hkint / xiaomi-ax3000t-immortalwrt-hanwckf-firmware-build

Build hanwckf's ImmortalWrt firmware and u-boot for xiaomi ax3000t router
Apache License 2.0
17 stars 17 forks source link
hanwckf immortalwrt router-firmware xiaomi-ax3000t xiaomi-ax3000t-an8855 xiaomi-router


Project Overview

This project utilizes GitHub Actions to compile Hanwckf's ImmortalWrt firmware and the corresponding U-Boot. It is primarily configured for building the Xiaomi AX3000T router firmware, providing a convenient firmware building process.

本项目利用 GitHub Actions 编译 Hanwckf's ImmortalWrt 固件及相应的 U-Boot。 其主要配置用于构建小米 AX3000T 路由器固件,提供便捷的固件构建过程。

Default Configuration

Custom Build

If you need to customize the firmware configuration, feel free to fork this repository and modify it according to your requirements.

如果您需要自定义固件配置,请 Fork 项目并根据您的需求进行修改。


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. Please see the LICENSE file for details.

该项目依据 Apache 2.0 许可证进行授权。有关详细信息,请参阅 LICENSE 文件。