hjamet / Mazic

Mazic is a PvP game in which you play a mage trapped in a labyrinth haunted by a multitude of bloodthirsty monsters. Your objective? Unlock new abilities and increase your power to become the ultimate wizard!
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

libera manifesto



Mazic is a cooperative game in which you take on the role of a group of mages who are foolish or foolhardy enough to travel to a magical labyrinth infested by the worst creatures of the shadows in order to recover artefacts that can multiply their power. Alas, a terrifying legend has it that the souls of the mages who failed in their quest are trapped in the labyrinth and haunt the place, ready to do anything to prevent newcomers from escaping.

Installation 🐼

You can alternatively create a virtual environment, install the dependencies and run the src/main.py file from the root of the repository. Or you can run the Makefile with the following command :

> make install

You just want to play the Game...

Just go to the release tab and download last game version ! 💃

Do you want to get your hands dirty?

We are assuming you have python 3.9.7 installed !

> python -m venv env
> source env/bin/activate
> python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
> python src/main.py

Repository Convention & Architecture 🦥

Architecture 🦜


Convention 🦦

Of course, anyone who doesn't follow these rules, arbitrarily written by a tyrannical mind, is subject to judgmental looks, cookie embargoes and denunciatory messages with angry animal emojis.