hearings, covid, attacks on voting rights, cruel GOP, the emphasis on our need to vote has changed MT calculus.\n', 'The midterms will not follow historical pattern. We are in an anomaly year. The social pendulum has swung too far to the right. RvW, 1/6 hearings, covid, attacks on voting rights, cruel GOP, the emphasis on our need to vote has changed historical midterm calculus.\n', 'The midterms will not follow historical pattern. We are in an anomaly year. The social pendulum has swung too far to the right. 1/6 hearings, covid, R v W, attacks on voting rights, cruel GOP the emphasis on our need to vote has changed historical midterm calculus.\n', 'The midterms will not follow historical pattern. We are in an anomaly year. The social pendulum has swung too far to the right. 1/6 hearings, justices, covid, attacks on voting rights and emphasis on the need to vote has changed what can be expected in the midterm.\n', 'The midterms will not follow historical pattern. We are in an anomaly year. The social pendulum has swung too far to the right. 1/6 hearings, Roe v Wade, covid, attacks on voting rights and emphasis on the need to vote has changed what can be expected in the midterm\n', 'More than Roe v Wade, the midterms will not follow historical pattern. We are in an anomaly year. The social pendulum has swung too far to the right. 1/6 hearings, covid, attacks on voting rights, cruel GOP the emphasis on our need to vote has changed historical midterm calculus. 2\n', 'The midterms will not follow historical pattern. We are in an anomaly year. The social pendulum has swung too far to the right. 1/6 hearings, justices, covid, attacks on voting rights, Trump and emphasis on the need to vote has changed historical midterm calculus.\n', 'More than Roe v Wade, midterms will not follow historical pattern. We are in an anomaly year. The social pendulum has swung too far to the right, 1/6 hearings, covid, attacks on voting rights, cruel GOP the emphasis on our need to vote has changed midterm calculus.\n', 'More than Roe v Wade, midterms will not follow historical pattern. We are in an anomaly year. The social pendulum has swung too far to the right, 1/6 hearings, covid, attacks on voting rights, cruel GOP the emphasis on our need to vote has changed midterm calculus.\n'] ['@DerekCBeland'] ['and he is still free because this system is so dysfunctional and broken we cannot do anything anywhere. and covid and monkeypox are running wild with zero fight from us. midterms should be canceled and all govt should step down.. not one is clean of blame for.. well.. everything!\n', 'COVID!!!! MONKEYPOXX!!! what are you doing dude. step down after midterms. let Harris try and run this country. you are a complete failure.\n', '3 and the grifters take this advantage to fish for money. we all know who they are.. its midterms so they should be all over their states working their bases... we dont need money bags... we need platforms and policy. and any friggan one of them to say the word COVID!\n', 'all the covid reports we see on twitter are home tests... NONE enter the govt reports. we are really in a covd wave higher then the delta peak. not a peak.. a consistent wave. all govt should resign at this point.. not run for midterms. cdc should resign. WHO.. resign.\n', 'you know whats cool.. covid will start spiking in the fall.. we might have a collapsed health care system at midterms.. how do the dems (currently fucking SILENT on Covid) going to spin that when it is 100% their fault?.. and how will you liberals absolve them? 2\n', 'the entire govt.. all the midterm candidates... everyone.. completely silent on covid. forget the people.. if the leaders refuse to lead.. this whole things useless.\n', "whats the current INFECTION RATE for covid?.. you don't know.. you abandoned this fight. you all think talking covid will lose midterm votes... the fact is.. silence is what will end the party. 1\n", 'yup... dems praise this man as they also have a standing rule to be absolutely silent on covid during the midterms.. textbook dems BS!\n', 'more twitter reports of crazy covid spread on the 1st week of school.. look at the official reports.. downward trending data. look at lawmakers and midterm candidates.. ZERO mention of even the word covid. fuck the whole lot of these silent bastards.\n', 'because covid is a taboo word planet wide.. in the U.S. during our midterm election season no one is typing the word like it has been black listed. 2\n', 'not one candidate running for midterms right or left has said a word on covid and has had maskless rallies this whole time.. none are qualified to enter or remain in govt. we should be rethinking our system... NOT running midterms.\n', 'I just want midterms to be over.. I am so tired of endless covid spreader rallies and donation posts... I just want to see how this shakes out and work from there. 1\n'] ['@ladyozma'] ['He has made his new Covid policy “well the polls said if I don’t declare victory over Covid, we will lose the midterms so let’s end Covid.” That sadly doesn’t take in to account mutating virus. They redid how they determine community load and poof now everyone is safe. 1\n', '2 Meanwhile he’s made it abundantly clear that people like me can just die from Covid. His Covid response has been laughable at best. Considering he just used a POLL to get the CDC to redefine Covid spread so “we don’t lose the midterms” is just the worst. 2\n', 'I don’t want to hear it when it means claiming victory over Covid which is NOT over & while our airspace is still open to Russia and we are buying Russian gas. Just very much not interested in Biden right now at all. This SotU is all about a desperate grab for the midterms. Gross\n', 'Because a poll told Biden to declare victory on Covid or lose the midterms. It’s all about a perceived opinion that Americans are morons and ok with Covid death equaling or surpassing heart disease. 1\n', '6 President Biden is ALREADY a lame duck president but if he loses the midterms, he will absolutely be a lame duck and he will absolutely lose in 2024. So if the “public” wants Covid to go away, go away it shall. It’s just that simple. 2 2\n', '6 Meanwhile the administration was handed a poll that said the majority of Americans people want Covid to be over. The news is constantly like “the weary public”. When you can’t get any legislation pushed through Washington and are told you will lose the midterms, you listen. 1 1\n', '2 Meanwhile you do understand that these “studies” are done by the same people who said “declare victory over Covid or lose the midterms”? Taxes would change. Money would change. No one wants to deal with that. Schools HATE allowing home/virtual/hybrid. It’s about money.\n', '2 Because Biden got handed a poll that said declare victory over Covid or lose the midterms. I would point out the DOCTOR governor in Virginia tried the same game in Virginia in 2021 and now we have a Trumplican as governor.\n', 'And this is why we are al still masking. We recognized that basing Covid policy on a shitty poll and to “save the midterms” was foolish at best and deadly at worst. 1 2\n', 'Ignoring 1/6 traitors for so long and ignoring Covid are both going to affect the midterms. 1\n', 'I keep saying that Biden is a one and done because he’s botching so much and we aren’t going to win the midterms and mainline democrats keep getting mad at me. Or they post that thing with 3611893 things “Biden has done”. No. He’s failed with Covid. He’s failed with debt. 1\n', 'Is anyone surprised to learn Biden has tested positive for Covid? Hey Biden, want to actually handle Covid now or are you going to still pretend it’s over “to save the midterms”? 3\n'] ['@RonNjPoetry'] ["#Biden calls anyone who does not agree w his propaganda misinformation? Real concern is has #POTUS been honest about anything! Where's promised #StimulusChecks? used voters during 2020 & Ga elections, promising #Stimulus Check! Dont be 2022 #MidTerms fools #covid\n", 'Watch out for the #Dem left #Stimulus propaganda 4 more Stimulus. They promised a year ago & ignored our cries. & will try to fool voters again w #Midterm near. Dont be fooled again by lies. #stimuluscheck #COVID19 #covid #msnbc #nbc #fox #Congress #Senate 1\n', 'As #MidTerms near U will see Democrats try to promote #stimulus yet again. They lied & used voters in 2020 & Ga election. Again talk is cheat & its time to vote them out asap. Font be fooled again. #Congress #Senate #Midterm #COVID19 #COVID #msnbc #cnn #blm #StimulusChecks 1\n', "As #Midterms2022 get closer, more U hear gossip of more promised #StimulusChecks Dont believe 's #BiggestLie. Voters, dont be fooled again. No executive order, no votes. Talks cheap! #congress #Senate #stimulus #covid #MIDTERM #msnbc #cnn #Biden #COVID19 @RepAOC\n", 'Bad enough to hear that & #POTUS lied about send adults #Covid #StimulusChecks, but to many other #Congress & #Senate who sat by & kept quiet for a year shame on U. Most of U will need to find a new job come #midterm #MidTerms #msnbc #cnn #fox #COVID #Stimulus 1\n', "One reason #Senators and #Congress aren't rushing to send out promised #stimulus #stimuluschecks us because they gave themselves a $20k a year salary increase. Also they tricked voters to vote & dont need em till #Midterms. #VoteDemOut! #Midterm #Midterms2022 #Covid #Covid19\n", "Many #Democratic politicians kept repeating the promised #StimulusChecks then lied. They all were told to ignore their promise. #Midterm mean #VoteDemOut for lying. #foxnews #msnbc #cnn #covid #Covid19 #Ukraine Eddie · 421 Remember when Kamala Harris said we needed $2,000 monthly stimulus check, then got put in a position to make it happen and hasn't mentioned it since?\n", 'Same Dem politicians who lied to voters about promised #Stimuluschecks. Now they try using voters for #Midterms. DONT BE A #PELOSI puppet!!! DONT BE FOOLED AGAIN! #MSNBC #CNN #Foxnews #RoeVWade #Covid #Ukraine #BLM #Biden #VP #Fox\n', "Across our country #Dems started their Nov. midterm propaganda on Abortion. So many #Democrats said they heard & read news papers. So how did most Dem's have signs made for many Pro Abortion rallies. This was planned. Why No rally for promise #Stimulus? #covid #biden #blm #cnn Willy Lowry · 53 A visibly shaken and angry Senator Elizabeth Warren just spoke in-front of #SCOTUS. 1:00 1,077.4\n", 'Here\'s propaganda #midterm #Misinformation by #DNC exaggerating facts Dems ignore #StimulusChecks #Stimulus owed by #Biden but not given, been a year Dont be fooled again. Vote liars out or #congress #senate #foxnews #msnbc #cnn #fox #RoeVWade #RoeVsWade #Covid #theview Kate Sullivan · 55 “This is about a lot more than abortion... What are the next things that are going to be attacked? Because this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that\'s existed in American history, in recent American history," Biden says.\n', 'To all voters of either political party or not, we must all unite against the current #Biden regime that continues to divide this nations. #Democrats have shown they think voters are dumb. & loves seeing the hate boil. #VoteDemOut B4 #Midterms #covid\n', 'This Ga man lied to Voters! Democrats & this so called Reverend promised Stimulus Checks if he won election. He won, then ignored voters. He lied & laughs at Americans. #MidTerm #VoteDemOut! #Biden #Ga #MSNBC #CNN #BLM #Covid #Trump #FOX Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock · 926 People need housing relief right now. That’s why the Senate needs to pass my housing bills that will lower rental costs, help families save to buy a home & provide key housing info so renters can stay informed. https://wtoc.com/2022/08/24/sen-raphael-warnock-introducing-bills-aimed-lower-housing-costs/…\n'] ['@StuShoes18'] ['I very unfortunately agree with Doug. For a variety of reasons, covid and Dems having a trifecta at the center, the right’s winning the messaging war right now and Dems/Biden also appear inept bc of their weak majority + Manchin. Midterms will be bad 1 1\n', 'Their probably midterm losses will come bc they’re an out party (period), and esp bc they’re an out party with a trifecta during the worst of covid & its economic after-effects. Of course we’ll keep talking about Jan 6 and reminding that the GOP’s figurehead(s) incited it\n', 'To be more clear- - I think Dems having a trifecta following covid & during inflation, in a midterm, is a bad combo - I don’t think the GOP “brand”/culture is stronger than Dems. I think if/when GOP gets power they’ll also get skewered unless it coincides w/ inflation ending\n', 'I think a lot of ppl, including Dems, are overreacting to this moment and reading GOP gains/polling as that GOP positions are popular, & Dems are too radical I think it’s far more that the GOP drew a straight with (weak) Dem trifecta during/right after covid, Biden, midterms\n', 'Dems mismanaged Covid and so did R’s; it’s the R base that didn’t get vaccinated. Covid won’t be a defining issue in the midterms 1\n', 'The party has a trifecta (which would imply the GOP’s less popular). The party isn’t popular at the moment because we’re post Covid and have crazy inflation and they have a trifecta during a midterm 3\n', 'I could flip the question- why has the GOP lost every popular vote since ‘92 (!) besides 2004? Seems more a trend than a midterm defined by inflation post-Covid 1\n', '2 Ya it’s absurd. It’s also mostly online; I don’t think most people have a clue I think j6 hearings have more normie penetration (and certainly abortion does) than any of these recent midterm culture war. Covid did too, and helped GOP in the right places for them 1\n', 'When parties get trifectas they typically lose the House in midterms. That’s the trend; who knows if things would be different without Covid and post Covid inflation, but alas. Also, doubt Dems lose the Senate, which is a testament to how weak the GOP is\n', 'We have a (weak) trifecta following Covid and it’s downstream effects in a midterm year. That we’re even competitive says plenty about the GOP brand 1\n', '4 Him and Budd are non entities and in a midterm year post-Covid (inflation) that might get it done. It’d prob be a romp across the board if the GOP didn’t go full MAGA 1\n'] ['@Riot2Pat'] ['FINALLY, A CURE For COVID AND ITS MANDATES: 2022 Midterm Elections... 1 2\n', 'FINALLY - A CURE for COVID and MANDATES: 2022 Midterm Elections... Tom Elliott · 29 .credits Biden for states dropping mask mandates: "That’s because under President Biden\'s leadership, a public health infrastructure was put into place ... to ensure that we can do everything possible to crush the virus, and that is what has been happening”\n', 'FINALLY - A CURE for COVID and MANDATES: 2022 Midterm Elections... GIF ALT\n', 'FINALLY - A CURE for COVID and MANDATES: 2022 Midterm Elections... GIF ALT\n', 'FINALLY - A CURE for COVID and MANDATES: 2022 Midterm Elections... @DNC\n', 'FINALLY - A CURE for COVID and MANDATES: 2022 Midterm Elections... 1\n', 'FINALLY - A CURE for COVID and MANDATES: 2022 Midterm Elections... Janice Dean · 228 Biden will announce covid is over on Tuesday night.\n', 'Since we\'re talking about the MIDTERMS: COVID - "No federal solution." INFLATION - 40 yr. high ECONOMY - recession BORDER - wide open SUPPLY-CHAIN - a mess CRIME - out of control RUSSIA - invaded Ukraine BABY FORMULA - shortage GAS PRICES - Highest ever BIDENS & CHINA Doug Emhoff · 81 We’re just 100 days away from the midterms! To win the fight for reproductive rights, gun safety, LGBTQ+ rights, and more, we must elect more Democrats up and down the ballot. Confirm you’re registered to vote: http://IWillVote.com\n', 'Since we\'re talking about the MIDTERMS: COVID - "No federal solution." INFLATION - 40 yr. high ECONOMY - recession BORDER - wide open SUPPLY-CHAIN - a mess CRIME - out of control RUSSIA - invaded Ukraine BABY FORMULA - shortage GAS PRICES - Highest ever BIDENS & CHINA\n', 'Talking about TERRIBLE midterm news: COVID - "No federal solution." INFLATION - 40 yr. high ECONOMY - recession BORDER - wide open SUPPLY-CHAIN - a mess CRIME - out of control RUSSIA - invaded Ukraine BABY FORMULA - shortage GAS PRICES - Highest ever BIDENS & CHINA\n', 'Talking about TERRIBLE midterm news: COVID - "No federal solution." INFLATION - 40 yr. high ECONOMY - recession BORDER - wide open SUPPLY-CHAIN - a mess CRIME - out of control RUSSIA - invaded Ukraine BABY FORMULA - shortage GAS PRICES - Highest ever BIDENS & CHINA Occupy Democrats · 85 BREAKING: Republicans get TERRIBLE midterm news as polling reveals that 82% of voters under the age of 45 consider abortion rights to be a key issue deciding how they will vote — clearly a result of the overturn of Roe v. Wade. RT IF YOU\'RE READY TO FIGHT FOR A BLUE WAVE! 1\n'] ['@highroadsaloon'] ['In Nov 2021 created a conspiracy theory that Dems made up the Omicron variant of COVID-19 as "a reason to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots" and to "cheat" in the upcoming midterm elections.\n', 'In Nov 2021 created a conspiracy theory that Dems made up the Omicron variant of COVID-19 as "a reason to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots" and to "cheat" in the upcoming midterm elections. Conspiracy nonsense it Ronny\'s go to move. 1 12\n', 'In Nov 2021 created a conspiracy theory that Dems made up the Omicron variant of COVID-19 as "a reason to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots" and to "cheat" in the upcoming midterm elections. Ronny is an expert on getting "corrected." 4 13 62\n', 'In Nov 2021 created a conspiracy theory that Dems made up the Omicron variant of COVID-19 as "a reason 2 push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots" and 2 "cheat" in the upcoming midterm elections. Pro life or pro choice - will you even listen to the other side? 1 1 7\n', 'Speaking of CLUELESS, In Nov 2021 created a conspiracy theory that Dems made up the Omicron variant of COVID-19 as "a reason to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots" and to "cheat" in the upcoming midterm elections. 1\n', 'In Nov 2021 created a conspiracy theory that Dems made up the Omicron variant of COVID-19 as "a reason to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots" and to "cheat" in the upcoming midterm elections. Lee/Cruz said something useful today - u should try it. 4\n', 'In Nov 2021 created a conspiracy theory that Dems made up the Omicron variant of COVID-19 as "a reason to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots" and to "cheat" in the upcoming midterm elections. TRUTH ain\'t Ronny\'s strong suit. 1 4 21\n', 'In Nov 2021 Ronny created a conspiracy theory that Dems made up the Omicron variant of COVID-19 as "a reason to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots" and to "cheat" in the upcoming midterm elections. Ronny Jackson - disgraced doctor, prolific conspiracy theorist. 3 9\n', 'In Nov 2021 created a conspiracy theory that Dems made up the Omicron variant of COVID-19 as "a reason to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots" and to "cheat" in the upcoming midterm elections. WHEN IT COMES TO DISINFORMATIOIN, Ronny is kind of an expert. 7\n', 'In Nov 2021 created a conspiracy theory that Dems made up the Omicron variant of COVID-19 as "a reason to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots" and to "cheat" in the upcoming midterm elections. TOO BAD YOU\'RE NOT PRO HONESTY. OR HONOR. OR ACCOUNTABILITY.\n', 'In Nov 2021 created a conspiracy theory that Dems made up the Omicron variant of COVID-19 as "a reason to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in ballots" and to "cheat" in the upcoming midterm elections. 6\n'] ['@EDCNP'] ["Just seems like this wave is building & when the midterms hit it will come crashing down on the D Party Then D will complain about R making laws that don't like They see it coming & don't want to address the reasons,rather explain why R is wrong? CRT,Afghanistan,COVID,Roits,ect\n", "Research is showing the following Issues are a big part of the rreason why the D's will lose big in the midterms: CRT Protest vs riots COVID: gov't over-reach Afghanistan Inflation: too much gov't stimulus Help vs Hand-outs fortune.com Democrats just lost the most support in one year in Gallup poll history The Republicans’ current five point lead in party preference is the largest edge they’ve had over Democrats since 1996.\n", "Just seems like this wave is building & when the midterms hit it will come crashing down on the D Party Then D will complain about R making laws that don't like They see it coming & don't want to address the reasons,rather explain why R is wrong? CRT,Afghanistan,COVID,Roits,ect\n", "With R +5, R are going to take over both House & Senate in midterms It has to do w/ COVID & lockdowns,CRT & schools, Afghanistan,defund police, Riots vs protests, Increase in murder rates,media & more Are D's that clueless a tsunami is coming and they remain dug in trenches\n", "These (7) topics are going to represent the categories in exit polls after the midterms that will indicate reasons why voters elected Republicans: 2 areas D's are backtracking: - Defund the police & soft on Crime - COVID lockdown & masks in schools The other drivers: (1/3)\n", '2 D Party is in real trouble in midterms... - Defund the police & soft on Crime - COVID lockdown & masks in schools - Government handouts drive inflation - CRT & schools - Gender in schools and athletics - Protest vs RIOTS - Police killing blacks vs blacks killing police\n', "These (7) topics are going to represent the categories in exit polls after the midterms that will indicate reasons why voters elected Republicans: 2 areas D's are backtracking: - Defund the police & soft on Crime - COVID lockdown & masks in schools The other drivers: (1/3) 5\n", 'Jan 6th not high priority to voters in polls Biden record low in polls,why? Inflation/Economy high priority in polls Other issues drive election- Defund police COVID policies CRT & schools Protest vs RIOTS Gender/schools When D lose midterms;they will blame voting vs listening 2\n', 'Jan 6th not high priority to voters in polls Biden record low in polls,why? Inflation/Economy high priority in polls Other issues drive election- Defund police COVID policies CRT & schools Protest vs RIOTS Gender/schools When D lose midterms;they will blame voting vs listening\n', 'Jan 6th not high priority to voters in polls Biden record low in polls,why? Inflation/Economy high priority in polls Other issues drive election- Defund police COVID policies CRT & schools Protest vs RIOTS Gender/schools When D lose midterms;they will blame voting vs listening\n', 'Jan 6th not high priority to voters in polls Biden record low in polls,why? Inflation/Economy high priority in polls Other issues drive election- Defund police COVID policies CRT & schools Protest vs RIOTS Gender/schools When D lose midterms;they will blame voting vs listening\n'] ['@G_Commish'] ['CDC achieved tough task of pissing R & D cuz rules clearly political. Got my gov’t ‘rapid’ tests Wed, ordered Jan. Biden wants to increase immunity among vaxx’d by infections cuz vaxx not stopping transmission. TCells & #LongCOVID COVID didn’t get midterms memo 1\n', "And the virus spreads unhindered. Midterms will end up being about COVID because it reduces workforce participation due to disability. These numbers are very scary, and now the rosy unemployment numbers make sense. Long COVID is now the pandemic finance.yahoo.com LONG COVID: NEARLY 7% OF U.S. ADULTS SUFFERING SYMPTOMS; PERSONAL FINANCIAL BURDEN ESTIMATED AT... As COVID-19 infection rates continue to fluctuate, medical experts, economists and business leaders are focusing greater attention on Long Covid. A new whitepaper, Long Covid's Impact on Adult... 2 1 3\n", 'Wow, you guys are horrible. The message you are sending is super spreaders are perfectly fine. You will lose the midterms as GDP will sink AGAIN due to mass disablement from Long COVID. There are 0 tools for that. What don’t you understand? Stupidity showing up in the numbers 1 1 4\n', 'It’ll happen more likely with Long COVID. MSM has been told to tell public COVID is over because of the midterms. Long COVID is a different beast. I just looked at all 7 competitive trials ongoing worldwide from group preparing the LC valuation. Primary endpoint is 6min walk test 1 1 2\n', 'Losing political message. They’re pandering today to people who will abandon them tmw. If Blue Dog Dems no longer trust WH on COVID response & by Dems own calculus midterms smack middle of COVID wave, then support set to tank mid ‘Get out the Vote’ push apple.news Biden administration bracing for challenging fall and winter of COVID-19 Up to 30% of people could get infected, a senior administration official said. 1 9\n', 'Yes. We positioned for a world of government being responsible and attacking COVID seriously w/testing. We were wrong. But w/ midterms coming he will have to go back to that soon. That was the issue but now we see benefit from sales due to that mistake in Tollovid. Weird but true 2 2\n', '5 WarpSpeed2 needed. 1) Push frontline workers to get COVID multiple times by telling them vaccines keeps them safe and reinfections are mild 2) Reinfections are worse and create Long COVID at increasing rates 3) frontline workers on disability and no replacements. 