hmrc / agent-client-authorisation

Apache License 2.0
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Agent Client Authorisation

This application serves as the backend for agent-invitations-frontend containing the logic for creating and updating invitations.

Build Status

API docs

Refer to RAML documentation for further details on each API.

Table of Contents

Supported Regimes / Services

This supports Agent and Client authorisation processes for the following regimes (aka services):

Regime Service
Self Assessment HMRC-MTD-IT
Income-Record-Viewer for Individuals PERSONAL-INCOME-RECORD
Value-Added-Tax HMRC-MTD-VAT
Capital Gains Tax HMRC-CGT-PD

Invitation Status

Invitations can have one of the following status:

Invitation Status Description
Pending Default status when an invitation has been created
PartialAuth For ITSA only - allows agent to sign-up client to ITSA for a limited time
Accepted Allows Agent to be authorised to act on behalf of a client
Rejected Prevents Agent being authorised to act on a client's behalf
Expired Client did not respond to the Agent's Invitation within 21 days
Cancelled Agent cancels the invitation they sent out, preventing a client from responding
Deauthorised Agent, client or HMRC terminates a relationship

Note: Invitations with "Pending" or "PartialAuth" statuses are the only editable status.

Agent APIs

The following APIs require agent authentication.

Any unauthorised access could receive one of the following responses:

Response Description
401 Unauthorised. Not logged In
403 The Agent is not subscribed to Agent Services.
403 The logged in user is not permitted to access invitations for the specified agency.

Create Invitation

Validates the service, clientIdentifier and type, then creates an invitation.

POST  /agencies/:arn/invitations/sent



Example Body of ITSA:

  "service": "HMRC-MTD-IT",
  "clientType": "personal",
  "clientIdType": "ni",
  "clientId": "AB123456A"

Example Body of VAT:

  "service": "HMRC-MTD-VAT",
  "clientType": "personal / business",
  "clientIdType": "vrn",
  "clientId": "101747696"

Example Body of IRV:

  "clientType": "personal",
  "clientIdType": "ni",
  "clientId": "AE123456C"

Example Body of Trust

  "service": "HMRC-TERS-ORG",
  "clientType": "business",
  "clientIdType": "utr",
  "clientId": "2134514321"

Example of CGT:

  "service": "HMRC-CGT-PD",
  "clientType": "personal / business",
  "clientIdType": "CGTPDRef",
  "clientId": "XMCGTP123456789"
Response Description
201 Successfully created invitation. (In Headers) Location → "/agencies/:arn/invitations/sent/:invitationdId"
400 Received Valid Json but incorrect data
400 Received Invalid Json
403 Client Registration Not Found
501 Unsupported Service

Note: The link returned from a successful create invitation response is "GET a Specific Agent's Sent Invitation"

Create Multi-Invitation Link

Create a link to represent multi-invitation

POST  /agencies/:arn/multi-invitations/



Example Body:

  "clientType": "personal",
  "invitationIds": [
Response Description
201 Successfully created invitation link. (In Headers) Location → "/invitations/:clientType/:uid/:normalisedAgencyName"
400 Received Valid Json but incorrect data
400 Received Invalid Json

GET a Specific Agent's Sent Invitation

Retrieves a specific invitation by its InvitationId

GET   /agencies/:arn/invitations/sent/:invitationId


Response Description
200 Returns an invitation in json
403 The specified invitation is not accessible for this ARN.
404 The specified invitation was not found.

Example Response: 200 with Body:

  "arn": "TARN0000001",
  "service": "HMRC-MTD-VAT",
  "lastUpdated": "2018-05-04T13:51:35.278Z",
  "created": "2018-04-16T15:05:54.029Z",
  "clientIdType": "vrn",
  "clientId": "101747641",
  "expiryDate": "2018-04-26",
  "suppliedClientIdType": "vrn",
  "suppliedClientId": "101747641",
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/agent-client-authorisation/agencies/TARN0000001/invitations/sent/CS5AK7O8FPC43"
  "status": "Expired"

GET all of Agent's Sent Invitation

Retrieves all invitations sent by the Agent. Returned list if sorted by created field descending, newest invitations first.

