hoaproject / Router

The Hoa\Router library.
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This library allows to find an appropriated route and extracts data from a request. Conversely, given a route and data, this library is able to build a request.

For now, we have two routers: HTTP (routes understand URI and subdomains) and CLI (routes understand a full command-line).

Learn more.


With Composer, to include this library into your dependencies, you need to require hoa/router:

$ composer require hoa/router '~3.0'

For more installation procedures, please read the Source page.


Before running the test suites, the development dependencies must be installed:

$ composer install

Then, to run all the test suites:

$ vendor/bin/hoa test:run

For more information, please read the contributor guide.

Quick usage

We propose a quick overview of two usages: in a HTTP context and in a CLI context.


We consider the following routes:

There are different ways to declare routes but the more usual is as follows:

$router = new Hoa\Router\Http();
    ->get('u', '/hello', function () {
        echo 'world!', "\n";
    ->post('v', '/hello', function (Array $_request) {
        echo $_request['a'] + $_request['b'], "\n";
    ->get('w', '/bye', function () {
        echo 'ohh :-(', "\n";
    ->get('x', '/hello_(?<nick>\w+)', function ($nick) {
        echo 'Welcome ', ucfirst($nick), '!', "\n";

We can use a basic dispatcher to call automatically the associated callable of the appropriated rule:

$dispatcher = new Hoa\Dispatcher\Basic();

Now, we will use cURL to test our program that listens on

$ curl
$ curl -X POST -d a=3\&b=39
$ curl
ohh :-(
$ curl -X POST
// error
$ curl
Welcome Gordon!
$ curl
Welcome Alyx!

This simple API hides a modular mechanism that can be foreseen by typing print_r($router->getTheRule()).

To unroute, i.e. make the opposite operation, we can do this:

var_dump($router->unroute('x', array('nick' => 'gordon')));
// string(13) "/hello_gordon"


We would like to recognize the following route `[:]?

` in the `Router.php` file: ```php $router = new Hoa\Router\Cli(); $router->get( 'g', '(?\w+):(?\w+)(?.*?)' function ($group, $subcommand, $options) { echo 'Group : ', $group, "\n", 'Subcommand: ', $subcommand, "\n", 'Options : ', trim($options), "\n"; } ); ``` We can use a basic dispatcher to call automatically the associated callable: ```php $dispatcher = new Hoa\Dispatcher\Basic(); $dispatcher->dispatch($router); ``` And now, testing time: ```sh $ php Router.php foo:bar --some options Group : foo Subcommand: bar Options : --some options ``` The use of the [`Hoa\Console` library](https://central.hoa-project.net/Resource/Library/Console) would be a good idea to interprete the options and getting some comfortable services for the terminal. ## Documentation The [hack book of `Hoa\Router`](https://central.hoa-project.net/Documentation/Library/Router) contains detailed information about how to use this library and how it works. To generate the documentation locally, execute the following commands: ```sh $ composer require --dev hoa/devtools $ vendor/bin/hoa devtools:documentation --open ``` More documentation can be found on the project's website: [hoa-project.net](https://hoa-project.net/). ## Getting help There are mainly two ways to get help: * On the [`#hoaproject`](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#hoaproject) IRC channel, * On the forum at [users.hoa-project.net](https://users.hoa-project.net). ## Contribution Do you want to contribute? Thanks! A detailed [contributor guide](https://hoa-project.net/Literature/Contributor/Guide.html) explains everything you need to know. ## License Hoa is under the New BSD License (BSD-3-Clause). Please, see [`LICENSE`](https://hoa-project.net/LICENSE) for details.