hoangducvn / MojiaGarages

🅿 Best advanced garages for QB-Core Framework 🚗
50 stars 42 forks source link
fivem garage mojiagarages qb-core

Updates to qb-core versions after April 26 will not be supported, any modifications to be compatible with qb-core versions after that time will be made by everyone themselves.


🅿 Best advanced garages for QB-Core Framework 🅿

Change Log


Preview & tutorials:

Preview and guide to installing a new garage - Youtube

Instructions for installing MojiaGarages on the original QB-Core - Youtube

Real Life Parking Update

Features(All in one):



local function sellVehicleWait(price)
    local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId())
    local plate = QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(vehicle)
    TriggerServerEvent('MojiaGarages:server:removeOutsideVehicles', plate)
    QBCore.Functions.Notify('Your car has been put up for sale! Price - $'..price, 'success')
    PlaySound(-1, "SELECT", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", 0, 0, 1)



AddEventHandler('QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded', function()
    if Config.UnownedBlips then TriggerEvent('qb-houses:client:setupHouseBlips2') end
RegisterNetEvent('qb-houses:client:createHouses', function(apartmentnumber, price, tier)
    local pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
    local heading = GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId())
    local s1, s2 = GetStreetNameAtCoord(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
    local street = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(s1)
    local coords = {
        enter   = { x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z, h = heading},
        cam     = { x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z, h = heading, yaw = -10.00},
    street = 'No. ' .. apartmentnumber .. ' ' .. street:gsub('%-', ' ')
    TriggerServerEvent('qb-houses:server:addNewHouse', street, coords, price, tier)
    if Config.UnownedBlips then TriggerServerEvent('qb-houses:server:createBlip') end
RegisterNetEvent('qb-houses:client:addGarage', function()
    if ClosestHouse ~= nil then
        local ped = PlayerPedId()
        if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) then            
            local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped)
            local vehpos = GetEntityCoords(veh)
            local x = QBCore.Shared.Round(vehpos.x, 2)
            local y = QBCore.Shared.Round(vehpos.y, 2)
            local z = QBCore.Shared.Round(vehpos.z, 2)
            local heading = GetEntityHeading(veh)
            local h = QBCore.Shared.Round(heading, 2)
            local forward, right, up, pos = GetEntityMatrix(veh)
            local x1 = QBCore.Shared.Round(pos.x + (forward.x * (3.0)) + (right.x * (2.0)), 2)
            local y1 = QBCore.Shared.Round(pos.y + (forward.y * (3.0)) + (right.y * (2.0)), 2)
            local x2 = QBCore.Shared.Round(pos.x + (forward.x * (-3.0)) + (right.x * (2.0)), 2)
            local y2 = QBCore.Shared.Round(pos.y + (forward.y * (-3.0)) + (right.y * (2.0)), 2)
            local x3 = QBCore.Shared.Round(pos.x + (forward.x * (-3.0)) + (right.x * (-2.0)), 2)
            local y3 = QBCore.Shared.Round(pos.y + (forward.y * (-3.0)) + (right.y * (-2.0)), 2)
            local x4 = QBCore.Shared.Round(pos.x + (forward.x * (3.0)) + (right.x * (-2.0)), 2)
            local y4 = QBCore.Shared.Round(pos.y + (forward.y * (3.0)) + (right.y * (-2.0)), 2)
            local coords = {
                x = x,
                y = y,
                z = z,
                h = h,
                x1 = x1,
                y1 = y1,
                x2 = x2,
                y2 = y2,
                x3 = x3,
                y3 = y3,
                x4 = x4,
                y4 = y4,
            TriggerServerEvent('qb-houses:server:addGarage', ClosestHouse, coords)
            QBCore.Functions.Notify("You need to be in the vehicle..", "error")
        QBCore.Functions.Notify("No house around..", "error")
    if Config.UnownedBlips then TriggerEvent('qb-houses:client:setupHouseBlips2') end
QBCore.Commands.Add("createhouse", "Create House (Real Estate Only)", {{name = "apartmentnumber", help = "Apartment number"}, {name = "price", help = "Price of the house"}, {name = "tier", help = "Name of the item(no label)"}}, true, function(source, args)
    local src = source
    local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
    local apartmentnumber = tonumber(args[1])
    local price = tonumber(args[2])
    local tier = tonumber(args[3])
    if Player.PlayerData.job.name == "realestate" then
        TriggerClientEvent("qb-houses:client:createHouses", src, apartmentnumber, price, tier)
        TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, Lang:t("error.realestate_only"), "error")
RegisterNetEvent('qb-houses:server:addNewHouse', function(street, coords, price, tier)
    local src = source
    local street = street:gsub("%'", "")
    local price = tonumber(price)
    local tier = tonumber(tier)
    local name = street:lower()
    local label = street
    MySQL.Async.insert('INSERT INTO houselocations (name, label, coords, owned, price, tier) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
        {name, label, json.encode(coords), 0, price, tier})
    Config.Houses[name] = {
        coords = coords,
        owned = false,
        price = price,
        locked = true,
        adress = label,
        tier = tier,
        garage = {},
        decorations = {}
    TriggerClientEvent("qb-houses:client:setHouseConfig", -1, Config.Houses)
    TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, "You have added a house: " .. label)
    TriggerEvent('qb-log:server:CreateLog', 'house', 'House Created:', 'green', '**Address**:\n'..label..'\n\n**Listing Price**:\n$'..price..'\n\n**Tier**:\n'..tier..'\n\n**Listing Agent**:\n'..GetPlayerName(src))
RegisterNetEvent('qb-houses:server:addGarage', function(house, coords)
    local src = source
    MySQL.Async.execute('UPDATE houselocations SET garage = ? WHERE name = ?', {json.encode(coords), house})
    TriggerClientEvent("MojiaGarages:client:updateGarage", -1)  -- Update Garages
    TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, "You have added a garage: " .. Config.Houses[house].adress)
RegisterNetEvent('qb-houses:server:buyHouse', function(house)
    local src = source
    local pData = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
    local price = Config.Houses[house].price
    local HousePrice = math.ceil(price * 1.21)
    local bankBalance = pData.PlayerData.money["bank"]