GET   /agencies/:arn/invitations/sent

Optional query filters:

query param format description default
service enum returns only invitations for the specified service none
status enum returns only invitations having specified status none
createdOnOrAfter yyy-MM-dd returns only invitations created on or after the specified date none


Response Description
200 Returns all invitations in json array

Example Response: 200 with Body:

    "arn": "TARN0000001",
    "service": "HMRC-MTD-VAT",
    "lastUpdated": "2018-05-04T13:51:35.278Z",
    "created": "2018-04-16T15:05:54.029Z",
    "clientIdType": "vrn",
    "clientId": "101747641",
    "expiryDate": "2018-04-26",
    "suppliedClientIdType": "vrn",
    "suppliedClientId": "101747641",
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/agent-client-authorisation/agencies/TARN0000001/invitations/sent/CS5AK7O8FPC43"
    "status": "Expired"

GET Known Fact for ITSA

Checks a known fact for a given Postcode.

GET   /known-facts/individuals/nino/:nino/sa/postcode/:postcode


Response Description
204 There is a record found for given nino and postcode
403 There is a record for given nino but with a different postcode
404 There is no record found for given nino

GET Known Fact for IRV

Checks a known fact for a given Date of Birth.

GET   /known-facts/individuals/:nino/dob/:dob


Response Description
204 There is a record found for given nino and date
403 There is a record for given nino but with a different date
404 There is no record found for given nino

GET Known Fact for VAT

Checks a known fact for a given Vat Registration Number.

GET   /known-facts/organisations/vat/:vrn/registration-date/:vatRegistrationDate


Response Description
204 There is a record found for given vrn and date
403 There is a record for given vrn but with a different date
404 There is no record found for given vrn

Client APIs

The following APIs require client authentication. Any requests to access without authentication will be redirected to login page.

Regime Auth Service Service Service-Api Client-Identifier-Type
Self Assessment HMRC-MTD-IT Same MTDITID ni
Income-Record-Viewer for Individuals HMRC-NI PERSONAL-INCOME-RECORD NI ni
Value-Added-Tax HMRC-MTD-VAT Same VAT vrn

Any unauthorised access could receive one of the following responses:

Response Description
401 Unauthorised. Not logged In
403 The Client Identifier is not found in the user's login profile

Client Accepts Invitation

Changes the status of a "Pending" Invitation to "Accepted". As a result of accepting an invitation, a relationship record is established to allow an agent to act on their behalf. See agent-client-relationships for further details.

For HMRC-MTD-IT, a client may successfully accept an invitation without having the ITSA enrolment. In this case the status moves from Pending to PartialAuth and for a limited time allows the agent to sign up the client to ITSA. The creation of a full relationship is deferred until the client has acquired the ITSA enrolment.

PUT   /clients/(service-api)/(associated-clientIdentifier)/invitations/received/:invitationId/accept

Example Requests

Response Description
204 Invitation is accepted and the status is updated in Mongo
403 Invalid Status: Invitation status is not "Pending"
403 Client is not authorised to accept this invitation
404 Cannot find invitation to accept

Client Rejects Invitation

Changes the status a "Pending" Invitation to "Rejected".

PUT   /clients/(service-api)/(service-api)/invitations/received/:invitationId/reject

Example Requests:

Response Description
204 Invitation is rejected and the status is updated in Mongo
403 Invalid Status: Invitation status is not "Pending"
403 Client is not authorised to accept this invitation
404 Cannot find invitation to reject

GET Client Specific Invitation

Retrieve a specific invitation by its invitationId

GET   /clients/(service-api)/(associated-clientIdentifier)/invitations/received/:invitationId

Example Requests:

Response Description
200 Returns a specific Invitations for a given client identifier
403 Client is not authorised to view this invitation
404 Cannot find specific invitation for given client identifier

Example Response, 200 with Body:

