hmcts / civil-camunda-bpmn-definition

MIT License
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Civil Camunda BPMN Definition


Building and deploying the application


The project is dependent on other Civil repositories:

To set up complete local environment for Civil check civil-sdk

Preview environment

Preview environment will be created when opening new PR. Camunda BPMN definitions will be pulled from the latest GitHub release. Service instance will be running the latest version deployed to ACR.

To access XUI visit url (make sure that it starts with https, otherwise IDAM won't let you log in):

To access Camunda visit url (login and password are both admin):


To spin up local instance of Camunda go to civil-sdk repo and follow the instructions.

Camunda UI runs on http://localhost:9404. You can login with:

username: demo
password: demo

The REST API is available at http://localhost:9404/engine-rest/. Documentation is available here.

To upload all bpmn diagrams via the REST API go tocivil-sdk repo and run ./bin/ script.

The diagram must exist within src/main/resources/camunda.

By setting CAMUNDA_BASE_URL env variable you can also use this script to upload diagrams to Camunda in other environments.

Adding Git Conventions

Include the git conventions.

If you violate a convention, the git error message will report clearly the convention you should follow and provide additional information where necessary.


In case of problems

  1. Get in touch with your Technical Lead so that they can get you unblocked
  2. If the rare eventuality that the above is not possible, you can disable enforcement of conventions using the following command

    git config --local --unset core.hooksPath

    Still, you shouldn't be doing it so make sure you get in touch with a Technical Lead soon afterwards.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details