Provides an alternative search result list that orders results by search relevance and ignores differences in word forms (ex. tag vs tags).
On my personal wiki, I have the problem that there are terms I use across a lot of tiddlers, and sometimes I'll use different forms (such as the aforementioned tag vs tags). I wanted a plugin to allow me to find the tiddler I'm looking for quickly and didn't require me to worry about how I declined a noun or inflected a verb - so I wrote this plugin, which provides an alternative search list powered by lunr.js.
This plugin should be considered as BETA quality - I use it pretty much every day, but there's definitely room for improvement. Please let me know if there are any bugs!
Each time you start a new TiddlyWiki session, you'll need to build the FTS index. You can do this from a tab in the $:/ControlPanel
. Older versions of the index are retained in web storage, so it should be pretty quick after the first time! After you build the index, you can just search as you would normally.
If you want to help out, you can check out the source for this plugin (or its dependency, the progress bar plugin) on GitHub:
Requires $:/plugins/hoelzro/progress-bar to display progress when generating the index.