hire-a-senior / backend

0 stars 2 forks source link


DALL·E 2023-11-29 11 12 50 - A tech-themed banner image for _Hire A Senior_ - a software help application, featuring Spring Boot and PostgreSQL technologies  On the left, include

Please read the CONTRIBUTING.md first.

Running for frontend development (no postgres installation required):

  1. Download the code.
  2. Ensure that "docker" and "docker compose" is installed and you get meaningful response when you type docker compose version on terminal.
  3. Run docker compose up in the root folder.
  4. That's it! You will be able to access the application from http://localhost:8080.


  1. Fork the project. While forking, disable "Copy only main branch" option.
  2. Ensure that you configured your ssh keys with github: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh
  3. Download the forked project with ssh option.
  4. Go to develop branch: git checkout develop. And run npm install in the root folder of the project.
  5. Update the project to the latest version: git pull
  6. Select an issue from the issues tab. Let everyone know you are working on this issue, add a comment to the issue and you will be assigned.
  7. Create a new branch for this issue: git checkout -b <issue-id>-<short-description>
  8. After you are done with the task, send the changes:
git add .
git commit -m "<issue-id>: <A short meaningful description>"
git push -u origin <branch-name>

After successfully pushed the changes to the issue branch, open a pull request from forked repo's new branch to this repo's develop branch(You can do it via github interface). Add a reviewer(for now @Mert18). That's it.

Example application.properties:

# swagger-ui custom path

# 1 day

# 3 days
jwt.refreshExpirationDateInMs= 259200000
sendgrid.key= <sendgrid-key>

