hmsiccbl / screensaver1

Screensaver Version 1 - End of life on December 1, 2018
GNU General Public License v2.0
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attached files stored as bytea instead of blob #76

Open seanderickson opened 11 years ago

seanderickson commented 11 years ago


To alleviate the administrative complexity of dumping and restoring the pg_largeobject table, which is a system-wide table, and not a database-specific table, it might be better to see if we can store the AttachedFile.fileContents property as a byte array type, rather than a BLOB type. However, we should look into a strategy for lazy loading the fileContents, if we do this, to avoid memory usage problems. Could simply store in a secondary table, just like we do with Well.molfile

Follow-ups Submitted By: Andrew Tolopko

Adddate: 2008-10-02 13:12:48

[ant4 - Fri Aug 08 11:59:53 2008]:

To alleviate the administrative complexity of dumping and restoring the pg_largeobject table, which is a system-wide table, and not a database-specific table, it might be better to see if we can store the AttachedFile.fileContents property as a byte array type, rather than a BLOB type. However, we should look into a strategy for lazy loading the fileContents, if we do this, to avoid memory usage problems. Could simply store in a secondary table, just like we do with Well.molfile

Additional motivations include:

seanderickson commented 11 years ago

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION merge_oid(val oid) RETURNS bytea AS $$ DECLARE merged bytea; arr bytea; BEGIN FOR arr IN SELECT DATA FROM pg_largeobject WHERE loid = val ORDER BY pageno LOOP IF merged IS NULL THEN merged := arr; ELSE merged := merged || arr; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN merged; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;