hofstee / shale

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Setup Instructions

git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:hofstee/shale.git
pip install -r deps/garnet/requirements.txt
pip install --ignore-installed deps/jmapper-0.1.19-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
pip install -e .
cp /cad/cadence/GENUS17.21.000.lnx86/share/synth/lib/chipware/sim/verilog/CW/CW_tap.v extras/CW_tap.v

Usage Instructions

python run.py --width 32 --height 16 conv_3_3
cd apps/conv_3_3/test

# Pick one of the following (VCS tends to run the quickest):
make SIM=vcs
make SIM=ius
make SIM=xcelium

# You can also modify COMPILE_ARGS and SIM_ARGS as you see fit.
# Adding SIM_ARGS="-ucli" or SIM_ARGS="-gui" to the VCS example are
# some of the more useful choices.

# To verify outputs, run this command:
python test.py --verify-trace conv_3_3

If you specified any signals to be traced in the CoreIR design_top.json for an application, these will be output to {signal_name}.csv in the test directory of the application.

Running Gate-Level Power Analysis

:warning: This requires access to the TSMC16 techlib, so all the following steps should be done on a machine with those files present.

:warning: These steps only work with VCS currently.


Before we can generate the switching activity files we need for power analysis, we'll need to have done a few things first:

Gate-Level Simulation

module load base vcs

:warning: make SIM=vcs clean first. If you don't then VCS will not work as expected here, since we are changing the toplevel in the simulation.

Here's an example of a command that will run gate-level simulation with SDF annotation:

# Set these to the design and the trace you are interested in running
export TILETYPE=Tile_MemCore
export TILE=Tile_X03_Y01

# Oh boy...
make SIM=vcs \
     TESTCASE="test_tile" \
     TRACE="$TILE.csv" \
     VERILOG_SOURCES="/sim/latest/garnet/tapeout_16/synth/$TILETYPE/pnr.v" \
         -sdf max:$TILETYPE:'/sim/latest/garnet/tapeout_16/synth/$TILETYPE/final.sdf'
         +sdfverbose +overlap +multisource_int_delays +neg_tchk -negdelay
         `find /tsmc16/TSMCHOME/digital/Front_End/verilog/ -name '*.v' | grep -v "pwr" | sed -e 's/^/-v /' | xargs`
         `find /sim/ajcars/mc -name '*.v' | grep -v pwr | sed -e 's/^/-v /' | xargs`"

Power Analysis

The previous step should have generated a VCD file with the name of the trace you set. Following the example, this should be Tile_X03_Y01.vcd.

The power analysis scripts are located in the power directory at the root of shale. We'll want to change to that directory (cd power). In this directory there is a script run.sh which will perform power analysis.

Here's an example on running it:

env BASE=absolute/path/to/apps/conv_3_3/conv_3_3_opt/test \
    APP=Tile_X03_Y01 \
    DESIGN=Tile_MemCore \
    T_0=$(cat absolute/path/to/apps/conv_3_3/conv_3_3_opt/test/t_start) \
    T_1=$(cat absolute/path/to/apps/conv_3_3/conv_3_3_opt/test/t_end) \

Results should be in reports/Tile_X03_Y00/ after it completes. The most informative files are probably:

Creating a map.json for your application

As an example, the map.json for conv_3_3 looks like this:

    "inputs": [
            "name": "input",
            "instance": "gb_input",
            "location": "0",
            "num_active": "64",
            "num_inactive": "0",
            "file": "conv_3_3_input.raw",
            "trace": "in.trace"
    "outputs": [
            "name": "output",
            "instance": "gb_output",
            "location": "1",
            "file": "conv_3_3_gold.raw",
            "trace": "out.trace"
    "trace": [

At the top level, the map.json contains three entires: inputs, outputs, and trace.

Inputs and Outputs

The inputs and outputs are both lists of json records that have at the very least a name, instance, location, and file.

Additionally you can specify num_active and num_inactive on the inputs. These can occasionally be automatically detected by the testbench, but there are quirks with the current implementation. TODO: fix the implementation.

As an example, range=16, num_active=4, num_inactive=4 will send 4 elements, wait 4 cycles, and repeat this three more times for a total of 32 cycles to send the 16 elements. After these 32 cycles it will then increment the next dimension of the loop if one exists.

Tracing application signals

:warning: Currently, all tiles in the application are traced by default, regardless of how the trace field is specified.

The trace field is a list of signals from the design_top.json that should be monitored during application execution. By default they are saved to {signal_name}.csv. These are used when generating tile power reports to provide the input stimulus for a testbench. This is done because generating power information on the entire Garnet design is very time consuming, so if you just need power information for a specific tile in the CGRA it is much faster to just simulate the tile. More information can be found in the section in this readme about 'Generating Tile Power Reports'.

Generating Tile-Level Switching Activity (SAIF/VCD)


There are two ways to go about generating SAIF or VCD files using the CSV files generated above. These make use of secondary testbenches, and unfortunately many of the flags we need are compile-time flags for VCS, so make sure you make clean first.

We'll need to specify TOPLEVEL in order for this all to work. Additionally, we'll change the TESTCASE to be test_tile instead.

To dump a VCD file, we can add +vcs+dumpvars+{filename}.vpd to COMPILE_ARGS, and specify the CSV file we want to use with TRACE="{filename}.csv". If you just want a plain VCD file, change the extension on dumpvars to .vcd instead.

An example of such a command is as follows:

make SIM=vcs TESTCASE="test_tile" COMPILE_ARGS="+vcs+dumpvars+test.vpd" TOPLEVEL="Tile_MemCore" TRACE="linebuffer_bank_0_0.csv"

Alternatively, running the same command without the vcs+dumpvars+test.vpd (or with, doesn't matter) will create a test.tcl file in the test directory, which is a script that can be used to get a SAIF file. To use this tcl script, we need to run make again, but this time adding SIM_ARGS="-ucli" to the command, which will bring up the ucli prompt in VCS. Then we can just source test.tcl, which will generate a SAIF file named test.saif.

make SIM=vcs TESTCASE="test_tile" SIM_ARGS="-ucli" TOPLEVEL="Tile_MemCore" TRACE="linebuffer_bank_0_0.csv"

Using this method to generate a SAIF file, you should have run make a total of 3 times. Once to generate the CSV, once to generate the TCL file, and a final time to generate the SAIF file.

Incisive/Xcelium (NCSim)

Please read the VCS section first to get a general idea for the flow, then come back here. First thing to note is that unlike VCS, you do not need to make clean beforhand. Like in the VCS case, you'll need to run the tile level testbench first to generate some tcl scripts for reporting power information.

An example of a command is as follows:

make SIM=xcelium TESTCASE="test_tile" TOPLEVEL="Tile_PE" TRACE="add_290_294_295.csv"

Then you can run one of the tcl scripts as input to get a SAIF file out.

make SIM=xcelium TESTCASE="test_tile" TOPLEVEL="Tile_PE" TRACE="add_290_294_295.csv" SIM_ARGS="-input xrun_power_Tile_PE.tcl"


Something isn't working

make clean and try again. If that doesn't work, file an issue or contact me.

AttributeError: Can not find Root Handle (...)

This is an issue related to cocotb as far as I can tell. If your TOPLEVEL in the Makefile is specified to be a top level design unit, then try make clean and make again to see if that helps. Otherwise, you may need to modify the Verilog so that the module you want to test is a top level module in the design (i.e. there are no modules that instantiate it in any of the files you include in the Makefile).