hluk / CopyQ

Clipboard manager with advanced features
GNU General Public License v3.0
8.23k stars 429 forks source link
clipboard clipboard-manager copyq cross-platform scripting tray


Documentation Status Translation Status Linux Build Status macOS Build Status Windows Build Status Coverage Status

CopyQ is an advanced clipboard manager with powerful editing and scripting features.




Packaging status

To install CopyQ, use the binary package or the installer provided for your operating system.

For unlisted operating systems, please follow the instructions in Build from Source Code.


Chocolatey package

On Windows you can use any of the following options to install CopyQ:

Using Scoop:

scoop install copyq

Using Chocolatey:

choco install copyq


Homebrew package

On OS X you can use Homebrew to install CopyQ:

brew install --cask copyq

If you encounter an issue where the app crashes with a dialog saying "CopyQ is damaged" or "CopyQ cannot be opened", you may need to run the following commands (for details, see #2652):

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/CopyQ.app
codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/CopyQ.app

Debian 10+, Ubuntu 18.04+, and their derivatives

Install copyq and copyq-plugins packages.

Ubuntu PPA

Install and keep CopyQ always up to date by running the following commands from the terminal (the package from PPA contains all plugins and documentation):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hluk/copyq
sudo apt update
sudo apt install copyq


Install copyq package.

Arch Linux

Install copyq package.

Other Linux Distributions

Install Flatpak and com.github.hluk.copyq from Flathub.

flatpak install flathub com.github.hluk.copyq

Start CopyQ from the menu or with the following command:

flatpak run com.github.hluk.copyq

Using the App

To start CopyQ, double-click the program icon or run copyq.

The list with the clipboard history is accessible by clicking on the system tray icon or by running copyq toggle.

Copying text or image to the clipboard will create a new item in the list.

Selected items can be:

All items will be restored when CopyQ is next started.

To exit CopyQ, select Exit from the tray menu or press Ctrl-Q in the CopyQ window.

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Adding Functionality

To create custom actions that can be executed from the menu, with keyboard shortcuts, or when the clipboard changes:

One of the very useful predefined commands is "Show/hide main window".

Read more:

Command Line

CopyQ has a powerful command line and scripting interface.

Note: The main application must be running to be able to issue commands using the command line.

Print help for some useful command line arguments:

copyq --help
copyq --help add

Insert some text in the history:

copyq add -- 'first item' 'second item' 'third item'

Omitting the double-dash (--) in the command above would mean that slashes (\) in arguments will be treated as special characters. For example, \n will be treated as the new line character, \t as tab, \\ as slash, \x as x, etc.

Create a single item containing two lines:

copyq add 'first line\nsecond line'

Print the content of the first three items:

copyq read 0 1 2
copyq separator "," read 0 1 2

Show the current clipboard content:

copyq clipboard
copyq clipboard text/html
copyq clipboard \?    # lists formats in clipboard

Copy text to the clipboard:

copyq copy "Some Text"

Load file content into the clipboard:

copyq copy - < file.txt
copyq copy text/html < index.html
copyq copy image/jpeg - < image.jpg

Create image items:

copyq write image/gif - < image.gif
copyq write image/svg - < image.svg

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Build from Source Code

To build CopyQ from source code, first install the required dependencies:

Install Dependencies


sudo apt install \
  cmake \
  extra-cmake-modules \
  git \
  libqt5svg5 \
  libqt5svg5-dev \
  libqt5waylandclient5-dev \
  libqt5x11extras5-dev \
  libwayland-dev \
  libxfixes-dev \
  libxtst-dev \
  qtbase5-private-dev \
  qtdeclarative5-dev \
  qttools5-dev \
  qttools5-dev-tools \
  qtwayland5 \

RHEL / CentOS / Oracle Linux

sudo yum install \
  cmake \
  extra-cmake-modules \
  gcc-c++ \
  git \
  libXfixes-devel \
  libXtst-devel \
  qt5-qtbase-devel \
  qt5-qtdeclarative-devel \
  qt5-qtsvg-devel \
  qt5-qttools-devel \
  qt5-qtwayland-devel \
  qt5-qtx11extras-devel \
  wayland-devel \

Build CopyQ

Change install prefix if needed:

git clone https://github.com/hluk/CopyQ.git
cd CopyQ
cmake .

You can now run the built app.



You can help translate CopyQ (click the banner below) or help fix issues and implement new features.


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