hmsiccbl / screensaver1

Screensaver Version 1 - End of life on December 1, 2018
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Screen: screening summary: library plate count statistic fixes #196

Open seanderickson opened 6 years ago

seanderickson commented 6 years ago

In the Screening Summary section, review and modify the data shown for "Library Plates Screened"

Currently values:

Library Plates Screened: (1) unique library plates screened, (2) total assay plates screened (this counts the replicates screened)

Desired values:

Library Plates Screened: (1) total number of times library plates were screened (not counting replicates), (2) unique library plates screened,

TODO: verify that these values are calculated in the same manner for RNAi and Small Molecule screens.

@JAS60 @KatrinaRudnicki @dwrobel1