hirakujira / homebridge-ambiclimate-platform

Apache License 2.0
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Homebridge Ambi Climate Platform

⚠️ Ambi Climate Services will be shut down from April 1 2024, please read the official announcement ⚠️

Inspired by homebridge-ambiclimate. This plugin supports these features for Ambi Climate devices:


After Homebridge has been installed:

sudo npm i -g homebridge-ambiclimate-platform@latest

You need to register an OAuth client in the Ambi Dev Portal by following the steps on the Quick Start page. Client ID and client Secret of that OAuth client are required, in order to use this plugin.


Simple config example:

    "bridge": {
    "accessories": [
    "platforms": [{
        "platform": "AmbiClimatePlatform",
        "clientId": "00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444",
        "clientSecret": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
        "username": "example@gmail.com",
        "password": "password_here",
        "showFeedbacks": true,
        "accessories": [{
            "roomName": "Living Room",
            "locationName": "Taipei"


Attributes Required Usage Default Options
clientId YES OAuth client Id
clientSecret YES OAuth client secret
username YES Your Ambi Climate account username
password YES Your Ambi Climate account password
showFeedbacks Show feedback options as switches. (Too Hot, Too Warm, Bit Warm, Comfortable, Bit Cold, Too Cold and Freezing) false true/false
heaterCoolerMode Add device as heater cooler (air conditioner).
Notice: This would set Ambi Climate to temperature mode instead of comfort mode. Also, due to limitations of Ambi Climate APIs (which doesn't allow set to heat/cool mode manually), the status it shows may be different from your settings.
false true/false
experimental Enable experimental APIs. This can get rid off the API rate limit but may be unstable. false true/false
accessories.roomName YES Device room name, must match the name within the Ambi Climate App
accessories.locationName YES Device location name, must match the name within the Ambi Climate App