CH AllergyIntolerance FHIR IG for Switzerland, see also
Pre: gofsh 0n AllergyIntoleranceIPS
everything removed which doesn't seem to be needed for AllergyIntolerance, except aliases and invariants and index
PatientUvIps profile removed from index e.g. in profiles 53, 145
PersonalRelationshipUvIps not yet removed from ValueSets and index
PractitionerRoleUvIps profile removed from index
PractitionerUvIps profile removed from index
ProblemSeverityUvIps ValueSet not yet removed from valuesets
QuantityIPS profile reintroduced just before RageIPS as referenced in profiles
SnomedIntlGps ValueSet removed from index (Description: """SNOMED International Global Patient Set (GPS) value set. The value set includes all of the codes from the SNOMED International Global Patient Set (GPS) subset of SNOMED CT. The current version of the value set contains all concepts (21,782) from the September 2019 release of the GPS (based on the July 2019 SNOMED CT International Edition release) plus seven recently added concepts for Coronavirus (from the March 2020 Interim International Release) (total 21,789 concepts). )
absence-to-snomed-uv-ips Instance will need action to reduce it's absent data to be related to AllergyIntolerance t.b.d.
absent-unknown-uv-ips absent-unknown-uv-ips dito (the same as above) t.b.d.
current-smoking-status-uv-ips Instance removed, also from index
to sushi-config.yaml added: dependencies: version: 1.2.0 uri: id: chcore
PatientUvIps replaced by CHCoreCompositionPatientEPR
Note: this stage eventually could be used for a later mapping from CH-AllergyIntolerance to IPS AllergyIntolerance
Renaming AllergyIntoleranceUvIps to CHAllergyIntolerance, and its id, Description and other Metadata In order to run sushi correctly, its reference had also to be adapted in Profile: CompositionUvIps
Renaming ValueSet AllergyIntoleranceSubstanceConditionUvIps to CHAllergyIntoleranceSubstanceCondition
Changing ^identifier[0].value = "2.16.840.1.113883.11.22.65" to ^identifier[0].value = "2.16.756." (received from eHealth Suisse)
ValueSet: CHAllergyIntoleranceSubstanceCondition Id: ch-allergy-intolerance-substance-condition Title: "CH Allergy intolerance substance condition" Description: "CH Allergy intolerance substance condition value set. This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms®: all descendants of 762766007 | Edible substance (substance); all descendants of 406455002 | Allergen class (substance); all descendants of 425620007 | Metal (substance); all descendants of 373873005 | Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product); all descendants of 410942007 |Drug or medicament (substance)"
backups: valueSets.fsh.backup-before-alternative-for-codes.txt profiles.fsh.backup-before-alternative-for-codes.txt
restore ValueSet AllergyIntoleranceSubstanceConditionUvIps remove ...
include codes from system SNOMED_CT where concept descendent-of #406455002 ... which is inactive -> eventually to be replaced by superseeding descendent-of SCT t.b.d.
code 1..1 MS
code only CodeableConceptIPS
code from CHAllergyIntoleranceSubstanceCondition (preferred)
Renaming allergyIntoleranceGPSCode allergyIntoleranceCHCode
AllergyintolerancesubstanceconditionGPS removed.
Note: both ValuSets point to the same codes sets at the moment, but the intension is, that the dedicated SNOMED CT AllergyIntolerance CH code Set is later available on
profiles.fsh.backup-after-alternative-for-codes.txt valueSets.fsh.backup-after-alternative-for-codes.txt
The following statements seems to be redundant information, as mandatory elements are implicitley MS (must support)
Removed the following profiles: SimpleQuantityIPS RatioIPS RangeIPS QuantityIPS
Removing the following value sets: ProblemSeverityUvIps HealthcareProfessionalRolesUvIps PersonalRelationshipUvIps
leaving AllergyReactionGpsUvIps just in case (decision to be taken - t.b.d.)
