hkalager / knockoff_index

This repository contains a small project where I study feasibility of using knockoff filters in portfolio management. More details are included in the Wiki page
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econometrics equity-research false-discovery-rate finance knockoff portfolio-optimization sp500-data-analysis stock-indexes


The scripts in this repository aim to generate a positive alpha by proposing an active portfolio strategy. For a thorough introduction see the Wiki tab.


For enquiries and commercial use, please get in touch via


The codes are built on a class structure to simplify backtesting. In order to replicate the backtest results you need to run You can fine-tune the specification in the script.


– The weekly stock data and indexes are from Refinitiv Eikon. You need an APP KEY to access Eikon's API.

– The annual fundamentals are from merged Compustat/CRSP file on WRDS.

– The risk-free rate and Fama-French factors are also from WRDS.

Third-party scripts:

I) The contents in the R script "knockoffs_matlab" are from @msesia 's GitHub repository providing MATLAB and R codes for the paper entitled "Controlling the False Discovery Rate via Knockoffs” by Barber and Candès in Annals of Statistics (2015). Warning: Running the scripts may ask for admin priviliges. You do not have to provide that access for running the codes.

Access requirement:

To access the data you must have an active subscription with WRDS see ( Specifically, you need active subscriptions to CRSP and Compustat schemas on WRDS. To acquire the data you need a functioning JAR driver for MATLAB to access WRDS through Matlab. See