hlavki / g-suite-identity-sync

G Suite to LDAP identity synchronizer
Apache License 2.0
127 stars 29 forks source link
cxf g-suite java ldap ldap-authentication osgi synchronization

G Suite to LDAP Identity Synchronizer

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G Suite Identity Sychronizer synchronize accounts and groups managed by G Suite to LDAP. It can be used as authentication and authorization provider to any service that supports LDAP (e.g. Gitlab, Sonatype Nexus, Artifactory, Jira, Freeradius, etc.) while user & group management is still managed by G Suite.

Read Wiki to install application.


What is this good for

This software is good for all G Suite customers who need to use services that support only LDAP authentication or authorization, especially for software startup companies.

How it works

Account synchronization is driven by users. It means that account is synchronized when user authenticate by g-suite or gmail account and uses account manager web to create LDAP account. Every account must be G Suite account or regular gmail account with specific G Suite group membership. There is no possibility to use G Suite password but you can synchronize LDAP password to G Suite. Groups are synchronized on user creation, scheduler or manually. You can also use push notifications from google.


Developer Notes

Making release

mvn clean release:prepare release:perform -Darguments='-Dmaven.javadoc.failOnError=false -Dmaven.deploy.skip=true -Ddocker.skip.push=true'