4) Lose midterms 2\n', 'Lest we forget the math on a COVID death has changed. But the political solution remains clear: When you don’t like the numbers, change the math!! I wonder if basically telling people they don’t need to test has to do w/ reducing case numbers before November midterms BNO News · 47 Some U.S. states are changing the definition of a COVID patient, which is causing a large drop in the number of patients. One of those states is New Hampshire, where the health department is counting only 4% of COVID patients 1/3 1 2 10\n', 'Bait and switch. BoJo got destroyed over it, seems America is about 6 months behind. Hopefully Biden 1) cans Walensky, blames her for everything while 2) resetting proper guidelines before midterms and 3) calling out Romney for defunding COVID. Would be winning political trifecta 2\n', 'Can still be fixed. We already know what works. We just have to do it. This could probably be largely solved by midterms if they really wanted to keep kids safe. Seems like there should be a strong base of parents among voters that might vote on this key issue. Biden won on COVID 1 2\n', 'Sure looks like labor market issues are on the menu through midterms… now when does that get connected to COVID? Seems obvious given staff doesn’t want to go into the office because of COVID they should be screaming ‘#LongCOVID’ from the mountaintops. Why else not? 1 4\n'] ['@1KAG007'] ['Here‘s my prediction. A couple of months before the midterms, the dem party will make up the mother of all COVID variants and Brandon will shut down our country. Only mail-in voting will be allowed and the democrats will cheat again and steal the election. 1 3\n', 'I don’t think so. I still think the democrats have 1 more COVID variant up their sleeve. And they will use it right b4 the midterms to try and shut down the voting booths and force mail-in voting only so they can cheat and maintain the house and senate.\n', 'Brandon will wait until a couple months before the midterms to unleash a fake “mother of all COVID variants” to give him an excuse to lock down the country and force mail-in voting. Brandon has shown how dishonest and deceitful he is and will no doubt try and do this.\n', 'Yup, I got it a long time ago. And Fauci’s in hiding right now and will be until a month or so before the midterms when the democrats falsely claim that the mother of all COVID variants is upon us. Then and only then will the weasel Fauci come out of hiding. 1\n', 'Fauci is just telegraphing the democrats plan of making up another “mother of all COVID variants“ so they can force mail-in voting for the midterms. Cheating is the only way democrats ever win elections. 1 1\n', 'Come September, Fauci will be dropping the mother of all COVID variants on us just so democrats can force drop box and mail in voting only for the midterms. 1\n', 'Oh trust me on this one. About the September time frame, Fauci and the dems will fabricate the mother of all COVID variants and will only allow mail-in voting only for the midterms. 3\n', 'I made this prediction a few months ago and I’ll repeat it. Come September, Fauci and the dems will manufacture, via hype, the mother of all COVID variants and will only allow mail-in voting for the midterms. You can bet on it. nationalreview.com Fauci Argues for Putting the CDC above the Law For obvious reasons, the notion that the decisions of federal public-health officials should not be subject to judicial review is a dangerous one. 1 4\n', 'It’s either going to be monkeypox or the mother of all COVID variants that Brandon will use as an excuse to shut down our country right before the midterms. And Brandon will only allow mail-in voting. Trust me on this one. dailycaller.com Here We Go Again: Biden’s CDC Recommends Masks For Monkeypox The CDC upgraded the monkeypox alert level to level 2 on Monday, advising travelers to practice enhanced precautions, including wearing a mask. 3 4 12\n', 'Brandon predicts another plandemic is coming and says; “we need to prepare for it.” Like I’ve been saying, the democrats will make up the mother of all COVID variants this fall and they’ll force mail-in voting only for the midterms. 4 9 10\n', 'We won’t hear from Fauci until about 6 weeks or so before the midterms. That’s when all the sudden the democrats will invent the mother of all COVID variants and shut down our country and will mandate mail-in voting only. Trust me on this one bc it’s going to happen. 4 4 17\n'] ['@crucifriar'] ["Democrats' Attack on Midterms' Legitimacy Shows They Know They're Losing | Opinion https://msn.com/en-us/news/politics/democrats-attack-on-midterms-legitimacy-shows-they-know-they-re-losing-opinion/ar-AAT7GOL… It will be so WONDERFUL when #Covid-Spreading #Republicans INFECT the CHILDREN (check out #Utah.) And spread RACISM and give PSYCHOS WEAPONS of DEATH, send DEATH THREATS to msn.com Democrats' Attack on Midterms' Legitimacy Shows They Know They're Losing | Opinion Democrats staked everything on a doomed effort to end the filibuster and pass voting legislation. The results were no surprise.\n", "Hispanics sour on Biden and Democrats' agenda as midterms loom https://msn.com/en-us/news/politics/hispanics-sour-on-biden-and-democrats-agenda-as-midterms-loom/ar-AAT8Abo… Let them vote for #Republicans and watch their Familia get DEPORTED, and be given deadly COVID by Conservative generated disinformation to BOOT. THAT is the ALTERNATIVE right now. msn.com Hispanics sour on Biden and Democrats' agenda as midterms loom Hispanic voters care about the same things as most everyone else — the economy and health care — despite contrary narratives.\n", 'The GOP’s midterm playbook: Flip the script on Covid https://a.msn.com/01/en-us/AATmaX7?ocid=winp-st… It was #Trump, #Foxnews and the #Republicans who DENIED that COVID EXISTED and called it a "Liberal Hoax" that KILLED 100s of THOUSANDS of gullible AMERICANS. Murdered them. Now more Republican hate-lies msn.com \'The tide is shifting\': The GOP\'s Covid playbook looks to capitalize on pandemic fatigue In Pennsylvania, a Republican Senate candidate bashes the federal government’s Covid response in TV ads.\n', 'Fox News Poll: Republicans maintain advantage in generic midterm ballot https://a.msn.com/01/en-us/AAUjyYz?ocid=winp-st… DON\'T BELIEVE ANY #FoxNews "poll." FoxNews said "Covid-19 is a Liberal Hoax" and later, "Covid can\'t harm you." They LIED, You DIED. DON\'T FALL FOR IT AGAIN.\n', '\'Texas is a battleground\': Latino voters torn between GOP and Democrats ahead of midterm elections https://msn.com/en-us/news/politics/texas-is-a-battleground-latino-voters-torn-between-gop-and-democrats-ahead-of-midterm-elections/ar-AAUxSrs… #Latinos should side with the OPENLY #RACIST #REPUBLICANS who call them the S-Word, and "dirty rapists," and got many Latinos KILLED by Covid-denial lies. Ya msn.com \'Texas is a battleground\': Latino voters torn between GOP and Democrats ahead of midterm elections Latino voters will decide who wins a competitive congressional seat in South Texas. The contest shows how the GOP could win over more Hispanics.\n', '\'Texas is a battleground\': Latino voters torn between GOP and Democrats ahead of midterm elections https://msn.com/en-us/news/politics/texas-is-a-battleground-latino-voters-torn-between-gop-and-democrats-ahead-of-midterm-elections/ar-AAUxSrs… Its INTERESTING. The Covid-Deniers that cost many #Latinos\' family members THEIR LIVES were all #Republican..."Mi Familia" LIKES that?...I\'m confused. msn.com \'Texas is a battleground\': Latino voters torn between GOP and Democrats ahead of midterm elections Latino voters will decide who wins a competitive congressional seat in South Texas. The contest shows how the GOP could win over more Hispanics.\n', 'Hannity: Americans rejecting the far left\'s agenda as Democrats\' midterm hopes dwindle https://msn.com/en-us/news/politics/hannity-americans-rejecting-the-far-left-s-agenda-as-democrats-midterm-hopes-dwindle/ar-AAWLv8x?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=649e205726544ab9814e205626e1eebd… Let see. #Hannity the guy who says #Latinos are "Dirty Rapists" and "Covid is a Hoax." Let\'s all BELIEVE THIS openly White Supremacist Creep, on FuxNews, OK? msn.com Hannity: Americans rejecting the far left\'s agenda as Democrats\' midterm hopes dwindle Fox News host Sean Hannity says the Democratic Party\'s midterms hope are dwindling because of their “destructive” agenda.\n', "Republicans' Chances of Beating Democrats for Control of Senate in Midterms https://msn.com/en-us/news/politics/republicans-chances-of-beating-democrats-for-control-of-senate-in-midterms/ar-AAY0MvD?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=7e3fbfe3556541e49ff404c099d0c5d3… Pretty GOOD, actually... Americans are SICK of #Racist, #Gun-Sucking, #Gender-Hating, #Insurrectionist, Covid-Spreading, #Disney-Hating #Republican turds. VOTE REPUBLICANS OUT msn.com Republicans' Chances of Beating Democrats for Control of Senate in Midterms Recent polls and historical precedent suggest the GOP is well positioned to make gains in November's elections.\n", '‘Plandemic’: Sarah Palin Attacks ‘Covid B.S.’ and Media in Trump Rally Speech Framing Midterms as ‘Good vs. Evil’ https://msn.com/en-us/news/politics/plandemic-sarah-palin-attacks-covid-b-s-and-media-in-trump-rally-speech-framing-midterms-as-good-vs-evil/ar-AAZp7UW?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=786ccf004bcb454fa2f8b1a840e4424a… So Creepy #SarahPalin DENIES(!) One MILLION Americans DIED? Of COURSE she does... Vote crazy, lying, reality-DENYING #Republicans OUT msn.com ‘Plandemic’: Sarah Palin Attacks ‘Covid B.S.’ and Media in Trump Rally Speech Framing Midterms as... The former governor spoke at the former president\'s rally, and attacked the "covid b.s." that she says Democrats used to try to "control" America. The post ‘Plandemic’: Sarah Palin Attacks ‘Covid...\n', 'Biden predicts ‘a really difficult two years’ if Democrats lose the midterms https://msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-predicts-a-really-difficult-two-years-if-democrats-lose-the-midterms/ar-AA11KNEa?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=3a1e07b9fcc54ab7b70e276e7974e19c… That is why it is SO IMPORTANT to Vote Out the #Racists, the #Gender-haters, the #Insurrectionsts, the Covid-Spreaders, The #GlobalWarming Deniers, the #Republicans. ALL out. msn.com Biden predicts ‘a really difficult two years’ if Democrats lose the midterms President Biden on Monday acknowledged “a really difficult two years” if Democrats lose control of Congress in November’s midterm elections. Biden said at a Democratic National Committee fundraising...\n', "Has Ron DeSantis Won Republicans the Midterms? https://msn.com/en-us/news/politics/has-ron-desantis-won-republicans-the-midterms/ar-AA129D30?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=beee625605a34684993c7bfdc3168d28… So this OPENLY #Racist, #Gender-Hating, #Insurrectionist #Covid-Denier and #Disney-Hater is the #Republican Choice? Why? He HATES members of YOUR family... msn.com Has Ron DeSantis Won Republicans the Midterms? DeSantis has forced immigration to the top of the news agenda but it's not clear whether the issue will have a major impact in November.\n"] ['@MaureenWChen1'] ['Biden’s working hard to clean up the DJT’s mess for the covid crisis, resulting economy+financial deficits from corporate taxes. Keep Democrats for Congress in the Midterm Election correcting racial injustice, fair voting laws, climate control, infrastructure, + global relations. Ryan Rally · 118 The bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The weapons manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war. The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The Government will ensure all of this is done legally.\n', 'What have we been seeing from the GOP Twitter? Was it bipartisanship/praise for Joe’s great first year, jobs boom, stimulus bill, infrastructure bill, clean water, covid relief for vaxxed? GOPs are actively smearing him to win the midterm election, and for voter suppression laws! The Hill · 124 Sanders says Republicans are "laughing all the way to Election Day" http://hill.cm/719APDi\n', 'What have we been seeing from GOP Twitter? Was it bipartisanship/praise for Joe’s great first year, jobs boom, stimulus bill, infrastructure bill, clean water, covid relief for vaxxed? GOPs are actively smearing him to win the midterm election, and for voter suppression laws!! The Hill · 124 Sanders says Republicans are "laughing all the way to Election Day" http://hill.cm/719APDi\n', 'DJT left a severe covid/economic crises; he opened economy ASAP; he ignored the peak, another more severe peak, didn’t use national plans to contain covid plans available to open schools in the fall. Why is the GOP unjustly attacking Joe Great Year? To win the midterm election? GOP · 121 Joe Biden’s greatest failure his first year in office is not addressing any of the crises he created.\n', 'Tucker and Laura’s attacks are wrong; they’re riling up the Republican base to vote for the GOPs in the midterm elections, and not to vaccinate, but endangering their lives. Thank you, Peter Hotez for your work toward the new unpatented vaccine and persistent work against covid! Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD · 225 Bottom line: knows Carlson’s Ingraham attacks against me and a few other US scientists are all made up BS…and they don’t care. And they don’t care that it undermines confidence in vaccines. And they don’t care it places me or other scientists in harm’s way. Now I get it twitter.com/Sulliview/stat…\n', 'Midterm Elections are important. Opposing party to the president has continually won them! Democrats, Independents, Joe can’t passed his agenda without your votes during midterms. Inflation’s caused by Corporate greed/price gouging from covid; don’t let GOPs blame Biden! The Hill · 45 NEW: Democrats hope Obama will give Biden a jolt http://hill.cm/lWbZj3U\n', "Midterm elections are usually won by the party opposing the president. GOPs are motivated for the Democrats to lose Congress! They didn’t let Obama appoint a justice/ pass bills. Corp greed caused inflation! Joe did well, covid/jobs/economy. GOP says he didn’t do well to win Nov. Tim Ryan · 424 Here's the truth: Donald Trump is in Ohio today to drum up support for his right-wing base. We're expecting him to attack me. If his hits go unchallenged, he could tilt this election toward the GOP. I need your help to fight back.\n", 'DJT agreed to a price hike of gas in ‘19 to be effective 1/1/22; Big Oil price gouge beyond normal to recover from covid losses. It’s the gas hike of DJT/Big Oil! House Dems passed last week a bill to prevent price gouging! Are GOPs blaming Joe to win midterms? Dems NOV’22 GOP · 522 Since Joe Biden took office, gas prices have increased by over 50%. This is Joe Biden’s gas hike.\n', 'Instead of appreciating Joe’s successes in 19 mos, we see envy/complaints for him to lose the midterms. We want to continue his agenda; his experience adds to the infra bill, economic relief bill, steps containing covid, tech mfg bill, climate control/healthcare/drug/tax reforms! Kurt Bardella · 85 Hey Democrats - maybe this would be a good time to rally around this President and stop buying into the b.s. narratives created by the right and the media about ‘24. Stop reacting with fear. Maybe Biden’s approvals would go up if his party actually backed him up publicly!!!! twitter.com/SimonWDC/statu…\n', 'Instead of appreciating Joe’s successes in 19 mos, we see envy/complaints for him to lose the midterms. We want to continue his agenda; his experience adds to the infra bill, economic relief bill, steps to containing covid, tech mfg bill, climate control, healthcare/drug reforms! Santiago Mayer · 85 A failed term? In under two years, Biden has signed an infrastructure bill, a GVP bill, an economic relief package, a tech manufacturing bill, and is about to sign the most significant climate investment in history.\n', 'GOPs are disappointed at losing the 2020 presidency, although DJT had the WH for 4 years, handling the covid crisis badly by ignoring the virus alert/several surges his last year. Joe did well vaxxing 67% + recovering the economy; GOPs reacted by attacking Joe to win the midterm. The Hill · 92 ."In the past two years, Joe Biden has launched an assault on the soul of America, on its people, on its laws, on its most sacred values. [...] His policies have severely wounded America\'s soul, diminished America\'s spirit and betrayed America\'s trust."\n'] ['@douglasritz'] ['“time has come for Anthony Fauci and the White House to declare a new phase in the pandemic.” Come the midterm elections, if people are still wearing masks and bloviating about Covid, the Biden administration will be in collapse.\n', '“ all the mainstream Dems congratulate themselves for avoiding the politically toxic stance of cutting police budgets,” Sorry, but that damage is already done. The midterms are going to be about Covid, crime, and culture. 1 1\n', '“ Democrats are at risk of drifting toward “whenever we lose power and Republicans take over.” If we are still wearing masks and talking about Covid protocols in the Summer, the midterms are going to be an evisceration. 33\n', "“Fauci says 'full-blown' COVID-19 pandemic is almost over in US ” Whew…just in time for midterms. 1 6\n", 'If we are still talking about masks and Covid this Summer, the midterms are going to be an evisceration. 3 1 42\n', "“ There won't be mass non-compliance. I've stopped waiting..” If we are still talking about Covid and masks this Summer, the midterms are going to be an absolute pummeling. 5\n", '“Democrats have a lower approval rating than Republicans, ..” This is quite normal leading up to the midterms. Biden/Harris were a result of Covid and not due to their diplomatic skills.\n', '“ highlighting high inflation ahead of the midterm elections in the next few months.” As if crime, Covid, and culture was insufficient?\n', '“New York State has yet to complete evaluation of its horrific Covid response in Feb, March, and April of 2020. ” Midterms.\n', '“ masks are going to make a come back this fall. Remember, “this is for your safety”. Indeed. After 3 years of Covid protocols, 5 shots, and a wrecked economy, we’ve reverted back to face diapers. The midterms should be absolutely brilliant! 1\n'] ['@RLR2190'] ['Gearing up for the midterm variant. The democrats want covid. They need covid. They have used if to play dirty politics and have control over the people.\n', "Isn't ironic. As the midterm elections near closer. Covid stories are becoming more popular. Let's all keep a keen eye on what goes on with this upcoming elections. 1\n", "Isn't ironic. As the midterm elections near closer. Covid stories are becoming more popular. Let's all keep a keen eye on what goes on with this upcoming elections. 1\n", "Isn't ironic. As the midterm elections near closer. Covid stories are becoming more popular. Let's all keep a keen eye on what goes on with this upcoming elections.\n", "Isn't ironic. As the midterm elections near closer. Covid stories are becoming more popular. Let's all keep a keen eye on what goes on with this upcoming elections.\n", "Isn't ironic. As the midterm elections near closer. Covid stories are becoming more popular. Let's all keep a keen eye on what goes on with this upcoming elections.\n", "Isn't it ironic. As the midterm elections near closer. Covid stories are becoming more popular. Let's all keep a keen eye on what goes on with this upcoming elections.\n", "Isn't it ironic. As the midterm elections near closer. Covid stories are becoming more popular. Let's all keep a keen eye on what goes on with this upcoming elections.\n", "Isn't it ironic. As the midterm elections near closer. Covid stories are becoming more popular. Let's all keep a keen eye on what goes on with the upcoming elections.\n", "Isn't it ironic. As the midterm elections near closer. Covid stories are becoming more popular. Let's all keep a keen eye on what goes on with the upcoming elections. 2\n"] ['@CookStevenD'] ['Also, that COVID response sure isn’t inspiring much confidence. Maybe a war scare, or hell, a real war!, is what’s needed to change the subject before the midterms.\n', 'is trying to sweep COVID under the rug at least until the midterms. 1\n', 'That map is garbage. You invented a metric that obscures COVID cases. Also, testing is collapsing in USA, further obscuring it. Great job sweeping COVID under the rug for the midterms.\n', '"We have to normalize COVID for the midterms." 4 5 38\n', 'being good soldiers diverting public attention from COVID for the midterms. Hacks. 3\n', 'Gets in the way of “COVID is over” midterms messaging.\n', 'They’re carrying water for the White House and their COVID-is-over midterms messaging. 1 1\n', 'Gotta normalize COVID. The midterms are coming! 2\n', 'Gotta sweep COVID under the rug. The midterms are coming!\n', 'CDC concocted community levels intentionally to undercount COVID spread. Something about the midterms. 1\n'] ['@gardengirl778'] ['Wealthy powerful people. Biden also is coordinating with people like Joseph Allen, Leana Wen and other media taking heads as well as state governors to ditch masks so democrats can win midterms and Biden reelection via a head in sand distract us from Covid strategy.\n', 'So you are the person who pushed the ignore all the Covid deaths and spread strategy, sacrificing the lives of the high risk so swing voters will vote the way Biden wants at midterms. As an immune deficient teacher in a school dropping masks I find your work immoral\n', '2 False. They changed based on a coordinated strategy to win midterms and the next presidential election. This was based on survey results leaked that showed swing voters would prefer Biden declare victory over Covid. It is sadly all politics. 1 2\n', 'He is setting the agenda which is to declare victory over Covid to win midterms and the next election. They don’t want our attention on Covid. Less testing will mean fewer official cases. They want us out shopping and making money for the wealthy.\n', 'Both are from the cdc. The one on the left was made due to political pressure after a polling company found that declaring victory of Covid would be Biden’s best chance to win the next election and for dems in midterms. Masks had to go etc so public had to be snowed 1\n', 'There was a polling company that found that declaring victory over Covid was Biden and the dem’s best chance to win midterms and next election and they recommended dropping masking. Ever since then biden has pushed against masking via cdc and media 1 4\n', 'Of you agree with the suggestion to bs the country and lead America to unmask to win midterm elections, then no wonder you even asked these questions in the first place. This advice will cause so many hundreds of thousands or more deaths and millions of long Covid cases 2\n', 'Yes, a race to the bottom. Biden is out trumping Trump. You know about the polling organization that advised Biden to declare victory over Covid and ditch masks to win midterms and the next presidential election? 2\n', '2 The Biden administration got advice that declaring victory over Covid, getting rid of masks, and putting little attention on the pandemic would help at midterms and the next election so adopted that strategy and urged media and democrat governors and CDC to do so as well.\n', 'We should be pushing for NPIs until we have far fewer deaths, have prevention or treatment of long Covid, have vaxes that work much better. What is to is thread about? Biden politics for midterms? It isn’t public health.\n'] ['@toneron2'] ['Just in time for the midterms and the Democrats claim they defeated covid. Two states at least Democrat States just lifted their restrictions. Hmm\n', 'This is serious. This marks the start of democrat positioning for the midterms."Democrats defeated covid" 1\n', 'I think you\'re exactly right. This is the start of the "Democrats conquered covid" message just in time for the midterm election\n', 'This is the start of the story that dems conquered covid just in time for the midterms 1\n', 'Here we go! Democratic states lifting restrictions. The push on the story that Democrats conquered covid is just starting just in time for the midterms. Wait and see.\n', "Ms. Stabenow hasn't got the memo yet. Democrat run states are lifting restrictions. It's time to start saying Democrats conquered covid just in time for the midterms. It's coming mark my words.\n", 'This is just the beginning of the Democrats defeated covid messaging before the midterms.\n', "It's more than that. It's a change in Psy ops getting ready for the midterm push that Democrats defeated covid. 