hl7au / au-fhir-inferno

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Inferno Test Kit Platform Template

Important: this repository is based on an experimental template extracted from the source of Inferno on HealthIT.gov and will need to be updated as components of Inferno are updated. As such, this should not yet be considered stable and a moderate amount of effort will be necessary to upgrade this site in coordination with updates to Inferno. Using this template requires web application development knowledge.

The contents of this README will be moved into Inferno Framework documentation once the concept and implementation of Inferno Platforms is more mature.

Additionally, some aspects of this repository are a work in progress, including the contents of the README and organization of the styles and html templates.


Inferno tests are packaged into testing applications called Test Kits. These Test Kits are designed to be portable, standalone applications that can be downloaded and run in a local environment. They also can be hosted in a shared environment for use by multiple users, but by default Test Kit applications do not provide a turnkey solution for hosting multiple Test Kits on a single host.

Sometimes, it is useful to provide a single web that hosts multiple test kits. The Inferno on HealthIT.gov host is one such example. It hosts Test Kits that are relevant to ONC's mission, and provides a UI that is suited for multi-Test Kit installations.

These sites are called Inferno Test Kit Platforms. They provide a platform for loading multiple Test Kits. Besides providing a UI that enable navigation across multiple Test Kits, they also:

If you would like to set up a platform, this is the place to start. Please remember that this is under heavy development and is not yet stable.

Contributing to Inferno Test Kit Platform and Reporting Issues

  1. Discuss an issue in chat.fhir.org If you have a question, feature request, or proposed change, the best place to start is Zulip i.e. the https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179309-inferno

If you're unable to find an open request, please create a GitHub to: contribute Test suites or Code to the repository: state your details and the nature of the changes to be contributed suggest improvements or enhancements to the project

We appreciate your contributions to improving this test suite. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for enhancements, please follow the steps below to report them:

  1. Search for Existing Issues: Before submitting a new issue, please check the Issues section to see if the problem or suggestion has already been reported. If you find an existing issue, you can add your comments or additional information to it.
  2. Open a New Issue: If you do not find a similar issue, you can open a new one. Click on the New Issue button and provide the following details:
    Title: A brief and descriptive title for the issue.
    Description: A detailed description of the issue, including:
  3. Steps to reproduce the issue.
  4. Expected and actual behavior.
  5. Screenshots or another related information (if applicable).

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Inferno Platform Template repository: To get started, you can create a new git repository by cloning the Inferno Platform Template repository or using GitHub's built in "Use this template" action. The template provides a couple of pre-configured Test Kits and templated content, but you are expected to remove these and replace with custom content.
  2. Install Docker or Podman. Note that instructions are written for using Docker currently, but use of Podman is possible.
  3. Customize .env to point to a different host if you are running this from somewhere other than localhost to start.
  4. If your network requires special client certificates to access the internet, update Dockerfile to install these certificates.
  5. Run ./setup.sh. This wil download and build required Docker images based on the docker-compose.yml file.
  6. Run ./run.sh. This will launch the application. By default you can access this from http://localhost. It may take a little while for the site to come up. You can view progress using docker compose logs --follow.

Once you have successfully launched the default platform template on your local machine, you are ready to customize it to include the relevant Test Kits and content for your platform.

Customizing the platform

Adding Test Kits

Updating non-test Kit content (e.g. news, etc)

Updating configuration


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.