  "arn": "TARN0000001",
  "service": "HMRC-MTD-VAT",
  "lastUpdated": "2018-05-04T11:55:29.954Z",
  "suppliedClientId": "101747696",
  "_links": {
    "accept": {
      "href": "/agent-client-authorisation/clients/VRN/101747696/invitations/received/CPB6KM1NHT446/accept"
    "self": {
      "href": "/agent-client-authorisation/clients/VRN/101747696/invitations/received/CPB6KM1NHT446"
    "reject": {
      "href": "/agent-client-authorisation/clients/VRN/101747696/invitations/received/CPB6KM1NHT446/reject"
  "created": "2018-05-04T11:55:29.954Z",
  "status": "Pending",
  "expiryDate": "2018-05-14",
  "suppliedClientIdType": "vrn",
  "clientIdType": "vrn",
  "clientId": "101747696"

GET All Client Invitation

Retrieve all invitations by client identifier, used by agent-client-management (manage your tax agent) and STRIDE users with the correct roles

Response Description
200 Returns all Invitations for a given client identifier, returns empty if no invitations
403 User is not authorised to view this invitation
GET   /clients/(service-api)/(associated-clientIdentifier)/invitations/received

Example Requests:


Example Response for partialAuth query, 200 Body:

  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/agent-client-authorisation/clients/NI/EP849172B/invitations/received?status=Partialauth"
    "invitations": {
      "href": "/agent-client-authorisation/clients/MTDITID/EP849172B/invitations/received/AJKFPB2XJCZXA"
  "_embedded": {
    "invitations": [
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/agent-client-authorisation/clients/MTDITID/EP849172B/invitations/received/AJKFPB2XJCZXA"
        "clientType": "personal",
        "service": "HMRC-MTD-IT",
        "clientIdType": "ni",
        "clientId": "EP849172B",
        "arn": "KARN0762398",
        "suppliedClientId": "EP849172B",
        "suppliedClientIdType": "ni",
        "created": "2021-10-19T10:49:46.048+01:00",
        "lastUpdated": "2021-10-19T16:25:24.614+01:00",
        "expiryDate": "2021-11-09",
        "status": "Partialauth",
        "invitationId": "AJKFPB2XJCZXA",
        "detailsForEmail": {
          "agencyEmail": "",
          "agencyName": "Booth Professional Services",
          "clientName": "Elijah Thompson"
        "isRelationshipEnded": false,
        "relationshipEndedBy": null,
        "clientActionUrl": null,
        "origin": "agent-invitations-frontend"

Cancel a client specific invitation

Cancel a specific invitation by its invitationId

PUT   /agencies/:arn/invitations/sent/:invitationId/cancel 

Example Requests:

Response Description
204 Invitation is successfully cancelled
403 This invitation cannot be cancelled because it's status is not Pending
403 This user has no permissions
404 Client is not authorised to view this invitation

Get client status

Returns status of an authorised client's with regard to authorisations of agents.

GET /status
Response Description
200 application/json content
401 Missing or expired authorisation token
403 This user has no permissions
   "hasPendingInvitations": true|false, 
   "hasInvitationsHistory": true|false, 
   "hasExistingRelationships": true|false 

Replace URN relationship with UTR

Replaces URN clientID of pending or active relationships with UTR

POST /invitations/:urn/replace/utr/:utr
Response Description
201 A new relationship has been created
204 Latest relationship isn't Pending or Active, so didn't create any new relationship
404 No relationships found

Update Alternative ITSA

Update Alternative ITSA based on status of an Invitation, for a main ("HMRC-MTD-IT") or supporting (HMRC-MTD-IT-SUPP) agent

PUT /alt-itsa/:service/update/:nino
Response Description Notes
201 MTDID found and relationship has been created
204 MTDID found and invitation updated (no Partialauth) Indicates client signed themselves up
404 No Alt-ITSA found

Running the tests

sbt test it:test

Running the application locally

To run application requires the following prerequisites:

The command to use is:

sm --start AGENT_MTD -f

Alternatively run from source alone:



sbt run

However, it is advised to run AGENT_MTD profile which comes with authentication applications because each api requires authentication for use.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License