1\n", 'The closer we get to midterms the closer we get to Democrats saved us from covid\n'] ['@micgavjr'] ['Think piece as to how Democrats should move to possibly win majorities in the Midterms #politics #news #business #republican #covid #government #finance #vote #liberal #democrats #investment #political #stocks #bitcoin uniicmedia.com New Polling Indicates Republicans are Favored to Win the House A think piece surrounding what the Democrats need to do in order to win midterms and even the 2024 Presidency 3 1\n', 'Think Piece: A downfall leading into midterms is the push in ideologies that aren’t wanted by those they aim to benefit #politics #news #economics #republican #covid #government #finance #vote #liberal #democrats #investment #political #Trump #Biden uniicmedia.com Is the Modern Social Justice Movement a Misrepresentation of the Views and Goals of those it Seeks... Think Piece/Open Discussion 3 1\n', 'Susie Lee says the overturning of Roe v. Wade was a “favor” for Democrats struggling in lead up to the midterm elections #politics #news #economics #republican #covid #government #finance #vote #liberal #democrats #investment #political #Trump #Biden uniicmedia.com According to U.S. Congresswoman Susie Lee, the overturning of Roe v. Wade was a "Favor" for... However, it seems jumping on the strategy to push the abortion issue isn\'t working as well as planned... 3 1\n', "Larry Hogan continues to bash Dan Cox as midterms approach #politics #news #economics #republican #covid #government #finance #vote #liberal #democrats #investment #political #Trump #Biden uniicmedia.com Maryland Governor Larry Hogan Bashes his Party's Nominee to take his Spot Dan Cox has been a major voice in the attempts to deny and overturn the 2020 presidential election and Larry Hogan isn't a fan... 3 1\n", 'For the midterm elections, Twitter will bring back its civil integrity policy #politics #news #economics #republican #covid #government #finance #vote #liberal #democrats #investment #political #Trump #Biden uniicmedia.com Twitter to bring back the Disinformation Feature with the November Midterms Upcoming The civil integrity police will be applied once again to the Twitter app after being first introduced in 2018... 3 1\n', 'The Biden administration is pushing for a three tier for abortion protections leading into midterms #politics #news #economics #republican #covid #government #finance #vote #liberal #democrats #investment #political #Trump #Biden uniicmedia.com A Three Tier Plan for Abortion Protection is on the way from the White House The Democrats took advantage of the Kansas vote as the White House now promoting a three-stage strategy to protect abortion rights by reaching out to men. 3 1\n', 'Donald Trump has started his bash against Mitch McConnell’s GOP midterm comments #politics #news #economics #republican #covid #government #finance #vote #liberal #democrats #investment #political #Trump #Biden uniicmedia.com Donald Trump responds to Mitch McConnell\'s claims of a "Tough Task in Flipping the Majority for the... Trump said the claim was “an affront to honor and to leadership.” 3 2\n', "Robert McBurney made the call but stated that it wouldn’t happen until after the midterm elections #politics #news #economics #republican #covid #government #finance #vote #liberal #democrats #investment #political #Trump #Biden uniicmedia.com Governor Brian Kemp's Testimony has been Delayed by Georgia Judge Fulton County’s Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney made the call but stated that it wouldn’t happen until after the midterm elections. 3 2\n", 'Which races are on your watchlist for midterms? #politics #news #economics #republican #covid #government #finance #vote #liberal #democrats #investment #political #Trump #Biden uniicmedia.com Which Races will be on the Radar in Determining the outcome of the Midterms? There has been some research, and these races are set to be prime-time television in order to determine control of the chambers... 3 2\n'] ['@GulfVet4life'] ['There keep this narrative going along with COVID-19 all the way to the midterms. Interesting how all label a protest gone bad an insurrection when no one was charged with an insurrection. 2\n', 'Everyone trying to hold onto covid and use as an anchor to control everything. The democrats would just love if covid rules extended all the way to the midterms. Hmm wonder why. Never waste a crisis although its not now. 1 3\n', 'Magically covid will surface right before the midterms. The democrats like the covid rules, 6 feet distance, masks, loosen up signature verify, Keep the window open for an edge. Wont work this time. If you can go to safeway to buy food you can go vote in person.\n', 'How long before this resigns. The dems know they must keep power at any cost in fall. Suddenly a covid wave will appear with 6 feet distance right in time for poll watchers verifying signatures. Never let a crisis go to waste. Get your popcorn ready for midterms. 1\n', 'A Covid or monkey pox extension or another crisis will suddenly appear in October right before the midterms. Im waiting for lawsuits to start to change election rules and the phony media will go along with it.\n', 'CWmn boebert The WH is already going to extend covid emergency through midterms. The RNC better be ready for a wild midterms.\n', 'I saw this coming and I bet if there were no midterms covid would be over in there eyes. Im sure the CDC will be aligned with this but cannot justify this. They want to do mass mail out votes, 6 feet distance and loosen up signature verification. Rep party should file suits now. 2\n', 'This is why the midterms will be drama like you have never seen before. The dems know if they dont keep power, biden and the dems are finished. Covid rules will suddenly appear, monkey pox will be full blown. Any new crisis will not go to waste.\n', 'They still have funds from last covid bill. The idea to spend more is comical. It baffles me that people are still hanging onto covid this long. Im sure it will magically dissappear once the democrats are wiped out in midterms. Never let a crisis go to waste.\n'] ['@worldnews_guru'] ['DeSantis Warns Dems Will “Reimpose” COVID Restrictions After Midterms https://worldnewsguru.us/politics/desantis-warns-dems-will-reimpose-covid-restrictions-after-midterms/8917/…\n', 'DeSantis Warns Dems Will “Reimpose” COVID Restrictions After Midterms worldnewsguru.us DeSantis Warns Dems Will "Reimpose" COVID Restrictions After Midterms Blue states and cities across the country conveniently dropped COVID restrictions as the midterms approach. The science didn’t change — the only feasible explanation for this is bad polling. Fox News...\n', 'DeSantis Warns Dems Will “Reimpose” COVID Restrictions After Midterms Blue states and cities across the country conveniently dropped COVID restrictions as the https://worldnewsguru.us/politics/desantis-warns-dems-will-reimpose-covid-restrictions-after-midterms/8917/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost… #politics worldnewsguru.us DeSantis Warns Dems Will "Reimpose" COVID Restrictions After Midterms Blue states and cities across the country conveniently dropped COVID restrictions as the midterms approach. The science didn’t change — the only feasible explanation for this is bad polling. Fox News...\n', 'DeSantis Warns Dems Will “Reimpose” COVID Restrictions After Midterms 2\n', 'Dr. Death Reappears: Fauci Says US ‘Likely’ to See Fall COVID-19 Surge Uncategorized The midterms are coming up and Democrats need a boost. Enter Dr. Death — https://worldnewsguru.us/politics/dr-death-reappears-fauci-says-us-likely-to-see-fall-covid-19-surge/52154/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost… #politics\n', 'Biden Regime Warns Covid Could Infect 100 Million This Fall… Just in Time For the Midterm Elections worldnewsguru.us Biden Regime Warns Covid Could Infect 100 Million This Fall... Just in Time For the Midterm... The Biden Regime has a new warning for those of us who survived the winter of “severe illness and death”: A new wave of Covid is coming this fall… just in time for the midterm elections. Without...\n', 'Biden Regime Warns Covid Could Infect 100 Million This Fall… Just in Time For the Midterm Elections https://worldnewsguru.us/politics/biden-regime-warns-covid-could-infect-100-million-this-fall-just-in-time-for-the-midterm-elections/105089/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost… #politics worldnewsguru.us Biden Regime Warns Covid Could Infect 100 Million This Fall... Just in Time For the Midterm... The Biden Regime has a new warning for those of us who survived the winter of “severe illness and death”: A new wave of Covid is coming this fall… just in time for the midterm elections. Without...\n', 'WAYNE ROOT: The Democrat Plan to Steal Midterms. Say Goodbye to Biden & Hello to “King Kong Monkey Covid.” https://worldnewsguru.us/politics/wayne-root-the-democrat-plan-to-steal-midterms-say-goodbye-to-biden-hello-to-king-kong-monkey-covid/266064/?ref=gsp…\n', 'WAYNE ROOT: The Democrat Plan to Steal Midterms. Say Goodbye to Biden & Hello to “King Kong Monkey Covid.” worldnewsguru.us WAYNE ROOT: The Democrat Plan to Steal Midterms. Say Goodbye to Biden & Hello to “King Kong Monkey... By Wayne Allyn Root Do you think the GOP will win a landslide victory in the November midterms? Do you think it will be a cakewalk? Boy are you na?ve. I’ve been warning about what’s coming for many...\n'] ['@DanielRollTide'] ['After midterms Biden Administration will take responsibility for destroying #Covid 1 10\n', 'Midterm elections will sqaush Covid. Democrats flipping the script needing Votes. Voter id is required from the Illegals mainly the Cartels killing America with drugs and human trafficking. 1 6\n', 'Amazing Midterms canceled Covid. Any QUESTIONS? Now Biden will declare he squashed Covid the Cold flu. 3 1 26\n', 'Midterms stomped #Covid 2\n', 'Amazing how Covid isnt Irrelevant anymore? Could it be Midterm Election? Americans are not stupid. 8 9 55\n', 'Midterms canceled Covid! imagine what politicians could do? 5\n', '#COVID canceled at Midterms 2 3\n', 'Midterms squashed the so called Covid\n', '#Covid Canceled midterms matter to the Democratic Dictatorship 1 3\n'] ['@CuzUAintMe2'] ["While what's going on in Ukraine is horrendous, please don't forget other issues plaguing America because of JOE BIDEN's FAILURES as the midterms approach: Border crisis Afghanistan withdrawal Inflation Covid Mandates Crime Surge Defund Police CRT War on Parents 3 22 19\n", 'Janet Yellen (Treasury Secretary) is echoing JOE BIDEN\'s "Putin and Covid are to blame" for the rise in gas prices and higher-than-ever inflation. She knows she’s lying and she’s not even lying effectively. Watch the lies become more creative as we head into the 2022 midterms. 2 16 12\n', 'Pay close attention to the upcoming (FAKE) variant(s) of Covid that the White House is propping up to scare Americans as we get closer to the midterms. One is subvariant BA.5 which...in my humble opinion...is SUBVARIANT BULL-!! 15 16\n', "Isn't is funny how the Covid BA.5 variant knows that we have midterm elections coming soon? It will wait and unleash itself just about the time the polls open to incite fear. What a smart virus that is! Didn't Covid 1.0 do exactly the same thing? The Dems think we're stupid. 1 1\n", "17 ILLEGAL ALIENI! It's not Covid...it's the CHINA VIRUS. Spawned in the Wujan Lab and leaked by China for election interference. After going to all the trouble to impede that election, does anyone think China is going to stand by while the midterms undo all of their hard work? NOT! 3\n", "It's happening already. As JOE BIDEN, FAKE FAUCI and the CDC begin to heighten fears about the so-called BA.5 Covid subvariant, social media is silencing anyone who is calling it what it is....SUBVARIANT BULL! Ironically, this variant will hit just in time for the midterms. 2 6 7\n", 'Apparently, "Monkeypox" didn\'t take hold. The Dems pushed it as hard as they could but it fell flat. As masking (supposedly for a resurgence of Covid) started being tossed around, the Dems needed a virus for it to be legit. Enter "Subvariant BA.5". Just in time for the midterms. 1\n', "Keep an eye on JOE BIDEN, fake FAUCI, the Centers for Deranged Consumers (CDC) and the FAKE NEWS MEDIA's. They're working overtime to hype Covid, Omicron, Monkeypox, Donkeypox, shingles, pink eye, toe fungus, bad breath, etc. to promote fear as we go into the midterms. 3 14 23\n", 'The closer we get to the midterms and an ACROSS THE COUNTRY RED WAVE, watch for the White House and their fake "I\'m not really a doctor but I play one on TV" (faux) Fauci\'s and the CDC try to bamboozle us into believing that SCHLONG COVID (aka, monkeypox) is a "health emergency". 12 14\n'] ['@theworlds3nd'] ["My favorite thing that will happen is when democrats decide to say we beat covid this summer right before midterms. Numbers won't matter. It'll be a miracle. Watch herd immunity will be back. 1 6\n", "Biden didn't. Democrats will start saying they beat covid all their tactics worked. Nothing to do with midterms at all.\n", "Who said it was a hoax. I had covid in the beginning was in a vent. See u assume again. Bc they are lying. They didn't beat covid and dropping masks isn't bc science just changed. Midterms are here n bidens dragging the party down. So now they do this for votes.\n", 'Here\'s science. Nothing to do with midterms. Masks n vaccine mandates are ending. Open SmartNews and read "Fauci says ‘full-blown pandemic phase’ of COVID-19 coming to end" here: https://share.smartnews.com/VV73K To read it on the web, tap here: https://share.smartnews.com/Dyi6b washingtonexaminer.com Fauci says \'full-blown pandemic phase\' of COVID-19 coming to end Dr. Anthony Fauci has some good news: The United States is on its way to exiting the "full-blown" pandemic phase of COVID-19.\n', "Midterms. Covid had to end till after the election when it'll surge again till 2024 when it'll disappear till after that election. Covid is real but the govt is using it for politics. It's disgusting. Ppl will get sick prob die and the asshats in charge won't care.. 1\n", "Don't care now,covid still kills but they don't care know. The war is next bc it's midterms then covid will surge. Question everything or fall for everything. God bless. 1\n", "Yeah it's funny covid ends just in time for the midterms. Funny how science changed in time. Masks don't work now,lockdowns didn't work. School closings hurt kids. Not if only ppl were saying this for over a yr. Wait that's what is conspiracy nuts have said almost the whole time.\n", "Your logic is flawed since ppl vaxxed have died from covid. It's mild n flu like now. Don't u trust science? Why would blue state govs drop mandates unless it was? Couldn't be bc of midterms.\n", "2 If covid never hit the numbers never would of went up and Biden couldn't take credit for it. Weird huh? Just like blue states dropping mandates right before midterms. Good day\n"] ['@rightwingnorcal'] ['When does the new Covid variant start? The Midterms are coming up\n', 'Old lady… when does the new Covid variant start? The Midterms are coming up\n', 'When does the new Covid variant start? The Midterms are coming up 1\n', 'Hey old man when does the new Covid variant start? The Midterms are coming up\n', 'When does the new Covid variant start? The Midterms are coming up 2 4\n', 'When does the new Covid variant start? The Midterms are coming up 1\n', 'When does the new Covid variant start? The Midterms are coming up 2 7\n', 'When does the new Covid variant start? The Midterms are coming up\n', 'When does the new Covid variant start? The Midterms are coming up\n'] ['@TedS9146'] ["With the midterms, guess we'll get a better idea how many # Republican voters die from COVID\n", "With the midterms, guess we'll get a better idea how many # Republican voters die from COVID 3 7\n", 'Gerrymandering 3.0: After the midterms, guess we will get a better idea of how many # Republican voters died from COVID 1 1\n', 'Speaking of gerrymandering. After the midterms, guess we will have a better idea of how many # Republican voters died from COVID\n', "Well. Guess we'll have a better idea after midterms just how many # Republican voters died from COVID\n", 'Gerrymandering .... We will have a better idea after midterms (every vote counts) just how many # Republican voters died from COVID 1 2 6\n', 'We will have a better idea after the midterms how many # Republican voters died from COVID. Personally, I know 4 that died. 2 1\n', 'Curious to find out after midterms How many # Republican voters died from COVID 2\n', "Let's see what affects Republican voters COVID deaths have on the GOP Republicans gerrymandering. Every vote counts in the midterms. 1\n"] ['@BigDogGrunt'] ['Biden administration guidance prioritizes race in administering COVID drugs https://foxnews.com/politics/biden-administration-guidance-prioritizes-race-administering-covid-drugs… I thought all men are created equal? Democrats are segregating the People. Vote midterms to stop this madness! foxnews.com Biden administration guidance prioritizes race in administering COVID drugs Guidance issued under the Biden administration states certain individuals may be considered “high risk” and more quickly qualify for monoclonal antibodies and oral antivirals used to treat COVID-19... 1 1\n', "Walensky says Sotomayor's pediatric COVID hospitalization number was off 96.5% https://foxnews.com/politics/walensky-sotomayors-pediatric-covid-hospitalization-number-off-96-5… Democrats are such liars and hypocrites!! VOTE midterms to stop this madness!!!!! foxnews.com Walensky says Sotomayor's pediatric COVID hospitalization number was off dramatically CDC Director Rochelle Walensky clarified that the number of children hospitalized with COVID-19 is nowhere close to the statistic put forth by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor Friday, while... 1 1\n", 'Gretchen Whitmer held California fundraisers while Michigan led US in COVID-19 cases, records show https://foxnews.com/politics/gretchen-whitmer-california-fundraisers-michigan-us-covid-19-spike… Then they wonder why they can’t win an election! Lol! Democrats are sickening haters and losers! Hypocritical morons! VOTE midterms to stop this madness!!!! foxnews.com Gretchen Whitmer held California fundraisers while Michigan led US in COVID-19 cases, records show Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer held private fundraisers while her home state was seeing their worst infection rates of the pandemic 2 1\n', "American truckers plan convoy to DC in protest of COVID-19 mandates https://foxnews.com/us/american-truckers-convoy-dc-protest-covid-19… Yes!!!!! Democrats need to know that they work for us, not the other way around!!!VOTE midterms to stop this madness!!!!! foxnews.com American truckers plan convoy to DC in protest of COVID-19 mandates Taking a cue from truckers bordering America's north, a political action committee will partner with truck convoys to protest what it deems are overreaching government COVID-19 restrictions and...\n", "White House says COVID-19 money on 'empty' as it ties approval to Ukraine aid https://foxnews.com/health/white-house-says-covid-money-on-empty-ukraine-aid… Covid no longer a threat, but terrorist walking across our open borders! You have no idea who is in this Country now. Democrats will pay!!!! VOTE midterms to stop this madness! foxnews.com White House says COVID-19 money on 'empty' as it ties approval to Ukraine aid The White House is warning that the U.S. will soon begin to run out of money for COVID-19 supplies unless Congress acts to approve more funding. 1\n", 'Psaki claims COVID exposed Harris wore mask inside before Jackson ceremony but video shows otherwise https://foxnews.com/politics/psaki-claims-covid-exposed-harris-wore-mask-inside-before-jackson-ceremony-but-video-shows-otherwise… Hypocritical democrats are sickening!!! VOTE midterms to stop this madness!!!!\n', 'California, New York handled COVID-19 lockdowns the worst, Florida among the best, a new study shows https://foxnews.com/politics/california-new-york-covid-lockdowns-worst-florida-best-study… Democrats are sickening!! VOTE midterms to stop this madness!!!! foxnews.com California, New York handled COVID-19 lockdowns the worst, Florida among the best, a new study shows A new study has graded states by how well they handled the coronavirus pandemic, showing that conservative states outperformed their liberal counterparts.\n', "Laura Ingraham: COVID lockdowns allowed the left to force change on America https://foxnews.com/media/ingraham-this-never-about-science… Democrats are sickening haters and losers!! VOTE midterms to stop this madness!!! foxnews.com Laura Ingraham: COVID lockdowns allowed the left to force change on America Fox News host Laura Ingraham reacts to the COVID lockdowns after a federal judge struck down mask mandates for public transportation on 'The Ingraham Angle.'\n", "EPA spends millions from Biden's COVID bill on climate change programs, EV Rideshares, 'pruning workshops' https://foxnews.com/politics/epa-spends-millions-bidens-covid-bill-climate-change-pruning… BS! VOTE midterms to stop this madness!! foxnews.com EPA spends millions from Biden's COVID bill on climate change programs, EV Rideshares, 'pruning... The EPA spent $4.3 million in American Rescue Plan funds on climate change programs promoting activities like tree planting and tree pruning workshops.\n"] ['@robinsoped101'] ['Fell for it, Nancy? The CDC changed the map overnight over a month ago. They changed the metrics so they could have a green map for the midterms. Leaked memo from polling firm told Biden to minimize Covid and he did. 3\n', 'Too funny. You actually blindly follow him as if he is looking out for your best interests and not that of the admin who was warned in a pollsters memo to minimize COVID for the midterms? A progressive asking you here. I follow many other researchers, MDs, scientists, front line. 2\n', 'Dems may gain senate seats maybe&hold the house this midterm. The cost is how many 100Ks deaths& disabilities? The pollster memo advised minimize Covid&to stop mitigations because draws attention to Covid. This is a crime against humanity. Many peeps no clue the facts abt Covid. 1\n', "How about actually addressing Covid instead of following that pollster memo that said to minimize Covid as much as possible for midterms (play like it doesn't exist). There is no educational protocol from the WH. Nothing. Biden is responsible for 100ks deaths and disabilities.\n", '4th democrat to have a problem with the fact that Biden is following talking pts from a pollster advising he minimize Covid to prepare for midterms. Biden did and has. 90% statement is a lie. You think 90% under control? You are arguing with a moderate progressive. 1\n', "IMPACT RESEARCH polling firm advised Biden's team on how to win the midterms. The memos I linked above are as clear as can be in the directive to minimize Covid's impact & to flip the script focusing on how Biden has contained Covid. See Biden's own words. He repeats them. 1\n", 'Yes Biden and yes Democrats. I voted for Biden as did many I know with #LongCovid. We are devastated. The mention of Covid needs to be gone by midterms. The vaccine campaign failed (1) uptake (2) Efficacy against Omicron has diminished over time thus the boosters every 3 months.\n', "The memo. Perfect for a prez who always intended to put the politicals on the Covid situation and shove it all under the rug. Cov couldn't exist by midterms & the vaccine program failed, not enough uptake and omicron just wasn't delta. 1 2 5\n", "https://fortune.com/2022/08/04/covid-creates-higher-risk-kids-children-pediatric-blood-clots-kidney-failure-heart-problems-type-1-diabetes/… CHILDREN. Yet you don't bother to warn parents. The CDC won't b/c the CDC Director is beholden 1st to the appointing admin. Biden won't b/c he can't mention Covid b/f midterms. You won't b/c you are beholden to Dem party & reelection comes before lives. fortune.com Blood clots, heart problems, kidney failure: COVID creates a higher risk for rare pediatric... Kids who've had COVID are also more likely to develop type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune condition that destroys the body's ability to make insulin, researchers found.\n"] ['@CaputoStephanie'] ['We will be the last to do so. The midterms will dictate whether and when we abandon those COVID social controls.\n', "Fauci stated last week the pandemic phase is over. Now he claims it's definitely back. Misinformation? Approaching midterms political hack? COVID-19 hospital admissions, deaths forecasted to rise in the US for first time in months https://yahoo.com/gma/covid-19-hospital-admissions-deaths-232400982.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr… via @Yahoo\n", 'As long as Dems are in charge, you can expect this narrative to persist through the midterms. As COVID cases rise, White House urges boosters and new congressional funding https://news.yahoo.com/as-covid-cases-rise-white-house-urges-boosters-and-new-congressional-funding-164049447.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr… via news.yahoo.com As COVID cases rise, White House urges boosters and new congressional funding States with low coronavirus vaccine booster rates could see COVID-19 deaths rise as strains of the Omicron variant spread across the United States, White House pandemic response coordinator Dr....