IG Publisher (_genonce) detects the following error inherited from IPS AllergyIntolerance-uv-ips: Caused by: org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.DefinitionException: Versuch ein Element zu sclicen, das sich nicht wiederholt: AllergyIntolerance.code/AllergyIntolerance.code von in
=> verified checking in "One common feature of constraining StructureDefinitions is to take an element that may occur more than once (e.g. in a list), and then split the list into a series of sub-lists,..." code is 1..1 (or 0..1 in base resource) => can't be sliced, misuse in AllergyIntolerance-uv-ips => removing slices in code including code[absentOrUnknownAllergyIntolerance]
changed in ValueSet: CHAllergyIntoleranceSubstanceCondition
^publisher = "HL7 Switzerland"
^contact[0].telecom[0].value = ""
reaction.extension[dummy] ^short translations taken from HL7 and openEHR extension
removed: ValueSet: NoAllergiesInfoUvIps ValueSet: AllergyIntoleranceSubstanceConditionUvIps Instance: absent-unknown-uv-ips Instance: absence-to-snomed-uv-ips Instance: severity-loinc-uv-ips Instance: severity-snomedct-uv-ips
introduced: Instance CH-AllergyIntolerance-IPAG-Recommendation-Table-1 InstanceOf CHAllergyIntolerance Title: "CH AllergyIntolerance Example based on IPAG Recommendation Table 1" Description: "CH AllergyIntolerance Example based on Table 1 of the Swiss Interprofessional Working Group (IPAG) recommendations for the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) from 2019-12-18" Usage: #inline
Composition copied from CHEMEDMedicationDispenseCompostion
Profile: CHAllergyIntoleranceCompositionEPR Parent: CHCoreCompositionEPR Id: ch-allergyintolerance-composition-epr Title: "CH Allergy Intolerance Composition Profile" Description: "Definition of the composition for the allergy intolerance document"
^version = "0.1.0"
^experimental = false
^date = "2021-04-09"
^publisher = "HL7 Switzerland"
^contact[0].name = "HL7 Switzerland"
^contact[0].telecom[0].system = #url
^contact[0].telecom[0].value = ""
^jurisdiction[0] = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#CH
^copyright = "CC0-1.0"
. ^short = "CH Allergy Intolerance Composition"
type = $SCT#722446000 "Allergy record (record artifact)"
section[card].title ^short = "'Allergie und Intoleranz' in german ... -> check the translations t.b.d
section[card].code = $loinc#48765-2 "Allergies and adverse reactions Document"
section[dispense].entry only Reference(CHAllergyIntolerance)
section[dispense].entry ^short = "Allergy Intolerance"
Document copied from CHEMEDDocumentMedicationCard
Profile: CHAllergyIntoleranceDocumentEPR Parent: CHCoreDocumentEPR Id: ch-allergyintolerance-document-epr Title: "CH Allergy Intolerance Document Profile" Description: "Definition of the bundle for the allergy intolerance document"
^version = "0.1.0"
^experimental = false
^date = "2021-04-09"
^publisher = "HL7 Switzerland"
^contact[0].name = "HL7 Switzerland"
^contact[0].telecom[0].system = #url
^contact[0].telecom[0].value = ""
^jurisdiction[0] = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#CH
^copyright = "CC0-1.0"
. ^short = "CH Allergy Intolerance Document"
entry[Composition] 1..1
entry[Composition] ^short = "Allergy Intolerance composition"
entry[Composition].resource 1..
entry[Composition].resource only CHAllergyIntoleranceCompositionEPR
error The type "CHAllergyIntoleranceCompositionEPR" does not match any of the allowed types: File: C:\Workspace\Sushi\CH\CH-AllergyIntolerance\input\fsh\profiles.fsh Line: 176
checking again and again - but although type = $SCT#722446000 "Allergy record (record artifact)" is in it is not recognized...
trying 419891008 Record artifact (record artifact) same problem..
Alias: $DocumentEntry.typeCode =
same problem...
trying with dependencies (adding)
same problem...
changing dependencies: 2.0.4 to current
same problem...
See also
info Found hl7.fhir.r4.core#4.0.1 in local cache.
info Loaded package hl7.fhir.r4.core#4.0.1
(node:17280) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'INVALID_ALT_NUMBER' of module exports inside circular dependency
(Use node --trace-warnings ...
to show where the warning was created)
(node:17280) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'INVALID_ALT_NUMBER' of module exports inside circular dependency
trying also with current problem persists...
commenting out CHAllergyIntoleranceDocumentEPR
Solution thanks to Michaela Ziegler, ahdis: using Canonical:
=> now OK version 0.1.0
dependencies: 2.0.0 instead of former 1.2.0 2.0.5 instead of former 2.0.4
references to CHCoreCompositionPatientEPR replaced by CHCorePatientEPR / extension[setId] ^short = "Set ID" */
=> error resolved by replacing CHCorePractitionerRoleEPR by => naming inconsistency to reported t.b.d.
=> conformance to 2.0.0 achieved
Renaming ValueSet: CHAllergyIntoleranceSubstanceCondition Id: ch-allergy-intolerance-substance-condition to ValueSet: CHAllergyIntoleranceValueSet Id: ch-allergy-intolerance-value-set Title: "CH Allergy Intolerance Value Set" Description: "CH Allergy intolerance value set. This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms® findings for the documentation of allergy, intolerance or conditions as well as its absence (no know allergies)"
new ValueSet: CHAllergyIntoleranceSubstanceValueSet Id: ch-allergy-intolerance-substance-value-set Title: "CH Allergy Intolerance Substance Value Set" Description: "CH Allergy intolerance substance value set. This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms® substances for the documentation of substances of allergy or intolerance reactions"
pre coordinated values added to reaction.substance and code, but no post coordinated values (awaiting them to be added as precoordinated o^codes by SNOMED CT)
fixing some minor instance (examples) issues.