hodlone / btc-node-proxy

Proxy server that communicates with a bitcoin node.
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The make file provides utility functions for working with this repository.

make help



We make use of reflex which is a utility for hot-reloading, it's old and unmaintained but it's complete and versatile. You'll have to install it locally if you wish to monitor btc-node-proxy source files for changes when starting it in the host machine.

Install reflex:

go get -v github.com/cespare/reflex && \
go install github.com/cespare/reflex

If you get command not found when entering reflex into the terminal try creating a symlink to your bin path:

sudo ln -s "$GOPATH/bin/reflex" /usr/local/bin/


If you wish to raise btc-node-proxy directly in the host machine you'll need to install ZMQ which is needed to receive block and transaction events from a bitcoin-core node, provided the node has been started with necessarry zmq flags.