    if (bankBalance >= HousePrice) then
        houseowneridentifier[house] = pData.PlayerData.license
        houseownercid[house] = pData.PlayerData.citizenid
        housekeyholders[house] = {
            [1] = pData.PlayerData.citizenid
        MySQL.Async.insert('INSERT INTO player_houses (house, identifier, citizenid, keyholders) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)',{house, pData.PlayerData.license, pData.PlayerData.citizenid, json.encode(housekeyholders[house])})
        MySQL.Async.execute('UPDATE houselocations SET owned = ? WHERE name = ?', {1, house})
        TriggerClientEvent('qb-houses:client:SetClosestHouse', src)
        pData.Functions.RemoveMoney('bank', HousePrice, "bought-house") -- 21% Extra house costs
        TriggerEvent('qb-bossmenu:server:addAccountMoney', "realestate", (HousePrice / 100) * math.random(18, 25))
        TriggerEvent('qb-log:server:CreateLog', 'house', 'House Purchased:', 'green', '**Address**:\n'..house:upper()..'\n\n**Purchase Price**:\n$'..HousePrice..'\n\n**Purchaser**:\n'..pData.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname..' '..pData.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname)
        TriggerClientEvent("MojiaGarages:client:updateGarage", -1)  -- Update Garages   
        TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', source, "You dont have enough money..", "error")


-- Goto exports('HasKeys', HasKeys) And move it under the function HasKeys. Like this

function HasKeys(plate) return KeysList[plate] end exports('HasKeys', HasKeys)

### Event for F1 menu:
#### qb-radialmenu:

- Add to qb-radialmenu/client/main.lua:

local garaIndex = nil local function SetupGaragesMenu() local isingarage, canStoreVehicle = exports["MojiaGarages"]:IsInGarage() local isInJobGarage, lastJobVehicle = exports["MojiaGarages"]:isInJobStation(PlayerData.job.name) local GaragesMenu = { id = 'garages', title = 'Garages', icon = 'warehouse', items = {} } if isingarage then GaragesMenu.items[#GaragesMenu.items+1] = { id = 'opengarage', title = 'Open Garage', icon = 'warehouse', type = 'client', event = 'MojiaGarages:client:openGarage', shouldClose = true, } local veh = nil local ped = PlayerPedId() local pos = GetEntityCoords(ped) local vehout, distance = QBCore.Functions.GetClosestVehicle(pos) local vehin = IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, true) if vehin then veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped) else if NetworkGetEntityIsLocal(vehout) and distance <= 5 then veh = vehout end end if veh ~= nil then local plate = QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(veh) if exports["qb-vehiclekeys"]:HasKeys(plate) then if canStoreVehicle then GaragesMenu.items[#GaragesMenu.items+1] = { id = 'storeVehicle', title = 'Store Vehicle', icon = 'parking', type = 'client', event = 'MojiaGarages:client:storeVehicle', shouldClose = true, } end end end end if isInJobGarage then if lastJobVehicle == nil then GaragesMenu.items[#GaragesMenu.items+1] = { id = 'openjobgarage', title = 'Open Job Garage', icon = 'warehouse', type = 'client', event = 'MojiaGarages:client:openJobVehList', shouldClose = true, } else local veh = nil local ped = PlayerPedId() local pos = GetEntityCoords(ped) local vehout, distance = QBCore.Functions.GetClosestVehicle(pos) local vehin = IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, true) if vehin then veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped) else if NetworkGetEntityIsLocal(vehout) and distance <= 5 then veh = vehout end end if veh ~= nil and veh == lastJobVehicle then local plate = QBCore.Functions.GetPlate(veh) if exports["qb-vehiclekeys"]:HasKeys(plate) then --disable if use MojiaVehicleKeys --if exports['MojiaVehicleKeys']:CheckHasKey(plate) then --enable if use MojiaVehicleKeys GaragesMenu.items[#GaragesMenu.items+1] = { id = 'hidejobvehicle', title = 'Hide Job Vehicle', icon = 'parking', type = 'client', event = 'MojiaGarages:client:HideJobVeh', shouldClose = true, } end end end end if #GaragesMenu.items == 0 then if garaIndex then RemoveOption(garaIndex) garaIndex = nil end else garaIndex = AddOption(GaragesMenu, garaIndex) end end

- Edit qb-radialmenu/client/main.lua:

local function SetupSubItems() SetupJobMenu() SetupVehicleMenu() SetupGaragesMenu() end

#### Other Menu:
##### Open Garage:
- Event:


- Enable Menu(If your radial menu can enable/hide button):

local isingarage, canStoreVehicle = exports["MojiaGarages"]:IsInGarage()

isingarage → check if you are in the garage area → True|False → you can use:

if isingarage then

canStoreVehicle → check if the garage allows parking → True|False →  don't need it.

Check if you are in the vehicle or not → you can use:

if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId()) then

##### Store Vehicle:
- Event:


- Enable Menu(If your radial menu can enable/hide button):

local isingarage, canStoreVehicle = exports["MojiaGarages"]:IsInGarage()

isingarage → check if you are in the garage area → True|False → you can use:

if isingarage then

canStoreVehicle → check if the garage allows parking → True|False →  you can use:

if canStoreVehicle then

You should have more vehicle key check function here:

if exports["qb-vehiclekeys"]:HasKeys(plate) then

##### Open vehicle list for work:
- Event:


- Enable Menu(If your radial menu can enable/hide button):

isInJobGarage, lastJobVehicle = exports["MojiaGarages"]:isInJobStation('your job')

isInJobGarage → check if you are in the garage area → True|False → you can use:

if isInJobGarage then

lastJobVehicle → return vehicle or nil →  you can use:

if lastJobVehicle == nil then

Check if you are in the vehicle or not → you can use:

if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId()) then

##### Hide vehicle for work:
- Event:


- Enable Menu(If your radial menu can enable/hide button):

isInJobGarage, lastJobVehicle = exports["MojiaGarages"]:isInJobStation('your job')

isInJobGarage → check if you are in the garage area → True|False → you can use:

if isInJobGarage then

lastJobVehicle → return vehicle or nil →  you can use:

if lastJobVehicle ~= nil then

You should have more vehicle key check function here:

if exports["qb-vehiclekeys"]:HasKeys(plate) then

### In progress:
- Parking system for boats
- Parking system for planes

## My other scripts:
- [MojiaVehicleKeys](https://github.com/hoangducdt/MojiaVehicleKeys) -Best VehicleKeys for QB-Core Framework
- [driverschool](https://github.com/hoangducdt/driverschool) -Best driving school for qb-core framework

## Note:
- This script is completely free for community, it is strictly forbidden to use this script for commercial purposes.
- If you want to offer me a cup of coffee, you can donate to me through:
    or [paypal.me/hoangducdt](paypal.me/hoangducdt)
- Follow me on [My Github](https://github.com/hoangducdt) or subscribe to [My Youtube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFIsOgj9zvEWAwFTPRT5mbQ) for latest updates
- My Discord: ✯✯✯✯✯#8386
- My Discord Channel: [https://discord.gg/hD3EFzpjfq](https://discord.gg/hD3EFzpjfq)