hmrc / component-library-template

Template files for HMRC's component library
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Template files for HMRC's component library and assets-frontend


$ npm install --save-dev hmrc/component-library-template

Developing Locally

To see your changes to hmrc-component-library-template locally you'll need to link the package with npm:

$ git clone
$ cd /path/to/component-library-template
$ npm link
$ cd /path/to/assets-frontend
$ rm -rf node_modules/hmrc-component-library-template
$ npm link hmrc-component-library-template

Manually update

Then every time you make an update to the template, just re-link and start the build again:

# Inside assets-frontend
$ npm link hmrc-component-library-template

Adding Custom Comment Tags

If you wish to pass custom data from your .sass comments to the component-library-template you can do so by adding a custom tag. To add a custom tag add the tag name to the custom array in your kss config.json


  // config.json
  "custom": [

  // stylesheet.scss
  Component title

  Example: some data

  Styleguide: Component

  // index.html

Adding Custom Handlebars Block Helpers

Block helpers make it possible to define custom functionality that is applied to what you wrap them with.


// helpers/customHelperFile.js
Handlebars.registerHelper('bold', function(options) {
  return new Handlebars.SafeString(
      '<div class="mybold">'
      + options.fn(this)
      + '</div>');

// index.html
  Some content that will be bold.

You can add custom helpers by adding a file to the helpers directory. Read the handlebars documentation or follow an example found within this folder. Theses helpers are available to use in your templates.


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b your-feature
  3. Make some changes
  4. Test your changes by running your local version
  5. Push your branch and open a Pull Request


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.