ho-nl / vagrant-development-box

Maintainer: Paul
MIT License
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Reach Digital Development Vagrant Box

Super easy to install, fast and a pleasure to work with.

Based on images from https://github.com/byteinternet/hypernode-vagrant


a. Mutagen installed

brew install havoc-io/mutagen/mutagen

b. Vagrant installed

c. Vagrant plugins installed:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager 
vagrant plugin install vagrant-auto_network

d. VirtualBox installed

Getting Started

a. Create the following folder structure:


b. Copy the vagrant box

cd myproject
git clone git@github.com:ho-nl/vagrant-development-box.git vagrant
cd vagrant

c. Create a config.rb file in you project folder with your project settings


name 'yourboxname'
hostname name + '.box'
php_version 7.2
mysql_version 5.7
#varnish true
#varnish_vcl 'magento2/varnish.vcl'


name 'yourboxname'
hostname name + '.box'
php_version 7.2
mysql_version 5.6
guest_dir 'public'
magento2 false

d. Run vagrant up in the vagrant directory, if everything went alright you're greeted with this message:

schermafbeelding 2017-09-30 om 14 57 29

e. Optional: run mutagen monitor to monitor changes

Please note: it will show some red errors but you can ignore that, those are mostly warnings that can be ignored. If you see a sea of red something probably goes wrong.

Configuration Options

Customizing your shell

If you have some personal shell customization (like aliases) that you want to have available in all your vagrant environments automatically, you can create a file ~/.vagrant_profile on your host machine (or make this a symlink to some other file if you have your aliases defined somewhere else). This file is automatically copied to your vagrant box (~/.profile_custom) and sourced on shell start up.

Connecting to your Vagrant box

There are two ways to connect to your Vagrant box:

  1. As Root to do system administration: vagrant ssh
    • DO NOT edit project files with the root user, this will give permission errors in the application
  2. As User to do all development work on: ssh app@yourboxname.box

Syncing the ../src folder with the vagrant box.

The filesystem of your vagrant box must contain all files to be able to operate quickly. The filesystem of your host system must contain all files for PHPStorm be able to operate.

To achieve this, we use Mutagen sync. When starting a vagrant box the mutagen sync is automatically started.

If you're getting an [Error] with mutagen monitor, you can see the detailed error message with mutagen list.

Connecting to MySQL externally (SequelPro)

You can directly connect to the vagrant box with the following credentials:

host: yourboxname.box
username: app
password: as mentioned in vagrant provision

Enabling browser-sync

You can setup port-forwarding to enable browser-sync with gulp. This enables you to test your development environment on your mobile phone or other PC.

By default the port-forwarding is setup for port 3000, this is the default port gulp uses to setup browsersync. If this is different because of reasons you can edit this in the Vagrantfile.

Change your config.rb and add forward_port true to your config. Provision and restart your box. During the box init you should see messages that port 3000 is being setup for your box.

Next start gulp in your box and you should be able to connect to your box using your hostname or ip-adres (for example: nick.local:3000).

Keep in mind that you can't have two boxes running at the same time with forward_port true because these would clash with each other. Also keep in mind that you should use the IP address when you want to test on Android.

Debugging e-mail sending using MailHog

By default, mailhog is installed in your vagrant box. This runs as a daemon and will intercept all e-mail being sent from your Magento setup (if configured to deliver e-mail locally on port 1025) and present it through a convenient web-interface on port 8025, i.e. http://your.box:8025).

Due to an issue with the mailhog service not starting on its own some additional steps are currently required to run this as a service: https://github.com/ho-nl/vagrant-development-box/issues/77

Alternatively you can just run mailhog from the command line and let it run in the foreground when needed.

Debugging with xdebug

Debugging using xdebug can be done by setting the XDEBUG_SESSION cookie. If set, nginx will route the request to a separate PHP-FPM instance that has xdebug.so loaded so that there is no performance impact when not actively debugging.

