hodur-org / hodur-visualizer-schema

Hodur is a domain modeling approach and collection of libraries to Clojure. By using Hodur you can define your domain model as data, parse and validate it, and then either consume your model via an API or use one of the many plugins to help you achieve mechanical results faster and in a purely functional manner.
MIT License
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clojure data modeling schema visualization

+TITLE: Hodur Visualizer Schema

+AUTHOR: Tiago Luchini

+EMAIL: info@tiagoluchini.eu

+OPTIONS: toc:t

[[https://img.shields.io/clojars/v/hodur/engine.svg]] [[https://img.shields.io/clojars/v/hodur/visualizer-schema.svg]] [[https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg]] [[https://img.shields.io/badge/project%20status-experimental-brightgreen.svg]]


Hodur is a descriptive domain modeling approach and related collection of libraries for Clojure.

By using Hodur you can define your domain model as data, parse and validate it, and then either consume your model via an API making your apps respond to the defined model or use one of the many plugins to help you achieve mechanical, repetitive results faster and in a purely functional manner.


This Hodur plugin provides the ability to visualize your Hodur model on a dynamically, hot-reloaded web page.


+BEGIN_SRC clojure

{:deps {hodur/engine {:mvn/version "0.1.2"} hodur/visualizer-schema {:mvn/version "0.1.1"}}}


While you are at your ~deps.edn~ file also make sure you have both ~"src"~ and ~"resources"~ to your ~:paths~:

+BEGIN_SRC clojure

{:paths ["src" "resources"]}


Visualizer utilizes a JavaScript library called [[https://gojs.net/][GoJS]] for the rendering and interactive bits. This library is unfortunately under a proprietary license so it can't be embedded in an Open Source project directly. You have to download a personal evaluation copy and to your project:


$ mkdir -p resources/public/scripts $ curl https://gojs.net/latest/release/go.js -o resources/public/scripts/go.js


It is also recommended that you list ~resources/public/scripts/go.js~ out of your SCM (i.e. GitHub) to avoid legal issues.


If you have suggestions of more Open Source-friendly libraries with equivalent features please DM me at [[https://twitter.com/tiagoluchini][@tiagoluchini]]


Create a ~cljs~ main file that will bootstrap your visualizer app. For instance, if you want to call it ~hello.core~, add the file ~core.cljs~ to ~src/hello~:

+BEGIN_SRC clojure

(ns hello.core (:require [hodur-engine.core :as engine] [hodur-visualizer-schema.core :as visualizer]))

(def meta-db (engine/init-schema '[Person [^String first-name ^String last-name ^Gender gender]

              [MALE FEMALE IRRELEVANT]]))

(-> meta-db visualizer/schema visualizer/apply-diagram!)


We are creating a simple Hodur model with an Entity called ~Person~ and an enum called ~Gender~ and putting it in a meta database on ~meta-db~.

Before explaining the last function calls on this document, let's fire up a [[https://figwheel.org/][figwheel]] environment with the following helper main (where ~hello.core~ is the name of the main ~cljs~ namespace you created above:


$ clojure -m hodur-visualizer-schema.main hello.core


Figwheel will bootstrap a browser-connected repl and launch a browser pointing to ~localhost:9500~ after while. You should see something like this:


Feel free to interact with the diagram. You can drag entities around, collapse them and there's a handy tooltip when you hover over entities and fields.

Hot-reload is also enabled, if you change your model on ~hello.core~ you should see the changes reflected on your browser immediately.

As for the last two functions of the ~hello.core~ we are using the meta-database on ~meta-db~ to get a visualizer-parsed version of the schema (through the function ~visualizer/schema~) and, at last, we call visualizer's side-effect function ~visualizer/apply-diagram!~ that updates the diagram on your browser.