.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hithismani/hugon/master/sample/header.jpg :alt: Hugon Header Image
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/hugon.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hugon
An incredibly simple (CLI) python script that makes working with archetypes in Hugo 0.5x much easier. Also automates the process of bulk file creation via a single .csv!
Read my medium post
_ for a quick idea of what this package does.
.. _my medium post
: https://medium.com/@helloitsmani/trying-to-speed-up-your-hugo-workflow-with-python-try-hugon-13e81cc32571
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hithismani/hugon/master/sample/hugon-single-file.gif :alt: Hugon Sample Run
Enter a string with as many special characters, watcht them be converted into a suitable file name.
Eg: "This new blog post I want to write!" in the command line would convert into "this-new-blog-post-i-want-to-write.md".
Enter the archetype you wish to enter, the script will check if the archetype exists. If it doesn’t exist, Hugo CLI will prompt you with an error.
Create multiple markdown files and automatically populate the variables + content fields from a local CSV! (YAML format front matter only)
(NEW) Lets you download files from a link into a specific path within your project and aassign the values into your .md file! (CSV Only)
Lets you use a custom prefix CLI if you’re using any other CLI that handshakes with hugo. Only changes prefix that could replace the "hugo new" function
Enter the amount of files you want to create in sequence, the script will create everything.
Lets you use a custom separator if you’d like something apart from ‘-‘ hyphens in your file name.
Colour codes the output (ft. colorama) for you to differentiate between outputs.
Install Hugon::
pip install hugon
2) cd Into your hugo project folder. 3) run the command::
hugon -name "N3w F!le" -archetype "default" -sequence "5"
+------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Command | Description | Required? | Example | Converts Into | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | -archetype | Define Archetype Name (without file extension). The Archetype file of this name should be present in the archetype folder. (Name is automatically converted to lowercase) | Yes | Default | default | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | -name | Filename you'd want to set. Can contain spaces, numbers, special characters, all which will be stripped (and converted to lowercase) to create a seamless file name to send to Hugo CLI. | Yes | FILE NAM3 Ex@mple | file-nam3-exmple.md | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | -sequence | Lets you create multiple files with a 'sequence' as a postfix. Helpful if you're working with FAQ's, or other pages where file name doesn't necessarily matter. Value has to be more than 1, with sequence kicking off skipping 0.| No | 5 | file-nam3-exmple1.md | | | | | +------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | file-nam3-exmple2.md | | | | | +------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | file-nam3-exmple3.md | | | | | +------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | file-nam3-exmple4.md | | | | | +------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | file-nam3-exmple5.md | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | -separator | Lets you define a custom separator that's not "-" a hyphen. | No | _ | file_nam3_example.md | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | -prefix | Use another command instead of "hugo new". | No | npm run customdev | npm run customdev default/file_nam3_example.md | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------------------+
1) Create a 'data.csv' file in the root of your hugo site. 2) Enter all the required variable fields (along with the required compulsory fields) as columns on your first row, and populate to your hearts content. 3) Run command::
hugon -csv yes
4) If you'd like to overwrite your files without being prompted (Risky) just pass '-overwrite true' as an argument.::
hugon -csv yes -overwrite true
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hithismani/hugon/master/sample/hugon-csv.gif :alt: Hugon Sample Run | CSV
Warning: Files would be modified the moment they're made. Mistakes cannot be undone.
| Column Name | Required | Purpose |
| archetype | Yes | States archetype of post to be made. |
| content | No | Lets you add matter to the "content" section of your markdown file. |
| filename | No | Lets you specify another filename if you don't want to use a 'sluggified' title. Please ensure you don't add '.md' to the filename and your file name has the proper separators. |
| title | Yes | Title field/filename. |
| da-
sample CSV attached within this repository
_ for more information... _sample CSV attached within this repository
: https://github.com/hithismani/hugon/blob/master/sample/data.csv
project template. .. Cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter
.. audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage
: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage