hlacontainers / pitch-crc

Dockerfile for Pitch CRC
Apache License 2.0
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Pitch CRC image

The Pitch Central RTI Component (CRC) is an application that manages one or more federation executions within the Pitch RTI. For example, it keeps track of joined federates and maintains information about the publication and subscription interests of individual federates. The CRC is a required application when using the Pitch RTI.

This repository contains the files and instructions to build and run a Docker container image for the Pitch CRC. This repository does not include any Pitch files. The Pitch RTI and license keys must be acquired from the vendor. A free version of the Pitch RTI for two federates can be requested from the vendor site. For more information about the Pitch RTI, see http://pitchtechnologies.com.

For the instructions to build a Pitch CRC container image see BUILDME.

Having built an image, the simplest way to start the Pitch CRC container is with the following docker-compose.yml file:

version: '3'

  image: ${REPOSITORY}xserver
  - "8080:8080"

  image: ${REPOSITORY}pitch-crc:${PITCH_VERSION}
  - "8989:8989"

And where the following .env file is used:

# Repository prefix

# Pitch version

# X DISPLAY for the CRC (required for the Pitch Free RTI, optional for a licensed RTI)

The environment file should be used to tailor the composition to the local infrastructure, such as the address of the X Server.

Port 8989 is the default port on which the Pitch CRC listens for connection requests from a Local RTI Component (LRC).

The Pitch Free RTI requires an X Display for displaying a message about the End User License Agreement. The user must accept this agreement, after which the CRC listen port is opened. For the licensed RTI the X Display is optional.

Container synopsis

pitch-crc:<version> [-m <mac address>] [-l <license key>] [-i] [-x]

-m : Create a network interface with the provided MAC address. This option should be used to set a MAC address license. Requires container NET_ADMIN capability. Supersedes CRC_MACADDRESSsetting.

-l : Run license activator with the given license key. This option should be used when to set a MAC address license. Supersedes CRC_LICENSE setting.

-i : Set interactive mode. This option should be used in combination with the docker option -i in order to use the container TTY. Default is non-interactive. Supersedes CRC_INTERACTIVE setting.

-x : Exit after initialization, but before starting the CRC. Supersedes CRC_EXIT setting.


8989 : CRC listen port for Local RTI Components. See environment variable CRC_LISTENPORT.

1099 : RMI Registry listen port for Pitch Web UI.

Environment variables

The Pitch CRC has many configuration settings, stored in the file prti1516eCRC.settings. A small subset of these can be changed via environment variables. These are listed in the table below and for the details we refer to the Pitch user documentation.

Environment variable Default Description Required
CRC_NICKNAME | crc-<container hostname> The nickname for the CRC. The setting is relevant in Booster Mode, where the value is used to identify the CRC in the booster network. No
CRC_LISTENPORT | 8989 CRC listen port number. No
CRC_CONNECTIVITY_CHECK - When set to a non-empty string, a connectivity test to a connecting LRC is performed. No
CRC_REJECT_MISMATCHED_VERSIONS - When set to a non-empty string, a miss-matching LRC version is rejected. No
CRC_BOOSTERADDRESS | - | The address of the booster to connect to. The format of the address is <BoosterHost>:<BoosterPort>. If set, the CRC is started in Booster Mode, using the given booster address. If not set, the CRC starts in Direct Mode. No
CRC_BOOSTER_ADVERTISE_ADDRESS - Advertised address of the CRC to Booster. Format is <Host>[:<Port>]. This setting is only applicable in Booster Mode. See Pitch Manual for more information. No
CRC_LICENSE_SERVER_HOST - The address of the license server host to connect to for LRC licenses. The host is either a hostname or an IP address. No
CRC_LICENSE_SERVER_COUNT - The number of licenses to check out from the license server. No
DISPLAY | - | If set, use this X display as GUI. If no display is specified then the CRC will not attempt to connect to the X Server. The X display format is: <X Server host>:<Display number>. For the display number the value 0 is typically used. No
CRC_MACADDRESS - MAC address related to license key. Requires that container has NET_ADMIN capability. No
CRC_LICENSE - License key related to MAC address. No
CRC_INTERACTIVE - Start CRC in interactive mode. Requires that container runs in interactive mode too. No
CRC_EXIT - Exit once initialization has completed. No

If CRC_BOOSTERADDRESS is set then the Pitch CRC container will wait for the Pitch Booster listen port to open before starting the CRC application. Similarly, if DISPLAY is set then the Pitch CRC container will wait for the X Server listen port to open before starting the CRC application.

Run the Pitch CRC with a license

There are two ways to run the Pitch CRC container with a license:

With the MAC address based license the CRC container must have a network interface whose MAC address is associated with the license key. This can be achieved in two ways:

There are several ways to provide the license key to the CRC container, explained next.

Provide license every time the container is started

The license can be provided to the container with either the command line option -l, or with the environment variable CRC_LICENSE.

Mount license key

The license key can be mounted from the host file system or from a license container. The latter option provides more flexibility in running the CRC since the license container can be deployed together with the CRC without having to worry about host filesystem mounts. Several (one-off) steps need to be performed to create a license container image. The details can be found at Create a Pitch License Container.

Inject license key

The license key can also be injected in the CRC container image, making it a permanent part of the CRC image. The details can be found at Inject a License into the Pitch CRC image.

With this option a new (licensed) CRC image is created. As a best practice the letter L is added to the version to indicate that the image holds a license key, for example:


Provide an alternate Pitch RID file

The environment variables listed above are for a small number of Pitch CRC settings. To change the entire RID file, just mount an alternate, but identically named settings file at /root/prti1516e/prti1516eCRC.settings.