hltcoe / vaporengine

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VaporEngine is a web application that allows users to explore an audio corpus that has been processed by a tool that finds "similar sounding" words or phrases within the corpus.

VaporEngine was initially designed to be used with an audio corpus that had been processed with the ZRTools Zero-Resource Speech Discovery, Search and Evaluation Toolkit (https://github.com/arenjansen/ZRTools).

VaporEngine is not tied to any particular algorithm for identifying "similar sounding" words or phrases. VaporEngine takes as input:


Installing Requirements

If you have the pip package manager installed, you can install the Python packages listed in 'requirements.txt' using the command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The steps for installing SoX and pysox will depend on your platform. Here are instructions for several different platforms:

Installing SoX and pysox - on Ubuntu

Install the Python development libraries using:

sudo apt-get install python-dev

Install the SoX development libraries using:

sudo apt-get install libsox-dev

Install pysox using:

sudo easy_install pysox

easy_install will generate some compiler warnings, but these should be safely ignorable.

Installing SoX and pysox - on RHEL on EC2

These instructions are for an Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 server instance running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.1.

Install the Python development libraries using:

sudo yum install -y python-devel

Download the CentOS 7 version of the sox-devel package:

wget http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/Packages/sox-devel-14.4.1-6.el7.x86_64.rpm

Install the downloaded version of sox-devel using:

sudo yum install -y sox-devel-14.4.1-6.el7.x86_64.rpm

Create a symbolic link so that easy_install can find the sox.h file:

sudo ln -s /usr/include/sox/sox.h /usr/include/sox.h

Install pysox using:

sudo easy_install pysox

easy_install will generate some compiler warnings, but these should be safely ignorable.

Installing SoX and pysox - on OS X 10.11

Install SoX using the Homebrew package manager (http://brew.sh):

brew install sox

Install pysox using:

export CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include
export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib
easy_install pysox

easy_install will generate some compiler warnings, but these should be safely ignorable.

Configuring VaporEngine

Before using VaporEngine for the first time, you will need to create the VaporEngine database file (db.sqlite3) using the command:

./manage.py migrate

Importing ZRTools data

ZRTools data format

When the ZRTools tool is used to analyze an audio corpus, the tool will generate multiple output files. VaporEngine uses the data from three ZRTools files:

Importing ZRTools data

ZRTools data can be imported into VaporEngine by running the zrtools_import command with these parameters:

./manage.py zrtools_import CORPUS_NAME PATH_TO_ZRTOOLS_OUTPUT


./manage.py zrtools_import DAPS ~/zr_datasets/daps

If the ZRTools data was generated on a different system, the audio file paths in the ZRTools-generated file files.lst may not match the location of the audio files on the current system. So, for example, files.lst could contain paths pointing to audio files in /export/b01/cliu1/ZRTools-try/clean, i.e. files.lst could contain lines like:


while these audio files might be stored on the local system in the directory /Users/charman/zr_datasets/daps_audio. When there is a mismatch between the original location of the files specified in files.lst and the current location of the files, the zrtools_import command can use the --audio_directory flag to specify the current location of the files, e.g.:

./manage.py zrtools_import DAPS ~/zr_datasets/daps \

Running VaporEngine

The VaporEngine server is started using the command:

./manage.py runserver

which will start a web server on your local machine that is listening on port 8000.

You can interact with VaporEngine by pointing your browser at the URL:
