hnyu / seditor

Code release for the paper "Towards Safe Reinforcement Learning with a Safety Editor Policy", Yu et al., arXiv 2022
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Towards Safe Reinforcement Learning with a Safety Editor Policy

[Update Dec 07, 2023]: Now SEditor is part of the official ALF repo! You just need to checkout the latest 'pytorch' branch of ALF to use SEditor.

This repo contains the training configurations for the experiments in

Towards Safe Reinforcement Learning with a Safety Editor Policy, Yu et al., arXiv 2022.

We also provide instructions on how to run those experiments.

What is SEditor?

A typical approach in safe RL research is to combine a model-free RL algorithm with the Lagrangian method to adjust the weight of the constraint reward relative to the utility reward dynamically. It relies on a single policy to handle the conflict between utility and constraint rewards, which is often challenging.

SEditor is a two-policy approach that learns a safety editor policy transforming potentially unsafe actions proposed by a utility maximizer policy into safe ones. The safety editor is trained to maximize the constraint reward while minimizing a hinge loss of the utility state-action values before and after an action is edited. SEditor extends existing safety layer designs that assume simplified safety models, to general safe RL scenarios where the safety model can in theory be arbitrarily complex. As a first-order method, it is easy to implement and efficient for both inference and training.

On 12 Safety Gym tasks and 2 safe racing tasks, SEditor demonstrates outstanding utility performance with constraint violation rates as low as once per 2k time steps, even in obstacle-dense environments. On some tasks, this low violation rate is up to 200 times lower than that of an unconstrained RL method with similar utility performance.


Our algorithm is based on Agent Learning Framework (ALF). Python3.7+ is currently supported by ALF and Virtualenv is recommended for the installation. After activating a virtual env, download and install ALF:

git clone
cd alf
git checkout origin/pytorch -B main
# If for any reason the latest 'pytorch' branch doesn't work, you can checkout the
# commit '26be03eb61f59a71f561ab0145671cee674d450f' instead
# As of Jan 2024, ALF uses torch==1.11 which by default has cuda==10.2. For recent
# GPU cards (3090 and after), cuda>=11.3 is needed.
pip install -e . --extra-index-url
# With an old GPU card, you might just do:
# pip install -e .

On top of the basic ALF installation,

After the installations, clone this repo under ALF:

cd <ALF_ROOT>/alf/examples/safety
git clone


Depending on your OS environment, some more apt packages might be needed for installation. Please refer to the docker file for possible missing packages.


For convenience, we provide a docker image that has all softwares ready for running an SEditor training job, so that you can skip the above installation steps.

docker pull horizonrobotics/misc:seditor

The docker image has python3.8, CUDA 11.3, and pytorch 11.1, which also supports the SEditor training code as tested.

Training SEditor

Training on the Safety Gym tasks:

cd <ALF_ROOT>/alf/examples
python -m alf.bin.train --root_dir=<TRAIN_JOB_DIR> --conf safety/seditor/ --conf_param="create_environment.env_name='Safexp-PointGoal1-v0'"

where <TRAIN_JOB_DIR> is any empty directory for storing the training results. You can replace the value of create_environment.env_name with any combination 'Safexp-<ROBOT><TASK><LEVEL>-v0', where <ROBOT> can be either Point or Car, <TASK> can be Button, Push, or Goal, and <LEVEL> can be either 1 or 2.

Then open the Tensorboard to view the training results

tensorboard --logdir=<TRAIN_JOB_DIR>

Alternatively, training on the safe racing tasks:

cd <ALF_ROOT>/alf/examples
python -m alf.bin.train --root_dir=<TRAIN_JOB_DIR> --conf safety/seditor/ --conf_param="create_environment.env_name='SafeCarRacing<LEVEL>-v0'"

where <LEVEL> can be either 0 or 1, representing "SafeRacing" and "SafeRacingObstacle" tasks in the paper, respectively.

Code reading

The entire SEditor algorithm is implemented in this file, and the Lagrangian multiplier method is implemented here. Some basic understanding of ALF is required to understand the entire pipeline.

Issue reporting

For any question or problem, please open an issue in this repo.


If you use SEditor in the research, please consider citing

    author={Haonan Yu and Wei Xu and Haichao Zhang},
    title={Towards Safe Reinforcement Learning with a Safety Editor Policy},