\n', 'Another top priority when the House flips after the midterms is a full-throated investigation into the origins of COVID-19, with particular focus on Fauci’s role then and throughout our pandemic response. Tom Fitton · 59 BREAKING: Documents Show Texas Researcher Warned Wuhan Lab of COVID Investigation by Congress https://judicialwatch.org/wuhan-lab-warned-of-covid-investigation/…\n', 'Not a COVID variant, but propagandists will still ply the panic porn about a midterm bogey virus. 1\n', 'They needed a more reliable midterm virus than COVID variants. 1\n', 'The WHO is doing its part to hype the midterm variant. Europe must act now or risk tougher COVID measures later - WHO official news.yahoo.com Europe must act now or risk tougher COVID measures later - WHO official European nations must accelerate vaccine uptake and bring back mask wearing to tackle a surge in COVID-19 cases driven by an Omicron offshoot and avoid stricter measures later in the year, a senior... 1\n', 'The newest midterm variant isn’t COVID at all. blue diamond · 92 Fauci warns of ‘pretty bad flu season’ https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3623955-fauci-warns-of-pretty-bad-flu-season/…. Swell! Any more good news? Can things get any worse? Country is falling apart. Everyone is at each other’s throats. So much hate between party’s. A never ending battle for Trump. How worse can it get? 2\n'] ['@THEjoevols'] ['Perfect summary of why we need to tell the climate change frauds to shove it. They’re no more honest or accurate than the people who forced Covid restrictions on us then dumped them to avoid calamity in the midterms. Bari Weiss · 32 While we banned plastic straws, Russia drilled and massively expanded nuclear energy production. Brutal, important piece here from https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/the-wests-green-delusions-empowered?utm_source=url… 1\n', 'How did he “get thru Covid”. Dems just stopped the theater for the midterms. 1\n', "If that were the case they never would've let up with their covid mandates. That said, I fully expect the Democrats to bring those back after the midterms so you may be right. 1 3\n", 'Democrats haven’t talked about Covid during the midterm campaign at all. Don’t let them make you forget, parents. Election Wizard · 2021831 JUST IN: US Dept. of Education opens "civil rights" investigations into five Republican-led states for barring mask mandates for schools. Office for Civil Rights sent letters to education chiefs in Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah. - AP 1\n', "Nothing at all about the Democrats' response to Covid has anything to do with Covid, as his comments show. Notice also that not a single Democrat has mentioned Covid in the midterms. They're trying to gaslight people. 3\n", "It may not matter though, since the Democrats seem intent on pretending Covid never existed. Have any of them mentioned Covid at all since the midterm campaigns began? I don't think so. 1 1\n", "This is why not a single Democrat in the runup to the midterms has mentioned Covid at all. They hope parents forget, but I can't imagine they will.\n", 'There is a reason not a single Democrat anywhere has mentioned Covid in the midterm campaigns at all. GOP should remind them. 1 3\n'] ['@BSdetector'] ['Summary for people who don\'t want to sit theu 8 minutes of Brian Stelter: "People are fed up with us fear-mongering Covid, so we need to tone it down because they hate us for it, we\'ve lost all credibility, and we\'re gonna get clobbered in the midterm elections." 2 3 45\n', 'Summary: "People are fed up with us fear-mongering Covid, so we need to tone it down because they hate us for it, we\'ve lost all credibility, and we\'re gonna get clobbered in the midterm elections." 7 43 653\n', 'True story: my Democrat friends in VA who always hated Republicans voted for Youngkin SOLELY because they were fed with up with home schooling their kids for 1.5 years. It had absolutely nothing to do with CRT. Democrats are doomed in the midterms because of their Covid rules.\n', "I can't believe the Republicans are gonna blow their midterms landslide by changing the conversation from Covid insanity to abortions. Ugh!! 7\n", "If Republicans focus on abortion instead of Democrats' Covid authoritarianism insanity, they will ____? A. Blow the midterms. Therefore, focusing on abortion in 2022 is _____? A. Political suicide. Please stop. I'm so bummed SCOTUS blew the midterm landslide against Dems. GIF ALT\n", "SCOTUS blew the midterms. It was going to be a landslide victory against Democrats' Covid authoritarianism, inflation, crime wave, and trans insanity. But now it's gonna be a toss up. Ugh. I wanted Democrats to learn a harsh lesson these midterms but Republicans BLEW IT. GIF ALT\n", 'Damn I was looking forward to Democrats getting swept out of power in the midterms for the Covid authoritarianism, inflation, trans insanity, etc. But now this abortion thing is gonna mess it up. Ugh.\n', "To be more accurate I think overturning Roe turned a Red Tsunami into a Red Puddle. I think R's will still win the midterms but it will be a lot closer now. It would've been a MASSIVE landslide because of Covid tyranny, inflation, trans insanity, etc... but SCOTUS blew it. 2 4\n"] ['@scott_squires'] ['Same thing happened to Covid safety pledge. They thought they’d lose midterms if they continued to try to keep protected.\n', 'Biden broke his most important promise - to use science to fight Covid. He is using you & your Children’s long term health as cannon fodder to fight the midterms. That’s why no masks or protections. washingtonexaminer.com Democrats urged to move on from COVID as CDC eases mask guidance Democrats need to move on from COVID-19 if they hope to avert disaster in November, according to research from a well-known Democratic firm.\n', "They're already expecting potentially 100 million cases. At 1 in 5 with Long Covid that could equate to 20 million more with some form of Long Covid, all so Covid won't be considered in midterms. 1 14\n", 'Why is NO ONE trying to PREVENT long Covid? Since vaccines don’t help the only reliable thing is do #MaskUp to avoid Covid. Why would we want millions more to get long Covid this fall? Biden is choosing midterms over masking. Ounce of prevention better than a pound of cure. 1 5\n', 'If people knew the risks of long Covid and knew they could use something as simple as a good mask to try to prevent it we could save millions more. But politics and corporations focused on midterm or next quarter. 2 3\n', 'So sad that Biden and could save millions more from getting long Covid but have no interest in doing so because of the midterms. After the mid terms they say it’s too late, we now have to continue the charade for the economy. 1 5\n', 'Millions already have long Covid. Unable to work, life long medical issues. Yet Biden & want even more millions to get long Covid because of midterms & corporations. No protections. They don’t want masks, a cheap & easy method to avoid Covid & long Covid. #maskUp Jeffrey Duchin, MD · 925 “Around 16 million working-age Americans (…aged 18 to 65) have long Covid today. Of those, 2 to 4 million are out of work due to long Covid. The annual cost of those lost wages alone is around $170 billion a year (& potentially as high as $230 billion).” https://brookings.edu/research/new-data-shows-long-covid-is-keeping-as-many-as-4-million-people-out-of-work/…\n', '2 If it weren’t for the midterms masks could have continued. How many more deaths and long Covid were sacrificed for a polling company? 1 1 3\n'] ['@Trumpster20'] ['Democrats are in FULL MELTDOWN! Midterms are only 4 months away They failed to get mandatory mail in ballots And no COVID variants in sight They know they will get CRUCIFIED! 1 2\n', "Libs - none of your hoaxes are going to work Trump is going to announce his campaign after the GOP win the midterms Your problem is you have NOBODY who can beat Trump And you can't use COVID as an excuse to mandate unverifiable mail in ballots 5\n", "Libs - none of your hoaxes are going to work Trump is going to announce his campaign after the GOP win the midterms Your problem is you have NOBODY who can beat Trump And you can't use COVID as an excuse to mandate unverifiable mail in ballots 1 3\n", "Libs - none of your hoaxes are going to work Trump is going to announce his campaign after the GOP win the midterms Your problem is you have NOBODY who can beat Trump And you can't use COVID as an excuse to mandate unverifiable mail in ballots 1 4\n", "Libs - none of your hoaxes are going to work Trump is going to announce his campaign after the GOP win the midterms Your problem is you have NOBODY who can beat Trump And you can't use COVID as an excuse to mandate unverifiable mail in ballots 1 1 1\n", "Libs - none of your hoaxes are going to work Trump is going to announce his campaign after the GOP win the midterms. Your problem is you have NOBODY who can beat Trump And you can't use COVID as an excuse to mandate unverifiable mail in ballots 3 4\n", "Libs - none of your hoaxes are going to work. Trump is going to announce his campaign after the GOP win the midterms Your problem is you have NOBODY who can beat Trump And you can't use COVID as an excuse to mandate unverifiable mail in ballots 3 6\n", "Libs - none of your hoaxes are going to work Trump is going to announce his campaign after the GOP win the midterms Your problem is you have NOBODY who can beat Trump And you can't use COVID as an excuse to mandate unverifiable mail in ballots 3 1 4\n"] ['@JRRoss925'] ['Fauci helped Biden get “elected” by releasing Covid, now Biden will most likely lose Democrat power in the midterm elections because of Fauci. Democrats are really evil and stupid people.\n', 'Gee, right before the midterm elections, not a coincidence at all. Hypothetically speaking with a new Covid “wave”, mail-in ballots will be used again, heck there might even be a push to delay Election Day outright. No right-wing person should fall for any of this garbage. The Hill · 410 Fauci: US ‘likely’ to see fall COVID-19 surge http://hill.cm/0mtDNfF 1\n', 'The Covid lockdowns were used to cripple President Trump’s economy and ultimately stopped him getting re-elected. Midterms on the way, Democrats are expected to get slaughtered, so of course Mr. doom and gloom says lockdowns totally work, never again. RNC Research · 415 FAUCI: China used lockdowns “better than anybody else.”\n', 'Since the Covid hysteria has run its course, we might have a new virus for the Democrats to exploit just before the midterm elections. Disclose.tv · 519 JUST IN - US reports first case of #monkeypox after UK, Portugal confirmed new cases earlier today. Multiple suspected cases in Canada and Spain.\n', 'Covid was partly released to stop President Trump from getting re-elected. This possible monkey pox outbreak will absolutely be used to keep the Democrats in power for the midterm elections. The Democrats are truly demonic, evil creatures.\n', 'Biden and Democrats don’t have anything to run on in the midterms, so of course whenever a mass shooting takes place they will full advantage of that. The 2nd amendment is not going anywhere, we all saw how bad Australia and Canada dealt Covid tyranny, they can’t happen here. 1 1\n', 'Covid resurgence just in time for the midterm elections, totally not suspicious. Paul Joseph Watson · 713 Responding to warnings of a COVID resurgence from the White House and the Department of Health & Human Services, Senator Rand Paul accused Biden officials of engaging in “sensationalism”. https://summit.news/2022/07/13/video-rand-paul-accuses-biden-coivd-resurgence-doomers-of-sensationalism/…\n', 'Ahh yes, the totally reliable, non corrupt WHO. With the midterm elections just a few months away, I expect the Democrats to change elections laws just like with Covid in 2020. 。\n'] ['@missiongirl4'] ["Now is the time for more Independents to run for office. People aren't happy with either party. The only reason Republicans will do well in the midterms is because people have no other option and Dems are destroying so many lives with their Covid policies https://twitter.com/charlescwcooke/status/1481351714234146820?s=20… 。\n", "I'm not convinced Rs are going to do that well in the midterms. Yes Ds have some serious problems but: 1) The R party is still led by corrupt POS people like McConnell & McCarthy 2) The pandemic is over. Ds are ending mask mandates. Rs only focus on fights about CRT and Covid\n", 'Gosh what should Democrats do to improve approval numbers before midterms? Oh I know! They should focus more on Covid, the fake "insurrection" on 1/6, another illegal war. Rogan being cancelled. That will help! dailymail.co.uk New poll shows Americans are focused on inflation and education Voters are entering the midterm season primarily focused on economic matters and seemingly unconcerned with the Covid-19 pandemic. 1\n', '"Ok I\'m leaving now. Democrats think focusing on Covid will be bad for them in midterms. I need a vacation anyway. Time for a pina colada on the beach." - Covid "Bye Covid. Will you be back again?" - War "Yes if a populist runs for President so there is mail in voting" - Covid\n', "It's just really interesting that coincidentally when Democrats realized that they needed to focus on something other than Covid to avoid doing badly in the midterms but can't focus on their policies since they're unpopular they now conveniently have a war to focus on.\n", 'Now that the pandemic is over and public schools are over there is no reason for people to vote for Republicans in the midterms since Covid "safety guidelines\' which destroyed the lives of many people were the main reason some voters were willing to support worthless Republicans.\n', "It would be very bad for Republicans to make an issue out of the vaccine a few months before midterm elections with #StoptheShots hashtags. They shouldn't mention Covid or lockdowns or the vaccine anymore. All it does is help Democrats.\n", "Either his health is getting bad enough that they can't pretend it's not an issue anymore, there is a scandal brewing people don't know about or possibly related to vaccines or Covid or Democrats are worried they will do worse than expected in midterms. NorCal Independent · 919 You’re not wrong. Only question is, what changed?\n"] ['@TosaBookNerd'] ['Remember, It is because of REPUBLICAN Anti-Maskers & Anti-Vaxxers... That 800,000+ Americans have died From COVID 13,000+ were CHILDREN And SOME REPUBLICANS even PROFITED off the virus ! This Midterm #VoteOutTheGOP Also, #BuildBackBetter will create JOBS NATION WIDE\n', 'Remember, It is because of REPUBLICAN Anti-Maskers & Anti-Vaxxers... That 800,000+ Americans have died From COVID 13,000+ were CHILDREN And SOME REPUBLICANS even PROFITED off the virus ! This Midterm #VoteOutTheGOP Also, #BuildBackBetter will create JOBS NATION WIDE\n', 'Remember, It is because of REPUBLICAN Anti-Maskers & Anti-Vaxxers... That 800,000+ Americans have died From COVID 13,000+ were CHILDREN And SOME REPUBLICANS even PROFITED off the virus ! This Midterm #VoteOutTheGOP Also, #BuildBackBetter will create JOBS NATION WIDE\n', 'Remember, It is because of REPUBLICAN Anti-Maskers & Anti-Vaxxers... That 800,000+ Americans have died From COVID 13,000+ were CHILDREN And SOME REPUBLICANS even PROFITED off the virus ! This Midterm #VoteOutTheGOP Also, #BuildBackBetter will create JOBS NATION WIDE\n', 'Remember, It is because of REPUBLICAN Anti-Maskers & Anti-Vaxxers... That 800,000+ Americans have died From COVID 13,000+ were CHILDREN And SOME REPUBLICANS even PROFITED off the virus ! This Midterm #VoteOutTheGOP Also, #BuildBackBetter will create JOBS NATION WIDE\n', "There ISN'T an inflation crisis... We have inflation ...while we RECOVER from COVID's devastation We have more people EMPLOYED than EVER BEFORE in American History Republicans have to INVENT crisis...bc they CAN'T do anything else This Midterm #UnleashABlueWave #VoteBlue2022 GIF ALT 1 1\n", "There ISN'T an inflation crisis... We have inflation ...while we RECOVER from COVID's devastation We have more people EMPLOYED than EVER BEFORE in American History Republicans have to INVENT crisis...bc they CAN'T do anything else This Midterm #UnleashABlueWave #VoteBlue2022\n", "There ISN'T an inflation crisis... We have inflation ...while we RECOVER from COVID's devastation We have more people EMPLOYED than EVER BEFORE in American History Republicans have to INVENT crisis...bc they CAN'T do anything else This Midterm #UnleashABlueWave #VoteBlue2022\n"] ['@usajoejrp34'] ['time to start easing those Covid restrictions, midterms just around the corner are DEMs really following the science or following their political advisors #hypocrisy Follow the science = the blind leading the blind making policy based on a virus not yet understood Ted Lieu · 28 US House candidate, CA-36 Democrats like are leading the way in returning America safely back to normal again. twitter.com/GavinNewsom/st…\n', 'Biden officials trying to recalculate U.S. Covid-19 hospitalizations - POLITICO DEMs were happy with inflated #Covid counts to use against #Trump and “win” in 2020. Now heading into midterms they are suddenly interested in the true numbers #hypocrisy apple.news Biden officials trying to recalculate U.S. Covid-19 hospitalizations The administration’s goal is to get a more accurate sense of Covid’s impact across the country.\n', "Democrats scramble to reverse course on COVID restrictions ahead of midterms - Fox News and once midterms are over DEMs will reverse course again, returning us to mandates & freedom restrictions. They will not relinquish their new found power to control us apple.news Democrats scramble to reverse course on COVID restrictions ahead of midterms New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Wednesday joined numerous Democratic governors who have lifted their states' mask mandates ahead of the midterm elections.\n", 'Abrupt end to mask mandates reflects a shifting political landscape - The Washington Post don’t be fooled America, once midterms are over DEMs will return to their restrictive Covid mandates & personal freedom reductions. Political #hypocrisy apple.news Abrupt end to mask mandates reflects a shifting political landscape As electoral warning signs flash for Democrats and the public yearns for normalcy, Democratic governors are making moves without waiting for the Biden administration to get there first.\n', 'Pandemic at two years: Covid-19 news no longer dominates front pages - CNN Business as the #Russia #invasion news stops generating ad revenue and we approach #2022 #midterms it is fully expected that “suddenly” #Covid will once again dominate headlines apple.news Pandemic at two years: Covid-19 news no longer dominates front pages Remember "we are all in this together?" That\'s what we were saying to each other two years ago this week. Was it true?\n', 'with more people (#illegal #immigration) competing for fewer goods (#Covid work #restrictions) via unearned money (#welfare) wasn’t a ramp up in #inflation inevitable#Biden radical policies have failed #America. Now his foreign policy is failing #Ukraine #midterms Rep. Jim Jordan · 315 Democrats: -Defunded the police -Closed schools -Opened the border -Canceled pipelines And hope you forget all about it.\n', '10 biggest COVID mistakes – Americans deserve an apology from the medical experts - Fox News add these actions to the long list of things needing investigation after #2022 midterms & #2024 election cycle what about releasing criminals b/c of #Covid apple.news 10 biggest COVID mistakes – Americans deserve an apology from the medical experts The medical establishment has marched in lockstep on COVID-19, marginalizing physicians who had different opinions. Two years into the pandemic, it’s fair to ask, how did public health officials do?\n', 'CBS, ABC, CNN sound the alarm on coronavirus BA.5, call for masking: ‘The worst variant is here’ - Fox News this was predicted, GOP said the #Left would raise a new highly contagious #Covid variant concern as midterms approached for political gain/control apple.news CBS, ABC, CNN sound the alarm on coronavirus BA.5, call for masking: ‘The worst variant is here’ Media outlets such as CNN, CBS and ABC are urging Americans to take back up coronavirus prevention measures such as masking in the wake of a new variant. 1\n'] ['@DissentFu'] ["No but he is responsible for allowing funding for Covid testing to lapse, for not fighting ending mask mandates, & for allowing the CDC to become a global joke. I am a lifelong Dem voter but the Dems are letting people get sick/die so they don't hurt the midterms. Its disgusting 1\n", 'Its cute you think this shithole country can be saved by voting for different oligarchs in blue who really dont give a shit about us and cant be bothered with even bare minimum Covid mitigations because it might hurt their midterm chances.\n', 'One million Americans are dead and who even knows how many more are sick for life because your administration gave up on Covid mitigations just to win the midterms. Being forced to work multiple low paying jobs just to pay rent during a pandemic is not a win for the country. 2\n', 'Because the midterms. The plan at this point is to let Covid and Republikkkans run wild so Dems win the midterms. Helluva gamble with all our lives on the line.\n', 'Most of us are not "bashing" him, we disagree with him. Everyone I know will still vote blue no matter who because the only other option is horrifying. He has done a lot for the economy but he has also sacrificed humans by doing nothing with Covid in order to win the midterms.\n', "481 Covid deaths in the past 7 days and who knows how many with Long Covid now. Why won't you fight to protect our health and our lives? Why are children on the chopping block daily in school's with no Covid mitigations? Helluva gamble you folks are taking to win the midterms. 6 1 5\n", 'What the hell is wrong with you???? Covid is making millions of people sick for months and years and killing 500 people a day! Do you not care about them??? What a slap in the face to the families of those that died today because you want to win the midterms.\n', "1.5 million Americans never made it to retirement because they died of Covid and the governments shitty response. How many more won't make it since you continue to do nothing in hopes of winning the midterms?\n"] ['@donf0615'] ['#Democrats campaign plans... ever sane American has "called" this. Ending #Covid mandates & going back to normal... and Democrats 2022 midterm campaign will be "they" ended Covid. Absolute joke Tom Elliott · 29 .credits Biden for states dropping mask mandates: "That’s because under President Biden\'s leadership, a public health infrastructure was put into place ... to ensure that we can do everything possible to crush the virus, and that is what has been happening”\n', 'Midterm elections and political science change. #Democrats want to campaign that their party "ended" #Covid.\n', 'Here come the #Democrats entirely made up Midterm #Covid variant Chuck Callesto · 331 BREAKING REPORT: Fauci Says Americans Need to be “Prepared” For Another Round of Covid Restrictions..\n', 'first duty at will be to announce the arrival of the midterm #Covid variant. It’s going to be devastating. We will need 2 weeks to flatten the curve, mail in ballots, and the utmost of safety concerns.\n', "#Democrats are in such severe trouble in Nov 2022 Midterms, Obama is already talking and it's April. Pretty soon, the #Covid Midterm variant will be upon us 1\n", '#DrFauci already calling for the fall surge of the #Covid Midterm Variant Shocking\n', 'Laying the groundwork for the midterm #Covid variant\n', '#Covid why would this be? #Democrats Midterm #Variant will be pushed come the fall, ground work being put together now 3\n'] ['@Greg__Clark'] ["Can't wait Nov/Dec sweet spot for O&G! 6 catalysts SPR release of 1m barrels over. Q3 results coming out. Midterm done Nov 8. Xi Jing Ping re-elected party leader, shift from 100% zero covid policy. European NG-to-oil switching for winter heating. Euro embargoes on Dec 5\n", 'Nov/Dec sweet spot for O&G! 5 catalysts SPR release of 1m barrels over Q3 results coming out Midterms done Nov 8 Xi Jing Ping re-elected party leader, shift from 100% zero covid policy European NG-to-oil switching for winter heating #oott #com #energy 7 46\n', 'Nov/Dec sweet spot for O&G. 7 catalysts 1 Hurricane season 2 SPR release of 1m barrels over. 3 Q3 results coming out. 4 Midterm done Nov 8. 5 Xi Jing Ping re-elected, shift from 100% zero covid policy. 6 European NG-to-oil switching for winter heating. 