See https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/xdebug-helper/eadndfjplgieldjbigjakmdgkmoaaaoc for a plugin to easily set the debugging cookie in Google Chrome.

Using xdebug with the php CLI command can be done using the phpd alias which is set up to load the xdebug.so module.

To allow PhpStorm to automatically load xdebug.so, but only when debugging, configure your remote interpreter's 'Debugger extension':

Screenshot 2019-11-07 at 14 05 14

The correct path to xdebug.so for the currently active PHP version can be found by looking at the phpd alias, for example for PHP 7.2:

$ alias phpd
alias phpd='php -dzend_extension=/usr/lib/php/20170718//xdebug.so -dxdebug.remote_autostart=On'

Magento 2 configuration


The system automatically creates a database named test, this can be used to upload your information. You can use the same DB connection info as used in SequelPro

Cache handling

The box doesn't sync the var/cache folder, Magento's cache needs to be flushed from the inside of the box: php bin/magento c:f.


Vagrant is supported by default. Make sure you have a varnish.vcl generated for your project.

  1. Log in to the Magento Admin as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System > Full Page Cache
  3. From the Caching Application list, click Varnish Caching
  4. Expand Varnish Configuration and insert the correct information:
    • Backend Host:
    • Backend Port: 8080
  5. Save your VCL by clicking the button ‘Save config‘ in the top right
  6. Click Export VCL for varnish 4
php bin/magento setup:config:set --http-cache-hosts=

Now we need to load in the varnish.vcl into varnish. To do this set the following configuration in your config.rb

varnish_vcl 'magento2/varnish.vcl'

And run vagrant provision

If everything is running


Magento 2.1: http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.1/config-guide/redis/redis-pg-cache.html

Magento 2.2:

php bin/magento setup:config:set --cache-backend=redis --cache-backend-redis-db=0
php bin/magento setup:config:set --page-cache=redis --page-cache-redis-db=1
php bin/magento setup:config:set --session-save=redis --session-save-redis-db=2

Make Redis accessible from outside your box:

sudo vi /etc/redis/redis.conf, replace bind with bind Restart sudo service redis-server restart.


By default the searchd is installed so you can used.


Add the following to crontab -e

* * * * * php /data/web/magento2/bin/magento cron:run | grep -v "Ran jobs by schedule" >> /data/web/magento2/var/log/magento.cron.log
* * * * * php /data/web/magento2/bin/magento queue:consumers:start quoteItemCleaner --max-messages=500
* * * * * php /data/web/magento2/bin/magento queue:consumers:start inventoryQtyCounter --max-messages=500

Magento 1 configuration

Need to run modman deploy in vagrant box

The symlinks created on your host machine won't work in the vagrant box. This will result in errors with finding files or (when you use PHP7) a error in layout.php (because the Inchoo_PHP7 module was not applied correctly). Run modman deploy-all --force in your vagrant box to fix these issues.

Common issues

Box size is much larger than necessary (2-3x file size reduction)

Make sure vmware-vdiskmanager is available:

brew install caskroom/cask/vmware-fusion

Do this in your box:

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=wipefile bs=1024x1024; rm wipefile

Do this outside your box:

vagrant halt
cd ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/yourboxnamehere/Snapshots
vmware-vdiskmanager -k \{somestringhere\}.vmdk #pro tip: press tab after you entered vmware-vdiskmanager and the file will be autofilled

Error: The machine with the name 'hypernode' was not found configured for this Vagrant environment.

This usually happens when you upgrade the vagrant box version from 1.x to 2.x or higher. The error occors becuase vagrant creates a new box with the correct project name but doesn't delete the old vagrant box. When you do the vagrant up command it tries to start all the boxes that are availble in the vagrant/.vagrant folder, which includes the hypernode box and which doesn't have a configuration after the update.

Remove the hypernode box from vagrant/.vagrant and the error will disapear.

'permission denied' on npm install or npm install -g

Change the prefix of npm to solve this:

npm config set prefix '/data/web/.npm-global'
npm install -g gulp grunt grunt-cli polymer-cli