hitontology / gui

Erneuerung der Benutzungsoberflächen von HITO
MIT License
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New GUI for HITO with better user experience. Available at https://hitontology.github.io/gui/.


The GUI automatically shows every available path between the source and target node and then displays all instances which fulfill one path of the users' selection. Select the source node with the primary mouse button. Select the target node with the secondary mouse button.

Local Development

git clone git@github.com:hitontology/gui.git
cd gui
npm install
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 in a browser.


Perform the appropriate actions when the inputs change.

task inputs output required action
download diagram https://hitontology.eu/public/2024-05-hito_diagram.svg img/2024-05-hito_diagram.svg npm run download
transform diagram img/2024-05-hito\_diagram.svg, scripts/preprocess.xsl img/diagram.svg npm run pre
generate hashes HITO SPARQL endpoint https://hitontology.eu/sparql js/pathHashes.js open stats.html and copy into output


Pull requests are encouraged. Please use Conventional Commit prefixes: fix, feat, build, chore, ci, docs, style, refactor, perf, test... For example: git commit -m "fix: useful commit message, resolves #123". Format before committing: npm run fmt or prettier -w ..


HITO ontology diagram v24.03

The Health IT Ontology (HITO) is used to describe software products and application systems in health environments and studies describing them. HITO offers an RickView RDF browser, a SPARQL endpoint and faceted search for studies and software, but we weren't satisified with the search and exploration user experience. The master's thesis of Andreea Somesan presents mockups and wireframes for improving the user interface for the existing HITO faceted search, but we ultimately aim to explore a more expressive and intuitive search approaches to satisfy more complex information needs, such as which authors wrote studies concerning a given enterprise function. In contrast to keyword search and question answering, where users enter a query into a text field, our goal is to visualize the paths two given classes in HITO are connected and to allow faceted search on a path, showing the individuals along the way and letting users filter them. Earlier experiments with similar approaches in the SNIK project using shortest paths or automatically determining interesting paths did not yield satisfying results, so all non-cyclic paths are given to the user to select a single one. While the RDF graph is directed, the edge direction is sometimes arbitrary (e.g. "uses" vs "used by") so edges are traversed in both directions, treating the graph as undirected for the purpose of path finding.

Algorithm Idea

early mockup

Pseudocode, automatically translated: Example: Which authors have dealt with a specific EnterpriseFunctionClassified?

Technologies Used