7 Euro embargoes on Dec 5 6 4 16\n', 'How about these 7 potential catalysts 1 Hurricane season 2 SPR barrel release over 3 Q3 results 4 Midterm done Nov 8 5 Xi Jing Ping re-elected party leader, shift from 100% zero covid policy 6 Euro NG-to-oil switch 7 Euro embargoes on Dec 5 1 1 1\n', 'Stupid oversold. Nov/Dec sweet spot for O&G. 7 catalysts 1 Hurricane season 2 SPR barrel release over 3 O&G Q3 results 4 Midterm done Nov 8 5 Xi Jing Ping re-elected party leader, shift from 100% zero covid policy 6 Euro NG-to-oil switch 7 Euro embargoes on Dec 5 #OOTT #com 4 19\n', 'Just because we a stupid oversold Nov/Dec sweet spot for O&G. 7 catalysts 1 Hurricane season 2 SPR barrel release over 3 Q3 results 4 Midterm done Nov 8 5 Xi Jing Ping re-elected party leader, shift from 100% zero covid policy 6 Euro NG-to-oil switch 7 Euro embargoes on Dec 5 2\n', 'Nov/Dec sweet spot for O&G! 7 catalysts Hurricane season SPR release of 1m barrels over. Q3 results coming out. Midterm done Nov 8. Xi Jing Ping re-elected party leader, shift from 100% zero covid policy. European NG-to-oil switching for winter heating Euro embargoes on Dec 5 1\n', 'Here is my reply: Nov/Dec sweet spot for O&G. 7 catalysts 1 Hurricane season 2 SPR release of barrels over 3 O&G Q3 results 4 Midterms done Nov 8 5 Xi Jing Ping re-elected, shift from 100% zero covid policy 6 Euro NG-to-oil switching for winter heating 7 Euro embargoes on Dec 5 3 4 22\n'] ['@BravoCompany66'] ["COVID & vaccines will go away after the midterms are stolen & corrupt power is consolidated. Obiden will issue exec order banning in person voting, requiring mail in ballots & harvesting all based on national security. He'll deploy Federal troops to make it happen. 1 2\n", "COVID & vaccines will go away after the midterms are stolen & corrupt power is consolidated. Obiden will issue exec order banning in person voting, requiring mail in ballots & harvesting all based on national security. He'll deploy Federal troops to make it happen. 2 2 2\n", "COVID & vaccines will go away after the midterms are stolen & corrupt power is consolidated. Obiden will issue exec order banning in person voting, requiring mail in ballots & harvesting all based on national security. He'll deploy Federal troops to make it happen. 3 2 5\n", "COVID & vaccines will go away after the midterms are stolen & corrupt power is consolidated. Obiden will issue exec order banning in person voting, requiring mail in ballots & harvesting all based on national security. He'll deploy Federal troops to make it happen. 3 1 5\n", "COVID & vaccines will go away after the midterms are stolen & corrupt power is consolidated. Obiden will issue exec order banning in person voting, requiring mail in ballots & harvesting. All based on national security. He'll deploy Federal troops to make it happen. 1 1\n", "I tweeted this a while back: COVID & vaccines will go away after the midterms are stolen & corrupt power is consolidated. Obiden will issue exec order banning in person voting, requiring mail in ballots & harvesting. All based on national security. He'll deploy Federal troops.\n", "COVID & vaccines will go away after the midterms are stolen & corrupt power is consolidated. Obiden will issue exec order banning in person voting, requiring mail in ballots & harvesting. All based on national security. He'll deploy Federal troops to make it happen. 1\n", "COVID & vaccines will go away after the midterms are stolen & corrupt power is consolidated. Obiden will issue exec order banning in person voting, requiring mail in ballots & harvesting. All based on national security. He'll deploy Federal troops to make it happen.\n"] ['@themilwaukeemob'] ['More #Covid Fear mongering building up to the Midterms\n', 'Seeing the beginnings of more Fear Mongering over #Covid a bit early for the midterms\n', 'Sure see #MSM gearing up for the #Midterm #Covid fear mongering all stops pulled so the Democrats do not lose the Midterms 2\n', '#Kenosha was no joke sadly I had to work in that area hit by riots. same with #Racine and #Madison The GOP needs to run clips of the riots close to the Midterms assuming we are allowed to have them. Hear seeing more and more about #COVID we are damn close to a civil war 1\n', 'Thinking that a new #Covid fear mongering will be key to the Democrats for the midterms 1\n', "We should get ready for the upcoming try by to use #COVID to cheet on the #Midterms he can't afford to lose pay attention be sure to vote 1\n", 'Goal of is another lockdown etc for the #MidTerms using #COVID as the excuse. The old fear mongering we are all going to die etc The Dems know if they lose be hell to pay be prepared stay aware DO NOT TRUST THE MEDIA 1 1\n', 'I will resist a #Mask Mandate I will resist using #COVID to fuck with the #Midterms The GOP needs to get off their ass and stop this brewing Civil War by 1\n'] ['@kylenabecker'] ['The suspect timing of so many Democrats announcing they have tested positive for Covid has many believing the party will use the virus as an excuse to stem their losses in an upcoming midterm elections bloodbath. 4 15 65\n', "Commentary: Hochul's statement adds to the dozens of Democratic Party officials who have claimed to have Covid with mild or no symptoms, despite being vaccinated, ahead of the midterm elections. 12 17 151\n", 'WILDFIRE. "The Biden administration is sounding the alarms over an expected 100 million new Covid \'cases\' ahead of the 2022 midterms. The White House\'s dire projection is not based on any new data, however, but on a \'model.\'" Here we go again... https://thekylebecker.substack.com/p/the-white-house-sounds-the-alarms?s=w… 132 323 663\n', 'WILDFIRE. "The mainstream media & public health experts can continue to beat the drum of Covid hysteria. But the FDA is giving up on the narrative — even if Democrats are desperately clinging to it for the midterms." The Covid pandemic is OVER. thekylebecker.substack.com FDA Delivers Final Blow to Covid Hysteria: It\'s Time for Americans to Treat It Like the Flu "The mainstream media and public health experts can continue to beat the drum of Covid hysteria. But even the FDA is giving up on the narrative." 6 89 184\n', 'THIS JUST IN: New York City sounds alarm over disturbing new ‘midterm variant,’ raises Covid-19 alert level to high 348 742 2,950\n', "The Biden administration isn't stupid — just vicious. They want to keep the Covid hysteria for the midterms so blue states can justify another mail-in ballot disaster. They don't give a damn about Americans. 72 629 4,384\n", "The Democrats move to make the Covid 'emergency' last through the midterm elections. conservativebrief.com Biden Considering Extending National Emergency Ahead of Midterms As COVID Cases Rise This is very concerning. 25 61 99\n", '"The Biden administration is thus finally adopting the common sense policies that were put into place by governors like Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis. This is the CDC waving the white flag on Covid-19 ahead of the midterm elections." 7 36 184\n'] ['@kensgal3'] ['THIS IS SOMETHING WE ALL MUST KEEP IN MIND IN MIDTERMS AS WE ALL WATCH VOTES ESP FOR GOP HOW DO CAN GOP IN SWING STATES WIN IF SO MANY OF THEIR VOTERS DIED OF COVID???? Kensgal3 · 119 COVID-19 is killing Trump supporters by the hundreds each day https://dailykos.com/story/2022/1/15/2074895/-Journalist-states-the-obvious-COVID-is-killing-Trump-supporters-by-the-hundreds-each-day…\n', "REPUBLICAN'S ARE SUCH HATEFUL PEOPLE OF ALL HUMAN'S THAT DO NOT LOOK EXACTLY LIKE THEY DO. I HOPE ALL JOURNALISTS LOOK AT REPORTS OF COVID DEATHS IN RED COUNTIES & STATES VS DEMS & REPUBLICAN'S ESP WHEN MIDTERMS HAPPEN. ESP IN WHY TEXAS THROW OUT DEM VOTES\n", 'MAKE SURE RED COUNTIES W/HIGH COVID DEATHS VOTING IS LEGIT ESP BY GOP IN MIDTERMS & BEYOND Kensgal3 · 48 I AM BEGGING ALL LEGIT JOURNALISTS WE KNOW WHO THEY ARE TO KEEP AN ALL EYES ON RED COUNTIES W/HIGH COVID DEATH RATES TO MAKE SURE THE GOP DOES NOTHING TO STEAL THE MIDTERM VOTES BEC FOX NEWS & GOP ANTI MASKING ANTI VAXXING MSG KILLED THEIR OWN VOTERS. THIS INFO IS KNOW NOW\n', 'I AM BEGGING ALL LEGIT JOURNALISTS WE KNOW WHO THEY ARE TO KEEP AN ALL EYES ON RED COUNTIES W/HIGH COVID DEATH RATES TO MAKE SURE THE GOP DOES NOTHING TO STEAL THE MIDTERM VOTES BEC FOX NEWS & GOP ANTI MASKING ANTI VAXXING MSG KILLED THEIR OWN VOTERS. THIS INFO IS KNOW NOW 1\n', "LOL HE ONLY LET THE COVID CRISIS GO ENOUGHT TO KILL OFF MANY GOP VOTERS IN COUNTIES THAT VOTED FOR TRUMP & ENTIRE RED STATES GO UNADRESSED WE'LL HAVE TO LOOK AT VOTING IN YOUR DISTRICT TO BE SURE NO DEAD GOP VOTERS ARE VOTING FOR YOU IN MIDTERMS HUH? GET SOME REPORTERS TO LOOK 2\n", "LIES DISINFORMATION IS NOT A DIFFERING VIEWPOINT. PERHAPS IN MIDTERM VOTING RESULTS YOU/GOP WILL UNDERSTAND HOW BADLY YOUR/RW MEDIA COVID LIES/DIFFERING VIEWPOINT KILLING OFF YOUR VOTERS 3-1 DEMS WHO DIDN'T BELIEVE & WEREN'T FED DISINFORMATION. OR FOR YOU MAYBE NOT.\n", "GOP KILLED HUNDRED OF THOUSAND LIVES W/YOUR COVID LIES AND AMERICA'S FEMALES WILL NOT GIVE AWAY THEIR RIGHTS TO GOP EITHER MIDTERMS IS #VoteOutAllRepublicans WE ARE MEETING TODAY THIS WEEKEND W/OUR SUBURBAN GOP WOMEN TO PLAN IT OUT. 1\n", "Hope there's none of the many ppl that died of covid in Arkansas are not voting in midterms That would be easiest enough to find out. How do you kill off so many gop voters & have surge right after?? idk good ?'s for Journalists to find out\n"] ['@MGPalmer2'] ["Well he has financial and political interests on both sides. The fake Covid con job ran it's course. Democrats needed another shiny object in the room to distract Americans from their corruption. What better way than to arrange deal with Putin for war before midterms. · 37 2 2\n", 'Pfffttt, easy. The Democrats need a big distraction, American tragedy/suffering, and the perception of saving the day in the 9th inning just before midterms to salvage their power. Make no mistake, this is planned and calculated like Covid was so they could steal an election. Vess Gomesa · 326 1\n', 'Correct, since covid is over, and exposed as the hoax it was, they need a new crisis to manipulate the midterms. This is desperation on full display by Democrats fighting to keep their power and the corruption hidden. Ron Paul · 327 President Biden alerted us that, as a result of sanctions on Russia, food shortages for Americans are "going to be real." So, for a fight on the other side of the world, that doesn\'t threaten U.S. interests at all, Americans are supposed to suffer from a lack of food?\n', "Consider.. Turns out the vaxd are the ones getting covid again more than unvaxd. The government did all they could to force it on all Americans. Let's see if cases for vaxd accelerate right before election. Could the vax have been the midterm plan all along? Pandemic on demand? 1\n", "Quarantine the tap water, get a mask on it, stay six feet away....unless you're vaxd, then you're fu&ked and you'll get covid anyway. It's the TapWaterCove midterm variant. They say it will peak right about October and the printers in India are done printing the mail-in ballots. Scotty · 412 Another positive test!! This time, tap water.\n", 'As many as they need to bring back the covid variants they need to infect our country before the midterms. Ben Owen · 59 Bono, Jill Biden, and Justin Trudeau just visited Ukraine. Which celebrities and/or politicians do you think are going to visit Ukraine next?\n', 'They needed to get some new covid variants from the labs before the midterms. Nurse Fringe · 59 What is the real reason all these world leaders are flocking to Ukraine in person? Truly bizarre. 1\n', "Oh easy...they haven't been able to store Covid back to life before the midterms, so this is their backup pandemic...part of the contingency plan as the hoaxes are exposed. Freedom Forever Ultra Maga · 522 If Monkeypox is so dangerous, why isn't Biden closing our borders? 1\n"] ['@Truth2Freedom'] ['The Associated Press Will No Longer Emphasize Covid Case Count to Help Joe Biden and the Democrats Going Into Midterm Elections — The Gateway Pundit truth4freedom.wordpress.com The Associated Press Will No Longer Emphasize Covid Case Count to Help Joe Biden and the Democrats... The Associated Press told its editors to no longer run stories solely on Covid case counts. Anything to help Joe Biden and the Democrats going into the midterm elections. The Democrats used high “c…\n', 'Democrats scramble to reverse course on COVID restrictions ahead of midterms | Fox News truth4freedom.wordpress.com Democrats scramble to reverse course on COVID restrictions ahead of midterms | Fox News New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Wednesday joined numerous Democratic governors who have lifted their states’ mask mandates ahead of the midterm elections. — Read on www.foxnews.com/politics/dem…\n', 'Scalise: Dems Used COVID to Do 4 Things They Hope You’ll Forget Before Midterms – But, Biden Keeps Doing Them | CNSNews truth4freedom.wordpress.com Scalise: Dems Used COVID to Do 4 Things They Hope You’ll Forget Before Midterms – But, Biden Keeps... “This all about government control: they want to control your life,” House Republican Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) said, discussing the COVID rules, regulations and mandates instituted by Preside…\n', 'DeSantis Warns Dems Will “Reimpose” COVID Restrictions After Midterms — The Gateway Pundit truth4freedom.wordpress.com DeSantis Warns Dems Will “Reimpose” COVID Restrictions After Midterms — The Gateway Pundit Blue states and cities across the country conveniently dropped COVID restrictions as the midterms approach. The science didn’t change — the only feasible explanation for this is bad polling. Fox Ne…\n', 'Biden Regime Warns Covid Could Infect 100 Million This Fall… Just in Time For the Midterm Elections — The Gateway Pundit truth4freedom.wordpress.com Biden Regime Warns Covid Could Infect 100 Million This Fall… Just in Time For the Midterm Elections... The Biden Regime has a new warning for those of us who survived the winter of “severe illness and death”: A new wave of Covid is coming this fall… just in time for the midterm elections. Without of…\n', 'Biden administration warns of new COVID wave… just in time for fall midterm elections truth4freedom.wordpress.com Biden administration warns of new COVID wave… just in time for fall midterm elections It’s an oldie but a goodie, but hey, gotta do anything it takes to stop a red wave, right? Source: Biden administration warns of new COVID wave… just in time for fall midterm elections\n', 'WAYNE ROOT: The Democrat Plan to Steal Midterms. Say Goodbye to Biden & Hello to “King Kong Monkey Covid.” — The Gateway Pundit truth4freedom.wordpress.com WAYNE ROOT: The Democrat Plan to Steal Midterms. Say Goodbye to Biden & Hello to “King Kong Monkey... By Wayne Allyn Root Do you think the GOP will win a landslide victory in the November midterms? Do you think it will be a cakewalk? Boy are you na?ve. I’ve been warning about what’s coming for many…\n'] ['@Taylorwriter2'] ['Covid – Midterm Essays https://americanessays.net/2022/04/29/covid-midterm-essays/…\n', 'COVID PAPER – Midterm Essays https://americanessays.net/2022/05/17/covid-paper-midterm-essays/…\n', 'discuss-the-cause-and-effect-of-covid-19-vaccine-hesitancy-in-the-us – Midterm Essays americanessays.net discuss-the-cause-and-effect-of-covid-19-vaccine-hesitancy-in-the-us - Midterm Essays DISCLAIMER: All types of papers including essays, college papers, research papers, theses, dissertations etc., and other custom-written materials which MidtermEssays.com provides to the customers are...\n', 'explain-why-the-covid-19-pandemic-has-caused-an-unprecedented-human-and-health-crisis-in-the-u-s-and-overseas – Midterm Essays https://americanessays.net/2022/08/04/explain-why-the-covid-19-pandemic-has-caused-an-unprecedented-human-and-health-crisis-in-the-u-s-and-overseas-midterm-essays/…\n', 'explain-why-biden-administration-avoiding-pressure-on-china-over-covid-origins – Midterm Essays americanessays.net explain-why-biden-administration-avoiding-pressure-on-china-over-covid-origins - Midterm Essays DISCLAIMER: All types of papers including essays, college papers, research papers, theses, dissertations etc., and other custom-written materials which MidtermEssays.com provides to the customers are...\n', 'explain-how-covid-19-pandemic-has-affected-your-life – Midterm Essays americanessays.net explain-how-covid-19-pandemic-has-affected-your-life - Midterm Essays DISCLAIMER: All types of papers including essays, college papers, research papers, theses, dissertations etc., and other custom-written materials which MidtermEssays.com provides to the customers are...\n', 'Biology Questions About Covid – Midterm Essays https://americanessays.net/2022/10/02/biology-questions-about-covid-midterm-essays/…\n'] ['@Robotsonprozac'] ['walorski sits silently as overwhelmed hospitals have nowhere to put the #TrumpVirus dead. Another 108 HoOisers died yesterday of COVID. She is on track to encourage over 50,000 more HoOsiers to die prior to midterms. What GOD allows you to do this? 1\n', 'Like to thank the GOP on continuing to stay silent on #TrumpVirus. Your deeds have killed children, babies and the unborn. You will be complicit in another 50,000 more COVID deaths by Midterms. Go HOosier GOP! IND Progressives · 119 The Indiana Department of Health on Monday reported 3,363 people hospitalized with COVID-19 and 9,870 new cases. #Indiana https://fox59.com/news/coronavirus/3363-covid-19-hospitalizations-9870-new-cases-reported-in-indiana/… 1\n', "Senator Mike Braun Let's do some math: Hoosier COVID Deaths Ave 115 #Trumpvirus deaths/day= over 30,000 more dead GOPers til midterms. 20,796 previous COVID deaths=50,796 less GOP votes. As a biz man mikey is killing off your base a good strategy or just irony for your failures?\n", ": Silent on COVID-additional 50,000 HoOsiers dead by midterms Silent on book banning Silent on illegal gerrymandering Silent on her wall street gains Silent on removing women's rights Pro Insurrection Pro Fascism Let's silence her by voting DEM in November.\n", "3800 Americans Died yesterday of #TrumpVirus and you think its perfectly ok to grandstand. What separates you from being an American Terrorist? You've contributed to the 50,000 HoOsiers that will be dead from COVID by midterms. Prolife???\n", "3800 Americans Died yesterday of #TrumpVirus and you think its perfectly ok to grandstand. What separates you from being an American Terrorist? You've contributed to the 50,000 HoOsiers that will be dead from COVID by midterms. Prolife?\n", "3800 Americans Died yesterday of #TrumpVirus and you think its perfectly ok to grandstand. What separates you from being an American Terrorist? You've contributed to the 50,000 HoOsiers that will be dead from COVID by midterms. 2 2\n"] ['@ShaunORourke5'] ['Covid still killing unvaccinated until midterms.\n', 'We are still losing 400 people per day from Covid. That is a potential 34K more in the 85 days left til midterms and they are forecasting more death this fall. 2\n', 'Someone has to point out the obvious. Covid-19 Deaths and the Midterms. The "Elephant" in the Room. Click link to hear My Thoughts https://youtu.be/o4-zVPUTojs #MAGA #COVID19 #Republicans #Trump #Biden #BlueCrew #Retweet #rtItBot 2 5\n', 'Someone has to point out the obvious. Covid-19 Deaths and the Midterms. The "Elephant" in the Room. Click link to hear My Thoughts http://youtu.be/o4-zVPUTojs #MAGA #COVID19 #Republicans #Trump #Biden #BlueCrew #Retweet Shaun O\'Rourke · 825 Someone has to point out the obvious. Covid-19 Deaths and the Midterms. The "Elephant" in the Room. Click link to hear My Thoughts https://youtu.be/o4-zVPUTojs #MAGA #COVID19 #Republicans #Trump #Biden #BlueCrew #Retweet #rtItBot 1\n', 'Someone has to point out the obvious. Covid-19 Deaths and the Midterms. The "Elephant" in the Room. Click link to hear My Thoughts http://youtu.be/o4-zVPUTojs #MAGA #COVID19 #Republicans #Trump #Biden #BlueCrew #Retweet #rtItBot 1 1 5\n', 'Someone has to point out the obvious. Covid-19 Deaths and the Midterms. The "Elephant" in the Room. Click link to hear My Thoughts http://youtu.be/o4-zVPUTojs #MAGA #COVID19 #Republicans #Trump youtube.com Covid-19 Deaths and the Midterms. The Elephant in the Room. Support my channel by donating $1 Venmo to my main channel https://www.youtube.com/c/ShaunORourke\n', "The United States is still losing 400 people per day to covid with about 70 days left til midterms. That's around 30K+ 55 to 80 age range. Unvaccinated. Heavy Republican demo. If you think this will not make a difference think again. 7 23\n"] ['@JohnRay19253449'] ['5 blue states are dropping their mask mandates in schools. Covid is over. The midterms are coming and the left is losing.\n', 'Wait. You mean the governor the leftist are suing over mask in schools? While 4 other blue state governors are stopping their mask mandates in their schools. Oh that’s right the midterms are coming. Covid is over. PATHETIC!!! 1\n', 'Wait. You mean the governor the leftist are suing over mask in schools? While 4 other blue state governors are stopping their mask mandates in their schools. Oh that’s right the midterms are coming. Covid is over. PATHETIC!!!\n', 'I voted for Biden. That was a huge mistake. I’d take trump back any day. Trump’s policies didn’t kill Americans like Biden’s policies. Midterms are coming. All of a sudden Covid is over an no mask. Even against the CDC recommendations. Sorry people but Trump was right.\n', 'I voted for Biden. That was a huge mistake. I’d take trump back any day. Trump’s policies didn’t kill Americans like Biden’s policies. Midterms are coming. All of a sudden Covid is over an no mask. Even against the CDC recommendations. Sorry people but Trump was right.\n', 'I voted for Biden. That was a huge mistake. I’d take trump back any day. Trump’s policies didn’t kill Americans like Biden’s policies. Midterms are coming. All of a sudden Covid is over an no mask. Even against the CDC recommendations. Sorry people but Trump was right.\n', 'I voted for Biden. That was a huge mistake. I’d take trump back any day. Trump’s policies didn’t kill Americans like Biden’s policies. Midterms are coming. All of a sudden Covid is over an no mask. Even against the CDC recommendations. Sorry people but Trump was right.\n'] ['@Musex58475389'] ['Americans no longer fear COVID: Majority 68% say economy is now their biggest concern compared to just 37% who are most worried about virus heading towards the midterms DAILY MAIL\n', 'HHS Tells Hospitals to Stop Reporting Covid Deaths Ahead of Midterms By J.D. Rucker ? Jan. 15, 2022\n', "Greg Gutfeld To Democrats Trying To Take Credit For Ending The Pandemic: 'Nice Try'. thegatewaypundit.comFeb 12, 2022 11:57 PM Now that the 2022 midterms are approaching, Democrats are shifting their messaging on COVID...lifting vaccine/mask mandates...bragging about Biden admin\n", "Top pollster for Democrats advises party to declare COVID crisis over because 'they risk paying dearly for it' in midterm elections www.theblaze.comFeb 26, 2022, 08:15 PM\n", 'Scalise: Dems Used COVID to Do 4 Things They Hope You’ll Forget Before Midterms – But, Biden Keeps Doing Them. cnsnews.comMar 3, 2022, 12:30 AM https://cnsnews.com/index.php/blog/craig-bannister/scalise-dems-used-covid-do-4-things-they-hope-youll-forget-midterms-biden…\n', 'Several Repub lawmakers indicated that if the GOP regains a maj in the House of Reps in the 2022 midterm elections they plan to open investigations on WH COVID-19 adviser Dr Anthony Fauci. EPOCH TIMES "It wasn’t dead Americans that made Fauci go away. It was polls" Rep Chip Roy\n', 'DeSantis Warns Dems Will "Reimpose" COVID Restrictions After Midterms www.thegatewaypundit.comMar 13, 2022, 03:20 PM\n'] ['@Liat_RO'] ['Right now the midterm strategy is: -Everyone gets Covid, healthcare collapses -failure on voting rights -zero climate, childcare, housing progress - no more child tax credit -renewing student debt Pretty much the worst effort to hold on to power I could have imagined 1 1 10\n', 'There is another variant already here. We know there will be more. As much as wants Covid to be over in time for the midterms it won’t be. And taking away funding for free tests and vaccines right now will be disastrous. 3 10\n', 'It’s clear that moving on from COVID while it’s still spreads, kills people and causes mass disability will come back to haunt them… the question is will it happen before or after they lose the midterms Bc of gerrymandering & their failure to do anything else 2 3\n', 'Explain to me again why and how decided not to find Covid testing, vaccines and treatment? Bc forcing people to pay out of pocket is a sure fire way to win midterms? Oni Blackstock · 326 This is not going to end well. “Quest Diagnostics, one of the largest testing companies in the country, told ABC News that patients who are not on Medicare, Medicaid or a private health plan will now be charged $125 when using one of its…PCR tests.” https://abcnews.go.com/Health/free-covid-19-tests-ending-uninsured-americans/story?id=83649812… 4\n', 'It’s going to be hard to be all ra ra volunteering for democrats for the midterms when the majority of the party(from left to center) is ignoring COVID and has abandoned any effort to protect vulnerable people from illness, disability and death 5\n', 'Biden kicking 15 million people off Medicaid so he can declare COVID over really gives the game away. It isn’t about “meeting people where they are” or even about the midterms. It’s about doing what corporations & the rich want. 2 7 23\n', 'Can someone explain why and how thinks kicking millions of people off Medicaid by ending the COVID emergency is a good midterm strategy? 3 2 20\n'] ['@mykola'] ['The Great Gaslighting, they’ll call it, if anyone survives. Seriously, I’ve seen a few people now speculate that Biden is ending Covid restrictions as a desperate attempt to gain enough popularity to survive the midterms. If that’s true and it’s public health vs Democrats…? Amanda Hu · 313 Govt says COVID is over, but it’s not. IPAC says COVID’s not airborne, but it is. CMOH says COVID doesn’t affect kids, but it does. Schools say they are safe, but they’re not. Protestors say they’re for freedom, but they’re not. Cops say they’re not aggressors, but they are 1 5 33\n', 'In case anyone thinks I’m being histrionic or dramatic, no. Read this thread there are receipts. The Democratic Party is running on a Covid “win” for the midterms. Gregg Gonsalves · 321 So polling firm has told that they need to declare "the crisis phase of COVID over" so it\'s not surprising we\'re seeing Administration officials downplay any threats of a new surge. 1/ 1 5 8\n', 'I will never forgive the Democratic Party for making Covid Denial a part of their midterm electoral platform. sunflower seeds · 416 14 The answer is really clear to me. 1) The democrats want to run on "we ended Covid" in 22 2) The insurance and reinsurance lobbies want to avoid any validation at all of long covid so as to avoid liability The CDC doesn\'t work for us, it works for the people with the money. 13\n', "The thing is, knows all of this. He made it happen when he chose to continue trump’s Covid-denial policy response. He doesn’t care about anything but party donations and the next election. If he can convince enough gullible people he ended Covid he’ll win the midterms. BulletWilliam thank you masking and vaxing · 63 This is a national emergency. Seriously has to go on national television and tell the American people about this! And put our covid protections back. If he doesn't we are screwed. Our economy will literally collapse because of so many people permanently disabled by this. 10\n", 'My fear is that Biden’s cynical “we solved Covid” midterm strategy will backfire so badly that he’ll start a war to get that boost in 24. It would be the worst possible outcome. 1 17\n', 'I know that you and your team have been briefed extensively on the horrific nature of Long Covid. I know that you have received advice from a political consultancy to "take the win" re: covid "being over" as an effective strategy for the midterms. My question to you: 1 2 21\n', 'Can’t wait to see her weaponized to paint anyone taking Covid seriously as hysterical, though, and dismissing Long Covid patients. It’s coming. Core to the midterm election strategy.\n'] ['@dcexaminer'] ['President Joe Biden took office promising to "shut down" COVID-19. In recent weeks, he has taken steps toward acknowledging that the virus will not be eradicated, repositioning to limit damage in the midterm elections. washingtonexaminer.com Biden repositioning on pandemic as midterm elections loom President Joe Biden took office promising to "shut down" COVID-19, but in recent weeks, he has taken steps toward acknowledging that the virus will not be eradicated, repositioning to limit damage in... 5 7 8\n', 'President Joe Biden took office promising to "shut down" COVID-19. In recent weeks, he has taken steps toward acknowledging that the virus will not be eradicated, repositioning to limit damage in the midterm elections. https://washex.am/3IgJg0P 3 2 11\n', "President being at odds with other high-ranking Democrats puts him in an awkward position before the 2022 midterm elections, essentially a referendum on the party's COVID-19 strategy. washingtonexaminer.com Biden behind the eight ball: From COVID to crime, president looks unprepared President Joe Biden is under scrutiny for failing to adapt to falling COVID-19 cases as Democratic governors around the country relax their pandemic restrictions. 2 4 11\n", '. \'s told that Democrats are "in a political tough spot" as they attempt to use COVID-19 policies to appeal to voters heading into the midterm elections. washingtonexaminer.com WATCH: Kaylee McGhee White says polls drive Democrats’ yo-yo COVID policy A Washington Examiner commentary writer pointed out that Democrats are “in a political tough spot” as they attempt to use COVID-19 policies to appeal to voters heading into the midterm elections. 2 1\n', "The Biden administration is putting on a brave face while grappling with a rapidly growing COVID-19 outbreak that could seriously jeopardize Democrats' hopes of using the president's pandemic approach to boost them in the midterm elections. washingtonexaminer.com White House tries to project normalcy as Biden's COVID-19 bubble bursts The Biden administration is putting on a brave face while grappling with a rapidly growing COVID-19 outbreak on Capitol Hill and in the White House that could seriously jeopardize Democrats' hopes of... 4 3 5\n", "The Biden administration is putting on a brave face while grappling with a rapidly growing COVID-19 outbreak that could seriously jeopardize Democrats' hopes of using the president's pandemic approach to boost them in the midterm elections. washingtonexaminer.com White House tries to project normalcy as Biden's COVID-19 bubble bursts The Biden administration is putting on a brave face while grappling with a rapidly growing COVID-19 outbreak on Capitol Hill and in the White House that could seriously jeopardize Democrats' hopes of... 3 1\n", "The Biden administration is putting on a brave face while grappling with a rapidly growing COVID-19 outbreak that could seriously jeopardize Democrats' hopes of using the president's pandemic approach to boost them in the midterm elections. washingtonexaminer.com White House tries to project normalcy as Biden's COVID-19 bubble bursts The Biden administration is putting on a brave face while grappling with a rapidly growing COVID-19 outbreak on Capitol Hill and in the White House that could seriously jeopardize Democrats' hopes of... 6 9 9\n"] ['@robinsoped201'] ['But thoughts and prayers accepted for covid deaths and #LongCovid victims? New democratic talking point? "Return to Normalcy?" Death in exchange for imagined midterm gains? DEGENERATE Sean Patrick Maloney · 210 Joining on momentarily to discuss Democrats’ successful COVID policies and our path back to normalcy. Tune in now!\n', '4 the COVID part does not rely on the house or senate rather the and team who care more about midterm elections than whether you live or die. do you care? 1\n', 'Americans will be suffering from unmitigated COVID which DID NOT magically disappear. You know this was/is political. Plan to STAND UP AGAINST THAT? You part of the midterms scheme?\n', "The is a political organization. They're w/Dems on Midterm planning. Here goes & I hope you take this seriously: 5 days isn't enough. Test out w/no symptoms. There is isn't MILD covid. Any covid can cause #LongCovid. Ask PLEASE. Ask .\n", "Too many fires to put out. It's distracting. We need to focus on covid and get this manageable. We have midterms we have to win. Voting Rights should have been focus from start. 1 2\n", 'She has COMPLETELY ABANDONED COVID EVERYTHING. READ UP and stop attacking when you clearly have no clue what you are talking about. Other democrats are as well. I am very progressive and was all supportive of her but SHE IS DOING IT TOO FOR THE MIDTERMS. 1\n', '3 Gaslighting and political manuerving around COVID is shocking. You are not safe. None of us are. Estimated 15M deaths worldwide and 150M disabled #LongCovid and counting. This is a mass disabling event yet silence is the strategy for midterms. Shut down the truth. 2 1 1\n'] ['@DawnLisa9'] ['All top Democrats will get covid in the next few months, in order to shut down America again before midterms.\n', "Here we go folks, top Democrats getting covid. They're planning to shut down America again before midterms.\n", "It's all a part of their plan, top Democrats getting covid again, shut down America again, right before the midterms.\n", 'We must be diligent. High profile Democrats are catching covid again, probably to enable them to shut down the country right before midterms. 1 3\n', 'All of a sudden top Democrats are catching covid, they want to shut us down again before midterms.\n', "Several high profile Democrats have been getting covid over and over again, I think it's a ploy to shut us down again before midterms.\n", "Interesting how all these high-profile Democrats are getting covid again. Maybe they're trying to shut us down before midterms?\n"] ['@LoboGerda'] ["On that point - our elected leaders don't care about body count. In trying to get them to change course, what other bad outcome of covid should we point out to them? I genuinely don't believe Dems care about winning midterms or 2024, so I've stopped using that as a consequence 1\n", "Since the Dems have abandoned us, prospect of Republican supermajority in Congress after midterms doesn't bother me anymore. Maybe they will pass a spending bill for COVID prevention. Low probability I know. But at least the probability is non-zero. With Dems we know now it's 0. 1\n", 'You guys used our COVID money to give to police and prisons. Please stop pretending you care about $$$ allocation from Congress. And please explain to me why you are doing everything possible to lose the midterms. It is so embarrassing to watch you all being such stable geniuses 2\n', 'Sure Ron but you forgot to mention how your boss is running a nationwide eugenics program by ignoring covid and how reneging on all his promises is guaranteeing a midterm and 2024 loss and thus throwing us to the GOP fascists. Be more thorough in your updates in future, k?\n', "We are not getting thru COVID. People are getting sick with covid repeatedly and have no paid leave so have even less money while things are more expensive. No health care either. It's like you want to lose the midterms. I predict a record loss. 2\n", "There are other ways to fund COVID protection than thru Congress. Especially when Biden gave away almost 20 billion 'left over' COVID funds to police and prisons. The Dems must really want to lose the midterms. Why? No one will vote for people who throw them under the SARS2 bus! 2\n", '2 By 11K votes in my historically red state. Sanders supporters and other "progressives" pounded the pavements to get those votes for Biden from folks who usually don\'t vote. Lots of those folks won\'t be voting in the midterms because they are dead from COVID. 1 3\n'] ['@califnative4'] ["So, He's back, he's received his new orders on how they are going to handle the midterm elections. He's planting the seeds now, and more is to come. Fauci: Americans should be prepared for new COVID-19 restrictions https://foxnews.com/health/fauci-americans-prepared-new-covid-restrictions… #FoxNews foxnews.com Fauci: Americans should be prepared for new COVID-19 restrictions White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday warned about the potential for the reinstatement of COVID-19 restrictions in the U.S.\n", 'Looks like Fauci got another email from the puppet master, telling him to change his position again. They\'ve come up with a new strategy for the midterms. Fauci says people should decide \'individual risk\' for COVID, reverting back to masks possible foxnews.com Fauci says people should decide \'individual risk\' for COVID, reverting back to masks possible The CDC has designated most of the country as a "green zone," which indicates a low-level risk for COVID-19 infection.\n', 'Is this the new variant to insure 50 state mail-in ballots for the midterms. Sure seems similar. Chinese cities restrict access as COVID-19 infections rise; South Korea moves to lift most regulations https://foxnews.com/world/china-cities-restrict-access-covid-infections-rise-south-korea-lift-most-regulations… #FoxNews foxnews.com Chinese cities restrict access as COVID-19 infections rise; South Korea moves to lift most regula... While Shanghai is easing COVID-19 rules for some of its 25 million residents, anti-virus controls in the country are spreading as infections rise.\n', "This just shows you that the Dem politicians are taking orders from the Puppet Master and are still being instructed to push for midterm lock-downs. Charlie Crist says he's 'open' to mask mandate, setting up COVID as key issue in race against DeSantis foxnews.com Charlie Crist says he's 'open' to mask mandate, setting up COVID as key issue in race against... A recent statement from a Democratic candidate eyeing the Florida governor's seat has opened the door for COVID-19 to remain a central issue in the race against sitting Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.\n", "It's called the midterm variant - mail-in ballot addition. They're upping the seriousness of the disease, since no one cares about Covid. African scientists baffled by monkeypox cases in Europe, US https://foxnews.com/health/scientists-monkeypox-europe-us… #FoxNews foxnews.com African scientists baffled by monkeypox cases in Europe, US Scientists who have monitored numerous outbreaks of monkeypox in Africa say they are baffled by the disease’s recent spread in Europe and North America 1 2\n", "More Midterm election science for the weak-minded. Airline travel to take off after COVID testing drops for international trips https://foxbusiness.com/economy/airline-travel-take-off-covid-testing-drops-international-trips… #FoxBusiness foxbusiness.com Airline travel to take off after COVID testing drops for international trips FOX Business' Madison Alworth reports on the latest guidance from the White House and hears from travelers at Newark Liberty International Airport.\n", 'And just like that, the Wuhan virus came back for the midterm elections. White House Covid doc warns of reinfections, discusses new vaccines https://foxnews.com/health/white-house-covid-doc-warns-reinfections-discusses-new-vaccines… #FoxNews foxnews.com White House Covid doc warns of reinfections, discusses new vaccines An omicron subvariant identified as BA.5 has taken over as the dominant strain of the virus in America, responsible for over 53% of cases nationwide as of July.\n'] ['@HunterZ0'] ["This is where I turned off the #SOTU, because I couldn't help feeling cynical about this after seeing the Democrats' polling firm report that immediately preceded the CDC moving the COVID-19 goalposts in order to lift restrictions. Very convenient for Biden's speech + midterms. President Biden · 32 United States government official Some are talking about “living with COVID-19.” Tonight, I say that we will never just accept living with COVID-19. We will continue to combat the virus as we do other diseases. But thanks to the progress we have made this year, COVID-19 need no longer control our lives. 1 2 5\n", 'Yes. Democrats want to look good in the midterms by pretending COVID is over, and the wealthy want to make money. 4\n', 'The worst part is that this is all happening because of political corruption and self-interest. Crappy judges appointed by crappy politicians. Politicians who want to claim a false victor over COVID in the midterms. None of them actually giving a shit about anyone but themselves. 1\n', 'The midterms are coming, and everyone seems excited to vote for two more years of COVID. 2 2\n', 'But the polling data said that the Democrats should pretend that COVID is over in order to claim victory for a midterm election boost. 1\n', 'This is literally because a polling firm hired by the DNC told them that their best strategy for the midterms is to declare victory, take all the credit, and pretend COVID is over as hard as they can.\n', "Democrats aren't going to do anything before the midterms that might cause alarm about COVID-19, because their polling numbers indicated that the best political move is to pretend it's over :( 1\n"] ['@EssayHelpCorner'] ['Covid – Midterm Essays essayquest.net Covid - Midterm Essays Service Learning ProjectReport Due December 3rd at 11:55pm(50-points or 75-points)Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Service Learning Project scope will be adjusted. If you are willing, able, and can...\n', 'COVID PAPER – Midterm Essays essayquest.net COVID PAPER - Midterm Essays * I WILL NEED THIS PAPER IN THE NEXT 5 HOURS, PLEASE!!!***Please chat me and I can tell my local community.COVID 19 Assignment (CA)Writing assignment directly related to the virus and impact on...\n', 'discuss-the-tone-of-your-voice-and-your-body-language-will-play-in-everyone-comprehending-the-plan-covid-19-is-impacting-how-projects-are-communicated-discuss-how-does-the-role-of-project-manager-ch – Midterm Essays https://essayquest.net/discuss-the-tone-of-your-voice-and-your-body-language-will-play-in-everyone-comprehending-the-plan-covid-19-is-impacting-how-projects-are-communicated-discuss-how-does-the-role-of-project-manager-ch-2/…\n', 'discuss-the-cause-and-effect-of-covid-19-vaccine-hesitancy-in-the-us – Midterm Essays essayquest.net discuss-the-cause-and-effect-of-covid-19-vaccine-hesitancy-in-the-us - Midterm Essays DISCLAIMER: All types of papers including essays, college papers, research papers, theses, dissertations etc., and other custom-written materials which MidtermEssays.com provides to the customers are...\n', 'explain-why-the-covid-19-pandemic-has-caused-an-unprecedented-human-and-health-crisis-in-the-u-s-and-overseas – Midterm Essays https://essayquest.net/explain-why-the-covid-19-pandemic-has-caused-an-unprecedented-human-and-health-crisis-in-the-u-s-and-overseas-midterm-essays/…\n', 'explain-why-biden-administration-avoiding-pressure-on-china-over-covid-origins – Midterm Essays https://essayquest.net/explain-why-biden-administration-avoiding-pressure-on-china-over-covid-origins-midterm-essays/…\n', 'explain-how-health-informatics-impacted-covid-19 – Midterm Essays essayquest.net explain-how-health-informatics-impacted-covid-19 - Midterm Essays DISCLAIMER: All types of papers including essays, college papers, research papers, theses, dissertations etc., and other custom-written materials which MidtermEssays.com provides to the customers are...\n'] ['@medicinehelp'] ['Democrats’ about-face on COVID insanity won’t be enough to save them at midterms http://gabbylove.store/democrats-about-face-on-covid-insanity-wont-be-enough-to-save-them-at-midterms/…\n', 'Democrats’ about-face on COVID insanity won’t be enough to save them at midterms https://2spendless.news/democrats-about-face-on-covid-insanity-wont-be-enough-to-save-them-at-midterms/…\n', 'Democrats’ about-face on COVID insanity won’t be enough to save them at midterms https://charlston.press/democrats-about-face-on-covid-insanity-wont-be-enough-to-save-them-at-midterms/…\n', 'Democrats’ about-face on COVID insanity won’t be enough to save them at midterms https://americanconsultantsrx.press/democrats-about-face-on-covid-insanity-wont-be-enough-to-save-them-at-midterms/…\n', 'Democrats’ about-face on COVID insanity won’t be enough to save them at midterms https://gabby.news/democrats-about-face-on-covid-insanity-wont-be-enough-to-save-them-at-midterms/…\n', 'Democrats’ about-face on COVID insanity won’t be enough to save them at midterms https://acrx.online/democrats-about-face-on-covid-insanity-wont-be-enough-to-save-them-at-midterms/…\n', 'Democrats’ about-face on COVID insanity won’t be enough to save them at midterms https://charlesmyrick.news/democrats-about-face-on-covid-insanity-wont-be-enough-to-save-them-at-midterms/…\n'] ['@NancyK07312478'] ["A war in Europe, inflation, stalemates in Congress, midterms, covid 19 don't help!! And also 79!!\n", "Be honest Biden is influenced by politics maybe not on the level as the Trump WH but Biden is focused on a war in Europe, midterms, inflation, etc & wants to focus on other matters beyond covid. Thats reality. Don't think the WH is upset w the CDC.\n", '2 Sure the CDC gives guidance but not sure how many "a lot" would be who would listen at this point. Maybe I\'m overly pessimistic. Nervous about the fall w a new more virulent variant that evades vaxes. Midterm elections coming, Congress playing politics w covid funding. Bad vibes.\n', "Midterm elections coming up. Politicians want to get reelected & talking about covid isn't tops for most voters. But as usual the US will probably be behind as another surge hits in the fall. When the history of covid is written it won't be easy on lots of people espec politicans 1\n", 'Well....if Congress doesn\'t "step up" w whats the alternative Travis E? They have to plan for months ahead & Congress likely won\'t ok any more Covid money this year. Barely 2 mths to midterms. You are Covid task force head- what would YOU do? 1\n', "The covid was originally in a larger spending bill. Pelosi pulled it because it wouldn't pass w opposition from both sides. Sen Murray in the Health Comm has tried to get funding but Romney/Burr have recently balked so its not going anywhere. 2 mths till midterms won't happen. 1\n", '"Mood of the country" translates to what the voters think is important for the midterms. Economy, inflation, immigration, etc. Covid 19 isn\'t anywhere near the top. So you say its fine & move on. Problem is Covid just laughs & says we\'ll see in the next 3 or 4 mths. 4\n'] ['@Cruz_Lip_Thing'] ['Not suspect at all that #COVID is going away just in time for the midterm elections! Lol #irony #MIDTERM #Midterms2022 #COVID-19 #Vaccine #VaccineMandate #VaccineSideEffects Governor Ned Lamont · 28 We’ve made considerable progress against Covid. Infection rates have dramatically dropped and folks across CT have many tools on hand to keep themselves safe. That’s why, as of February 28th, school and childcare mask mandates will be decided by school districts, not the state. 1 1\n', 'Oddly lucky and amazing that #COVID is going away just in time for the midterm elections! Lol #irony #MIDTERM #Midterms2022 #COVID-19 #Vaccine #VaccineMandate #VaccineSideEffects Office of the Governor of California · 28 On February 15, California’s statewide indoor mask requirement will expire. Unvaccinated people must still wear masks in indoor public settings. Cases have decreased 65% since the Omicron peak. Stay vigilant, get vaccinated, get boosted. 1 1\n', 'Oh Gavin! You’re a hero!! Amazing that #COVID is going away just in time for the midterm elections! Lol #irony #MIDTERM #Midterms2022 #COVID-19 #Vaccine #VaccineMandate #VaccineSideEffects Gavin Newsom · 28 Governor candidate, CA NEW: CA’s case rate has decreased by 65% since our Omicron peak. Our hospitalizations have stabilized across the state. Our statewide indoor mask requirement will expire on 2/15. Unvaccinated people will still need to wear masks indoors. Get vaccinated. Get boosted. 1 1\n', 'So convenient that #COVID is going away just in time for the midterm elections! Lol #irony #MIDTERM #Midterms2022 #COVID-19 #Vaccine #VaccineMandate #VaccineSideEffects Governor Kate Brown · 28 Oregonians have stepped up during the Omicron surge — wearing masks, getting vaccinated and boosted, and keeping each other safe. Because of your actions, Oregon will lift mask requirements no later than March 31. Thank you. twitter.com/OHAOregon/stat… 1 1\n', 'Convenient that #COVID is going away just in time for the midterm elections! Lol #irony #MIDTERM #Midterms2022 #COVID-19 #Vaccine #VaccineMandate #VaccineSideEffects Governor Tim Walz · 28 Throughout this pandemic, frontline workers have protected us and saved lives. I’m proud to have signed a bipartisan bill — passed within days of the #mnleg session kicking off — that takes care of our workers and first responders by giving them the benefits they deserve. 1 1\n', "Amazing that #COVID is going away just in time for the midterm elections! Lmao #irony #MIDTERM #Midterms2022 #COVID-19 #Vaccine #VaccineMandate #VaccineSideEffects Jason Kenney · 29 If the Canada-USA trucker vaccine mandate wasn't bad enough, now Justin Trudeau wants to bring in a mandate for truckers going between provinces. Alberta will fight this every step of the way - including in court, if we have to. WATCH:\n", 'Amazing that #COVID is going away just in time for the midterm elections! Lol #irony #MIDTERM #Midterms2022 #COVID-19 #Vaccine #VaccineMandate #VaccineSideEffects\n'] ['@LangmanVince'] ['The Midterm Elections cured Covid 31 449 1,592\n', 'the poll numbers suck for covid so the MSM will drop all covid talk until the midterms\n', 'The Democrats used Covid-19 to win the 2020 election They are going to use WWIII to win the midterms And the Republicans in congress are falling for it hook line and sinker again 10 55 118\n', 'Ok the sheep are not falling for the Covid thing anymore Quick break out the Monkeypox before the midterms 57 215 626\n', "I'm seeing Covid-19 testing centers popping up all over again, just in time for the midterms 47 238 877\n", 'I guarantee Covid mandates are coming back this winter, payback for getting destroyed in the midterms 9 34 132\n'] ['@Mi_Astronauta'] ['3 And turnout being high in 2016? And 2018? Temporary covid/lockdown voting changes were always going to be temporary. And midterm voter turnout coming up will also have great turnout 1\n', 'Cool. Temporary changes due to covid/shutdowns were never going to last, and turnout will be great in Nov midterms all the same\n', '3 And voter turnout was up in 2018 midterms (before covid) all the same, because if we can vote and want to vote, we vote. That’s why; census.gov Voter Turnout Rates Among All Voting Age and Major Racial and Ethnic Groups Were Higher Than in 2014 1\n', "That's fine. Covid/shutdown restrictions we never going to last forever. Anyway, turnout will be huge in Nov midterms anyway. Works out\n", '2 Yes. Temporary, not permanent, changes due to covid restrictions that ended were always going to end. That’s not weird and not surprising, covid restrictions ended. Voting is easy, in red/blue states. You’ll see, midterms and 2024 turnout will be huge 1\n', 'Temporary changes to vote due to covid and restrictions, those were temporary. It’ll be fine, and we’ll see massive voter turnout in midterms, and 2024 all the same. 1 1\n'] ['@PatrickTucker15'] ['Joe Biden: ‘MAGA Crowd’ the ‘Most Extreme Political Organization in History’ Democrats are getting scared. Expect a covid outbreak for Midterms breitbart.com Joe Biden: \'MAGA Crowd\' the \'Most Extreme Political Organization in History\' President Joe Biden delivered a sharp political speech from the White House on Wednesday warning of the "extreme" GOP agenda. 