hmsiccbl / screensaver1

Screensaver Version 1 - End of life on December 1, 2018
GNU General Public License v2.0
3 stars 3 forks source link


As of December 1, 2018, use of this software is discontinued by the ICCB-L facility at Harvard Medical School.

Please see the screensaver2 repository for ongoing development of LIMS software at the ICCB-L.

Screensaver README.txt

This document contains general information about the Screensaver project, which is contained herein.

The Screensaver project use Maven to manage configuration, testing, and building of the application. The application is comprised of the following Maven modules, which are found in subdirectories of the same name:

Directory Contents

As Screensaver follows the Maven conventions for its project directory structure, the following list describes only the directories and files that are not common to standard Maven projects:

licenses/ Software licenses for redistributed software.

INSTALL.txt Link to installation instructions for the Screensaver web application.

LICENSE.txt GNU General Public License, under which the Screensaver application is distributed.

NOTICE.txt Legal mumbo jumbo.

README.txt This magnificent file.

core/ Maven module containing the core source code of the Screensaver projects, including the domain model layer, the services layer, and the persistence layer. web/ Maven module containing the web application page definitions, resources, and (eventually) the source code specific to the web application, such as JSF backing beans.

batch/ Maven module Containing the source code for the batch applications for that perform data I/O or data updates via command-line invocation.


                Files related to database maintenance.  
                schema_updates/ contains scripts for upgrading an 
                existing database's schema to match changes made to the Java 
                entity model.


                contains an example database schema, with 
                some limited data for assessing Screensaver's capabilities.


                Executable scripts for development, deployment, etc.

core/contrib/ Code that has been contributed to the project that is not directly needed or used by the Screensaver application, but that may be of use to developers at specific facilities.


                Libraries need to be installed in the local maven
                repository in order for the build/runtime to work.  
                See local_libs/readme.txt. 

core/R/cellHTS2Db cellHTS2 code for R (statistical package) [will become an independent Maven project or module]

core/.fbprefs FindBugs user preferences, for FindBugs Eclipse plugin


                Settings for FindBugs, to configure the code and bug 
                categories that should be ignored by FindBugs  


                Description of major changes made to Screensaver for each
                released version.


                Configuration files for deploying Screensaver.