hogehuga / epss-db

Download all epss data, and import database. We can explore the data by SQL querys!
Apache License 2.0
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Download all epss data, and import database. We can explore the data by SQL querys!


README.md was created using Google Translate.

Supported data

What's NEW!

Wht's This?

EPSS is Exploit Prediction Scoreing Syste from FIRST ( https://www.first.org/epss/ ).

I want to analyze EPSS, but I don't need to use SIEM, so I wanted something that could be analyzed using SQL. We thought it was important to first implement something simple and have it widely used.

And The KEV catalog is now also included in the database. I think the range of use will be further expanded by combining it with EPSS's cveID.

An environment where Docker can be executed is required.

System configuration


File and Directory

|-- Documents
|   |-- epss-graph.png
|   `-- epss-graph_-a.png
|-- README.md
|-- docker
|   |-- Dockerfile
|   |-- README.md
|   `-- env
|-- epss-graph.sh
|-- init-script
|   |-- epss-init.sh
|   |-- kev-init.sh
|   `-- vulnrichment-init.sh
|-- my.cnf
|-- queryConsole.sh
|-- skel
|   `-- plot.plt
|-- subprogram
|   |-- epss-add.sh
|   `-- vulnrichUpdate.sh
|-- update-all.sh
|-- update-epss.sh
|-- update-kev.sh
`-- update-vulnrich.sh

How to use this.

setup EPSS database

Get Dockaer image

$ docker pull hogehuga/epss-db

Create docker volume

$ docker volume create epssDB
$ docker volume create epssFile

Run container

Prepare the data

$ docker exec -it epssdb /bin/bash
(work inside a container)
# cd /opt/epss-db/init-script
# ./epss-init.sh

Once your data is ready, all you need to do is use it!

optional: KEV Catalog

run EPSS container.

Init for The KEV Catalog database.

$ docker exec -it epssdb /bin/bash
(work inside a container)
# cd /opt/epss-db/init-script
# ./kev-init.sh

experimental: Vunlrichment

run EPSS container

Init for The Vulnrichment database

$ docker exec -it epssdb /bin/bash
(work inside a container)
# cd /opt/epss-db/init-script
# ./vulnrichment-init.sh

Data analysis: EPSS

Enter the container and use SQL commands to perform analysis.

$ docker exec -it epssdb /bin/bash
(work inside a container)
# cd /opt/epss-db
# ./epssquery.sh
mysql> select * from epssdb limit 1;
| id | cve           | epss    | percentile | model | date       |
|  1 | CVE-2020-5902 | 0.65117 |       NULL | NULL  | 2021-04-14 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



Create EPSS and percentile charts and CSV data for the past 180 days.

If you want to change gnuplot options, edit the skel-.plt file.

# ./epss-graph.sh -cve "CVE-2022-27016"
; -> ./share/CVE-2022-27016.csv (from:180 days ago)
; -> ./share/EPSS-CVE-2022-27016.png

# ./epss-graph.sh -cve "CVE-2022-27016" -a
; -> Similar to above, but creates images for all registered periods

period option true period option false

Update EPSS data

Automatically registers data from the last registered data to the latest data in the database.

# ./epss-autoAdd.sh

Update epss-db

git pull origin or rebuild container.

# cd /opt/epss-db
# git pull origin

$ docker stop epssdb
$ docker pull hogehuga/epss-db
$ docker container run --name epssdbNEWNAME -v epssDB:/var/lib/mysql -v epssFile:/opt/epss-db/epss-data -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysql -d hogehuga/epss-db
  ; Please specify the same value as last time

- Databases(/var/lib/mysql as "epssDB" docker volume) and files(/opt/epss-db/epss-data as "epssFile" docker volume) will be inherited.

Optional: KEV Catalog search

At the moment, we are using SQL.

$ docker exec -it epssdb /bin/bash
(work inside a container)
# cd /opt/epss-db
# ./epssquery.sh
mysql> select YEAR(dateAdded) as year, count(dateAdded) as count from kevcatalog group by year ;
| year | count |
| 2021 |   311 |
| 2022 |   555 |
| 2023 |   187 |
| 2024 |    51 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select epssdb.cve, epssdb.epss, epssdb.percentile, kevcatalog.dateAdded, kevcatalog.vendorProject, kevcatalog.knownRansomwareCampaignUse from epssdb INNER JOIN kevcatalog ON epssdb.cve = kevcatalog.cveID where epssdb.cve="CVE-2021-44529" and epssdb.date="2024-04-20";
| cve            | epss    | percentile | dateAdded  | vendorProject | knownRansomwareCampaignUse |
| CVE-2021-44529 | 0.97068 |    0.99757 | 2024-03-25 | Ivanti        | Unknown                    |
1 row in set (0.09 sec)


Optional: KEV Catalog update

Unlike CVSS etc., it does not provide differences, so please delete the database and re-register it.

# cd /opt/epss-db
# ./kev-refresh.sh

Experimental: Vulnrichment search

mysql> select adpSSVCAutomatable, count(*) from summary group by adpSSVCAutomatable;
| adpSSVCAutomatable | count(*) |
| no                 |     2653 |
| Yes                |      558 |
|                    |       41 |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)


Experimental: Vulnrichment update

Since the data update status is unknown, please delete all data and register again.

# /opt/epss-db/update-vulnrich.sh

Experimental: Vulnrichment remove

  1. remove from database
# /opt/epss-db/queryConsole.sh
> drop table richment;
  1. remove local repositories file
# rm -rf /opt/epss-db/ulnrichment

technical note

EPSS data

Field Type
id int
cve varchar(20)
epss double
percentile double
model varchar(20)
date date

KEV Catalog data


field original json type note mysql Table
id (not exist) (for RDBMS) int, not Null
cveID string ^CVE-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4,19}$ varchar(20)
vendorProject string text
product string text
vulnerabilityName string text
dateAdded string format: YYYY-MM-DD date
shortDescription string text
requiredAction string text
dueDate string format: YYYY-MM-DD date
knownRansomwareCampaignUse string (Known or Unknown only?) text
notes string text