1 2\n', "Joe Biden Fails to Wear a Mask While Testing Positive for COVID. It's a scam to keep him hidden until after the midterms breitbart.com Joe Biden Does Not Wear a Mask While Testing Positive for COVID President Joe Biden broke CDC guidelines on Monday by refusing to wear a mask around others while infected with the coronavirus. 1 1\n", "Biden tests positive for COVID-19 again, will continue isolation until after the midterms foxnews.com Biden tests positive for COVID-19 again, will continue isolation President Biden will remain in isolation Wednesday as he continues to test positive for the coronavirus in a rebound case, the White House's doctor says. 1\n", 'Keeping dementia Joe locked in the basement until after midterms. The Democrats will then blame Covid for his constant brain farts and replace him for 2024 1 4\n', 'Biden tests positive for COVID-19 again, will continue White House isolation. Safe from making stupid comments hid in the basement until after midterms foxnews.com Biden tests positive for COVID-19 again, will continue White House isolation President Biden tested positive for COVID-19 again Friday, the White House physician said, and will continue to follow "strict isolation measures."\n', "Got poor dementia Joe locked away until after the midterms. They'll make the announcement after that Covid has affected Joe's brain and he's not running in 2024 1 3\n"] ['@Denlesks'] ['They’ll declare victory over Covid thirty days before the midterm election 1 12\n', '#BREAKING Biden’s revised #SOTU omits part about Covid 2.0 set for release one month prior to midterms 1 4 10\n', 'Covid Climate Change Monkeypox al Qaeda Taiwan-China Ukraine-Russia Dems will keep rotating through that apocalyptic list to try to keep Americans scared through midterms and 2024 election. The party of fear. 2 12\n', 'Twitter, the platform that believes men can have babies and the Covid vaccine is extremely effective, will be making the determination of what is misinformation regarding the upcoming midterm elections. 1 6\n', 'Twitter, the platform that believes men can have babies and the Covid vaccine is extremely effective, will be making the determination of what is misinformation regarding the upcoming midterm elections. 3 16\n', 'Twitter, the platform that believes men can have babies and the Covid vaccine is extremely effective, will be making the determination of what is misinformation regarding the upcoming midterm elections. 2 14\n'] ['@InsanityCrushr2'] ['As long as extended mail-in voting, and unverified voting/mail-in voting continue, so will the fraud. Additionally, be prepared for a new Covid variant right before the midterms; so they can rationalize extended mail-in voting. #midterm #Midterms2022 #Biden 2 7 33\n', 'Question: What are y\'all going to do when "they" bring Covid & mandates back right before the midterms? Dems need the extended voting/mail-in voting so they can manipulate the votes.#COVID19 #COVID #COVIDIOTS #Covid_19 #MandateFreedom #MandatoryVaccination #Biden 1 2\n', 'Of course its scripted. Remember they need COVID for the midterms. Or maybe Biden will get us into WW3 and use that to keep the status-quo in power... 1\n', 'As long as extended mail-in voting, and unverified voting/mail-in voting continue, so will the fraud. Additionally, be prepared for a new Covid variant right before the midterms; so they can rationalize extended mail-in voting. #midterm #Midterms2022 #Biden 1 1\n', "1. What I've said for sometime now: As long as extended mail-in voting, and unverified voting/mail-in voting continue, so will the fraud. Additionally, be prepared for a new #Covid variant right before the midterms; so they can rationalize extended mail-in voting. #Midterms 1 3 1\n", 'Covid hysteria will be the reason for a World Economic Collapse (Planned or Not). The entire world economies are slowing down... what nobody gets, this is all about energy... ? #economy #recession #gasprices #oil #Biden #Midterms #Midterms2022\n'] ['@Patriota_81'] ['I do think we are going to see a shift in the Covid coverage. You can see it happening already! It is because of the midterms. They are going to start downplaying it and change the way they count Covid deaths etc.\n', 'This reversal of mask mandates and Covid restrictions by liberals states has nothing to do with science! They know they are going to get their asses kicked in the midterms so now they are trying to win back voters! Never forget the hell they put our country through for two years! 1 4\n', 'Democrats think you are stupid. They really believe this war is going to wash away their sins and abominable behavior over the last years. I am already seeing the spin. This is their lifeboat in the midterms. Funny, I guess Covid is gone now??? 1 7\n', 'Wow, they are really going to use Covid again for the midterms! Are we surprised? Fauci is back and saying we may need to lockdown again... 8 3 36\n', 'The midterms are almost upon us and swing states still have not secured their election process. Be prepared for a Covid surge and a return to vote by mail… 2 3 21\n', 'And just like that… Biden “cured” Covid right before the midterms… GIF ALT 6\n'] ['@BTCTugBoat'] ['GM Fam! Just my serious opinions. We have let government’s get to big. We can’t aid Ukraine, they are non nato which pushed this BS to happen. War with rush is a nono. They have a madman leading. We have Tatter Brain. Covid light out so WW3. Midterms coming up. 1 1\n', 'Midterm elections are coming. That had to turn the Covid light switch off in hopes that the sheep would forget how much shit they have been put through! Now they want u to focus on WW3. All smoke and mirrors. Part of the agenda. In general ppl can’t think for themselves.. Sad 1\n', 'The programming is working perfectly. Part of the next phase. Nuclear Weapons and WW3 are there to make u forget how shitty the last 2 years have been on ppl. There’s a midterm election coming you know? Meanwhile Covid,Mask,Cuomo,Trudeau and DR Falsey slip away into the night! 1\n', 'We have a midterm coming up. They won’t u to forget how much hell they put us through for almost 2 years. Now they want to use WW3 for smoke and mirrors! I will never forget or forgive them! 3 7 28\n', 'Of course it is. We have a midterm election coming up. They turned off the Covid Light switch so that u would hopefully forget how much shit they put u through for almost 2 years…. Covid,mask,Cuomo and DR Falsey all slipped away into the night. I will never forget!\n', 'GM Fam! They turned off the Covid light switch to make you forget how much BS they put us through for 2 year. Convenient right before a midterm election! I’m sharing the other side of the coin with you…. I will never forgive or forget what they did to us.. Have a great day!\n'] ['@submandave'] ['Narrative preparation for “Joe beat Covid” midterm slogan. 1\n', 'Huge Covid death counts was essential to a political narrative. Now they want to beat Covid before the midterms and need different numbers for that narrative.\n', 'Midterm polling must look terrible. Expect to see big “we beat Covid” self-congratulation announcements and for the science to suddenly support policy that looks a lot more like FL, TX, and TN than CA and NY. 1 5\n', 'The midterms are on the way and Dems don’t want to run with the Covid millstone around their necks. 1\n', 'He’s right, but nothing he’s saying wasn’t just as true and supported by the data a year ago, or even a year and a half ago. It just wasn’t politically convenient to acknowledge the truth. Now they’re pushing to have a big “Biden beat Covid” party all summer for midterms. 2\n', 'Unfortunately I can see them fooling enough LIV with their “Biden beat Covid” narrative to sneak by in midterms. 1 1\n'] ['@TheRightAva'] ['it was Democrats who wanted to arrest you for not wearing a mask, smeared Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Glenn Youngkin, & Kristi Noem for not having Covid mandates & who tried to force you take a vaccine. They want you to forget all of it for midterms Fox News · 210 Democrats scramble to reverse course on COVID restrictions ahead of midterms https://foxnews.com/politics/democrats-scramble-reverse-course-covid-restrictions-midterms… 2 6\n', "Democratic Governor are pretending to let their constituents decide for themselves & family about Covid. They don’t mean it. It’s just something to try to win people over for the midterms. When the midterms is over & if they get what they want, they will go back to mandates. Fox News · 211 SAVING FACE: Dem governors are finally scaling back mask mandates — but they're still not following the science https://foxnews.com/politics/democrat-states-mask-mandates-coronavirus-numbers… 1 2 4\n", 'Covid is suddenly over because of Democrats poor poll numbers & midterms is coming up soon. New York Post · 228 Adams to scrap NYC vaccine passports, school mask rules barring spike in cases https://trib.al/AfLjw2T 2 3\n', 'The pandemic is over for the Democrats temporarily because the midterms are coming very soon. Once the midterms are over, Democrats will go back to what they were doing which is trying to use this pandemic to control you. They don’t want you to find out the origin of Covid. NovElection2024 · 31 Are we still in a pandemic? 3 6\n', 'Where is Dr. Fauci? I guess he’s no longer useful for the Democrats because Dr. Fauci lies about Covid but wants you to wear a mask forever & Democrats don’t want that anymore…only until after the midterms are over. 2 3 15\n', 'I thought he had Covid & 15 days to slow the spread. But it’s about damn time that he finally notices what happened in Kentucky but we all know this is a photo op for the midterms & because Donald Trump is having a rally tonight & speaking Saturday at CPAC Texas Fox News · 86 Kentucky Gov. Beshear, Biden to meet after deadly flooding https://fxn.ws/3zXv5wz 1\n'] ['@TeamVeteran'] ['The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. Kurt Schlichter · 46 Are you listening I expect you are on it but it would help morale to hear about the plan! twitter.com/EWErickson/sta…\n', 'The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. Christina Pushaw · 611 Omg they’re really trying this https://nytimes.com/2022/06/07/health/monkeypox-masks-cdc.html…\n', 'The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. The Notorious M.A.G.A Lee · 622 The second plandemic will be here just in time for them to steal the midterms. We cannot allow either to happen. 1\n', "The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. John Doe · 622 A virus didn't close your businesses: your government did. A 'pandemic' didn't take away your freedoms: your government did. Joe Biden just said that he needs more money from Congress because another pandemic is definitely coming. You can figure this out for yourself, right?\n", "The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. GB News · 72 'Flu is probably more worrying to most medics looking ahead to winter' Covid date expert Tim White says 'it's not too much of a worry' as infection levels have risen by 30% in the past week. GB News on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3vAYaw0\n", 'The next COVID-19 variant will be called MIDTERMS. AG · 713\n'] ['@teambernie27001'] ['3 Biden’s lost 20% of his voters and the numbers will climb as covid keeps surging. If we don’t turn this around before midterms the Republicans are going to be the majority. We have to protest. Hopefully, the mask protests in NY will spread all over the country.\n', "4 Do you understand the Democrats are going to lose the midterms? Biden's approval ratings are lower than Trump's. He lied when he said he would end the pandemic during the general. Now he's expecting us to live with covid, which is leaving millions disabled. This isn't tenable. 1 1\n", "The Dems are in a better position now to codify Roe than after the midterms, because pretty much everyone can see they're going to lose big. Biden's plan to force us to live with covid, when he promised elimination has guaranteed the Democrats will lose. People are catching on. 1\n", 'Do the Democrats believe they can normalize thousands of daily covid infections, 500+ deaths a day and millions of citizens disabled with #LongCovid and still win the midterms? How many votes will Democrats get when thousands of citizens are covered in monkeypox pustules? 1 9\n', '3,000 a week are dying of covid. So to win the midterms Democrats are pretending covid’s not controlling our lives now? Well, it’s controlling the lives of 2+ million people with #LongCovid. Covid isn’t the real problem. Biden’s choice to let covid rip is the real problem. Joe Biden · 91 United States government official We’ve come a long way. COVID no longer controls our lives, there are a record number of Americans working, businesses are growing, and our schools are open. Even in the face of unrelenting attacks from the most powerful special interests in the country, we got it done. 6 19\n', 'So you think rail workers should just suck it up and work 7 days a week, even if they’re sick with covid or one of the other diseases our govt has failed to eliminate until the midterms? Perhaps you’re in the wrong profession, doc. 1 28\n'] ['@greg06897'] ['2 The two rules of being a good little Dem partisan hack seems to be ignoring how mutations around Covid work and ignoring Long Covid. It’s why you rarely hear either brought up when some liberal hack Dr hoping for a spot in Biden admin after midterms is pushing let it rip on tv 3 3 11\n', '5 Midterms coming up later in the year so we need to pretend Covid is over isn’t actually an example of following the science 1 3\n', 'In midterms because the safe choice has botched the hell out of Covid and not followed thru on about 80%of his campaign pledges. No one cares about whether people are civil on twitter. 1 11\n', 'We understand that you, like the Biden admin, have decided to be dishonest about Covid in hopes of it somehow helping w midterms. You guys just continue discrediting yourselves\n', 'Dems would be so much better off going into midterms if they had kicked Manchin out of the party when he refused to end the filibuster. You got your first Covid bill thru what exactly else was gained by having him there 1\n', 'And no, actually dealing w Covid and actually getting us thru the pandemic would all but guarantee a 2024 win. The Dems simply can’t stop thinking about midterms to actually look to 2024 2\n'] ['@JohnstonShow'] ['Democrats Are Scrambling To Backtrack COVID Policies Ahead Of Midterms https://TheAlteran.com/democrats-are-rats-are-scrambling-to-backtrack-covid-policies-ahead-of-midterms/…\n', '2022 Midterms Will Be About Holding China Accountable for COVID-19: Republican Vice Chair https://TheAlteran.com/2022-midterms-midterms-will-be-about-holding-china-accountable-for-covid-19-republican-vice-chair/…\n', 'Top po, llster for Democrats advises party to declare COVID crisis over because ‘they risk paying dearly for it’ in midterm elections https://TheAlteran.com/top-po-llster-o-llster-for-democrats-advises-party-to-declare-covid-crisis-over-because-they-risk-paying-dearly-for-it-in-midterm-elections-2/…\n', 'Top po, llster for Democrats advises party to declare COVID crisis over because ‘they risk paying dearly for it’ in midterm elections https://TheAlteran.com/top-po-llster-o-llster-for-democrats-advises-party-to-declare-covid-crisis-over-because-they-risk-paying-dearly-for-it-in-midterm-elections/…\n', 'The Michael Knowles Show Video Podcast | Warning: The COVID-Midterm Variant Is Here! | Ep. 1045 thealteran.com The Michael Knowles Show Video Podcast | Warning: The COVID-Midterm Variant Is Here! | Ep. 1045 LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. Fauci and Biden try to bring COVID back before the midterms, a Berkeley professor (rightly) accuses Republicans of denying that “trans people exist” during...\n', 'Biden administration likely to extend the COVID public health emergency through the midterms https://TheAlteran.com/biden-administ-administration-likely-to-extend-the-covid-public-health-emergency-through-the-midterms/…\n'] ['@GaryGage13'] ['At his COVID Super Spreader hate rally in Sunrise, FL, Trump claimed w/o proof that in the ’22 midterm elections America will be taken over by a red wave.\n', 'Trump doesn’t care that COVID 19 is still killing Americans: “Terminating every single COVID mandate should be on Republican’s to-do list after the ’22 midterm elections. No more lockdowns, no more restrictions, no more hysteria & no more masks please.”\n', 'Trump ranted at his COVID Super Spreader hate rally in Washington Township, MI: "The stakes of this year\'s midterm elections couldn’t be higher. I don’t think we\'ve ever had a time in our country where we felt so low, so dejected. What\'s going on is absolutely unacceptable.”\n', 'At his COVID 19 Super Spreader hate rally in AZ, Trump stressed upon the importance of midterm elections: “We are just 4 months away from the most important election in America\'s history. If we do not get this done, then it is going to be tragic."\n', 'trump implied in his interview with Clay Travis & Buck Sexton that it was very interesting that COVID was suddenly everywhere all of the US now that the midterms elections were nearing.\n', 'At his COVID 19 Super Spreader hate rally in Wilmington, NC, Trump bished about the upcoming midterm elections & said that they were a referendum on Pres Biden, Pelosi, Schumer & the radical left Democrat Congress that is destroying our country.”\n'] ['@Prop215Patient'] ['They’ll start in on forcing people to take the vaccine after the midterms. Covid isn’t over for the powers that be yet or else they would end the National Emergency. The shot prevents nothing but they’re all invested in it.\n', 'After the midterms Covid 19 will be back. The powers that be think you’re stupid and have the memory of a goldfish. The national emergency has not ended. What emergency? #CovidIsntOver #covid19 #covidrestrictions\n', 'There’s a new strain of Covid going round called “midterms” which means the authoritarian left will be quiet & stop trying to rule over you with it hoping you’ll forget what tyrants they are come November. They think you’re stupid. #Midterms2022 #CovidIsNotOver #COVID 1 1\n', 'MonkeyPox is the Democrats’ strategy to keep people away from the polls. Plagues and abortion is about all they stand for. They’ve only eased up on Covid restrictions because of midterms. #Midterms2022 #monkeypox #moneypox #election #covid19 #rigged\n', 'It’s such an “emergency” they can turn the restrictions off and on whenever they feel like it. #Biden just doesn’t want to make a big stink before midterms since Democrats were the worst dictators through this whole thing. #COVID19 #covid #scamdemic politico.com HHS says it plans to extend Covid-19 public health emergency An extension would ensure expanded Medicaid coverage, telehealth services and other pandemic measures remain in place beyond the midterm elections. 2 2\n', 'They gotta keep it going so after the midterms Democratic governors can force the failed vaccine on us. Governors like Newsom. #gavinnewson #covid #covid19 politico.com Biden administration planning to extend Covid emergency declaration The decision is not final, however. And it comes as some officials say it may be time to let it lapse. 1\n'] ['@AngryLeaf1'] ["The New IHU COVID-19 Variant: What You Need to Know, According to Experts https://news.yahoo.com/ihu-covid-19-variant-know-174000803.html… It’s a midterm year. That’s all I’m gonna say. news.yahoo.com The New IHU COVID-19 Variant: What You Need to Know, According to Experts The IHU variant was first detected in France in November—and it's suddenly getting a lot of attention. Here's what you need to know. 1 2\n", "The politicians and health experts will drag this out until the spring when Omicron is long gone (cases will drop by end of Jan). In mid-March (the two year anniversary of COVID), the president will declare this over because midterms, but it'll be too late for us and our kids. 1 1\n", 'This is the positive news the media and our government won’t tell you. It’s a midterm year. Biden can continue to harp on ineffective masks or end this but the former will cost him. His 33% approval rating is because people are done with COVID. Kyle Lamb · 115 Just 4 weeks ago in the U.S, the share of patients in the hospital with (not necessarily from) COVID-19 in ICU was 25.7% of all hospitalizations. Since that time, it has fallen 24 of the past 27 days and is now down to a record low 16.9%. We could be nearing endemic soon.\n', "Translation: His handlers will force him to cave and declare COVID endemic because midterms if Ds want any chance of salvaging their careers. UK is scrapping most of its mandates soon. Biden is virtually done. He’s just too old to do the job period. Ben Shapiro · 114 Joe Biden's presidency has fallen and it can't get up. 1\n", 'And there it is. Ds knew this when they ran him in 2020 but ran him anyway. Many people knew Biden was too old to run several years ago due to his cognitive decline. That is another reason why COVID will end this year - they will salvage what they can out of the midterms. Mark Nantz · 124 NBC’s Chuck Todd: “Biden No Longer Seen as Competent and Effective”. MSM trying to save itself, too late. You played the game too long. 2 4\n', 'I specifically said yesterday that midterms will determine what direction this ongoing COVID nightmare is headed. With new articles coming out today from several major news outlets about getting masks off kids, it’s clear Ds may put masks in the past by November. 1/2 1 5\n'] ['@mskathleenquinn'] ['2 2/ they hold up shiny toys and promise all will soon be well — actually running 2d place to GOP fairytales of the same sort. The Biden Administration is itself in a state of profound denial about the reality of Covid beyond its political impact on the midterms. 1\n', 'It was crafted as a crowd-pleasing lie. They will wink-wink to ”sophisticated media” that this is necessary way to go about nudging ordinary people, like children, to get boosted right now but mainly it’s to push a picture of Victory over Covid before the midterms for Dems. 1\n', '6>a more neutral name (”lightning” or something like that?). Anyway, heading into the midterms everybody is jockeying elbows out — but maybe the Dems should consider that if Oct is really awful for Covid, they need to look like they’re pulling out all stops, they’re not just> 1\n', 'It’s the Democrats who took it out of the bill. If they lose the midterms, don’t blame anybody but the Democrats, their failure to keep promises, and their blatant indifference to how Covid blasted the lives of their own voter base. wsj.com Covid Aid Left Out of Stopgap Funding Bill White House has argued for more spending on developing next-generation vaccines. 2 5\n', 'Well that certainly absolves the Democratic Party President, Congress and governors for the latest 600,000 Covid deaths while they held power — (said no disabled or elderly person or Covid orphan anywhere in the US). Democrats should get a clue before the midterms. 2\n', 'Ya think? Same stories hammering on the idea that personal political choices causing sky high Covid deaths for the “others” appeared simultaneously in WaPo, WSJ and NBC News. It’s the propaganda pipeline before the midterms. 1 3\n'] ['@JustinRozell'] ['Pretty sure Ted Lieu is in a safe seat and democrats were losing the house with covid or not. Opposite party of president in power always does well in midterms so no sure this has anything to do with covid\n', 'And considering schools have been opened for a while and at some point mask mandates and other covid policies in schools will be gone before midterms and other school board elections, school board culture wars by republicans will soon be non existent to pounce on. 1\n', 'I’m a pro mask, but since I hardly ever take public transportation doesn’t really effect me. Covid is never going away, so have to end mandate eventually. And probably wise to do this before the midterms 1 1\n', 'So this is a terrible idea. It’s almost like democrats are sabotaging themselves before the midterms. I’m pro mask, but covid is not going away. Lift title 42 after midterms Kaitlan Collins · 420 Health & Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra says Biden admin will likely appeal the decision overturning the mask mandate. “We are right now in the process of deciding, and we likely will appeal that ruling. Stay tuned,” Becerra says.\n', 'Republicans declared covid over a year ago so why make this a midterm issue?\n', 'I’m very confused at republicans continuing to relitigate covid as if that’s abig issue in polling for midterms. It’s way down in the list. It was a big deal in 2020 and republicans neglected it, likely costing them the election 2\n'] ['@MorningConsult'] ["The share of voters who say the following are “very important” when deciding whom to vote for in the 2022 #midterms: The Economy: 80% Gun Policy: 53% Education: 52% Abortion: 50% Immigration: 49% COVID-19: 33% Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: 31% https://morningconsult.biz/3BgGOa2 1 2 1\n", "The share of voters who say the following are “very important” when deciding whom to vote for in the 2022 #midterms: The Economy: 78% Gun Policy: 54% Education: 53% Abortion: 52% Immigration: 48% COVID-19: 35% Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: 29% https://morningconsult.biz/3BgGOa2 3 3\n", "The share of voters who say the following are “very important” when deciding whom to vote for in the 2022 #midterms: The Economy: 78% Gun Policy: 54% Education: 53% Abortion: 52% Immigration: 48% COVID-19: 35% Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: 29% https://morningconsult.biz/3BgGOa2 1 4 6\n", "The share of voters who say the following are “very important” when deciding whom to vote for in the 2022 #midterms: The Economy: 78% Gun Policy: 54% Education: 53% Abortion: 52% Immigration: 48% COVID-19: 35% Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: 29% https://morningconsult.biz/3BgGOa2 4 3\n", "The share of voters who say the following are “very important” when deciding whom to vote for in the 2022 #midterms: The Economy: 76% Gun Policy: 53% Education: 54% Abortion: 51% Immigration: 54% COVID-19: 33% Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: 33% https://morningconsult.biz/3BgGOa2 2\n", "The share of voters who say the following are “very important” when deciding whom to vote for in the 2022 #midterms: The Economy: 76% Gun Policy: 53% Education: 54% Abortion: 51% Immigration: 54% COVID-19: 33% Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: 33% https://morningconsult.biz/3BgGOa2 1 3\n"] ['@ElAmerican_'] ['3 Keys to Understanding 2022: War, #COVID, and Midterm Elections. These three issues will decisively influence America’s decision, ’s fate, and the direction of the planet. https://buff.ly/3EVhPYr By . 3 3\n', '3 Keys to Understanding 2022: War, COVID, and Midterm Elections https://buff.ly/3EVhPYr by 1 4\n', '#BREAKING NOW: | Florid Gov. Ron DeSantis Warns Democrats Will “REIMPOSE” COVID RESTRICTIONS After Midterm Elections. - 23 129 280\n', 'WH Predicts Incoming ‘100 Million’ COVID Cases — Just in Time for Midterms http://dlvr.it/SQ2hJZ #News 32 51 89\n', "#Opinion | The Biden administration is sounding the alarms over an expected 100 million new Covid “cases” ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. The White House’s dire projection is not based on any new data, however, but on a “model.” https://buff.ly/3Fzb94d by . elamerican.com Opinion | White House Sounds Alarm on Incoming 'COVID Surge' — Just in Time for Midterms Does this mean that millions of unsolicited absentee ballots will be mailed ahead of the midterm elections? 5 11 29\n", '#Opinión | La interminable “emergencia” de Covid en #China recuerda al objetivo del Partido Demócrata de Estados Unidos de prolongar la “emergencia” de #Covid más allá de los midterms, sin otra razón que la pura política. https://elamerican.com/los-confinamientos-en-pekin-ofrecen-una-vision-aterradora-del-futuro-de-estados-unidos/?lang=es… Por elamerican.com Los confinamientos en Pekín ofrecen una visión aterradora del futuro de Estados Unidos - El American Pekín, la capital de China, es una metrópolis en expansión con más de 20 millones de habitantes. Su palacio imperial se alza como un complejo premonitorio en 2 3\n'] ['@govt45701'] ['Midterm elections are killing Covid quicker than the vaccines, masks, or mandates. #TrumpWasRight 1 5 15\n', 'The coming Midterm elections have cured covid faster than vaccines, masks or mandates. #AmericaFirst #PresidentTrumpWasRight #PresidentTrumpWasRightAboutEvrything #HillaryForPrison #FairElectiosnMatter #MAGA 1\n', 'The coming Midterm elections have cured covid faster than vaccines, masks or mandates. #AmericaFirst #PresidentTrumpWasRight #PresidentTrumpWasRightAboutEvrything #HillaryForPrison #FairElectiosnMatter #MAGA 2\n', 'The coming Midterm elections have cured covid faster than vaccines, masks or mandates. #AmericaFirst #PresidentTrumpWasRight #PresidentTrumpWasRightAboutEvrything #HillaryForPrison #FairElectiosnMatter #MAGA 2 2\n', 'The coming Midterm elections have cured covid faster than vaccines, masks and mandates. #AmericaFirst #PresidentTrumpWasRight #PresidentTrumpWasRightAboutEvrything #HillaryForPrison #FairElectiosnMatter #MAGA 2 3\n', "Since covid failed the dems are attempting to create a different crisis to try and gain ground in the midterms. It's not going to work. dems are dead in November, they're going to lose many seats in both chambers and then it's America's turn again. #TrumpWasRight #MAGA 1 2\n"] ['@AMC65023796'] ['Many Republicans are having end Covid as a major campaign issue. Midterms are not that far away. 1\n', 'At least the Independents know supports personal freedom of choice and . Might be good to know with Midterms so close. Still waiting for an explanation how kissing is not close enough contract to spread of Covid but masks help stop the spread?\n', 'Between endless spending and Covid mandates, he is just handing midterms to the Republicans on a silver platter.\n', 'With 70% of the States ready to move past Covid like the 30 other countries and Republicans saying they will end the pandemic phase I think he is trying to hand the Republicans the Midterm elections.\n', 'After seeing Biden and the Democrats in action I hope big changes come with Midterm elections. At least Republicans want to end Covid not keep mandates in place. Biden has even lost the Independents.\n', 'How do the States mortality rate compare to the 30 countries that have no mandates? No wonder ending all Covid mandates is a major push of the Republicans. Since 70% of people say it is time to end the mandates midterm elections should be interesting.\n'] ['@advisorrob'] ["100 million Americans could be infected during COVID surge this fall: Here's why https://abc7ny.com/100-million-covid-cases-this-fall-surge-us-new/11831914/… via The midterm variant is coming. abc7ny.com 100 million Americans could be infected during COVID surge this fall: Here's why Scientists say as immunity wanes and people move indoors due to cold weather, cases will inevitably rise.\n", "Most Contagious COVID Strain Yet Now Dominant in US After Overtaking NY: CDC It's too early. Come back in October when the midterm election is closer. nbcnewyork.com America Has a New Dominant COVID Variant — and NY Already Knows It Far Too Well NYC raised its COVID alert level to high last week as it grapples with rising case and hospitalization rates — and nearly 90% of all counties in the state are now considered high- or medium-risk for...\n", 'Well, something has to occupy the time until the midterm election variant of COVID hits our shores. 1\n', "It's not close enough to the midterm election. You'll have to pivot to a new COVID variant.\n", 'It all depends on the severity of the midterm election variant of COVID. 4\n', "Won't this interfere with the midterm election variant of COVID? 3\n"] ['@RePUGlican14'] ["All facts. Thank God the voters in this country see through the bullshit. My concern? Legit elections. No mystery “Covid variant” right before midterms; ZERO TOLERANCE for universal mail out ballots; voting stops at 12am; poll watchers present the entire time&VOTER ID MANDATORY. Tony Lane · 516 3 The Democrats think that these atrocities will enrage their supporters, which is far from the case. Voters understand that the economy, border, and the left's soft position on crime have all contributed to the country's demise. 1\n", 'Absolutely!! I agree 1000%. Watch: closer to midterms a mystery deadly Covid variant will suddenly strike, necessitating for… you guessed it! Universal mail out ballots! And the Roe v Wade leak? PUHLEASE! The Democrats know they’re screwed and they’re scrambling. M..G.A… ?? ???????? ?????? ???????????? · 516 No matter how hard you try… you’ll never change my mind!!! 3 6\n', '36 This is beyond fucking insane. Covid fucked everything up, and my guess was would have super variant of Covid that would interfere with midterm elections. But nope. They had to come out with this weird ass shit. WTF is going on here seriously? 3 4\n', 'Yes indeed. And also, I predicted a super variant of Covid. I was wrong on the Covid aspect, but bring on the monkeypox right before midterms. Gee, none of us saw that coming. Another reason for universal mail out ballots! If you can’t beat ‘em , Cheat ‘em! 1\n', 'Are you confident the midterms & general election will be legitimate? Or do you believe any & all efforts, tactics & actions will be implemented by the left to ensure victory (ie: universal mail out ballots; in lieu of Covid, Monkey Pox )? I’m definitely anxious..Thoughts? 4 1 6\n', '100% correct. Months ago, I predicted a new variant of Covid pre midterms; daily doses of fear mongering from the CDC, WHO and the government. No variant; bring on Monkey Pox! Fear mongering starts, a reason for mail out ballots is created. If you can’t beat ‘em, cheat ‘em.\n'] ['@web_rant'] ["Their paid polls show it's already working as monopoly media frames midterms as an economic referendum again, ignoring the stripping of human rights and undermining democracy by their Republican partners. 4\n", "None of which will stop Fed Chair Republican Powell from punishing Americans right through midterms for the benefit of his party. Paul Krugman · 105 Yes, one month's data, don't count your chickens etc. But this was the best economic news I've seen for a long time 8/ 2\n", '#RIPtwitter and with this midterm timing, a whole lot more (like democracy, human rights, free speech) philip lewis · 105 NEW YORK (AP) — Elon Musk averts trial, agrees to $44 billion acquisition of Twitter. 1 2\n', 'While their fossil fuel fascist partners at Marathon Petroleum, Chevron, and PBF Energy do the same domestically in a coordinated effort to back Republicans for midterms. CNN · 105 3:01 OPEC+ said Wednesday that it will slash oil production by 2 million barrels per day, the biggest cut since the start of the pandemic. has more https://cnn.it/3V7hewj 2\n', '"Shortsighted" because it\'s just 4 weeks to midterms but farsighted for the benefit of fascist takeover. Kaitlan Collins · 105 Top White House officials say President Biden is “disappointed by the shortsighted decision” from OPEC+ to cut oil production by 2 million barrels/day & that his admin will “consult Congress on additional tools and authorities to reduce OPEC\'s control over energy prices.” 1\n', 'Jacking up prices again just before US midterms while reiterating cooperation with Putin currently killing Ukraine. Can MbS make it any clearer these global fascists are banding together to expedite the end of democracy? GIF Natasha Bertrand · 105 Huge news that the White House had been trying to avoid: “I am concerned, it was unnecessary,” President Biden told this morning when asked about the cuts. https://cnn.com/2022/10/04/politics/white-house-lobby-opec-oil-production-cuts-gasoline-prices-midterms/index.html?adobe_mc=TS=1664981215%7CMCMID=30796513383496545737617401208636075671%7CMCORGID=7FF852E2556756057F000101@AdobeOrg…\n'] ['@OpinionToday'] ["OPINION TODAY Time to Accept Covid and Move On? ... Americans' views on violence against the government ... How the upcoming Supreme Court battle can help Biden and Democrats in the midterms... Racial Prejudice and Whites’ Mistrust of Government... & more: https://opiniontoday.substack.com 2 1\n", 'OPINION TODAY Interest in Winter Olympic games cooler this year ... GOP’s midterm playbook: Flip the script on Covid ... How Democrats Can Stop a Red Wave ... New Florida poll has Biden losing ... Trump’s heir? Some eye DeSantis as alternative ... & more: https://opiniontoday.substack.com 1 1\n', "OPINION TODAY Voters Back Biden's Approach on Ukraine ... Biden's real Supreme Court choice: Bridge-builder or truth-teller? ... Wave Watch: A look at potential upsets in the midterms ... Americans Say They’re Over COVID-19. What Does That Mean?... & more: http://opiniontoday.substack.com 1\n", 'OPINION TODAY Wide partisan gaps in abortion attitudes, but opinions in both parties are complicated ... President Biden’s unpopularity: Covid helps explain it ... Six months before the midterms, Republicans are more enthusiastic than Democrats ... & more: https://opiniontoday.substack.com 1\n', 'icymi OPINION TODAY Wide partisan gaps in abortion attitudes, but opinions in both parties are complicated ... Biden’s unpopularity: Covid helps explain it ... 6 months before the midterms, Republicans are more enthusiastic than Democrats ... & much more: https://opiniontoday.substack.com 1 1 1\n', "OPINION TODAY Despite inflation's bite, Democratic voters are energized for midterms ... America’s Dueling Realities on a Key Question: Is the Economy Good or Bad? ... Americans are moving on from COVID-19 despite acknowledged risks ... & more: https://opiniontoday.substack.com 1 2\n"] ['@beadsland'] ["Passing thought: Are Democrats perhaps intentionally keeping covid at thousand-deaths-a-day simmer in hopes that they'll be able to keep it that way until after midterms, at which point they'll get to blame Republicans (who are guaranteed to pick up seats) when covid boils over? 1 2 2\n", 'Current annualized trend translates to a 2022 covid death toll of ~360,000. As Democrats rest on laurels of not being the other guy. Are we just gonna let them coast into midterms? Are we just gonna watch another year of this happen? #ThisIsOurPolio "You do you" is Eu-gen-ics. · 421 Rolling annual has been below inauguration benchmark—for all but three days—since ~3K dead were resurrected on Mar 14. (Believed to be largely due to reclassification dump by Mass.) CDC forecast, meanwhile, anticipates an uptick in covid deaths in coming weeks. #ThisIsOurPolio ALT ALT 1\n', 'Current annualized trend translates to a 2022 covid death toll of ~360,000. As Democrats rest on laurels of not being the other guy. Are we just gonna let them coast into midterms? Are we just gonna watch another year of this happen? #ThisIsOurPolio "You do you" is Eu-gen-ics. · 428 Rolling annual has been below inauguration benchmark—for all but four days—since ~3K dead were resurrected on Mar 14. (Believed to be largely due to reclassification dump by Mass.) CDC forecast, meanwhile, anticipates an upswing in covid deaths in coming weeks. #ThisIsOurPolio ALT ALT 2 1\n', 'Current annualized trend translates to a 2022 covid death toll of ~360,000. As Democrats rest on laurels of not being the other guy. Are we just gonna let them coast into midterms? Are we just gonna watch another year of this happen? #ThisIsOurPolio "You do you" is Eu-gen-ics. · 428 Rolling annual has been below inauguration benchmark—for all but four days—since ~3K dead were resurrected on Mar 14. (Believed to be largely due to reclassification dump by Mass.) CDC forecast, meanwhile, anticipates an upswing in covid deaths in coming weeks. #ThisIsOurPolio ALT ALT 1 1 4\n', 'Current annualized trend translates to a 2022 covid death toll of ~370,000. As Democrats rest on laurels of not being the other guy. Are we just gonna let them coast into midterms? Are we just gonna watch another year of this happen? #ThisIsOurPolio "You do you" is Eu-gen-ics. · 55 Rolling annual has been below inauguration benchmark—for all but six days—since ~3K dead were resurrected on Mar 14. (Believed to be largely due to reclassification dump by Mass.) CDC forecast, meanwhile, anticipates an upswing in covid deaths in coming weeks. #ThisIsOurPolio ALT ALT 1 1\n', 'Current annualized trend and CDC forecast translates to a 2022 covid death toll around 400,000. While Vibe\'n plans for a winter of 100,000,000 infections. Or, you know, another million dead of covid. As Democrats coast into midterms… #ThisIsOurPolio "You do you" is Eu-gen-ics. · 512 Rolling annual is forecast to bottom out at 413K before climbing. CDC forecasts ~3K more deaths by week end 5/28—as compared to forecast week prior. That said, nearly 2K jump in last week deaths depicted in CDC chart… isn\'t reflected in their underlying data? #ThisIsOurPolio ALT ALT 1 1 2\n'] ['@uca79'] ['I listen to Dan Bongino every day. He thinks that they will have 7.00 gas (too expensive to drive to the polls) and bring covid back to keep voters away from the midterm vote. Mail in votes again. OHH NO!!! 1 1\n', 'You know they are going to bring COVID back during the week of midterms and rely on mail in ballots. What else do you think they will cheat with to keep Republicans out? 1\n', 'I told ya that COVID would be back by the midterms webmd.com COVID Surges Could Infect 100 Million Americans Later This Year About 100 million Americans could get infected with the coronavirus this fall and winter, affecting about a third of the U.S. population. The 100 million infections slated to come this fall and...\n', "You just wait, it will be back with a vengeance during the midterms with lockdowns in place. If it isn't COVID, it will be monkeypox or something else made up to CONTROL the people 1 1\n", "The midterms are getting closer and closer and we haven't seen any liberal attempts to stop it YET! Another strain of COVID, monkeypox or aliens will cause another lockdown. You just wait\n"] ['@RichardDeLaGar4'] ['It’s all a distraction for the midterms now they’re promoting Covid again 1\n', 'Hype is on the National T V News on Covid again CNN CBS NBC ABC It’s all B S. It’s a distraction to the midterms CNN production crew in the lunch room still thinks there’s pandemic so bad? Where’s the hospital ship Where’s the overrun ERs It’s B Sdon’t step in it\n', 'A month from now there won’t be much mention about Covid Then 2 1/2 months later it starts up again Lol you see the routine by the media !!!!!! Their going to keep the virus alive till the midterms 1\n', 'CNN production crew practicing for extreme Covid 19 outbreak during the midterms elections\n', 'CNN Production CREW practicing for Covid restrictions at the midterms It’s all B S\n'] ['@TimHulett9'] ["The truth has been unveiled, covid was real but the pandemic was a lie, Mask we're false, vaccine was to depopulate, they're going to play the same game come midterms, do nt b fooled once again, don't cave but arise, this is your Great Awakening, this puppet show is over. Wake up\n", "Midterms coming up soon, Dems and only Dems say they caught covid-19 all of a sudden. They claim they're glad that they were vaccinated and boosted, wow! If they were vaccinated and boosted how they catch covid. I believe they caught midterm 19! We ain't stupid dumbasses.\n", 'Deep state puts ot to the public that covid-19 could affect 100 million people during the fall. Seriously! U thk the deep state can pull this off again. They need to call it midterm 19 instead of covert 19, the same shit they pulled back n 2020 to steal a election, BULLSHIT aroma\n', 'Monkey see monkey do, which is called monkey pox. Covid is dead actually it never existed yes there was a virus but it was in control after a month and a half. These communistic monkeys r l trying anything to get there agenda across. I call it the monkey midterms.\n', "Joe Biden doesn't have covid that is liberal propaganda lying to the public because their agenda is to shut down America once again during the midterms the same playbook and same fear tactic they use back in 2020 to steal the election the people is awake and we know it's bullshit\n"] ['@RightSpeaknet'] ['Democrats Are Conveniently ‘Done’ With Covid Just In Time For The 2022 Midterms; Democrats’ About-Face on COVID Insanity Won’t Be Enough to Save Them at Midterms; Polling gets Dems to Finally Begin Their COVID Retreat, and other C-Virus related stories rightspeak.net Democrats Are Conveniently ‘Done’ With Covid Just In Time For The 2022 Midterms; Democrats’... A Place for All Conservatives to Speak Their Mind. 1 1\n', 'Democrats Are Conveniently ‘Done’ With Covid Just In Time For The 2022 Midterms; Democrats’ About-Face on COVID Insanity Won’t Be Enough to Save Them at Midterms; Polling gets Dems to Finally Begin Their COVID Retreat, and other C-Virus related stories rightspeak.net Democrats Are Conveniently ‘Done’ With Covid Just In Time For The 2022 Midterms; Democrats’... A Place for All Conservatives to Speak Their Mind.\n', "The Covid Cartel Lied, People Died. Now They Say It’s All Your Fault; After Midterms, All Democrats Need To Restart Pandemic Panic Are ‘New Variants' And ‘Waning Immunity’, and other C-Virus related stories rightspeak.net The Covid Cartel Lied, People Died. Now They Say It’s All Your Fault; After Midterms, All Democrats... A Place for All Conservatives to Speak Their Mind. 1 1\n", "The Covid Cartel Lied, People Died. Now They Say It’s All Your Fault; After Midterms, All Democrats Need To Restart Pandemic Panic Are ‘New Variants' And ‘Waning Immunity’, and other C-Virus related stories rightspeak.net The Covid Cartel Lied, People Died. Now They Say It’s All Your Fault; After Midterms, All Democrats... A Place for All Conservatives to Speak Their Mind. 1\n", 'Just in Time for the Midterms: Phantom COVID and Monkeypox Panic!; NYC Monkeypox Madness Repeats Ugly COVID Story, and other C-Virus related stories rightspeak.net Just in Time for the Midterms: Phantom COVID and Monkeypox Panic!; NYC Monkeypox Madness Repeats... A Place for All Conservatives to Speak Their Mind. 1\n'] ['@JanetPageHill'] ["Op-Ed: Midterms Will Be a Democrat Disaster - And Even COVID Won't Save Them via westernjournal.com Op-Ed: Midterms Will Be a Democrat Disaster - And Even COVID Won't Save Them In a desperate attempt to stave off an electoral bloodbath, Democrats have decided that now is the time to stop obsessing over COVID-19. 1 2\n", "I believe the covid nonsense and its attendant fall - out was due to Progressive Liberal policies. Is it any wonder #FakeFauci is retiring before the midterms? He's nothing but a political arm of the DNC. BTW, I happen to believe most of the covid 'deaths' were due to the flu. 2\n", 'Just in Time for the Midterms, Dr. Birx Warns of Potential Summer COVID Surge via westernjournal.com Just in Time for the Midterms, Dr. Birx Warns of Potential Summer COVID Surge Based on a surge of COVID cases in South Africa, Dr. Birx has warned of a potential Summer spike in the US. 1 1\n', "Very Funny! I don't even think #FJBiden had covid. The Dems just want him to hide out until the midterms. The way he was elected potus. JanPage · 728 Will COVID-Stricken Biden Draw A Crowd Of Supporters Like Donald Trump Did? | https://biggunbulletin.com/articles/will-covid-stricken-biden-draw-a-crowd-of-supporters-like-donald-trump-did/… 1 1 2\n", 'Biden Admin Gearing Up For Next Round of Covid Boosters As Midterms Round the Corner townhall.com Biden Admin Gearing Up For Next Round of Covid Boosters As Midterms Round the Corner Cue the left’s hysteria of the Wuhan Coronavirus once again, just in time for the November midterm elections. The Biden administration announced it is buying 66 million doses of the updated 1\n'] ['@kingarthrowe'] ['. I am of the opinion that the are going to kick ass in the #midterms. The insurrection is going to loom large. People are underestimating 1/6 significance, #covid & trump candidates who can’t win general elections. #SaturdayMotivation 5 4 33\n', '. I am of the opinion that the are going to kick ass in the #midterms. The insurrection is going to loom large. People are underestimating 1/6 significance, #covid & trump candidates who can’t win general elections. #SaturdayMotivation 1 1\n', '. I am of the opinion that the are going to kick ass in the #midterms. The insurrection is going to loom large. People are underestimating 1/6 significance, #covid & trump candidates who can’t win general elections. #SaturdayMotivation\n', '. I am of the opinion that the are going to kick ass in the #midterms. The insurrection is going to loom large. People are are underestimating 1/6 significance, #covid & trump candidate can’t win general elections.\n', '. I am of the opinion that the are going to kick ass in the #midterms. The insurrection is going to loom large. People are underestimating 1/6 significance, #covid & trump candidates who can’t win general elections. 1 2\n'] ['@Jaques1Bar'] ['Seems that war is suffocating most needing to recover from COVID while Biden using Ukraine in hopes